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Hold the Line: A Mass Effect AC


Oct 28, 2008
Los Angeles
In the year 2148, explorers on Mars discovered the remains of an ancient spacefaring civilization. In the decades that followed, these mysterious artifacts revealed startling new technologies, enabling travel to the furthest stars. The basis for this incredible technology was a force that controlled the very fabric of space and time. They called it the greatest discovery in human history. The civilizations of the galaxy call it...

Spectres are not trained, but chosen. Individuals forged in the fire of service and battle; those whose actions elevate them above the rank and file. Spectres are an ideal, a symbol. The embodiment of courage, determination, and self-reliance. They are the right hand of the Council, instruments of our will. Spectres bear a great burden. They are protectors of galactic peace, both our first and last line of defense. The safety of the galaxy is theirs to uphold.

Chatroom: http://holdingtheline.chatango.com/

Come one, come all, to my first attempt at this sort of thing, set in the Mass Effect universe! Not familiar with Mass Effect? Then go buy it. Now. The information in this post is sufficient enough to register a character. Additional, useful information will be available in the second post. Information in general will be spoiler-free, and the setting takes place between the first and second games and has minimal relation to their plots.

Character Creation

To join, fill out the following character card:


Any other information is optional. Your character starts with 500 credits (500C).

Playable Races:
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Humans, from the planet Earth, are the newest sentient species of notable size to enter the galactic stage and are the most rapidly expanding and developing. They independently discovered a Prothean data cache on Mars in 2148, and the mass relay networks shortly thereafter.

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-10% Biotic Power cost
+10% Tech Power cost

The asari, native to the planet Thessia, are often considered the most powerful and respected sentient species in the known galaxy. This is partly due to the fact that the asari were the first race after the Protheans to achieve interstellar flight and to discover and inhabit the Citadel.

A mono-gender race—distinctly feminine in appearance and having maternal instincts—the asari are known for their elegance, diplomacy and biotic talent. Their millennia-long lifespan and unique physiology that allows them to reproduce with a partner of any gender or species, gives them a conservative but convivial attitude toward other races. The asari were instrumental in proposing and founding the Citadel Council and have been at the heart of galactic society ever since.

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-10% Tech Power cost
+10% Combat Power cost

The second species to join the Citadel, the salarians are warm-blooded amphibians native to the planet Sur'Kesh. Salarians possess a hyperactive metabolism; they think fast, talk fast, and move fast. To salarians, other species seem sluggish and dull-witted, especially the elcor. Unfortunately, their metabolic speed leaves them with a relatively short lifespan; salarians over the age of 40 are a rarity.

Salarians are known for their observational capability and non-linear thinking. This manifests as an aptitude for research and espionage. They are constantly experimenting and inventing, and it is generally accepted that they always know more than they are letting on.

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-10% Combat Power cost
+10% Biotic Power cost

Known for their militaristic and disciplined culture, the turians were the third race to join the Citadel Council. They gained their Council seat after defeating the hostile krogan for the Council during the Krogan Rebellions. The turians deployed a salarian-created biological weapon called the genophage, which virtually sterilised the krogan and sent them into a decline. The turians then filled the peacekeeping niche left by the once-cooperative krogan, and eventually gained a Council seat in recognition of their efforts.

Originally from the planet Palaven, turians are best known for their military role, particularly their contributions of soldiers and starships to the Citadel Fleet. They are respected for their public service ethic—it was the turians who first proposed creating C-Sec (Citadel Security, the Citadel's police force)—but are sometimes seen as imperialist or rigid by other races. There is some animosity between turians and humans, largely due to the turian role in the First Contact War. This bitterness is slowly beginning to heal—as shown by the cooperation of the two races on the construction of the SSV Normandy—but many turians still hate humans, and vice versa.

Each class has a unique power with three ranks each, costing 150C/300C/600C.
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Combat Specialist

Strength Value: 7

Soldiers are pure combat specialists. No one is tougher or more effective at taking down enemies with gunfire. Soldiers have the most thorough weapons training. High-level operatives are outfitted with ocular synaptic processors that allow them to focus on targets with lethal accuracy.

Class Power increases Strength by 1 each rank.

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Combat and Tech Trained

Strength Value: 5

The Infiltrator is a tech-savvy warrior, able to win battles by quickly disabling and killing enemies. These soldiers focus on unlocking alternate routes, gaining access to good equipment, and obtaining an advantageous position over enemies in combat.

Class Power increases Accuracy by +1/+3/+5. Does not apply to melee weapons.

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Tech Specialist

Strength Value: 3

The Engineer is a tech specialist, able to quickly and easily manipulate the environment with specific talents, and repair or modify technical equipment. Engineers are the most effective class at blasting through enemy defenses and disabling opponents. High level Engineers can spawn combat drones to harass enemies or force them out of entrenched cover positions.

Class Power increases Tech damage.

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Tech and Biotic Trained

Strength Value: 3

The Sentinel is able to combine tech and biotics to manipulate the environment, disable and track enemies, or defend the party. Sentinels are unique, bringing both tech and biotic abilities to the battlefield. While they lack the focus of adepts and engineers, they are versatile and can handle any situation.

Class Power increases Medigel capacity by 1 per level.

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Biotic Specialist

Strength Value: 3

The Adept is the ultimate biotic, able to affect the physical world with the power of the mind. Adepts are durable and powerful manipulators of mass effect fields; they can use biotics to violently manipulate objects in the environment, including nearby enemy targets. While they lack advanced combat training, they are the best at defeating enemies without firing a shot.

Class Power increases Biotic damage.

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Biotic and Combat Trained

Strength Value: 5

The Vanguard is a powerful combatant, able to combine the offensive powers of the Adept and the Soldier. Vanguards are the front line of the squad. Their biotic powers focus on combat potential - disabling the enemy, making their armor ineffective, and shielding themselves from harm so that they can get close enough to go to work. Vanguards are feared for their high-risk high-reward combat style, closing quickly on enemies and destroying them at close range with weapons and biotic abilities.

Class Power increases Melee damage and defense.

Better funded [than the Spectres], though. Didn't have to buy our own weapons.

A class's strength value determines the total amount of weight they can carry on missions.

All Spectre operatives receive a Combat Knife as part of their commission.

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Clothing (Weightless, provides no protection)
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Casualwear - 0C
Dress Uniform - 50C
Tuxedo - 200C

Light (Weight: 1)
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Onyx Light Armor - 150C
Guardian put Armor - 300C
Explorer Armor - 500C

Medium (Weight: 2)
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Onyx Medium Armor - 400C
Gladiator Armor - 600C
Scorpion Armor - 800C

Heavy (Weight: 3)
Spoiler :
Onyx Heavy Armor - 700C
Titan Armor - 900C
Colossus Armor - 1100C

Equipment (Weightless)
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Bluewire Tool - 100C
Polaris Tool - 300C
Savant Tool - 500C

Biotic Amps
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Solaris Amp - 100C
Polaris Amp - 300C
Savant Amp - 500C

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Medigel - 50C (Consumable)
Medigel capacity is base 1. Each medigel above your capacity weighs 1.

Heavy Weapons (Weight: 2)
Heavy Weapon ammunition is consumable, but weightless.
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Heavy Weapons
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M-77 Missile Launcher - 250C
M-100 Grenade Launcher - 300C
M-622 Avalanche - 300C

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Missile (M-77) - 60C
Grenade (M-100) - 50C
Coolant (M-622) - 60C

Primary Weapons (Weight: 2)
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Assault Rifles
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M-8 Avenger - 200C
M-15 Vindicator (Accurate) - 400C
M-76 Revenant (Inaccurate, High Rate of Fire) - 600C

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M-23 Katana - 200C
M-27 Scimitar (High Rate of Fire) - 400C
M-300 Claymore (Bolt-Action) - 600C

Sniper Rifles
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M-97 Viper - 200C
M-92 Mantis (Bolt-Action) - 400C
M-98 Widow (Anti-Materiel, Bolt-Action) - 600C

Sidearms (Weight: 1)
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Heavy Pistols
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M-3 Predator - C50
M-6 Carnifex - C250
M-77 Paladin - C450

Spoiler :
Combat Knife – 0C (Weightless)
Biotic/Tech Pulse (Weightless, Requires Tier I Bio-Amp/Omnitool or better) - 50C
Biotic/Tech Knife (Weightless, Requires Tier II Bio-Amp/Omnitool or better) - 100C
Biotic/Tech Sword (Weightless, Requires Tier III Bio-Amp/Omnitool) - 150C

Submachine Guns
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M-4 Shuriken - 100C
M-9 Tempest (High Rate of Fire) - 300C
M-12 Locust (Effective at Range) - 500C

Tier I Powers are C150 each. Tier II Powers are C300 each, and only available to someone trained or specialized in that field. Tier III Powers are 600C each, and only available to someone specialized in that field.

All operatives receive free training in one Tier I power from their training or specialization.

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Tier I
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Pull: Generates a mass-lowering field, levitating enemies into the air. Targets will slowly drift towards the user.
Slam: Lifts a target and slams them to the ground, inflicting damage.
Throw: Uses mass effect fields to hurl a target away from the user at a force of several hundred newtons.

Tier II
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Reave: Employs mass effect fields to biotically attack the target's nervous or synthetic system and prevent healing.
Shockwave: Sends out a series of explosive biotic impacts in front of the user, ignoring any obstacles. Enemies caught in the blasts will be thrown. Shielded enemies are stunned.
Warp: Creates rapidly shifting mass effect fields that shred a target apart; this will cause damage and detonate any biotic effects currently affecting the target.
Nova: A close range area-of-effect shockwave power which inflicts damage and throws back any enemies around the user.

Tier III
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Dominate: Generates a mass effect field that alters the target's perception and thoughts, making them fight on your side temporarily.
Singularity: Launches a dark energy sphere creating an intense mass effect field that causes a warp in the space-time continuum, leading to a gravity well similar to a miniature black hole. Nearby enemies will be levitated and forced into its orbit.
Stasis: Locks an enemy in a mass effect field, freezing the target in place and making them unable to attack; however this also makes them impervious to damage while under its effects.

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Tier I
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Concussive Shot: Fires a single high-powered round that damages a target and can knock down the enemy, stunning them.
Flashbang Grenade: Launches a disorientating, concussive charge that inflicts minor damage and incapacitates nearby targets. Delicate electronics will be more heavily damaged. Can cause weapon overheating, omni-tool jams, and difficulty in using biotic powers.
Inferno Grenade: Launches a volatile grenade that explodes on impact, sending damaging fragments flying in all directions. Effective against armor.

Tier II
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Charge: Augmented speed and strength sends the user charging across the battefield into a target, resulting in a powerful collision that sends unprotected enemies flying back.
Cryo Ammo: Empowers weapons with a cryo field that gives weapons a chance to slow, and eventually freeze, enemies.
Shredder Ammo: Tears through soft targets, inflicting damage to unprotected enemies.

Tier III
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Adrenaline Rush: A burst of adrenaline causes time dilation for the user, allowing them to line up their shots or to simply attack twice in quick succession (latter not available for weapons tagged Bolt-Action).
Armor Piercing Ammo: Does extra damage against armor and against unprotected enemies.
Fortification: Reinforces armor with a non-Newtonian fluid that hardens when struck, providing a brief, huge bonus.

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Tier I
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Disruptor Ammo: Empowers weapons with an electric field, doing heavy damage to synthetic enemies or anything electronic.
Neural Shock: Overloads the nervous system's pain receptors, paralyzing enemies for a brief amount of time.
Overload: Shuts down targeted electronics, doing massive damage to synthetic targets, destroying any electronics, and possibly overheating weapons in the area.

Tier II
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Incinerate: A high-explosive plasma round fired from the user's omni-tool that inflicts damage over time and may set things on fire.
Tactical Cloak: When activated, renders the user invisible to enemies and grants a damage bonus. User cannot be healed while the cloak is active, and opening fire drops the cloak.
Tech Armor: Generates an energy armor suit that boosts the user's shields. When destroyed, sends out a pulse of energy, damaging those nearby.

Tier III
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AI Hacking: Grants access to synthetic targeting algorithms, forcing affected enemies to fight on your side temporarily.
Combat Drone: Spawns a tech drone that draws enemy fire and does minor damage. The drone relays information it detects to the user. Only one drone at a time can be active per user.
Energy Drain: Saps an enemy's kinetic barrier power, boosting your own shields at the cost of theirs. Only works on shielded organics or any synthetics.
The Spectre's Guide to the Galaxy

The Current State of the Galaxy:

The beginning of the game takes place a few months after the ending of the first Mass Effect, and may contain minor spoilers from that game. Viewer discretion is advised.

Minor Mass Effect 1 Ending/ME2 Beginning Spoiler:
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The Battle of the Citadel is over, but the Geth are far from defeated. Holdouts remain, particularly near the border with the Terminus Systems.

Geth forces maintain some strength in less explored regions, and they must be defeated.

Useful Information for the Traveller:
The following section contains no spoilers.

NPC/Important Other Races
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The elcor are a Citadel species native to the high-gravity world Dekuuna. They are massive creatures, standing on four muscular legs for increased stability. Elcor move slowly, an evolved response to an environment where a fall can be lethal. This has colored their psychology, making them deliberate and conservative.

Elcor speech is heard by most species as a flat, ponderous monotone. Among themselves, scent, extremely slight body movements, and subvocalized infrasound convey shades of meaning that make a human smile seem as subtle as a fireworks display. Since their subtlety can lead to misunderstandings with other species, the elcor prefix all their dialog with non-elcor with an emotive statement to clarify their tone.

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The geth ("Servant of the People" in Khelish) are a race of networked artificial intelligences that reside beyond the Perseus Veil. The geth were created by the quarians, as laborers and tools of war. When the geth became sentient and began to question their masters, the quarians attempted to exterminate them. The geth won the resulting war, and reduced the quarians to a race of nomads.

The history of the geth's creation and evolution serves as a warning to the rest of the galaxy of the potential dangers of artificial intelligence and to the legally enforced, systematic repression of artificial intelligences throughout galactic society.

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The krogan are a species of large reptilian bipeds native to the planet Tuchanka, a world known for its harsh environments, scarce resources, and overabundance of vicious predators. The krogan managed to not only survive on their unforgiving homeworld, but actually thrived in the extreme conditions. Unfortunately, as krogan society became more technologically advanced, so did their weaponry.

Four thousand years ago, at the dawn of the krogan nuclear age, battles to claim the small pockets of territory capable of sustaining life escalated into full scale global war. Weapons of mass destruction were unleashed, transforming Tuchanka into a radioactive wasteland. The krogan were reduced to primitive warring clans struggling to survive a nuclear winter of their own creation, a state that continued until they were discovered by the salarians two thousand years later.

With the help of the salarians, the krogan were "uplifted" into galactic society, and lent their numbers and military prowess to bring an end to the Rachni Wars (see below). Ironically, after the rachni were eradicated, the rapidly-expanding krogan became a threat to the galaxy in turn, starting the Krogan Rebellions and forcing the turians to unleash the genophage. This genetic "infection" dramatically reduced fertility in krogan females, causing a severe drop in births secondary to prenatal and postnatal death and, ultimately, population, eliminating the krogan numerical advantage.

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The quarians are a nomadic species of humanoid aliens known for their skills with technology and synthetic intelligence. Since their homeworld Rannoch was conquered, the quarians live aboard the Migrant Fleet, a huge collection of starships that travel as a single fleet.

Approximately three hundred years before the events of Mass Effect, the quarians created the geth, a species of rudimentary artificial intelligences, to serve as an efficient source of manual labor. However, when the geth gradually became sentient, the quarians became terrified of possible consequences and tried to destroy their creations. The geth won the resulting war and forced their creators into exile. Now the quarians wander the galaxy in a flotilla of salvaged ships, secondhand vessels, and recycled technology.

General Information:
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Biotics of other species are individuals who were exposed to dust-form element zero ("eezo") in utero and subsequently developed eezo nodules throughout their bodies. These nodules can generate mass effect fields when energized by electrical impulses from the nervous system.

Eezo exposure is by no means guaranteed to result in biotic ability. On the contrary, most fetuses that are exposed are not affected at all. Others will develop brain tumors or other horrific physical complications. In humans, only about one in ten eezo-exposed infants will develop biotic talents strong and stable enough to merit training, and these abilities are not always permanent. In extremely rare cases, humans who were exposed in utero but did not manifest biotic talents as children can develop them during young adulthood through additional exposure.

Once a person has been identified as having biotic ability, they may be outfitted with a surgically implanted amplifier, usually installed around the time of puberty, in order to make their talents strong enough to be useful. Some races have experimented with biotic drugs to stimulate power instead, such as Red Sand. They must then develop conscious control over their nervous system, which is a long, slow, difficult ordeal (except for the asari, who possess a degree of control naturally). Biofeedback therapy is commonly used to aid in this process. Once trained, a biotic can generate and control dark energy to move objects, generate protective barriers, or restrain enemies. Biotic abilities are activated using a technique called "physical mnemonics", in which the biotic uses a physical gesture to cause neurons to fire in a certain sequence, sending an electrical charge through their eezo nodules and creating the desired effect. A biotic may enhance certain aspects of his or her biotic abilities by installing implant upgrades called bio-amps.

Biotic Amps (Bio-Amps):
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Biotics manipulate mass effect fields using dozens of element zero nodules within their nervous system that react to electric stimuli from the brain. Bio-amps allow biotics to synchronize the nodules so they can form fields large and strong enough for practical use. Amplifiers can improve a specific discipline or talent.

An implant is a surgically-embedded interface port into which amps are "plugged in". They are also known as 'wetware' because of their cybernetic nature. In humans, the implant is usually placed at the base of the skull for convenient access, though the user must be careful to keep it free of contaminants.

Implant ports can fit a variety of amps, and there is a growing market for modifications and add-ons. The finest quality implants and amps are manufactured by asari artisans, but the Alliance's L3 implants - first deployed in 2170 - are a significant step forward.

First Contact War:
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The First Contact War, referred to as the Relay 314 Incident by the turians, was a small, three-month conflict between the human Systems Alliance and the Turian Hierarchy. After discovering the Charon Relay, humans began a rapid expansion thanks to their new-found connection to the mass relay network. Hoping to expand their territory and driven by immense curiosity about the galaxy, they began activating every mass relay they could find. However, in 2157, their actions caught the notice of the turians, who found human explorers reactivating an inactive mass relay known as Relay 314. This was forbidden under the Citadel regulations after the Rachni Wars, but instead of negotiating, the turians opened fire. One starship escaped to warn the Alliance; a retaliatory force destroyed the turian vessels, and the situation quickly escalated into war.

To the turians, it was merely a police action against an ignorant species violating Council law; to humanity, it was their first encounter with another intelligent race - and it would shape their views of the galaxy for decades to follow.

Eventually the turians broke through to attack Shanxi, the closest human colony to the mass relay, and settled in for a protracted orbital siege. With the turians in a superior position, able to kill any human soldiers from above, the Shanxi defenders began to starve, unable to get food or supplies without risking civilian lives. Eventually the commander of the forces on Shanxi was forced to surrender the Shanxi garrison.

The turians - who were also suffering logistical problems, as they had to ship in all their food - believed they had defeated the bulk of the enemy forces. But they would be proven wrong when a month later Admiral Kastanie Drescher led the Second Fleet against Shanxi, catching the turians by surprise and evicting them from the planet. The turians and humans prepared for full-scale interplanetary war, drawing the notice of the rest of the galaxy.

The Citadel Council then intervened to negotiate a peace and bring the war to an end. From the Council, humans learned of the existence of the Citadel, and that there were many more sentient species in the galaxy who co-existed peacefully. In the end, only six hundred and twenty-three human lives were lost with slightly more turian casualties. The only notable engagements were the turian attack on Shanxi and its subsequent liberation by human forces.

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Medi-gel (medical gel) is an all-purpose medicinal salve combining an anaesthetic and clotting agent used by paramedics, EMTs, and military personnel, produced by the Sirta Foundation. It heals various wounds and ailments, instantly sealing injuries against infection and allowing for rapid healing by having the gel grip tight to flesh until subjected to a frequency of ultrasound. It is sealable against liquids - most notably blood - as well as contaminants and gases. Technically its properties make it illegal under genetic modification laws, but the restriction, in this case, is ignored because of the product's beneficial properties.

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Omni-tools are handheld devices that combine a computer microframe, sensor analysis pack, and minifacturing fabricator. Versatile and reliable, an omni-tool can be used to analyze and adjust the functionality of most standard equipment, including weapons and armor, from a distance.

The fabrication module can rapidly assemble small three-dimensional objects from common, reusable industrial plastics, ceramics, and light alloys. This allows for field repairs and modifications to most standard items, as well as the reuse of salvaged equipment.

Omni-tools are standard issue for soldiers and first-in colonists.

Rachni Wars:
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The Rachni Wars were a series of conflicts beginning in approximately 1 CE, when an expedition from the Citadel Council activated a dormant mass relay. This relay opened a route to territory controlled by the rachni, a species of highly intelligent space-faring hive-minded insects. The rachni were alarmingly powerful, having massive strength in numbers, and extremely hostile. Negotiation with the rachni was impossible; their leaders, the rachni queens, dwelt in deep underground nests on worlds so hostile no one could survive them.
Player Characters

Double A:
Spoiler :
Name: Varic
Race: Turian
Class: Infiltrator
Equipment: M-9 Tempest, Combat Knife, Casualwear
Money: 30C
Power: Cloak

Spoiler :
Name: Kitanato
Race: Asari
Class: Soldier
Equipment: M-9 Tempest, Comabt Knife
Armour: Onyx Light Armor
Money: 50C
Power: Inferno Grenade

Spoiler :
Name: Obenon
Race: Salarian
Class: Engie
Money: 50
  • M-97 Viper
  • Combat Knife
  • Bluewire Tool
  • Onyx Light Armor
  • Overload

Spoiler :
Name: Gerani
Race: Salarian
Class: Sentinel


Primary: M-8 Avenger
Secondary: ---
Armour: Casualwear
Melee: Combat Knife
Omnitool: Bluewire Tool
Biotic Amp: ---

Weight: 2/3
Money: 65


Disruptor Ammo (1)
Overload (1)

Spoiler :
Name: Terry Wilson
Race: Human
Class: Sentinel
Funds: 0 Credits
  • Casual Wear
  • Onyx Light Armor (Weight: 1)
  • Combat Knife
  • M-3 Predator Heavy Pistol (Weight: 1)
  • Solaris Amp
  • Medigel x1
  • Throw (Tier 1 Biotic)

Spoiler :
Name: Marcus Blackstone Jr.
Race: Human
Class: Infiltrator

Primary: M-97 Viper
Secondary: M-4 Shuriken
Armor: Onyx Light Armor
Melee: Combat Knife
Omnitool: ---
Biotic Amp: ---
Medigel: 1

Weight: 3/5
Money: 0

Concussive Shot

Spoiler :
Name: Andrest Nantze Clone I
Race: Turian
Class: Infiltrator

Funds: 0
Weight Used: 2/5

M-27 Scimitar Shotgun
Solaris Amp (Tier 1)
Combat Knife

Inferno Grenade (Tier 1)

Spoiler :
Name: Andrest Nantze
Race: Turian
Class: Vanguard

Funds: 0

Savant Amp (Tier 3)
Combat Knife

Biotic Slam (Tier 1)

Spoiler :
Name: Caelius Priscus
Race: Turian
Class: Infiltrator
Combat Knife – 0C (Weightless)
M-3 Predator - C50
Onyx Light Armor - 150C
Bluewire Tool - 100C
M-97 Viper - 200C

Credits: 0C


Spoiler :
Name: August Salazar
Race: Human
Class: Infiltrator
M-23 Katana
Guardian Armor
Flashbang Grenade

Spoiler :
Name: Reiko J Fry
Race: Asari
Class: Vanguard
Polaris Amp
Biotic Knife
Power: Concussive Shot

Spoiler :
Name: Ioana Hekeik

Race: Asari

Class: Adept

Primary: ---
Secondary: M-3 Predator
Armour: Onyx Light Armor
Melee: Biotic Pulse
Omnitool: ---
Biotic Amp: Solaris Amp

Tier 1: Biotic Slam, Biotic Throw

Weight: 2/3

Credits: 0 C
Name: Varic
Race: Turian
Class: Infiltrator
Equipment: M-9 Tempest, 3 Combat Knives, Casualwear
Money: 80C
Powers: Cloak, Charge, Accuracy 1
Name: Obenon
Race: Salarian
Class: Engie
Money: 45
  • Widow
  • Combat Knife
  • Bluewire Tool
  • Onyx Light Armor
  • Overload
We can't be Blasto? :(

Name: Gerani
Race: Salarian
Class: Sentinel


Primary: M-8 Avenger
Secondary: ---
Armour: Onyx Light Armour
Melee: Combat Knife
Omnitool: Bluewire Tool
Biotic Amp: ---
Medigel: 2
Other: ---

Weight: 3/3
Money: 200


Disruptor Ammo (1)
Overload (1)
Tech Armour (2)

Sentinel (1)

Name: Terry Wilson
Race: Human
Class: Sentinel
Funds: 200 Credits
  • Casual Wear
  • Onyx Light Armor (Weight: 1)
  • Combat Knife
  • M-3 Predator Heavy Pistol (Weight: 1)
  • Solaris Amp
  • Medigel x1
  • Throw (Tier 1 Biotic)
Name: Marcus Blackstone Jr.
Race: Human
Class: Infiltrator (Rank 1: +1 Accuracy)

Primary: M-97 Viper
Heavy: M-100 GL (4 grenades)
Secondary: M-4 Shuriken
Armor: Onyx Light Armor
Melee: Combat Knife
Omnitool: ---
Biotic Amp: ---
Medigel: 1

Weight: 5/5
Money: 0

Concussive Shot
Shredder Ammo
Name: Andrest Nantze
Race: Turian
Class: Vanguard
Background: Little did you know that Andrew Nantz was just a Turian in disguise. Here is his descendent. Oh yes, he's mean. He's nasty. He's going to be ruthless. *Waves goodbye to whatever Geth call children*

Funds: 0

Savant Amp (Tier 3)
Combat Knife

Biotic Slam (Tier 1)
Name: Caelius Priscus
Race: Turian
Class: Infiltrator
Combat Knife – 0C (Weightless)
M-3 Predator - C50
Onyx Light Armor - 150C
Bluewire Tool - 100C
M-97 Viper - 200C

Credits: 0C

Overload: Shuts down targeted electronics, doing massive damage to synthetic targets, destroying any electronics, and possibly overheating weapons in the area.
Oh arya...

-10% Combat Power cost
+10% Biotic Power cost

mech, is anyone restricted from using certain weapons, amps, or omnitools?
And I want a Krogan.

What does accuracy affect the most and stuff? You didn't really say anything about it at all.

Also, other than soldiers, can you increase strength?
Accuracy affects your chance to hit, which is done on a d20 system. There may be ways to increase your strength later, I haven't fully decided.
I vote no. Otherwise its takes the incentive out of being one of the classes with a higher strength.
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