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HMM1 - French Monarch Sucession Game

Play Order
1) Sir Bugsy
2) Reddwarfian
3) zurichuk (To Play)
4) Frollo (On Deck)
5) Kaiser_Berger
6) Hmm

Got in 24, Play in 48.
Red staying up till 4 AM trying to load the game. Dude you are a better man than me, I would have thrown up my hands and swore at my computer long before that.

Good luck with your SATs. I remember when I first took those... 1977. :( Yeah, I'm old.
I was going to elementary school in 1977!

Anyway, does zurichuk know he's up? I know for sure he was online an hour or two ago. Maybe he forgot to post a "Got it" message.
Originally posted by Hmmmmm
Hate to say it Bugsy but I was born in 1977 :(

:lol: I used to get that during my last years in the Navy. There were young sailors who were born AFTER I had put on the uniform. I have found that regardless of one's age they can still be a great teammate.

Tonight the basketball team I play on has a game. Our point guard just turned 60. He won the last game for us with a 3 point jumper at the buzzer. They need a :greybeard: smiley.
Nothing much to check at the beginning so press Enter

3000 BC (1)

Paris expands, move lux to 20%
now decisions, there's pressure in a SG that isn't in a solo game, do I road the forest or irrigate and road the plains, hmmm, starting is not my strong point, catching up is. Decide on the plains as the road will lead out to the furs city.
Pierre pops the goody hut, we learn warrior code.
Francois and Jean explore some more.

2950BC (2)

Pierre, Francois and Jean explore even more, looks like we have space to expand even if the terrain does need alot of work

2900BC (3)

More exploration, no contact

2850BC (4)

Paris creates granary, changes to settler
More lonely exploration

2800BC (5)
Worker finished improving plains, will move to grassland carrying the road to the furs site.
Pierre spots red border
Jean spots goody hut

2750BC (6)
Pierre approaches red border (Romans?)
Francois spots purple border (Iroquois?)
Jean approaches goody hut, spots grey border (Indian?)

2710BC (7)

Pierre climbs mountain, contact with annoyed Japanese worker not Romans as I guessed.
We have Masonry(4), Alphabet(5), Pottery(2) and Warrior Code(3), they have Bronze Working(3) and The Wheel(4), they want Alphabet and Masonry and 24 Gold for them,
Eat dinner and consider what to trade (relative values in brackets for my reference). End up doing nothing, but gamble and wait for contact with other 2 civs next turn.
Jean pops goody hut, get conscript warrior, send back to Paris for MP duty.

2670BC (8)
Contact with India, they have Bronze Working, we have Masonry and Warrior Code
Contact with Iroquois, they have Bronze Working, we have Alphabet
Contact with Japan, no change
Trade Warrior Code and 7 gold for Bronze Working with India.
Trade Masonry and Alphabet for The Wheel and 10 gold with Japan

so we are up Pottery and Warrior Code on the Japanese (cautious, no money)
up Alphabet and the Wheel on the Iroquois (Polite, as always, 10 gold)
up Masonry and the Wheel on the Indians (Polite, as always, 10 gold)

Paris grows, move lux to 30%, we will have a settler, one city and no MP :-(
Blue site has horses.

2630BC (9)

India and Iroquois request we leave.
Settler produced in Paris, changed to Spearman, lux reduced to 10%
No new trades
Move settler towards blue dot, (I prefer the green to hook up the furs but I'm no expert in the starting phase)

2590BC (10)

Move the warriors, the conscript warrior I started to move back towards the cities, maybe also Francois can head back through the black zone, that's to the next person to decide
No trades done, I'll leave that to the next player
Paris grows next turn, watch for rioting (production can also be changed, if required)

We have 108 gold earning 4/turn

Feel I didn't make the best decisions with the worker, moving towards the furs site and then the settler going to the blue site, but with 10% lux and maybe a MP or 2 then the blue site can hopefully grow to 3 or 4 before everything is hooked to luxuries.

Some screenies

The Save
Good set of turns zurichuk.

A few suggestions:
We will want to work the tiles next to the rivers. Those will give us an extra GPT.

After the worker is done roading the mined grass tile, we'll want to move him to the grass next to the river, irrigate it, then road it.

Remember our goal is to get an extra 5 food per turn and 7-8 shields per turn. We will want our population to grow some more. I'd start cranking out warriors instead of spearmen right now, but that's just me. Ideally, when we get to pop 5 we start a settler. If we are producing an extra 5 food per turn the we will grow to pop 6 in two turns then we want to have 30 shields in the box the turn we will grow to pop 7. If we grow to pop 7, our granary will empty and that will break the trend.

Well done on the trading. :thumbsup:

Frollo - keep exploring!
thanks, first set of SG turns ever but I've been lurking for months, need to learn this 7/8 settler factory business

does irrigation of a grass tile give any benefit in despotism? i thought it didn't but then again i thought irrigating a bonus didn't either and it does
Originally posted by handy900
FWIW If you plan to go for 100k you will ned a lot of cites. You may want to place your first few cities closer together than the dot map indicates.

i agree, especially in the jungle because popping down a settler gives a free road and clear jungle on the city tile and it looks like we have some work for the workers later :cry:
does irrigation of a grass tile give any benefit in despotism?

No, just the bonus tiles. It's best to mine all grassland until we get to another government, Republic I assume.

You may want to place your first few cities closer together than the dot map indicates.

As for the cities, a bit closer might be prudent, but it is also plausible to plop down extra cities in between older ones once we have our continent under control. As for right now I think we need to concentrate on building a good production base.
@zurichuk: well done! Great trading too.

@Bugsy: sure I'll move the worker next to the river, but why irrigate?

I guess it's up to me to finish the Settler factory, right? I sure hope I won't make any mistakes. I do understand the concept of a settler factory but never managed to make one myself.

I'll check out those two (or three) small puddles of water in the far east. They're probably fresh water lakes (if it's labeled "Coast" but gives 2 food instead of 1, it's fresh water), so that'll make at least two good city spots. But of course I'll settle according to Bugsy's dot map first.

I'll post a "got it" tonight (as in "tonight in Western Europe", which is in about 10 hours), cause I'm at work now.
Nice going zurichuk. Frollo, for the settler factory you need to let it grow to size 7 first. Then you will need to micromanage it to ensure that the correct production is done each turn.

1) Sir Bugsy
2) Reddwarfian
3) zurichuk
4) Frollo (To Play)
5) Kaiser_Berger (On Deck)
6) handy900
7) Hmm

Got in 24 play in 48
yeah.. sorry.. but you need to make sure that paris will be 7 when the settler completes.
Handy, welcome aboard. Nice to have someone who a bit more "seasoned" like me. :D :lol:
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