How do I check which civs are protecting a city-state?


Aug 16, 2011
I'm sure it's something obvious, but I couldn't find it. I know various civs have sworn to protect a nearby city-state throughout the game and I'd like to know which ones are going to have a problem with me before I launch my attack.


On the diplomacy info screens, (the ones where you can see trades etc) Check the one called... I think it's "World Diplomacy" or something similar? The far right one. It tells you which leader is denouncing/at war with other leaders, as well as which city states they're allied with! :)
Well, to begin, if a city state is being protected the game will give you a popup saying so and if you still want to continue when you DoW the city state, so you can't attack one of em without knowing who you're gonna piss off.

If you wanna see if they're protecting but not allied with (something recently stomped civ's tend to do) you prolly need the world diplomacy screen thouh, if you can't find it on the initial screen go to the right most tab (World relations I think), it also has a list of who denounced who etc.
I'm sure it's something obvious, but I couldn't find it. I know various civs have sworn to protect a nearby city-state throughout the game and I'd like to know which ones are going to have a problem with me before I launch my attack.



Ya I've been wondering the samething, the best I've been able to figure out is if the option to promise protection is not there on the city state dialog then someone else must be protecting them. I don't think there is anywhere to find out who though.
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