How to make the game "read" New Hero's?


Jul 29, 2020
So not sure if people still play around here but i love FFH and became obsessed with adding my personal touch on it for myself and a friend, which includes news leaders ect.

After some miss-haps and such, everything seems to be working, but during some bug testing i noticed all newly added hero's do not enable a civ to build Shrine of the Champion as they should upon death, equally, after dying they cannot be brought back using Life III (Ressurect).

The game does list the hero under the "hero" tabs in the pedia and does list the hero as the civs hero under civ description. Seems only limited functions don't understand or "read" the hero as it should.

Anyone know how i should fix this?

Thanks in advance.
For both the shrine of the champion and the Resurrection spell purpose, the hero is defined in python. In the file, you can find the getHero function, which associates the unit to the civ.
For both the shrine of the champion and the Resurrection spell purpose, the hero is defined in python. In the file, you can find the getHero function, which associates the unit to the civ.
Thank you for this, it worked really well (apologies for the slow reply, my net is a bit tempermental recently)

Do you know if/where the functions relating to unit costs are found? It's come to my attention all additional new civs i added cost super high for units (at mid game a single unit can cost between 4-10 gold each!), i noticed using normal civs this doesn't seem to be as big of a problem. I know there are base settings in the handicap xml relating to difficulty (prince as a average default) but this only seems to happen to new leaders. I tested with a hot seat game playing a new leader and a original leader side by side to test and despite the new civs only having 20 units total they was losing around 30 gold per turn by mid game, whilst the OG civs was still on a positive gold income despite having 60 odd units.
I realise some of this is of course swayed by access to buildings/traits/civics ect but the underlining issues seem to be apparent with every new civ compared to old ones. I even tried a run where i went for/hogged most wonders for a higher birth rate (more gold via great people ect) but it just couldn't combat the costs. I average army of 20-30 units can cost upwards of 200-300 gold per turn at times.

Any idea why this might be happening or where i should be looking to find the files which might be calling this? The problem seems limited to FFH as my mods for BTS never have had this happen. I figured i would try asking before starting another topic as not to spam the forum.

Thanks again :)
There's an entry called iExtraCost in the unit xml that increases the per turn gold cost of a unit.
There may also be one in promotions though i think that's only in some modmods

Apart from that, it's indeed mostly coming from buildings/trait/civics
Apart from that, it's indeed mostly coming from buildings/trait/civics

Hmm, heroes aside they have currently only access to the civs they was based from (OG FFH civs) as i haven't got around to adding my units yet (low priority for me) so i would imagine unit costs shouldn't be any different from playing say Banor to a new civ.

Is it possible i over looked some option when adding a leader? I did consider the traits thing as many have new traits but i tested a civ using old traits only and that suffered the same issue, and civics i ran side-by-side in my hot seat test and suffered the same result, new civ of 20-30 units was hemerging gold by the turn whilst normal civs was supporting the army easily.
Aside a national wonder (which no civ has access to yet) i haven't added my buildings into actual gameplay so they are all using the same buildings everyone else has, the only exception being their palace but i am running side-by-side comparisons and the only major changes in palaces (aside name and art) it the mana they offer so i am at a loss.

Thanks for the quick reply :)
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