How do you do it?


Cosmic Slop
Apr 14, 2003
St. Louis, Missouri - USA
How do you actually get through a game without going to war. Well, without STARTING a war. I can't do it. Every single game I play I end up getting ticked off at somebody and I just can't control my rage. :mad:

I begin my games by calmly telling myself, "mayakovsky, you're going to play nice today. You're going to be the most civilized civilization on the planet. You will help the poor and uneducated civs during their times of need. You will always be the peace maker and make sure the world stays in perfect harmony."

Then, somebody like ol' Queen of England shows up and gets all snooty. Even when she is polite towards me she has her nose up in the air and looks at me like she is doing me some sort of great favor by talking to me. She tells me things like she COULD be taking a milk bath. WTF? So, naturally my hands begin to tremble and the blood in my veins begins to boil until I can't take it anymore and attack her country.

What about Gandhi? Surely I can get along with one of the greatest men in the history of the world. Nope! This guy screws me over all the time. He breaks deals with me every other game. So, naturally my hands begin to tremble and the blood in my veins begins to boil until I can't take it anymore and attack his country.

Ahh, Isabella. So, so pretty. Always comes around with a beautiful smile on her face. :love: Everything is going great until I remember that she financed Columbus' voyage to the Americas where he and his men murdered thousands upon thousands of the native peoples. So naturally my know the rest.

When it comes down to it I just can't be happy until the whole world is populated by my civ and my civ only. I'm the meanest SOB on the block. I'm stingy, greedy, blood hungary and down right cruel. I do believe that this game has warped my young impressionable mind.:crazyeye: My DREAMS have become turn based, for God's sake! So, I would like all of you to take a minute out of your day to be thankful that a nation is not under my control.:evil:

Thank you, Thank you very much!:aargh:
How do you do it?

1) patience (seems simple, eh?)
2) speak softly and have a BIG army (no one will try to push you around)
I won a game once where I had control of australia and the surrounding area, and that was it. Diplo win. Had war declared on me once. Paid other civs to teach those evil zulus a lesson. :D

Patience always helps. You must also remember that ai civ leaders are not real.
Be sure you are very powerful (eg: USA). Then they won't consider a war with you.
i was that way in civ and civ II, but not in Civ 3... i don't know why, exactly... i can go games upone games without actually STARTING a war... but any war that involves me, *I* finish... i never allow them to have peace UNLESS they give me a city with a Wonder, and exuberant amount of money PER TURN or a resource which I may not be able to survive without later on (ie Coal, Rubber or Aluminum)

By the way, I too have turn based dreams...
Originally posted by Ultraworld
Be sure you are very powerful (eg: USA). Then they won't consider a war with you.

I don't get this post. What makes the USA so special? They may be powerful in rl, but they aren't specially powerful in civ3. You can play as any civ and still end up being powerful.
i cant seem to go thru a game w/out declaring war either. so ive stopped trying. if they get in my way, theyre gone
I've gone through a game without declaring war; the AI usually obliges by attacking me at an appropriate time.

But I will not accept anything other than unconditional surrender once it's a 'proper war' - if all they do is sail around my coasts, fine, they can have their peace treaty (for a small cost :))

But if they have screwed up my plans for a peaceful middle ages (or whatever) I will want them reduced to a best vassalage. I've had too much hassle with cities flipping back to allow anything more.

(Am I the only one mildly amused that the whole CFing thing, which was supposed to encourage peacable expansion and put a brake on rampant warmongering, IIRC, means that the only good strategy in war is to annihilate your opponent?? :))
thats the only way. if u dont then its really gets annoying after a while...
but its really annoying when theyve got one or 2 settlers and keep respawning.
When I read this post I laughed really hard!
Well my friend, most of my games are like this: I declare war on the first AI, so this one call a buddy, who calls another, and before mid ages it's me against the world...
But I had one game that I won by diplomacy, that my units got rusty: Not a single shot fired! Just had a big army and defended my cities. No one declared war on me, I did not either.
The quickest game I have ever had.
In a recent game I was going for a diplo win so I was being very nice to everyone. I guess the AI was takeing their cue from me because not one war was waged during the entire game. It was the ultimate peace love and happiness game (not to mention the most boring) that I have ever had.

Just to atone for my actions, I went ballistic in the next game razing cities and pillaging everything in sight. That was much more fun.
"Very funny post. Well done." --- by Boon's Ghost

If that was referring to me(which i dont think it was), i wasnt joking. You REALLY have to want to start a war on Deity cause until the Industrial age, in most cases, you dont have a hope of winning a war because of the AI advantages.

And on Deity, you wont really ever have to start a war, because the AI will do it for you... regularly :(
The game designers used a little pshycology to keep the game interesting.
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