How to Subscribe to CivFanatics RSS Feeds


Restoring Civ3 Content
Super Moderator
Mar 17, 2007
With the Civ VII events coming up later this month, I thought it was a good time to share how to subscribe to CivFanatics' RSS feeds, so you can have all the latest news - and even all the latest forum posts - arriving in your favorite RSS reader.

Subscribing to the News

Do you want to make sure you never miss an update from ? You can do that!

The main feed is located at . This includes all posts to the main page.

You can also view category pages by clicking the categories at the bottom of each post; the one for Civ VII is at . These also have feeds, which you can get to by adding /feed to the end of the URL, such as

Import these into your favorite RSS reader, choose a refresh interval (be considerate! We only post news a few times per day!), and you'll be subscribed. Some browsers, such as Vivaldi, also allow you to preview RSS feeds in a graphical manner and have built-in RSS readers.

Subscribing to the Forums

You can also subscribe to forums, by adding index.rss to the end of the forum URL; for Civ VII, that would be . Note that this gets an update for every post made to the forum, not just new thread, so you can expect the volume will be high for the most popular forums. But it doesn't show the contents of each post, just the first post. I'm still experimenting with how it works in terms of having a thread's entry marked as read and an update then being made to it, but depending on your RSS reader, you may find it useful.
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