Huge European map (107x87)

joasoze said:
This map is hardly a european map. About half of it is missing. Something like 2000 miles north of Oslo is gone.

It's too big for a map

but if you thinks that a so big map can run on your PC make it :)

Find some links/sites about abundent resources like gold or silver, cattle etc in your region and show me what is currently lacking on the map on specified regions..

it is what I did ... But you can change the resources if you wants and then you shows me the result I am interested :lol:
This map would be perfect for the punic wars. I did see one problem though. Hannibal traversed through the alps from the north, but I don't see any openings for that on the map.
I'm sorry, I know this is a really newbie question perhaps inappropiate for this thread. How does one place starting locations for different civs on this map?
PLTORR said:
I'm sorry, I know this is a really newbie question perhaps inappropiate for this thread. How does one place starting locations for different civs on this map?

Try "Mapviewer", u can find it in the utility section. It provides a lot of tools, not perfect but its the best tool for these kinds of jobs at the moment.
Scoticus said:
This map would be perfect for the punic wars. I did see one problem though. Hannibal traversed through the alps from the north, but I don't see any openings for that on the map.

I think so
If you want to make a scenario or just play this map you can change some squares of mountains into hills; the problem is that the mountains were made impassable ...
1.the screenshots show city-names. I suppose these are the starting-locations, but there are also city-names of civs, which are not in the original civ4 included, like lissabon. Does this mean, that this map is made in a special mod? If it is so, then I would know which mod I should use.

2. The map seems realy good, although I usually prefer smaller maps. Great job!:goodjob:
may be that mean that it's time to you to do it yourself?
If this was something that I had skill in (and I knew what I was doing), I would not have asked anyone in the first place ;)
Come now, we can't be expected to know everything.
OK, I've got MapView. I'm able to set a starting position, but how do I set the starting postion for each leader?:confused:
Can't be done with MapView currently. You'll have to open the file in a text editor and do it manually. See Dale's tutorial in the tutorial forum.
This right here is my favorite scope of the world to play with in Civilizations.

Nice work.
This map would be awesome, I'm sure, if I could just figure out how to download it. It doesn't seem to work at all.
I just finished a game on this map and won a space race victory on Prince. I was England and changed my starting location to it's historical location. I thought the map was real fun, but it was weird that it was so big with so few civs. It wasn't until the gunpowder ages that most of the map was settled which made for a different type of gameplay for me.

I'm downloading the 18 civ mod right now, although it's a big file and so it's taking a little while. I'll let you know what I think.
Thanks for the great map.

Just a few suggestions. The 18 Civ Mod only has 10 civs, which is not enough for a huge map like this. Maybe you would consider adding more civs?

There also appears to be rice fields everywhere, particularly around the Middle-East. Wouldn't wheat fields be more appropriate?

With more civs added, you might want to consider adding more resources, (example) such as cows to the areas around Denmark which is lacking any type of resources thus far.

There were more than 10 civs in my game, I think the full 18 if I remember. I'm playing as the Romans and it's a lot of fun. England, France, and Russia seem to have the best starting spots, while Portugal, Greece, and the African/Middle Eastern civs have it pretty rough. Overall a great map and lots of fun!
I re-did the entire map on resources. Also adding cows in especially north-west of europe.

If Uncopain could send me his email address then i'll send it to him first and he can choose to put it online.


Strategic resources like coal, oil iron etc have been placed in realistic positions, making Greece a resource abundant area as it in fact is. Also Southern Poland (silesia area) now has a major part of European coal. Making this central part of the map an interesting place for conquest.
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