Hulfgar's Modpack Extended Edition "Rise of the Machines"

Hello noobcivplayer,

have you tried to change the graphic settings ?
if no disable "GPU Texture Decode" in Civ5's Options menu.
Hello Asterix,

still alive and answering but Civ is not installed anymore on my PC !

Hope you're well :)
Hello noobcivplayer,

have you tried to change the graphic settings ?
if no disable "GPU Texture Decode" in Civ5's Options menu.

I did so but it still wasn't working, I tried playing civ 5 in DX9 which has been successful so far! :)
Also Ive been playing on Yet not another Earth map pack and I have not seen any resources spawn at all (Except for strategic ones) even up to turn 190. Is there a compatibility issue here?
as far as I recall there was a compatibility issue with YNAEMP, but not sure.
as for the resources do you mean you have no luxury resources or none of the new resources of my mod ?
as far as I recall there was a compatibility issue with YNAEMP, but not sure.
as for the resources do you mean you have no luxury resources or none of the new resources of my mod ?
No luxury resources, nor resources like fishes, wheat etc. Only seen strategic resources like iron, coal and your lumbar wood resource.
Hi Hulfgar,
Thanks for the mod pack, enjoy it quite a bit!
Was thinking whether it would take much effort to separate Future / Information era from your mod and plug it to tech tree from VP. I know that Future Worlds mod plugs in to VP nicely, but it is missing AI awareness development. I think AI awareness spawn is the major feature which could allow to add more meaning to the later era gameplay... Especially say with doomsday count... Anyway, just a thought..
Well, I am new here and I am writing this message because I liked this mod very much. There is a MAGOR BUG that happens again and again after testing it a lot (both in the extended and complete edition of the mod).
When an AI player pillage an offshore oil complex an endless losing of oil and kerosene starts to hapen in every turn. Every turn I lose -6 quantity of both of them. This hapens to AI also. As a result we end of having -60 oil and kerosene after 10 turns for example... and this can't be fixed once it's hapen, for example, if I go and repair it after 10 turns, I will one-time gain the 6 oil&kerosene but in the next turns I will still losing them as before. This does not happen of course with mine-strategic resources or horses, but I don't know about synthetic petrol plant or uranium processing plant because I havent tested yet.

I am very surprised though why anybody haven't mentioned it before in this thread. As you understand this problem ruins the whole game.. and if... let's say be very carefull about these improvements and never get them pillaged by AI who knows if this will not happen to AI by another AI player? And if this happens, the certain Ai player will be uncapable of producing units cause the majority of them need oil and kerosene.
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Also, I don't think this has anything to do with the city-razing bug mentioned above, because in case it is, the problem still exist then in all new updates of the mod.

To display the problem exacly: This BUG is always happening with the offshore platform, when someone goes and destroy an improved oil resource in the sea. As it happens, then the player to whom the offshore complex belongs, starts losing -6 oil&kerosene every turn.

You can also try this anytime by using ingame editor and going to a civilization's tile with an improved sea oil resource and just deleting it. . and see what happens in the next turn(s).

Now, is there any solution to fix this manually, by re-writing the code of the mode in a certain file inside the mod without making a whole update just only for that? How about that hulfgar?
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