Happy Goblin
This thread is not clear : do you intend to simply rework the tech tree, or do you want to redo all the combat system and how units must be used ?
This thread is not clear : do you intend to simply rework the tech tree, or do you want to redo all the combat system and how units must be used ?
What I think we should do is some relatively minor tech tree adjustments (as in the tech tree thread) and then mildly increase the role to which units are soft counters for each other, so most unit types have a bonus or vulnerability vs some other unit type (as in post 48). This would fit pretty easily into the existing unit design, and into the current faction unit armylists. I agree with the basic idea that this would help promote combined arms, and that the general lack of this is one of the glaring weak points of FFH.
I think Squirreloid wants to completely redo both the tech tree and all the unit design, which I think is really not worth the effort to do it.
pretty much sums up what i plan to do, except im going to do a little more than just "relatively minor tech tree adjustments" there are a lot of great ideas on how to fix the tech tree and it will be a fairly big job (i want to do it RIGHT the 4th time...)
Mounted cavalry should only really be able to be taken out by ranged units on foot (who are smaller targets, have longer range and a higher accuracy) rather than been beten by spearmen!
I dont think that the cavalry city attack penalty is a great idea. For light cavalry that works well, but for heavy cavalry, the rider can dismount and function as excellant heavy infantry. With the exception of French and German knights, most other heavy cavalry saw no problem in dismounting to fight. This also shows the power of cavalry because until the AI can field armies outside of cities and we can get good field battles reguraly, 80% of all battles are attacking cities.
I have some other ideas, but I dont want to post them until I can figure out or someone can tell me, is Warhammer fantasy with medieval/renniasance europe added or medieval/renniasance Europe with fantasy added?
Why would the knights be less effective dismounted than mounted? I understand that they are smaller in number, but knights have been training from birth and have the best in armour, weapons, and training.
on the crusades, the best troops in the entire army (with the exception of the mounted knights) were the dismounted knights (by best troops, I mean the best in a toe to toe fight.
2. If no city attack penalty for shock cav units, then definitely also no city attack penalty for mounted cav units. These units already have lower attack strength, and (in the new design) are weaker vs archer units (which are strong at city defense).