• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .
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  • Question on this game your setting in Forum Games: what time will you run these sessions at? I will need to translate to GMT. I need to know before whether I apply or not.
    A reminder that CityIOT orders are due in 7 hours. For those who have been less active lately, we will be entering a slower update cycle, driven by more RP and content, following this update, so I encourage those members to return for the new phase.
    If you want to join in time for the next update, you have 10 hours. Missing it isn't a big deal if you can't.
    Overthinking a little bit. They exist but are rare, coal power is being loosely abstracted, and small-scale hydro is possible in the right locations. You'd probably take in coal as your explanation, even if it doesn't make too much sense.
    Heh, I was thinking on a less advanced concept than you :p. Good to see that it's almost the same. What about the west though (including that one small exclave you have)? I think that it should be like, after Nappy, the west was left in complete anarchy and now Bavaria wants to expand into it.

    Would Ethiopia be open to trade and a non-aggression pact with Riccio? We feel as fellow powers with significant African interests such treaties would be wondrous for both parties.
    I don't think we can do all that much that will affect the war in CiV, so yeah, just lead the scouting party of the Vanguard. You can lead a raid and pillage an improvement for loot or something if you want.
    I inquired as to whether Marie Coupe would ward the Richelieu daughters, offering a marriage contract between your characters eldest son and Marie Richelieu, and offering Marcelle Coupe-Perot the position of spymaster of Orleans in return for Marie Coupe agreeing to this ward arrangement.

    Twould be good for you to respond to this (preferably in the affirmative) once you have the time. It is after all a mutually beneficial arrangement.
    Also: consider offering to protect the C.U.S.S. Having been forced to bow down we are in need of a power to help us and your offer of protection/defence pact would grant you a ally.
    The C.U.S.S needs your help!

    Can you stop Our People's Goverment from threatening us with their high demands by stepping in and announcing that you will not agree with their demands?!

    If you help us we will repay you greatly in return.
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