Boris Gudenuf
"Harappans" in the case of Humankind refers to the people of the wider Indus Valley Civilisation, also known as the Harappan Civilisation, rather than just from the city of Harappa specifically.
It's funny how the nomenclature changes. When I was taking Archeology courses at University back in the Atomic Era, Mohenjo-Daro was the site referenced whenever we talked about the Indus Valley Civilization. Now it's Harappa or the civilization as a whole.
Which brings up another thought: given that entirely different families of languages have been spoken in the region since the Indus Valley Civilization disappeared, and we still haven't deciphered any of the Indus script, what is the game going to do for a Harappan City List? Like Greece, are there a bunch of city/village names in the area that predate the current languages and can be used, or, as for the Olmecs, are they (and we) going to be largely Flying Blind?