How can I increase the max limit of the amount of colonists you can have in a city?

Balint Fekete

Aug 28, 2018
I am using the RAR mod and I sometimes have problems with this limit. I cannot assign more than 65 colonists to a profession in a city. I would like to increase this amount but I just can't find the script of the line which limits the max number of colonists. So if someone could tell me where to find the script I would be very thankful.
I am using the RAR mod and I sometimes have problems with this limit. I cannot assign more than 65 colonists to a profession in a city. I would like to increase this amount but I just can't find the script of the line which limits the max number of colonists. So if someone could tell me where to find the script I would be very thankful.

There is no limit "for max. colonists per city".

The only thing that is limitted are the profession slots per building.
The Profession Slots can be changed specifically for each building in Civ4BuildingInfos.xml.
--> Really easy to change by simple XML value changes.

And of course per plot profession in city radius you can always only have 1 colonist.
The City Radius and thus the available plots for plot Profession is controlled in DLL (C++) and needs hard programming.
It would also need adjustments of the Screens (in Python files)
--> Summary: Really a lot of work and requires a lot of modding skills.

These things are also not controlled by scripts.
(e.g. Python files - which are mainly used for UI control and small logic for e.g. Python Event System.)

By the way:
You might consider to check latest WTP (We the People) release.
WTP is the successor of RaR. (Based on RaR but offers additional features, improvements and fixes.)
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