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HMM1 - French Monarch Sucession Game

I wasn't meaning seasoned in the world of civ. I just meant seasoned in the RL world.

In his profile Handy talks about FORTRAN, COBOL, and punch cards. Three things that were near and dear to my heart 25 years ago. I know he's "seasoned." :thumbsup:
Originally posted by Kaiser_Berger
Hehe....1977? At that point in time it was still another 8 years until I even existed :lol:

That was back in the dark ages when strategy games were played on a board and we used dice for a RNG. :lol: My friends & I played alot of Risk, Battle of the Bulge and other board war games. And yes, I really did write programs in college using Fortran on punch cards. And believe it or not, I once owned a PC that had a massive 10 meg hard drive (that's not 10 GB, 10 MB)

But you're never to old to play!:thumbsup:
I loved Risk. And yes, we used to swear at that RNG too :lol:

Or how about a Commodore 64. That's 64K of memory!! We thought that was a lot!! It had 16 different colors!
Ahhh I may be a relative newbie when compared to you guys, but I do indeed know the trials and tribulations presented by the dice of Risk and other such games......of course when using dice, I could always use the "uhhh, they hit something, reroll!" :lol:
Ah, Risk.

I was born in '86, and I still play with the old form of RNG.

Plus, it's so much more fun to see your opponent's face as you turn in a set, and swarm over Europe and Africa in one turn.
Been going back through the turns.

Originally posted by Sir Bugsy
... I'd start cranking out warriors instead of spearmen right now, but that's just me. Ideally, when we get to pop 5 we start a settler. Frollo - keep exploring! ...

I agree with Bugsy, lots of warriors for a Swordsman upgrade has worked well for me in the past. Same defense as a spear but 3 times the offense. As a commercial civ we should have the cash for an upgrade.

These are just my ideas, I'm all for the group if we go another direction. It's most important we all agree on our basic strategy to win.

City placement. I usually go for 3 tiles between cities when working on cultual as opposed to 4 tiles, especially with a non industrious civ. Saves time roading and you really don't lose than many tiles until you grow over size 12. Exceptions for lux & resourses of course. Get those asap before the AI. I don't usually play Optimum City Placement anymore unless it's Regent or below. Size of our country is not nearly so critical as production in the form of shields produced & income. We don't plan to win based on country size but culture. It's also ALOT easier to defend a smaller empire as you can move people around easier. OTOH I've been playing mostly AWM (and dominating :goodjob:) lately so this may be coloring my views...

War At monarch I like a good sword war when we build about 16 swords ready for war. Pick a nearby civ & double our empire. To get the # of cities we need for 100k we can rinse & repeat with knights, then cav then tanks. If the group prefers we can do the first war with horsemen, but that has not worked as well for me in the past personally. By the end of 4 wars we should have the cities we need for the 100k waiting game. I've never actually done a solo 100k, I always get bored & win by domination. Did so a 20k win but the end game was a zzzzzzzzzzz.

Diplomacy I usually like to get ROP's with everyone on my continent except the civ I'm going to war with. It's a cheap way to avoid the AI's ganging up on you and does not have the downside of MPP's

Great Library
Are we gonna go for brick by brick or shoot for leaders?
If we try to build both colosus & GL brick by brick we can forget about a sword war I think.

We can discuss war more later, but we ought to get a good agreement on cities with a dot map before we settle too many too far apart.

As Bugsy mentioned, I too 100% support a nice civil discussion of ideas & strategy. Please let's use constructive criticism. No flames, it takes diminishes the fun. But please don't be afraid to question what Handy was thinking we he does something a little unusual.

I figure I'll contribute a few of my ideas to the discussion.

City Placement

I agree that a general rule of around 3 spaces is good, with exceptions here and there.


With this being a large size map, a sword war could end up being a lengthy affair. Also, since this is vanilla civ, we'll be stuck with swords. Horsemen can get the job done well as long as we have enough, and then we can proceed right to chivalry and knights. Combine a large stack of knights with a few musketeers and we'll have an ideal GA, I think. Of course, these grand plans all depend on what resources we end up having.

On a side note, if/when the RNG god blesses us with a GL, I'm thinking that we should definitaly use him for a FP in conquered territory. Even if it isn't an optimal position, an early FP would be great.


I ususally don't sign RoP too often, but I don't mind doing it if you guys want to, especially if we can get some gold out of it.


While the culture these produce would be nice, I think we should not consider any of them to be necessary yet. Wonders aren't as large of a concern as they would be in a 20K game. It can really tie up our early war effort. The Great Library is 300 or 400 shields, I think. That 300 or 400 shields would equal 10-13 horsemen. It's something to think about. Although, being commercial and having the Colossus is quite nice. Whatever we do build though, be careful that we don't build a commercial and an industrial wonder until we're in Republic.
Despotic GA = Bad

Well, that's my two cents, at least. May the civil strategic discussion continue, it is quite enjoyable :)
Good points.

1. I forgot this is a large map. I've been playing alot of small maps lately. Your idea is better on a large map. Let's go with horses to Knights to Cav (my personal favorite). Perhaps go with spears that we can upgrade all game long?

2. ROP. As usual in this anv CIV game, it depends on the situation. But my experience has been paying the AI GPT for an ROP is cheaper than a two front war. Military alliances are okay sometimes, but they mean you can't sue for peace for 20 turns. I rarely get into MPP's.

3. Agree on the wonders. I'm up for building none or one, but I've never built 2 early in the game brick by brick. I think it would cripple us.

I too enjoy the strategy sessions. :goodjob:

Warning #1
Handy has been playing Always War games (except for the GOTM)for a couple of months so his thinking may be a little :confused:.

EDIT Warning #2
Handy cannot type very fast & his wish list for Christmas is spell check for the forum. He is often too lazy to type in Word then copy & paste. He will try to do better for the sake of the team.
i'm also up for no early wonders, i probably wouldn't have moved the settler towards the blue site having read the above discussion but never mind, it's monarchy level, we have enough higher level players and we can recover from that

i never give ROP unless i get some advantage from it or unless i'm very small and catching up and am trying to prevent the larger civs from declaring, in any case on a large map at this level, diplomacy could be quite important

i think we have alot of work to do, the start isn't brilliant but the FP idea posted above is something i also normally do and if it works and if the early wars work can give a big enough turbo boost to get to the top of the pile

i agree city placement must be close especially in the difficult areas like jungle that are dependent on alot of worker action, it takes 30+ turns to road and clear a jungle, building a city clears that tile instantly

i like these discussions, it opens minds up to different strategies

anyway already RL has appeared, i fly to zürich, (my previous home for 5 years and the home of my wife) on wednesday for 5 days and while i don't think i will be up by then, i may disappear from discussions for that time (i will take my laptop in case the turns do come round quick though)

and on a lighter note towards Kaiser_Berger, i just showed my wife your signature and she starts singing it :eek:
Originally posted by zurichuk
and on a lighter note towards Kaiser_Berger, i just showed my wife your signature and she starts singing it :eek:


It's an addicting song, thats for sure. I heard it in my German class last year and those lines have been in my sig ever since.

Back on topic, yes, this jungle infested terrain is difficult to start with, but the beauty is it all become beautiful grassland once it's cleared. With a decent stack of industrious workers (and slaves eventually :evil: ), a tile can be cleared and road in 5 turns or so. We should just be thankful our capitol is in the position it is....without that 4-turn settler factory, this game might get bit too "interesting" for any of our liking :lol:
Here I am! I missed the past discussion, so I just did what I thought was right. I hope it's not to late to correct any mistakes I may have made.
Anyway, here goes.

Everything looks nice and clean. We're 2 techs ahead on all other civs, and no one has more than 20 gold, so there's not much trading to do.
I change production in Paris from spearman to warrior (for cheap MP next turn), then press Enter.

1 (2550 BC)
Paris grows to size 4 and builds warrior, so no lux adjustment needed. Writing in 25 turns and 4 gpt. Paris: warrior (2 turns) (for additional MP at next growth).
All warriors explore, on mountains preferrably for better view:
- Pierre will look for another civ W from Japan. He sees extended boundaries so the Japanese must have at least two cities by now.
- Jean goes to see if there's E from India, but reaches E coast. India can't expand to the E so they may come our way.
- Francois goes to E to see if there's another civ E from Iroquois.
- The conscipt warrior (Louis), not needed now for MP, goes S.
Do some micromanagement so Paris will grow in 3 instead of 4.

Iroquois send out a scout close to Francois.

2 (2510 BC)
Worker finishes road > to grass.
Settler arrives at Colossus site. I decided to move him one step NW off Bugsy's green dot, so the Colossus city will have 2 bonus gold in its boundaries instead of 1. It will also have Horses.
- Pierre reaches W coast.
- Jean will go around India to NE.
- Francois goes further NE.
- Louis goes S.
There may still be a civ in the unexplored jungle triangle, but if there is, they won't pose much of a threat.

Francois sees about 2 Iroquois warriors running around on their lands.

3 (2470 BC)
Orleans founded > The Colossus (200 turns).
Paris: Warrior > Warrior (2 turns) for MP duty and protection in Orleans.
Lux > 0%. 120 gold, +10 gpt, Writing in 22.
Worker starts mining grass.
Warriors explore. Pierre will look NE from Kyoto to see if there's any other civs.

4 (2430 BC)
Paris grows to 5. Circumstances are not optimal yet for a settler farm. When food is +5, shields are only 4.
Lux > 10%
Warriors explore.

5 (2390 BC)
Louis sees a barbarian warrior moving into a forest square. He'll wait for the barb to come out of the forest before attacking, so he walks S for now.
Other warriors explore.
Paris: warrior > worker (2 turns; grow in 2 turns). Warrior goes to Orleans.
Traded Alphabet for Mysticism with Iroquois. They got 9 gold and are polite now.
Richest civ, apart from us, is India (17 gold).

6 (2350 BC)
Barb warrior moves to hills, so Louis still can't attack.
Francois spots Incense in the desert and sees coast in the N.
Other warriors simply explore.
Worker finishes mine > road.
Some micromanagement in Paris, making 1 entertainer, still keeping both worker and growth in 1 turn. This may affect our final score a bit. Lux > 0%.

A barbarian warrior approaches Orleans from the N! Luckily our warrior will be there in time.
Jean sees an Indian warrior coming from the N and another one in the S.

7 (2310 BC)
Paris: worker2 > worker (2 turns). Worker2 moves to forest and will build road to Orleans and to horses.
Barbarian goes back into the forest, so Louis still can't attack. Instead he moves, and spots a barb camp, close to our future worker farm.
Other warriors explore.

Another barb N of Orleans!

8 (2270 BC)
Move warrior (turn 5) into Orleans.
Worker2 starts road in forest.
Worker1 finishes road > to plains.
Louis attacks barb camp. Stays conscript but earns 25 g.
Other warriors explore.

Warrior in Orleans holds off first barb attack. Doesn't promote though.
Louis is killed by a barb!

9 (2230 BC)
Paris: worker3 > settler (5 turns; growth in 3). Worker3 goes help build road to Orleans.
Worker1 irrigates plains.
Warrior in Orleans fortifies.
Other warriors explore.

Orleans is attacked by second barb. We win, no promotion.

10 (2190 BC)
Those damned Indians have plopped down a new city, Madras, pretty close to "our" Silks!
Jeans seems to have reached a dead end (nothing but jungle ahead). He'll try to go through Indian lands to see what's beyond there.
Francois spots river and plains E of the desert.

There's only 7 shields in the box, and no one else has started Colossus yet, so feel free to change production in Orleans if needed.
As a matter of fact, maybe I should've placed Orleans on the gold hill N of it's current location, then immediately start a Temple, so that it'd have 2 grass in it's boundaries instead of 1. Maybe we can abandon it and start anew.

It seems I still don't know how to create a decent settler farm. As far as I can see, Paris is capable of creating a settler every 5 turns instead of 4, wich isn't bad either. But if anyone can do it better, please do!

Some screenies:

The save

Good luck Kaiser_Berger!
indian territiory looks nice :evil: :mischief: , especially near 'our' silks :mad:

nice set of moves, i have to learn the settler factory also

anyway I can't access the save to have a closer look, can you repost it please
edit - found it in the save folder direct, maybe Netscape is case sensitive or something
Good set of turns, Frollo. Paris looks to be in good shape, but I'll take a good look at it to make sure. So, here's my "got it". I'll try to play and post my turns ASAP.
Originally posted by zurichuk
anyway I can't access the save to have a closer look, can you repost it please
edit - found it in the save folder direct, maybe Netscape is case sensitive or something
The CFC server is case sensitive. I forgot about that :o
I edited my post to fix the link so it's accessible now.
After a quick session this afternoon, my turns are ready for your reading pleasure.

Precheck- All looks good. I decide against disbanding and/or changing production in Orleans. It will max out at size 3, but should be able to pull in 3-4 shields. Should be enough to get the Colossus. If not, we can switch to the GL.

IBT- zzz

Turn 1

Jean moves E
Fracois moves N
Pierre moves N
Worker finishes irrigation, starts road
Worker moves to start road to furs
Worker moves towards Orleans

IBT- zzz

Turn 2

Jean moves E. Coast confirmed. Indians are pinned in.
Francois moves NE
Pierre moves N
Worker moves towards furs
worker moves towrads Orleans
Paris grows. Micromanagement results in growth in 2, settler in 2
Lux--> 20%

IBT- zzz

Turn 3

Jean moves W
Francois moves NE
Pierre move N, spots coast
Worker completes road
Worker starts roading forest
Worker roads Orleans grassland
Orleans grows. Colossus in 95

IBT- Barb spotted SE of Paris

Turn 4

Settler moves toward furs
Jean moves W, encounters barb
Francois moves NE
Pierre moves NE
Worker begin raoding plains SW of Paris

IBT- Jean is redlined, but defeats barb. Indian settler pair spotted. 2 barbs S and SE of Paris

Turn 5

Settler moves N
MP warrior "Jacques" moves SW to protect worker.
Jean moves W
Francois moves NE
Pierre moves NE
Orleans worker completes road, starts mine

IBT- Barb moves towards Paris. Pierre encouters Barb warrior.

Turn 6

Pierre moves NE
Francois moves NE
Jean fortifies to heal and impede Inidan settler.
Lyons founded. Lyons starts temple. Worker finishes raod, bringing furs into Paris :cool: Worker then begins chopping forest to speed up temple.
Worker completes road SW of Paris, starts irrigation

IBT- Barb dies attacking Paris. Barb redlines Pierre.

Turn 7

Pierre moves NE
Francois moves E

IBT- 2nd barb dies at the gates of Paris. Barb spotted NE of Orleans

Turn 8

Orleans worker completes mine. Moves inside Orleans.
Jean heals, sent NW
Francois moves SE
Pierre moves NE

IBT- Barb moves towards Orleans, 2nd barb sighted.

Turn 9

Settler moves towards worker farm site under escort of Jacques
Worker moves to make a road to Orleans
Jean moves NW
Francois moves S
Pierre moves NE

IBT- Barb redlines Orleans warrior. Next one moves in.

Turn 10

Jean moves NW, spots barb camp.
Francois moves S
Pierre moves E, spots barb camp.


We're up two techs on the Japanese and the Indians. Iroquois have Horseback Riding.
When Paris builds a settler, it must be micromanaged so that it grows to size 6 in two turns. Once it's size 6, it should grow and prodce a settler in 3 turns.

Here are some screenies. I included where I think the next settlers should go. That is, of course, up to debate.

Good luck Handy!

Viv le France!

Edit: Sorry for the large screenshot size. I scaled them down, but I of course forgot to cut out the excess white space :crazyeye:
Pre check- 1790 BC
Replace PTW with CIV CD.
Insert ZZ Top in the CD player. :cool:
We have 323 gold and are earning 14 GPT. Going for writing in 6 turns.
We are tech advanced.
We are down Horseback Riding to polite Iroquois. They want 270 gold.
We are up Pottery & Mysticism on the annoyed Japanese, they have 17 gold.
We are up Masonry & Mysticism on the polite Indians. Indians have zero gold
Don’t pull the trigger with the Indians. We may meet someone that will lead to a double swap. We are only 6 turns from writing.
F10 reveals we are playing against these 11 rivals: Japan, Iroquois, India, Persia, Aztecs, Rome, Zulu, China, England, America and Egypt. Odds are we have two more rivals on OUR continent.

The screen shot below reveals zero gold on the hill near the wheat. That always means it is not on the river. If it says 1 gold, it’s considered “on” the river almost always.

I decide not to play until you guys all have a chance to respond to my thoughts.
Below is an “Optimum City” Placement. I usually build cities 3 tiles apart, but this is Monarch & we may gat away with a 4 tile build.

Red Dot. Right click reveals terrain information as zero gold. This hill is not on the river. I recommend we avoid this location because we’ll have to build an aqueduct.

Blue Dot right click reveals 1 gold. This hill is VERY LIKEY on the river. There is only 1 tile overlap with Paris.

Black dot is on a fresh water lake. Nice food + shield potential, especially after railroads. Black dot is on the coast, so we can build ships & a harbor.

Green dot is dead on top of silks. The borders are “post-raze” of Madras. :lol: I usually avoid building a city one tile from the coast, but I’ve learned the hard way it pays to build on top of resources when a rival city is nearby.

Purple dot. Further down the road this may be a good spot. Chops will yield quick temple, library & barracks where we will produce the feared French horsemen. I’m not too worried about the overlap with Orleans since Orleans will not have the citizens to work those mountains. All of Orleans citizens will be fishing.
The Blue, red & purple dots have great food + mountain/hill terrain. These sites have city power- house written all over them.

Build Order thoughts…
The AI usually does not rush to settle Jungle. The AI will move rather quickly on the flood plains and the wheat, as well as the silks & incense. I’ve never lost an Emperor or lower game where I controlled 4 luxuries. If we get the silks & Incense we will have three. Good land pays off in the long run.

If this were a solo game, Handy would build in this order…
1. Blue dot for a worker factory. Irrigate a flood plain & Mine the hill for quick worker production.
2. Incense (off the map to the left). Send a settler over to settle right on top of the incense. Build walls then a temple. The Japanese will likely come after this choke point luxury city very soon.
3. Green dot for the silks. Send a worker to chop for a quick Temple & some culture so we don’t flip to India. India thinks they have the silks locked up. We need to build our city before they get expaned culture borders. We may get lucky & steal the silks since the AI settled Madras. Let’s hope so.

FYI - I'm torn between 2 & 3. The AI may decide for us.

4. Yellow Dot. Wheat, Hills and Mountains, and it’s on a river. Great spot & easy to improve.
5. Purple. Ultimately a nice low corruption River city pumping out loads of shields & gold.
6. Black Dot. By now this in our backyard and the AI will not make it a priority.

We may find a better location than the black dot NW of Lyons.

This would be a great start is we pull it off. We will probably not get all of it, but if we prioritize correctly we may. If we do, watch out. We will be a power to be reckoned with!

Please let me know what you think. I’m not adamant about these choices at all. If there are better plans I will freely admit it and go along. Others may see obvious errors in my thinking. Please point out better options, or a better build order if you see some. I want to win. I’ll wait until Monday night to play if that is okay with the group. These early city choices will have huge impact. Let’s think about it.

EDIT We are looking very good indeed at this point. We have horses and there has to be Iron somewhere in all those hills & mountains. Couple of months ago I won an Emperor game as France with no Iron and no Horses. I was in turtle mode forever it seemed. Japan looks like a good candidate for our first conquest. I'll bet they are on a peninsula. If we can get the choke point with incense, we can then fortify behind walls on a hill & let them impale themselves on our spears. After their first wave they will be a weak foe. Tokyo will make a nice place for our summer forbidden palace. We’ll have to consider an ROP with India to protect our backside.

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