How to expand an existing map?

Ares de Borg

Norman Knight
Sep 19, 2004
Heart Of Europe
Guys, I have a question.

Is there a tool which enables you to expand an existing map that already has cities, units, etc on it?

I have made a map and put units, cities, roads etc on it in countless hours, and now I see that I could use some more space in the east (= must be a German thing ;) ).

Is there a tool that allows me to keep the existing parts of the map and just add something to the "table"?
Sorry to say I have not sen any tool that will do that. You need a "clean" map for map tweaker to work. Maybe someone else knows of something, I hope so because it is a lot of work replacing cities and units already pre-placed.
I have used the Map Tweaker for expanding to the East en to the South. If you try this to the North and West, Map Tweaker will screw up your cities and roades.

Apparently the Map Tweaker doesn't recalculates the cities, overlays and resources from the new 0,0 square when you expand to the West and North. Something for the new editor of Steph?
Ok, I had some sucess with Map Tweaker. I was able to expand my WW2 Europe Map to the East to include Stalingrad, which is a very nice thing to have. But as you said, expanding the Atlantic in the west will mess up the whole map.

But now I'm a step further.

Steph, thanks for considering a new map editor, and thanks to all of you guys for helping me out.
Moderator Action: Containts deleted

I don't see why we should keep a post that is written in German in an English speaking forum, advertises a game which is not Civ3 related, in another website, and doesn't answer Ares's question

Please read the forum rules:
Don't use PM's though, we wanna know too... :)
We Added More Ocean Tiles to make the Map Larger then adjusted and added more land and continued on. At the Time I did not have .Net Framework and could not use the program so King Arthur added the Extra Ocean Tiles and I adjusted the Map from there.

Nothing was Lost concerning the Existing Map.
I do seem to recall that it was easier to add to the East and West rather than North and South.
King Arthur can let you know the details as he is the one who used the program to add the Ocean Tiles.
Ok, I have spoken to King Arthur and he refreshed my memory concerning this issue.

MapTweaker will allow you to add more tiles easily to the Bottom and Right sides of the Map.
I removed all Cities and Units from the Map first because they become corrupted with the process. I sent the Map to King Arthur and After he added the Ocean Tiles, I added the cities and units back to the Map. This was not too difficult because I could check the previous Map for details needed to add the Cities and Units to the Enlarged Map exactly where they were.

So it is the Cities and Units that must first be removed from an existing Map but the Map itself can easily be Enlarged.
Note: If you try adding tiles to the Top or Left Sides, it will Corrupt the biq file so just add to the Bottom and Right sides without Cities or Units on the Map.
Okay, it took some time but I did some tests.

Keep map + units + cities AND expand map to the EAST or SOUTH = Works.
Try to copy&paste map + units + cities into larger map = Crash.
Try to copy&paste map only into larger map = Works.

So Vuldacon is right for expansions to the West and North, but appearently one can enlarge fully set maps including all stuff on it to the East and South.

I wish someone could fix that issue for the other directions, too.
You're right. ;)

I guess since we even have a great new scenario editor now thanks to Steph, we might live to see someone tackle that problem as well.
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