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How Do I Declare Victory?


Jun 22, 2012
I'm a new Civ player and seem to have done something dumb. I played a long game and won a cultural victory about 410 turns in. I got the victory screen and had the chance to choose Victory or "Just One More Round". I wanted to see what happened next, so I chose Just One More Round.

Now, the game won't end, and I don't get credit for my victory. How do I tell the game to give me my victory so i can move on with a new game? Obviously, I could just Save and Quit and start a new one, but I want the credit for my victory.

I saw a Hall of Fame chart. Is this where my victory (time, # of turns, and victory type) shows up?

Sorry for the basic questions, but I can't find documentation on this anywahere.
You did earn your victory. That should have been logged when you got the victory screen. You then got the option to keep on playing. (And it should have your victory in the hall of fame) At that point, it is all bonus and sandbox. You can go on to meet other victory conditions, wipe out your long time friends, whatever. When you are tired of playing around with things, just don't open the game again. Start a new one.
Does it matter that the game I've been playing is Multi-Player-Hot Seat (2 players)?

i don't have anything listed in my Hall of Fame. In fact, it states that I haven't completed any games yet. I don't have a "Retire" button anywhere that I can see, either in-game or out.

I'm out of ideas. I've enjoyed playing this particular Hot Seat game, but I'm tired of it now that I accomplished a win, and I'd like to get credit for it and start up another scenario.
Hotseats are multiplayers games and are not part of achievements (except a single one) or Hall of Fame.

The only achievement possible on hotseat is "Win any Multiplayer Match" which I acutlaly have no idea how it works in Hotseat since i got that one by pure accident.
Well, that's disappointing. I'm using these Hot Seats to try out some techniques that I'll use (hopefully well) in the regular part of the game.

I called the Civ 5 Help Desk tonight. They told me the Hall of Fame thing didn't show up because I had clicked on "Just One More Round" at the time of my first victory and there was a bug with it. Maybe they just didn't know and wanted me off the phone. :(
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