How well was Khmer and Indonesia implemented in Civ 6


Unofficial Civilization Cartographer
Super Moderator
Jun 20, 2004
Again, a wonderful review, just a bit disappointed you did not talk about the scenario, but I understand you did not have the time. I always knew vampires were mostly intellectuals ...
A great review as usual, bite. Now I'm even more pumped to play a proper game with the Khmer this weekend, and listening to that beautiful music!
Again, a wonderful review, just a bit disappointed you did not talk about the scenario, but I understand you did not have the time. I always knew vampires were mostly intellectuals ...

Ironically it is because I have to many essays to mark
A great review as usual, bite. Now I'm even more pumped to play a proper game with the Khmer this weekend, and listening to that beautiful music!

The music is amazing
Footnote 1: "This is refereeing to the..."

Should be "referring".
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