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HOF V3 - "From Here to Eternity"

At Pearl Harbor, the defenders realize the Japanese are about to close in for the kill. But they are not going down without a fight.
Heavy artillery hits cruiser Maya 4/5
Oahu Coastal Defense battery hits cruiser Atago 3/5

Off Darwin, DD-230 USS Paul Jones opposes the landings as she opens fire on cruiser Haguro. No damage detected.

CA-30 USS Houston also targets the Haguro with her 8” batteries. Minor hit amidships-3/4.

GPS to eric
you wanted my opinion about Winston Churchhill's war memoirs. Over Christmas vacation I finally had time for some extensive reading and I finished the first volume covering the period from 1919 - 1940.
And I'm blown away! The style is excellent, brilliant, and he is able to explain difficult matters very well. (There are a couple of things regarding the Weimar Republic, e.g the role of Brüning, Schleicher, Papen and the camarilla trying to influence the aging Hindenburg, which I only understood completely for the first time after I read his explanations of the background... And that is German history, so I should have known that before...!) His insight and his ability to see the underlying connections and motifs of seemingly unrelated events is awe-inspiring.

Considering that he was one of the major players in the entire struggle, I find that his account is astonishingly "objective". Of course he expresses his personal opinion on some occasions, but I think these are never far from the truth.

So my advice: it's available on amazon - go, order it right now! (And don't let it gather dust in the book shelf for 5 years like I did...)

(Edit: or get it from the local library. You should be able to find it. I was very surprised that even our small village library has it in a German translation.)
Hey Lanz....Geez I had forgotten about our conversation on this? My wife is currently studying at the Air War College and their Library is huge! I'll have her check it out. And if I get immersed in it like you have...I will buy it for my collection!

Thanks for the "Kick in the Brain" about this Lanz! Much appreciated my...."Dear Enemy"!!! :)

PS...Did you read the abridged version or the do the whole 6 volumes???
PS...Did you read the abridged version or the do the whole 6 volumes???

I'm now through about one quarter of the "abridged" version. (Why do they call a book of 1300 pages "abridged"??? :lol:) But I think I'll get myself the English edition for next Christmas, and then I'll go for the full version... :scan:
Agreed M! The last turn was great with everyone doing a great job passing it along in a timely manner. It may be that Eric is gone again. I emailed him a day or two ago with a question and he hasn't replied back? He usually does so within a day!

Shall we just have Muz play it? The Allies played it once and I don't think they have? So M..why not forward the save to Muz and we get it going again?? Cheers!


Thanks for the comments about the Pics..I will continue to do so since you guys seem to like them.
Nature Repport :

malaria destroy rubber colony near port harcourt

malaria killed by marine (3/4) in a Africa mountain.

Japan Repport

Darwin :

CA Aguno kill plane 1/3
CA Kumano kill plane 1/3
CA Mogami bombard Paratroop 2/4
CA Suzuya bombard Paratroop 2/4
CL Jintsu bombard Paratroop 3/4
CL Sendai and DD FUbuki miss bombarment

North of Darwin :
2 fast transport miss bombardment on Timor Garrison
Yokohama marines 4->1/4 retreat , Timor Garrison 2/3
52th div marine kil (3->3/4) kill Timor Garrison
Airfield captured

Near Hanoi :
33th inf div 4/4 kill invisible unit

Pearl Harbor :
CA Takao bombard Schoefield Barrack 1/2
South sea div 4->3/5 kill Schoefield Barrack 1/2
SNLF 3->1/4 kill coastal defense 1/2
City captured

Paotow :

Betty bombard Riffle inf. 3/4
VDB kill citizen
VDB bombard Riffle inf. 3/4
VDB Miss bombardment

Near Chunking :
2 BEtty bombers, 2 torpedo destroyed roads.
VDB miss bombarment on chinese inf. 2/4
Torpedo bombard chinese inf. 2->1/4
3rd mongol kills chinese inf. and capture worker

Manilla :

Field artillery bombard Correrridor Garrison 3/4
BC Haruna miss bombardement.

Ketapang :

Marine kill invisble unit

Near Vladivostok :

Torpedo destroy road
Hey Lanz! I got a copy of the book from the base library and have started reading it! The Chapter about Air Parity Lost is fascinating if not shocking! Churchill insists that if the Pacifism movement hadn't kept the French & British Governments from building the numbers and types of new fighters then.... Germany would not have embarked into war!!! Pretty amazing stuff and I've just started!

But for now...I have BIGGER worries with Muz taking Timor and its Airfield! :( And of course whatever you plan on your move!!!

GPS to Hasdrubal

German Navy bombards T34 Front, but only shaves off 1HP.

NW of Tula:
3HA bombard Rifle Armies in hill fortress, but all miss.
8 bombers bombard same Rifles, 1 is shot down, 1 hits, 6 miss.
Better luck next time.

HA hits Rifle Corp (1/2)

VP location at North ront:
9. Panzer Army (15/15) vs T34 Army (5/6): 9. Panzer Armee (8/15)

Our trade advisor had a splendid idea:

That might help! :lol:
Our trade advisor had a splendid idea:

That might help! :lol:[/QUOTE]

The CW will be glad make introductions for you Lanz...send your ships into the English Channel and we will be more than glad to...."send them to America...underwater"!!!:king:
GPS to Minor Allies, Elephantium

Operation "Nokia" - Phase 2

5 Field Art & 4 Heavy Art damages MAxis Inf.Cor, Inf. Div, Fortress Div, Static Div. and Militia.
T-34 Tank Army kills Inf.Corp.
T-34 Tank Army kills Inf.Div.
T-34 Tank Army kills Fortress Div.
T-34 Tank Army kills Fortress Div.
Rifle Corp kills Militia
Rifle Army kills Field Art
T-34 Tank Army Group kills Flak
Helsinki captured

T-34 Tank Army kills 9.Panzer Armee outside Moscow

1 Dive bomber is lost against MAxis Fighter over Odessa.


Med. Bomber shots down zero over Japan.
Red Army captures unguarded Heavy Artillery and disbands it outside Mukden. (sweet :))

3 Dive Bomber injure MAxis troops on the way to Odessa.
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