[HowTo] Play "Yet (not) Another Earth Map Pack" with CPP


Oct 16, 2014
Hi guys,

I wanted to play a game with Vox Populi (7-1) and YnAEMP v24, but the game crashed.
I was able to solve this issue, please not that this issue is as old as Vox Populi and I was not yet corrected by JFD.
Here are my results of my investigation:

1. Setup
  • Mods used:
    • (1) Community Patch
    • (2) Community Balance Overhaul
    • (3) CSD for CBP
    • (4) Civ IV Diplomatic Features
    • (6a) Community Balance Overhaul - Compatibility Files (EUI)
    • Yet (not) Another Earth Maps Pack (v 24) -> Just downloaded from GoogleDrive
  • Map setup:
  • Result: CRASH

2. Setup
  • Mods used:
    • (1) Community Patch
    • (2) Community Balance Overhaul
    • (3) CSD for CBP
    • (4) Civ IV Diplomatic Features
    • (6a) Community Balance Overhaul - Compatibility Files (EUI)
    • Yet (not) Another Earth Maps Pack (v 24) -> YnaemLoading.lua altered as it is written here:
  • YnaemLoading.lua before the fix:
    -- check if there's not a ressource of another type on the surrounding tiles
        for direction = 0, DirectionTypes.NUM_DIRECTION_TYPES - 1, 1 do
            local otherPlot = Map.PlotDirection(plotX, plotY, direction)
  • YnaemLoading.lua before the fix:
    -- check if there's not a ressource of another type on the surrounding tiles
        for direction = 0, DirectionTypes.NUM_DIRECTION_TYPES - 1, 1 do
            local otherPlot = Map.PlotDirection(plotY, plotX, direction)
  • Map setup:
    Still the same
  • Result: Is working

3. Setup
  • Mods used:
    • (1) Community Patch
    • (2) Community Balance Overhaul
    • (3) CSD for CBP
    • (4) Civ IV Diplomatic Features
    • (6a) Community Balance Overhaul - Compatibility Files (EUI)
    • Yet (not) Another Earth Maps Pack (v 24) -> YnaemLoading.lua altered as it is written here: Post
  • Map setup:
  • Result: Is working

Edit 2018/12:
I altered my initial post and fixed the wrong code, that changed due to the forum transfer some time ago.

Moreover thanks to to wkey, I would like to add his code to the initial post. It prevents resources to spawn on atolls:
if plot:IsFeatureAtoll() then
	-- no resources in atoll
	print ("do not place resources in atoll...")
	return false
The final code would look like this, with the code above added:
if plot:IsAdjacentToLand() then
	-- no whales or oil near the coast
	if resource.Type == "RESOURCE_WHALE" or resource.Type == "RESOURCE_OIL" then
		return false
if plot:IsFeatureAtoll() then
	-- no resources in atoll
	print ("do not place resources in atoll...")
	return false
Last edited:
Wow, I like your determination!

I will include YnAEMP in my thread about MODs compatible with CBP, put it in the list of mods "Compatible after tweaking some files" and link this thread, ok?

I have not tried this map script yet (even before CBP), but after reading your post I got the impression that firing IGE on turn 1 and deleting Valletta (and Zanzibar?) from the game completely would avoid the crash. Am I right? If yes, I think this could be an easy solution for people who are not familiar with editing files / afraid they will break something.
Wow, I like your determination!

I will include YnAEMP in my thread about MODs compatible with CBP, put it in the list of mods "Compatible after tweaking some files" and link this thread, ok?

I have not tried this map script yet (even before CBP), but after reading your post I got the impression that firing IGE on turn 1 and deleting Valletta (and Zanzibar?) from the game completely would avoid the crash. Am I right? If yes, I think this could be an easy solution for people who are not familiar with editing files / afraid they will break something.

This shouldn't be necessary any more. I fixed the bug that caused the crash.

This shouldn't be necessary any more. I fixed the bug that caused the crash.


1) Ohh, ok, good work as usual! I will list YnAEMP as compatible then.

2) I suppose you still should not be using the YnAEMP setup options which mess with the resource distribution, correct? Estebanium, would you please create a new thread (or update this one???) with the screenshot of the green do-s and red don't-s in the YnAEMP setup screen? I will then link it from the MOD compatibility thread. Thanks
Wow, I like your determination!

I have not tried this map script yet (even before CBP), but after reading your post I got the impression that firing IGE on turn 1 and deleting Valletta (and Zanzibar?) from the game completely would avoid the crash. Am I right? If yes, I think this could be an easy solution for people who are not familiar with editing files / afraid they will break something.
Thank you! I really like this map pack, because you feel more connected to the real world in what you do in Civ. Like conquering Asia being Greece or you become very proud because of dominating Europe or America. I missed this in other random generated maps, because I always wanted to conquer the world..

So because of that I was very disappointed when I found out that CCP was not working anymore with YnAEMP and later after Gazebo fixed some things, the CTD's were gone but the annoying calculation freeze occur. Gazebo is really a nice guy and really supports the whole modding environment and he is also interested in fixing problems with other mods, because of that I took so much work into this investigation to give him all the information he needs to fix this issue (and glad he did it!).

This shouldn't be necessary any more. I fixed the bug that caused the crash.

Yes :goodjob: You did it! :D Wonderful, you are the best Gazebo thank you for your support! I tried out several games with Valletta and Zanzibar ingame and I successfully entered the second turn :king:

1) Ohh, ok, good work as usual! I will list YnAEMP as compatible then.

2) I suppose you still should not be using the YnAEMP setup options which mess with the resource distribution, correct? Estebanium, would you please create a new thread (or update this one???) with the screenshot of the green do-s and red don't-s in the YnAEMP setup screen? I will then link it from the MOD compatibility thread. Thanks

Yes, I can confirm that YnAEMP is working with the latest version of CPP 1/30v2. So you do not have to delete City States which spawn on single tile islands like Valletta or Zanzibar. It is working out of the box, but you still have to pay attention to the Game Setup. Some ressource type options are not working until someone changed the lua script in the YnAEMP Pack in order to make it compatible to the DLL of the Community Patch, see here. If you check (enable) the red marked options in the Game Setup Screen, the game will crash to Desktop.

I will edit my first post with the latest instructions in order to play with YnAEMP in the next few minutes. I will also edit the Game Setup screenshot because I accidentally marked "Use true geographic resource placement" as not working, but it is.
Thank you! I really like this map pack, because you feel more connected to the real world in what you do in Civ. Like conquering Asia being Greece or you become very proud because of dominating Europe or America. I missed this in other random generated maps, because I always wanted to conquer the world..

So because of that I was very disappointed when I found out that CCP was not working anymore with YnAEMP and later after Gazebo fixed some things, the CTD's were gone but the annoying calculation freeze occur. Gazebo is really a nice guy and really supports the whole modding environment and he is also interested in fixing problems with other mods, because of that I took so much work into this investigation to give him all the information he needs to fix this issue (and glad he did it!).

Yes :goodjob: You did it! :D Wonderful, you are the best Gazebo thank you for your support! I tried out several games with Valletta and Zanzibar ingame and I successfully entered the second turn :king:

Yes, I can confirm that YnAEMP is working with the latest version of CPP 1/30v2. So you do not have to delete City States which spawn on single tile islands like Valletta or Zanzibar. It is working out of the box, but you still have to pay attention to the Game Setup. Some ressource type options are not working until someone changed the lua script in the YnAEMP Pack in order to make it compatible to the DLL of the Community Patch, see here. If you check (enable) the red marked options in the Game Setup Screen, the game will crash to Desktop.

I will edit my first post with the latest instructions in order to play with YnAEMP in the next few minutes. I will also edit the Game Setup screenshot because I accidentally marked "Use true geographic resource placement" as not working, but it is.

Glad it works now. If you don't mind, update your initial post noting that it works, as there is still a lot of instructional material there that seems to indicate otherwise.
Glad it works now. If you don't mind, update your initial post noting that it works, as there is still a lot of instructional material there that seems to indicate otherwise.
I did it some seconds ago :lol: I hope it will give the community all information they need in order to get it to work.

EDIT: Is it because of the Cache of my browser or can't I update the name of the thread. I changed my initial post name to "[HowTo] Play "Yet (not) Another Earth Map Pack" with CPP", but it only shows the old thread name.
I did it some seconds ago :lol: I hope it will give the community all information they need in order to get it to work.

Excellent! Glad I was able to fix it. If you are interested, the reason for the hand was a 'while' statement in the DLL that never had its conditions changed, so that the dll was just endlessly looping through a 'while' statement for minor civ settlers forever...
Excellent! Glad I was able to fix it. If you are interested, the reason for the hand was a 'while' statement in the DLL that never had its conditions changed, so that the dll was just endlessly looping through a 'while' statement for minor civ settlers forever...
Haha, lol. Yes I heard that. My CPU Fan was turning up like hell :lol: Only by using Prime I can produce the same noisy condition ^^ I guess my CPU was trying to find out the meaning of life: 43..
Thank you! I really like this map pack, because you feel more connected to the real world in what you do in Civ. Like conquering Asia being Greece or you become very proud because of dominating Europe or America. I missed this in other random generated maps, because I always wanted to conquer the world..

Sounds fun! I will definitely give it a try soon. I was thinking ... hmm, this map must be really good if the Estebanium guy is trying so hard to make it work ;)

I updated the description in the list of the compatible mods, please check and let me know if you wish to change anything.

Sounds fun! I will definitely give it a try soon. I was thinking ... hmm, this map must be really good if the Estebanium guy is trying so hard to make it work ;)

I updated the description in the list of the compatible mods, please check and let me know if you wish to change anything.

The description looks good, I hope interested guys will have a look into the guide here. I also send a Mod a message to change the name of the thread here, so it will be easier to see what's going on here and maybe some new users will give YnAEMP a try ;)

Haha yeah! Maybe most posts are not related to balancing or enhancing CP, but to Yet (not) another Earth Map Pack :lol: I don't know why, even when you already know how the world (the map) looks like and the resources are very similar to different games, the game itself is still quite different and interesting. I can not play without YnAEMP anymore.. I am addicted :D It is just too much fun having an empire from southern spain to western russia and northern africa.. And the map size.. :crazyeye: lovely :lol:
Are there still complications between YnAEMP and CBP? Let me know and I'll endeavour to fix them.

"Add specific resources at starting positions" works without CTDing for me.
Are there still complications between YnAEMP and CBP? Let me know and I'll endeavour to fix them.

"Add specific resources at starting positions" works without CTDing for me.

I tried it last week and had the crash to desktop but I will try it again. I thought changes were needed to get the resource options working again with CPP.
Are there still complications between YnAEMP and CBP? Let me know and I'll endeavour to fix them.

"Add specific resources at starting positions" works without CTDing for me.

I always play this map with CBP. One bug i noticed was that there are not many fish resources on coastlines, and there are some fish resouces appearing on atolls
@JFD - ""Add specific resources at starting positions" works without CTDing for me."

On my machine it is working in Large Europe, but not working in Giant Europe - in the second case there's CTD.

Below I attach lua.logs from Large Europe which started without problems and Giant Europe (CTD) (xml.logs and database logs are the same in both cases).

The only difference is, in Giant Europe I didn't choose Arabia (not included in that map).

lua.log suddenly ends just after placing amber for Poland, just before placing horses for Egypt... Any ideas why this CTD happened?


It seems the problem is with some specific Civs (I use only "vanilla" from CP + CBP) - when I omited Egypt in the Giant Earth Map - CTD happend before placing specific resources for Greece.

So I checked only Poland, England and France - and the game started, but it took a longer time, and the graphic card was under heavy load all the time...

Below is lua.log from that "successful threesome".



After a series of painfull (but double-checked) tests I spotted that only FOUR civs cause CTD probably while placing one or more of their specific resources:

1. Egypt (2 horses, gold and perfume)
2. Ottomans (2 horses, marble, tea and olive)
3. Russia (2 horses, 3 uranium, 2 aluminum and amber)
4. Huns (4 iron, fur, silver, 4 horses and 4 horses)

I suppose there may be some terrain conflict due to start location area with these resources - when I "commented" (disabled) all three Egyptian specific resources requests in CivilizationRequestedResource xml file - the Giant Earth Map started with Egypt. Leaving only horses and - just for test - only gold as egyptian requested resource caused CTD.

Accordingly - choosing JFD's Soviet Union with Stalin (which takes the specific resources request directly from Catherine's Russia) caused CTD when tried to play with "Add specific resources at starting positions" option on Giant Earth Map.


I would really, really, REALLY like it if we could get CP/CBP to work with more options on this map, especially the accurate resource placement.
Actually, there seems to be more problems with resources placement options in Ynaemp with CP+CBP+more resources on the large and giant Europe maps :-(

Both (and each of) the two options (true geographic resource placement and add specific resources at strting points seem to cause very poor resources - and true geographic placement doesn't work - there e.g usually is no amber in northern Europe, but often coffee, perfume, tobbacco or tea appear...
I updated this tutorial to reflect the latest changes and fixes.
Anyone know how to change the minimum distance for founding a city? I went into the CPP core and changed it from 4 to 3 but it still won't let me place a city because I'm within 4 tiles.

I'm using CBP btw
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