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HoF Wiped Clean


Dec 30, 2001
Tanasi, USA
I just finished a game w/ Warlords expansion and was eager to see where the recent effort would fall in my HoF. To my surprise, it was the only entry. My entire HoF has been wiped clean.

All the selection settings were correct, and I wasn't using a mod - stock game.

Any ideas? After so many games, does it reset? Thanks in advance.
The HoF listing is created by the game software scanning the replay files in ~/Documents/Civilization IV/Replays/ or ~/Documents/Civilization IV Warlords/Replays/. If those directories contain files then your HoF has not been deleted.

Your HoF only shows games played with the specific version and Mod that you are running. If you have recently changed to using a (new) Hof Mod, for example, you will only see games played with that mod. I guess the theory is games played with different mods may not be comparable - not really very helpful if the mods are not game-altering!
The HoF listing is created by the game software scanning the replay files in ~/Documents/Civilization IV/Replays/ or ~/Documents/Civilization IV Warlords/Replays/. If those directories contain files then your HoF has not been deleted.

Ah hell, really? I went through and cleaned the replays out. Wish I had known that was my HoF. :mad:
Did you empty your trash, and/or do you keep a backup of your home directory?
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