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HOF-3 "Nature"


Oct 17, 2003
Ajax, Ontario
Sully and I are going to test a pre-release version of HOF3
to check out how the nature units units affect game play.
Also the Eastern Front has been overhauled in this version
and we are going to test it for balance. One of the big changes
is player order, Germany now moves before Russia.

We are actually going to play two partial games, first Sully will play the
Allies and I will take the Axis. We will play the first 15 turns, then start
again switching sides. The winner is who ever has the highest point total
for both games

The player line up for the first game:


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All the same rules as the random game, except we
don't use the "no Russian attacks on Geman units GT1"
rule anymore because Germany moves first.

New rules for use of nature units. Now most of the nature
units such as the Malaria, Icebergs and typhoons are barbarian
units so they are controlled by the AI. However the Blizzard units
are Russian units so we need some special rules regarding their

The Blizzard Rules:

Blizzards may not move south of Maikop.

Blizzards MAY NOT attack cities, they MAY defend cities.

A maximum of 2 blizzard attacks on a tile per turn.

A maximum of 2 blizzard units may stack in a tile at the end of the Russian turn.

Blizzards may not pillage roads, rails, mines forts and irrigation.

Blizzards may destroy radar towers and watch towers.

If a blizzard unit captures non-combat units such as workers or heavy guns
the captured units may not move or be disbanded until a non-blizzard Russian
combat unit enters the tile.

If a blizzard unit captures an airfield, Russian air and parachute units may not
rebase to that airfield until a non-blizzard Russian combat unit enters the tile.

Any blizzards still left on the map at the beginning of the Russian April turn
must be disbanded.
Eric's list of bugs found:

1. Japan not getting a golden age which should start on a victory
by inf div. - Was mistaken about this one, there was no pop-up message but
japan did get it's golden age.

2. Germany getting 2 free techs at start of game - This was caused by
one of the German wonders having the "gain any 2 advances owned
by 2 civs" flag ticked o0ff.

3. Temple and marketplace missing from Bengazi

4. Axis ASW destrroyer cost wrong was 20, should be 40.

5. Fuso BB has no sound effects.

6. All other improvements were accidentally deleted from 2 Russian cities (Ufa & Sverdlovsk)
when I added the russian winter improvements. This included the Great Patriotic War wonder
which auto-produces the Soviet partisans.

The Biq file we are using is:


  • HOF_V3_x10_Base.zip
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Captured by 25th Army (9/11), 2 militias and biplane dest.

Captured by 2 SNLF (2/4 & 4/4), 2 militias dest.

Singapore Front:
BB POW sunk by DB & Sub (4/4), lost 1 sub
BC Repulse sunk by TB
CW DD sunk by MB and CA Mogami (5/5)
Indian Corp killed by FA, MB and inf div (4/5)
Australian Inf Div and fighter plane on AF killed by TB and Inf Div
Naval bombard destroys Singapore coastal defense, redlines
CA and DD

Hong Kong:
Bombarded by 2 FA, Inf corp (5/7) kills CW Inf Div
Inf div (3/4) kills CW Militia
LT Tank (3/4) Kills CW FA
City Captured

Philipine front:
SNLF (2/3) captures AF, militia killed
Corrigador bombarded by BB, MB, BC, FT
Sasebo Marine kills Corrigador garrison, capture HA
Naval Bombard redlines Inf div, Lt tank militia and DD

AF captured by SNLF (4/4) militia killed

City captured by Marine div and SNLF (3/4), 2 militia killed

New Hebrides:
TB bombs AF, no effect

Wake I:
Bombarded by 3 CA, SNLF (2/4) kills marine detachment

AF captured by SNLF

Pearl Harbor:
5 BBs sunk
1 CA sunk
2 BBs damaged
P-40 destroyed
Barracks destroyed
1 citizen killed
2 TBs and 1 Zero shot down

Ichang, China:
1 CID killed by 11th army (11/13), MB & FA
1 CID damaged (3/4) by TB

And finally:
DD Harukaze enroute from Taiwan to Truk was sunk
when it ran head first into a typhoon!
Game sent to Sully:

SW of Leningrad:
Soviet Rifle Corp (SRC) killed by HA and 50 Korps (6/7)
SE of Leningrad:
rail reduced to road by MB

NW of Moscow:
SRC killed by 9th Army (15/15)
Fortress div killed by 9th Army (14/15)
T-34 Tank army damaged (4/6) by MB

N of Moscow:
SRC & Flak killed by 9th Army (11/15)
AF captured, 2 fighters and 1 Strumovik destroyed
Road Destroyed by Stuka

SW of Moscow:
Panther Div lost attacking Soviet Parachute div (2/5)
HA & 3rd Panzer Group (12/13) kills SRC
43 korps (4/6) kills Fort div.

Bombarded by 2 MB, 1 FA
SRC killed by 4th Army (9/14)
Soviet 10th Inf army killed by 9th Korps (6/7)
20th Panzer Div (6/6) kills FA, city captured.

Road S of city cut by Stuka

Naval Bombard by 2 BC, 1 CA, 1 DD damages flak, fast transport
and destroys Radar Tower

Road to Tobruk cut by MB.

CW inf div killed by FA and DAK
Near Tula
-2/4 33rd Army KILLS Ger Inf Korp
-6/6 61st Tank Army KILLS Ger 4th Army
-4/4 Tank Div KILLS Ger FArty

Near Moscow
-3/6 Tank Army KILLS Ger 9th Army N of city

Near Lenningrad
-Shock Army KILLED by Ger 50 Korps
-Arty Bombardments


Near PH
-3/4DD Farragut SINKS DD Ushio SE of PH

North of Midway
-2/3 DD Dewey SINKS IJN DD
-US DD SUNK attacking BC Kirishima
-3/3 Helena SINKS BC Hiei
-CL Phoenix SUNK attacking DD Akigumo
-SBD Sq SINKS CV Zuikaku

GPS to Japan

Jan. 1942

Major Naval battle in the Central Pacific!
NE of Midway:
I-boat (5/5) sinks CL Helena
DD Blue sunk by DB and DD Hamakaze (4/4)
DD Dewey bombarded by BC and sunk by I-boat (3/3)

SE of Midway:
Entreprise Group bombed by Zero, 1 DB, 1 TBs
Result - 1 F4F shot down, 1 TB shot down, CA Indy damaged (4/5)
Enterprise sunk by I-boat (5/5)
CA Indy sunk by CA Kingusa (1/4)
DD Ward sunk by CA Myoko (4/4)
CA Chester sunk by CA Atago (5/5)
CA Northampton sunk by BB Ise (4/4)
LOST attacking: 1 DD, 2 CA 1 BB, 1 I-boat
The only survivor of the Enterprise Group was CL Detroit (1/3)
In the Same Area:
DD Maury sunk by DB & BB Yamashiro (2/4)

S of Pearl Harbor:
I-boat (3/4) sinks UD DD

Wake I.
Bombarded by DD and Captured by SNLF (1/4)
Arty and F4F destroyed

Hollandia AF captured By SNLF (3/4) Militia killed

Bougainville and Guadalcanal occupied by SNLF

New Hebridies AF destroyed by TB

Manilla captured:
Bombarded by DD + CA +FA
14th Army (9/9) kills Coastal def unit and Inf Div
Sasebo marines (2/5) kills militia
SNLF (2/4) kill Lt. tank

E of Davao:
US DD Peary sunk by I-boat (5/5)

Bombarded by 4 DD, 3 CA, 1 BC, 1 FA 2 TB, 1 DB, 2 MB
Result: Walls & Barracks destroyed, CA Exeter Sunk,
Inf Corp damaged (4/6) 1 Citizen killed.
LOST - 1 TB to flak

DDT Spraying in Sarawak by SNLF and the crew of DD Uranami
kills one malaria and damages another.

Zero shoots down Biplane
Biplane shoots down MB
Chang-Sha to Ichang road cut by MB
Ichang bombarded by 3 FE, 1 MB - P40 destroyed

MB cuts Maikop-Rostov road
Rostov bombarded by1 HA 4 FA, 1 MB, 2 Stuka
1st Panzer (8/15) kills Soviet rife Army (SRA), Cav corp & Fort Div (FD)
5th SS Panzer div (3/6) kills SRC
24th Panzer div (5/5) kills SRC
22 Panzer div (3/5) kills SRC

Road SE of city dest. by Stuka
BB Tirpitz redlines Soviet BB
2 tiles S of city:
Bombarded by FA, HA, 2 MB
18th Army (7/13) kills 2 SRA
50 Korps (3/7) kills FA
LOST: 1 MB, 1 Panzer Korp

Bombarded by 2 Me109, FA, DD, Stuka & MB
DAK kills FD & FA
21st Panzer kills Militia
LOST: 1 Me109 to flak

CW DD sunk by Stuka & U-boat (2/5)

Soviet Sub sunk by DD (4/5) near Helsinki
Soviet DD sunk by Uboat (2/3) near Leningrad

North Sea:
CW CV sunk by Uboat (2/4)
CW DD damaged by Stuka and sunk by DD (2/5)

North Atlantic:
US DD Anderson sunk by U-boat (1/3) S of Greenland
U-boat sunk by Allied sub off the west coast of Spain
The Great War is On....

S of Lennigard
-Blizzard Redlines 50th Korps
-4/4 Volkov Front KILLS 50th Korps

At Tula
-2 FArty Injures German 7th Korps
-3/4 61st Tank Army KILLS 7 Korps
-DB Injures German 20th Panzer Div
-5/6 West Front Army KILLS 20th Panzer Div
-MB Injures 134th Inf Div
-4th Shock Army KILLS Ger 134th Inf Div
-4/4 29th Army KILLS 57th Korps


Atlantic Ocean Area
-CL SUNK by UBoat 5 Tiles SE of Washington
-2/4 CL Brooklyn SINKS UBoat
-1/4 DD OBrien SINKS UBoat SW of Miami
-1/4 DD Ellis SINKS UBoat 4 Tiles N of Halifax
-DD Burton SUNK by UBoat 11 Tiles NW of St Johns
-4/4 BB SINKS UBoat
-DD SUNK by UBoat 3 Tiles SW of St Johns
-3/4 CA Whichita SINKS UBoat

Central Pacific Area
-1/4 DD Drayton SINKS IBoat 3 Tiles NW of PH
-DD Maury SUNK by IBoat 10 Tiles NE of Midway
-3/4 DD Farragut SINKS IBoat
-SS Thresher SUNK by IBoat 6 Tiles NW of Midway
-3/4 DD Dunlop SINKS IBoat
-CL Omaha SUNK by IBoat 5 Tiles W of Midway
-3/3 DD Crane SINKS IBoat

-B17 Reduces BB ISE to 2 hP 12 Tiles SW of Midway
-B17 Redlines CA Atago
-2/3 CA Astoria SINKS CA Atago
-SBD Sq Redlines CA Myoko

-3/5 SS Nautilus SINKS CV Shokaku
-2/4 SS Dolphin SINKS CV Soryu

This Sea Battle in the Central Pacific centered around Midway was messy! A bunch of SS's and IBoats figured in the battle. And both sides lost CVs!

South China Sea Area
-3/3 SS Perch SINKS IJN CL 5 Tiles E of Saigon
-1/3 Sailfish SINKS IJN DD
-1/3 Skipjack SINKS IJN FTrans

Good Grief! GPS to Japan
Singapore and Ichang Fall!
All quiet in the Central Pacific after
a wild melee.

5 tiles W of LA:
4 Stacker DD Gilmer sunk by U-boat (4/5)

NE Pacific:
CW BB Warspite sunk by bombardment,
(2 DD, 1 CA, 1 BB, 1 BC)
CW DD Gatineau sunk by MB and DB

Bombarded by BB, 4 CA, 3 DD, 1 BC, 2 FA
25th Army (5/9) kills CW inf corp and militia
Maine div (4/4) kills FD
SNLF kill militia
LOST- 1 Inf div attacking

Puerto Princess:
AF captured, militia kill by inf div (3/5)
2 tiles W of Puerto Princess:
3 allied subs sunk by CAs (5/5), (4/4), (3/3)

Bombarded by 5 FA, 1 HA
11 th Army (8/13) kills 3 CI
N China Army kills 2 Cannon
Ichang AF:
N China Army (8/13) kills CI, airfield captured

4 Tiles w of Peking:
Red Army Guerilla killed by cav div (3/5)
Feb. 1942

Minor Axis Capture Rostov!!!
Rommel takes Tobruk.

Captured by Romainian 4th Army (7/8)

N of Rostov:
16th army (8/9) kills cav div and FD

Soviets abandon the city, 1st Panzer Grenadiers
drive in unopposed

N of Sevastapol:
FD bombarded by 2 MBs and killed by Panther Div (5/5)

N of Stalingrad:
2 roads cut by Stuka and MB

City bombarded by 3 DD, 2 CA, 1 BB
Redlined CA and Transport, sunk BB
LOST: 1 Stuka to flak

2 tiles S of Leningrad:
Bombarded by FA, HA, Stuka & MB
18th Army (6/13) kills SRC and FD

S of Murmansk:
Road cut by mech Inf, militia killed by inf div

2 tiles S of Riga:
mech inf div (4/5) kills partisan

Bombarded by Me109, stuka, MB
DAK (7/11) kills 2 CW inf
Inf div kills militia
21st Panzer kills flak

North Sea:
CW CA sunk by 2 Stukas
FT sunk by uboat (4/4)

CW CLAA damaged (2/3) by DD bombard
-2 MBs injure Romania Inf Corps 2 Tiles S of Varonezh
-5/5 Tank Corps KILLS Romanian Inf Corps
-3 Yaks Bombard Romanian 6th Inf Corps SE of Varonezh
-Soviet Rifle Corps KILLS Rom 6th Inf Corps

-2MBs, 1 Yak Injure German 16th Army 2 Tiles N of Rostov
-Russian Inf Army KILLS Ger 16th Army

-FArty Redlines Ger 262 Inf Div 2 Tiles NW of Moscow
-5/5 Sov 5th Army KILLS 262 Inf Div
-2 FArty Redline German 29th Inf Div
-5/5 Sov 18th Inf Corps KILLS 29th Inf Div

-4/4 59th Tank Div KILLS Militia E of Mukden

US West Coast
-DD SUNK by IBoat 6 Tiles W of SF
-2/4 DD SINKS IBoat

Central Pacific
-2/3 DD Crane SINKS IBoat 6 Tiles NW of PH

Java Sea
-IBoat SINKS 2 US DDs 3 Tiles NW of Pandang
-4/4 CA Louisville SINKS IBoat

Atlantic Ocean
-3/4 DD SINKS UBoat 13 Tiles E of Bermuda
-UBoat SINKS DD 4 Tiles NW of Puerto Rico
-2/3 DD SINKS UBoat

On the turn....a Major Battle for Gibralter is fought...a US SS is Sunk by MAxis DD, then CW Warships Sink a MAxis CA, DD, Trans, and FTrans..Gibralter remains in CW control

GPS to Japan
Mar 42

Invasion of Sumatra:
Bombarded by 4 CA, TB, BB, BC & MB
Fighter destroyed, Biplane shot down,
barracks destroyed, 1 citizen killed

VP loc N of Palembang:
Marine (4/5) kills MA militia

1 tiles S of Ichang CI bombarded by 2 FA,
killed by inf. div. (4/5)

2 tiles E of Suchow, CI bombarded by MB,
killed by inf. div. (4/5)

Near Rabaul:
CW inf div bombarded by FA, TB damaged 1/3

Bombarded by CA,
Militia damaged
March, 1942

Sevastapol Captured:
Bombarded by 3 FA, walls destroyed
6th Army (11/14) kills SRA
3rd Korps (4/6) kills militia

2 tiles W of Karkov
Inf Army bombarded by 3 MB 1 Stuka, damaged 2/9

SW of Warsaw:
Partisan killed by MB and Inf corp (5/5)

S of Brest-Litovsk:
Inf div (4/4) kills partisan

SW of Leningrad:
SRA damaged by battleship bombardment

Noth Sea:
CW Fast transport sunk by stuka
CW Fast transport sunk by U-boat (2/4)

Stuka sinks CW CLAA
U-boat (2/4) sinks CW DD
DD (3/3) sinks CW transport
CW inf killed by 21st Panzer div (1/6)

3 Tiles S of St. John's, US DD Roper sunk by U-boat (3/4)
At Mukden
-Far East Front KILLS IJA St Div

Near Stalingrad
-Hvy Arty Bombards Romanian 4th Army 3 Tiles W of Stalingrad
-2 MBs Redline the Army
-4/4 Tank Army KILLS 4th Romanian Army
-MB Redlines Romanian Inf Div

Near Maikop
-MB damages PZ Korps 2 Tiles W of Maikop
-2 DDs Destroy Road 1 Tile East of Thessaloniki

Near Baku
-MB Redlines 1st PZ Grenadiers 3 Tiles N of Baku
-T-34 Tank Corps KILLS 1st PzG


Apr 42 - Japan

Davao and Palembang Captured

Mukden-Vladavostok road cut by DD

Soviet 18th Rifle Army Bombarded by
3 DB, TB, BB, CA - damaged 4/6

Foochow AF captured, 1 CI killed by inf div (5/5)

Bombarded by CA,
Militia killed by SNLF (4/4)

Bombarded by 4 CAs
Inf corp kills inf div
SNLF kills mil
Biplane destroyed
MGL created

14th Army lands near Menado AF
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