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Ho-chi Mihn


Still modding Civ3
Aug 16, 2003
Civilization: Vietnam
Bonuses: Religious and Agricultural
Title and leader: Chairman Ho-chi Mihn
Best/shunned government: Communism and Despotism
Agression: 02 (low)
Cultural group: Asian
Noun: Vietnam
Adjective: Vietnamese
UU: Vietkong
Civilopedia entry: RACE_Vietnamese

Sciencic Leaders:
Military leaders:

Da Nang
Ho Chi Minh City
Hai Phong
Hong Gai
Qui Nonh
Nin Hoa
Nha Trang
Phan Thiet
Cam Ranh
Da Lat
Bien Hoa
Vung Tau
Bac Lieu
Gia Dinh
Can Tho
My Tho
Rach Gia
Long Xyuen
Civilopedia, Civ: Located in South East Asia, Nam Viet was founded by the Viet people. It comprises the historical regions of Tonkin, Annam, and Cochin China, much of which was under Chinese control from the 3rd century B.C. to the 15th century A.D. Portuguese traders arrived in 1535, and the area came under French influence in the mid-19th century as part of French Indochina. After the fall of the French garrison at Dien Bien Phu in 1954, it was partitioned into North Vietnam and South Vietnam. The Vietnam War (1954-1975) grew out of the attempt by Communist Vietcong guerrillas backed by North Vietnam to overthrow the U.S.-supported regime in the south. The South Vietnamese government collapsed in 1975, and the country was reunited in 1976.
Civilopedia, Leader: Ho-chi Mihn formed the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, after the Japanese surrender. And Became the first president of North Vietnam (1954-1969). His army was victorious in the French Indochina War (1946-1954), and he later led North Vietnam's struggle to defeat the U.S.-supported government in South Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh died before the reunification of Vietnam
complete PCX: http://www.civfanatics.net/uploads9/hochipcx.zip
Awesome! Been waiting for this one! Now we just need a decent set of flavor units fro the Vietnamese... :)

I'm sure PCX's will follow?
Heres a city list for you.
Da Nang
Ho Chi Minh City
Hai Phong
Hong Gai
Qui Nonh
Nin Hoa
Nha Trang
Phan Thiet
Cam Ranh
Da Lat
Bien Hoa
Vung Tau
Bac Lieu
Gia Dinh
Can Tho
My Tho
Rach Gia
Long Xyuen
No problem. I am going ot open a general civ 3 thread that advertises city lists for scenarios. This can save you time when making scenarios and mods. (real civs only please)
Excellent unit...this has easily made my newly created Vietnamese Civ to one of my all-time favorites. We just need someone to create completely custom UU to add to the splendor (although Sweeny has made some great units for Vietnam, i was thinking something more civ specific) of this great LH!

But I discovered some problems with the LH. I know this thread is old, but I read in another LH thread of yours that you don't mind re-posting in old threads as long as it pertains to fixing the LH in some way. Well, some of the .pcx files had problems with certain parts of the background as well as Ho Chi Minh's beard/eyes being too light and therefore letting the purple standard background show through. Luckily, I was able to fix the .pcx files myself via Photoshop (and am happy to post the revised versions for those that want them) but I lack the means to do it myself when it comes to the .flc files. I've noticed these problems in the ancient and modern times so far, although the other two might also turn up with some problems (haven't tested it enough yet to know for sure). I would of course be greatly pleased to see revised version that truly makes this LH perfect in all respects but it all depends on Shiro. Just thought I might at least mention it. ;)

Still a really excellent LH though...wish I had madskills that surmounted to at least a tenth of your talent. Keep up da' greatness!
Wait, this is a good bump! I've got this leaderhead sitting in my "To Do" folder, so I'm not aware of any issues with it yet. If there are problems and someone fixes them, then Gen. Rommel has done us all a favour!
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