English is my second language so I’m sorry for all the syntax mistakes.
Here a little tutorial on How to Import a LH into Blender, modify it and export it without crashing the game.
Note: This tutorial is for blender but I think you can follow it with the import/export tools of max and it may work, I think.
1. The tools
You will need all this programs:
Niftools import/export scripts for blender
-The Scene Viewer (Nif Viewer)
-A texturing program like PS, PSP or Gimp
2. What you should know before to begin
If you have some basic experience with all those program (except nifskope), it should be enough. If you do not have experience with those program maybe you should read other tutorial on those subject:
-Blender Guide
-Exporting tutorial for Blender (From me)
-Scene Viewer Tutorial 1 (From Rabbit White)
-Scene Viewer Tutorial 2 (From Rabbit White)
-Scene Viewer Tutorial 3 (From Rabbit White)
3. Ok, I’m ready, what should I do?
It’s simple, just follow those step. :
First of all you need to configure your export script. (See this tutorial). Civ 4 units are nif version but leaderhead are nif version so you have to configure your export script.
When your script is configured, import the leader of your choice. For the example we will take Cyrus.
Note: You can skin your model in the step you want, but I think you should skin it in two steps. First, skin it before to import it in Blender, so you will be able to see your modified model with texture in blender(you just need to have the dds and tga in the same folder of your nif when you impor it) while you will be doing the modifications. The second time it’s at the end of the whole process, to finalize your skin with the latest details.
When it’s done, you should see Cyrus with his armature. I presume you know how Blender works (if not take a look at the Blender Guide). Now it’s the funniest part, play with your leader! Change his nose/hair/chin/shouler/beard/mustache/mouth/eyes/… shape. (You should not play with the armature; all the armature and bones modification won’t do anything. We won’t use the exported armature). Don’t forget do remove all the part that you do not want, this technique is great because we can remove part that we do not want like Cyrus’s crown. Here my modified Cyrus:
When all the modification is done, you have to export it. Select all (a-key) and then deselect the lamp and the camera. Export it.
Your are done with Blender, Now it’s NifSkope time ! Open NifSkope and load your freshly exported model, and than the first thing you’ll have to do is to enable the block details.
Note : If the textures files (dds) are in the same folder of your nif when you open it in NifSkope you will be able to see it textured.
Simply click! : File/New Window
In the new window, open the original file (like the original Cyrus without modifications)
Here a little comparison between the original Cyrus (reskinned) and my new one.
In the window of your new leader, click on his body. He should become “green” and there should have a blue NiTrishape.
Right click on this NiTrishape and than : Block/Copy Branch
In the window of the original leader, in the white section, right click and than : Block/Paste Branch
No you are not done Let’s continue on the next page.
Here a little tutorial on How to Import a LH into Blender, modify it and export it without crashing the game.
Note: This tutorial is for blender but I think you can follow it with the import/export tools of max and it may work, I think.
1. The tools
You will need all this programs:
Niftools import/export scripts for blender
-The Scene Viewer (Nif Viewer)
-A texturing program like PS, PSP or Gimp
2. What you should know before to begin
If you have some basic experience with all those program (except nifskope), it should be enough. If you do not have experience with those program maybe you should read other tutorial on those subject:
-Blender Guide
-Exporting tutorial for Blender (From me)
-Scene Viewer Tutorial 1 (From Rabbit White)
-Scene Viewer Tutorial 2 (From Rabbit White)
-Scene Viewer Tutorial 3 (From Rabbit White)
3. Ok, I’m ready, what should I do?
It’s simple, just follow those step. :
First of all you need to configure your export script. (See this tutorial). Civ 4 units are nif version but leaderhead are nif version so you have to configure your export script.
When your script is configured, import the leader of your choice. For the example we will take Cyrus.
Note: You can skin your model in the step you want, but I think you should skin it in two steps. First, skin it before to import it in Blender, so you will be able to see your modified model with texture in blender(you just need to have the dds and tga in the same folder of your nif when you impor it) while you will be doing the modifications. The second time it’s at the end of the whole process, to finalize your skin with the latest details.
When it’s done, you should see Cyrus with his armature. I presume you know how Blender works (if not take a look at the Blender Guide). Now it’s the funniest part, play with your leader! Change his nose/hair/chin/shouler/beard/mustache/mouth/eyes/… shape. (You should not play with the armature; all the armature and bones modification won’t do anything. We won’t use the exported armature). Don’t forget do remove all the part that you do not want, this technique is great because we can remove part that we do not want like Cyrus’s crown. Here my modified Cyrus:
When all the modification is done, you have to export it. Select all (a-key) and then deselect the lamp and the camera. Export it.
Your are done with Blender, Now it’s NifSkope time ! Open NifSkope and load your freshly exported model, and than the first thing you’ll have to do is to enable the block details.
Note : If the textures files (dds) are in the same folder of your nif when you open it in NifSkope you will be able to see it textured.
Simply click! : File/New Window
In the new window, open the original file (like the original Cyrus without modifications)
Here a little comparison between the original Cyrus (reskinned) and my new one.
In the window of your new leader, click on his body. He should become “green” and there should have a blue NiTrishape.
Right click on this NiTrishape and than : Block/Copy Branch
In the window of the original leader, in the white section, right click and than : Block/Paste Branch
No you are not done Let’s continue on the next page.