How do I add my own songs to the soundtrack?


Wannabe Modder
May 16, 2007
Wa - USA
I know the folder in which all of the songs are located. How does the programming work? Is it programmed to cycle through all of the songs randomly, or at specific times? Can I just add my own songs into the folder, and have them randomly played in game? Thanks in advance! ;)
Well its kind of cumbersome unfortunately but you can mod your own songs. Put your mp3s in a folder in the Assets/Sounds directory, then each mp3 gets an entry in XML/Audio/Audiodefines.xml that defines the path to that file and gives it a SoundID. Then the file XML/Audio/Audio2DScripts.xml gets an "AS2D" XML entry for each SoundID. Then the file XML/Gameinfo/Civ4Erainfos.xml can list the songs played for each game era (in random order, or fixed order if setting <bFirstSoundtrackFirst>1.

A much faster way around this would be to replace some of the songs in Assets/Sounds/Soundtracks folder with your own mp3s, using the same filename.
I knew there was a way to do it, and I will take this advice you've given me, and play around with some stuff. I've already tried the "much faster way" you've mentioned, and was successful. I'd like to figure out how to manipulate the xml files for sure.

I know it's off topic, but here are some of the things I've done for fun. I only use TAC, and I've added select elements of the Blue Marble graphics pack to it, the Union Jack flag for the English, the colorful versions of the buildings in city view, and I even changed the music for the opening menu to a song from Master and Commander named "Into the Fog".
In Religion and Revolution, we have created our own Soundtrack, too.

We contacted several artists and right holders and asked their permissions to use their work.

We are especially proud, that René Osmanczyk (a fantastic German composer) gave our mod the permissions to use his work.
(see here)

The mod is so much more atmospheric right now because of this music ...
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