HOF Submission Error


Feb 15, 2005
After 19 years away from the game, I've returned to Civ III, beaten Deity after 2 decades, and now have decided to have some fun adding some HOF submissions. I've got a submission that would be, I believe, #6 in Huge / Monarch / SS, but I am having upload problems that I don't see addressed in any pinned or recent threads or things I could search. I am on Windows 11 playing GOG Civ Conquests 1.22

My 4000 bc AutoSave is too big per the submission page (2.9 mb) so I zipped the file on Windows 11, which creates a zip folder of course. Click on the folder in the HOF upload page uploads the folder rather than the .sav file. Does this still work?

Separately, I get this error, which seems to apply to my victory turn game saved file?

"Could not insert: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ',,'','','','','','',,,'0:00:00',,,,,,,,,,,,)' at line 1
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' 12630, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 1958, 3770, 'Spaceship', 'Victory','Huge','Monarch','' at line 3"

I hate to ask for tech support on something that people do on a volunteer basis....but what am I doing wrong?
OK, well, I tried again submitting the 2.9 MB 4000 bc sav file and it appeared to work....so, problem solved?
I've only seen one submission from you today, and it only had the win save.
I'm not getting SQL error messages on submissions under 2.9 MB, so I'm not sure it's server side. Do you still have the 3950bc file? If it's under the limit, that's an acceptable substitution for the 4000bc file.
No, I didn't save the 3950. Just the 4000 bc and win save. When I did upload the full 2.9 mb 4000 bc save, it said it accepted it. And it shows up on my list of submissions - at first it was not checked now it's excluded.
Obviously I could re-create the 3950 bc .sav file by loading from the 4000 bc .sav and re-creating my first 3 moves, but is that a violation of HOF rules?
I never saw the 4000bc file, only the win save. That's why I excluded the game.

Go ahead and recreate the 3950bc save. Submit it with the win save and I'll take a look. It's technically a HOF rule violation, but I sometimes make exceptions for technical difficulties.
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