How to make AI treat Cruise Missiles like nukes?


Nov 25, 2023
Hello everyone. Somewhere I seen a post that suggested give both "Tactical Missile" and "Foot unit" flags to Cruise Missile so it would be possible to load them in ships (in my case that would be Cruiser). It works fine, Nuclear Submarine can carry any missiles and Cruiser can carry only Cruise Missiles. The question is how to make AI use them correctly? My goal is to make AI use non-nuclear missiles as well and launch them from ships. There is "Tactical Missile" strategy flag, but it's unavailible unless "Nuclear Weapon" flag is set. What do you think? Have anyone tried similar thing?
I never seen AI producing Cruise Missiles but if we place them manually or auto-produce from some building, they would use them against units if it's worth (AFAIK, according to shield cost ratio). I think I'll make it cheaper so AI would use it more willingly. Aviation seems to be much more cost-efficient compared to missiles. Bomber costs 40 shields more, got greater range, slightly weaker bombard, though it's not single-use so in the long term bombers are much better choice.
In all my years of playing C3C I seldom use cruise missiles. There are a few features of cruise missiles that in my opinion make them unattractive.

1. Cruise Missiles are one time use only.
2. They don't really cause a lot of damage if they hit
3. If they miss the target it means you threw away production and gold for nothing

Cruise missiles do have their uses though, as they are great for finishing off an already damaged target.

Back to your thoughts. Autoproduction sounds like a better way to get not only the AI to use them more but also for the player. Cruise missiles need to have their statistics improved of hitting their target. Nothing is more infuriating than to watch a cruise missile miss it's target.
Stock game Tactical Nukes have the "Tactical Nuke" strategy flag. Units with that flag will always be treated as a nuclear option regardless of having the nuclear unit ability or not. This means if you change cruise missiles to "Tactical Nuke" strategy flag, the AI will only use them (and load them onto ships) if nuclear war has started. And of course, both the "Tactical Nuke" and "Cruise Missile" AI strategy flags are broken and these units will never move outside of their original city. So unless they're built in a coastal city, they'd never make it onto a ship.

A better solution IMO is to give Cruise Missile units the "Air Bombard" AI strat and rework them as immobile 1 shot bombers. Give them operational range and the bombing+rebase commands. The ships you want the cruise missiles to be fired from would need the "Carrier" AI strat. The "Missile Transport" strat only has the AI load "tactical nuke" AI strat units onto the ships and nothing else. Give the Cruise Missiles the "Tactical Missile" unit ability and the ships meant to carry them the "Transport only tactical missiles" unit ability. The AI will then treat these ships like aircraft carriers but only load cruise missiles onto them. Unfortunately, the AI will not attack or bombard with any warship with the "Carrier" flag. As usual, it can't really make the best out of multi-purpose units like a missile carrying cruiser. It's best to have these cruise missile carriers have no attack and bombard but good defense and air defense.

Screenshot (1175).png
Screenshot (1176).png

I like my cruise missiles as air units. The typing of a cruise missile ability unit determines its targeting. Land CM units target land units in a city first and then pop/improvements, ignoring air and sea units. Air CM units will target air, sea and then land units in that order before striking pop/improvements. Sea CM units will target sea, air and land units in that order before pop/improvements. Land CM units I have as ballistic missiles and sea CM units as maritime kamikaze drones.
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