Ideas for More Units!

Dec 10, 2014
Honolulu, HI
I've been a bit perturbed, by the "holes" in affinity units and so I've been trying to come up with names and concepts for various affinity units. This thread is meant to propose and discuss potential names and bonuses for affinity explorers, names for hybrid units that did not get upgrades in Rising Tide, as well as some ideas for additional Unique Affinity Units.

Explorer Upgrades
The first one that I want to talk about are explorers. I thought it was a bit odd that Explorers did not advance in affinity. I've been intrigued with the proposition ever since I saw the suggestion. So here is my attempt at some names. I'm not really sold on any of them with the exception of the Errant, which I'm quite happy with. Not sure if they should have 1 or 2 upgrades. This would also allow specialized perks to be added to each.

Tier 1:

6 Strength, 40 Production

Tier 2:
Evolved / True / Prime Explorer

12 Strength, 120 Production

Evolved Explorer (Harmony)
  • Base abilities: Immune to Miasma
  • Upgrade Options: Take less damage from leashing aliens OR +1 movement
True Explorer (Purity)
  • Base abilities: +20% Combat strength when Defending when fighting aliens
  • Upgrade options: +20% Combat Strength when attacking aliens OR +5 HP healed per turn outside of friendly territory
Prime Explorer (Supremacy)
  • Base abilities: +1 module
  • Upgrade options: +1 vision OR +1 module

Tier 3:
Druid / Paragon / Pioneer / Savant / Missionary / Errant

22 Strength, 240 Production

Druid (Harmony)
  • Base abilities: Reveal Hidden Harmony Sites, +1 movement, +1 vision, +1 embarked movement
  • Upgrade options: Heal +10 hp every turn from Miasma OR Ignore Zone of Control
For the Harmony Explorer, I was thinking that they could get a bonus to leashing. Mostly likely, take less damage when leashing aliens. In addition to getting the miasma immunity earlier than any other Harmony unit.

Paragon (Harmony/Purity)
  • Base abilities: Reveal "Hidden Ascendancy sites", +1 movement, +1 vision, +1 embarked movement
  • Upgrade options: +10 hp heal every turn OR +30% Strength when outside your borders
Pioneer (Purity)
  • Base abilities: Reveal "Hidden Purity Sites", +1 movement, +1 vision, +1 embarked movement
  • Upgrade options: Conduct expeditions 15% Faster OR ???
Purity could maybe get an extra bonus to defending against aliens. I'm not sure what else could or should get.

Savant (Purity/Supremacy)
  • Base abilities: Reveal "Hidden Mastery Sites", +1 movement, +1 vision, +1 embarked movement
  • Upgrade options: Detect invisible units OR This unit and all others in adjacent tiles heal 5 additional HP per turn
Missionary (Supremacy)
  • Base abilities: Reveal "Hidden Supremacy Sites", +1 movement, +1 vision, +1 embarked movement
  • Upgrade options: Detect invisible units OR -15% Combat strength to enemy units in visual range
Supremacy would migrate their Explorers get +1 expedition module to the unit itself instead of as an Affinity Wheel perk. This would have the benefit of freeing up a slot for Supremacy and let them have something more thematic.

Errant (Supremacy/Harmony)
  • Base abilities: Reveal "Hidden Voracity sites", +1 movement, +1 vision, +1 embarked movement
  • Upgrade options: ??? OR ???

As for the Hybrids, think that they should have their own suite of perks/methodology at least where the uniques and explorers are concerned. I have some ideas on what these stylings could look like, but I will discuss those in the sections dedicated to the individual Affinities.
For fun, I started making a 5th unit for the Core Affinities. These were meant to provide additional combat options for the affinity and give them some unconventional weaponry to their arsenal. This of course means I had to adjust some of the requirements to accommodate. This also makes for a smoother acquisition of units based on level. The actual number themselves could use some work, but the concepts I am generally happy with.


For Harmony's military playstyle, the focus is on Mobility and Miasma. So while not totally unconventional, the unit that I crafted is a bioartillery meant to be fire support for the other units. It can spread miasma as it attacks granting other units their bonuses. I think it should be able to attack allied and empty tiles. No damage of course. This "pointed" spread is juxtaposed to the Rocktopus "steady" spread. And due to the nature of its miasma attacks, it gains a significant bonus to attacking cities. Which also compliments the Xeno Titan's city offense bonus. Overall, I'm very happy with this concept.

Tier 1 - Xeno Swarm
Requirements: Alien Adaptation
  • Harmony 4
  • Xenomass 1
Tier 2 - Cloudbloom
Requirements: Photosystems
  • Harmony 6
  • Xenomass 2
Tier 3 - Xeno Calvary
Requirements: Alien Domestication
  • Harmony 8
  • Xenomass 3
Tier 4 - Rocktopus
Requirements: Designer Lifeforms
  • Harmony 10
  • Xenomass 4
Tier 5 - Xeno Titan
Requirements: Alien Evolution
  • Harmony 12
  • Xenomass 5

Tier 2 - Cloudbloom
Spoiler :

Unlocked at: Photosystems
  • Level 6 Harmony
  • 2 Xenomass
  • 2 Movement, 3 Range (Requires Set-Up)
  • +50% when attacking Cities
  • Cloud Invigorate - Target friendly tile to heal an ally
+25% Strength when in Miasma, Leaves behind miasma after it attacks
Can fire over terrain, Leaves behind miasma after it attacks

As researchers continued to study native flora, a surprising number of military officials were intrigued in the creation of bio-artillery, a long ranged siege weapon that did not need to be trained, but could instead be grown. Sadly resource allocation severely limited the scope of colonial research with regards to unconventional warfare, as efforts were needed for more immediate, pressing matters. Fortunately for the prospect, breakthroughs in photosystemic technologies allowed for the rapid germination and growth of flora.

Cross combining traits from both Old Earth genetic archives and New Earth’s mega-flora, genetic engineers slowly and surely crafted the Cloudbloom. A living, moving plantae organism bred to be deployed in the battlefield. The fact that the Cloudbloom is a plant not an animal means that it doesn’t need to be trained or driven like the creatures of a Xeno Swarm. Instead, all one needs to do is imprint the proper pathways via electrical impulses as the plant nears its Bloomed state. The only real drawbacks are the Xenomass required to produce it and the Bloom’s need to root itself before it can fire.

And due to the strength of its cellular walls, the Cloudbloom makes for a surprisingly durable artillery platform. By utilizing a very heavily modified form of explosive dehiscence (a projectile seed-dispersal method), the Cloudbloom is able to deliver a concussive shell loaded with toxic compounds derived from Xenomass over an impressive range. These shells quickly degrade, resulting in the creation of large clouds of miasma, and is where the name of this creation was derived.

Naval 1 - Gojirafish Credit to KrikkitTwo
Spoiler :

Unlocked at: Biochemistry
  • Level 5 Harmony
  • 2 Xenomass
  • 5 Movement, 1 Range
  • Can move after attacking
  • Invisible
+50% Combat Strength when attacking Naval Units
+1 additional attack per turn

Harmony genetic scientists discovered a very odd and very interesting series of codes buried deep within the genome of the Ripper. These weaker aquatic aliens are fairly numerous, but studies have shown that they actually didn't used to be this small. After much testing, these gene sequences revealed that Rippers used to be much larger and in fact were once a colossal class creature. Not only that but the possessed a caustic spittle and a most surprisingly a photo-active hide which allowed it to blend in with the surrounding waters. Paleobiologists deduced that for some reason the majority Ancient Rippers were unable to compete with other aquatic fauna, resulting in the eventual decline of the species' abilities.

Naturally, Harmonist snapped at the opportunity to see an ancient alien creature stalk the tides once more. They began working on reactivating the latent potential in the beast. The result is as the Gojirafish and its properties meant that Harmony Armies could deploy living ambush units that are able to deal surprising damage to enemy naval vessels due to the acidic bile. While not as monumentally massive as its ancestral counterpart, the Gojirafish variant of the Ripper is fast and agile; capable of invisibly sneaking up on unsuspecting prey, striking, and vanishing as quickly as it came.

Naval 2 - Behemoth
Spoiler :

Unlocked at: Bioengineering
  • Level 10 Harmony
  • 4 Xenomass
  • 3 Movement
  • +15 HP Heal on Kill
  • +15% Combat Strength when Attacking Cities
+20 HP Heal on Kill
+20% Combat Strength when Attacking Cities

There are few machinations of Harmonic adherents quite as terrible or as awe-inspiring as the Behemoth. Taking what they had learned from the creation of the Cloudbloom and Gojirafish. Fueled by the breakthroughs in bioengineering and their reverence for the native life; Harmony military scientists turned to another of the native creatures the Kraken.

Instead of combining genes from both worlds or unlocking existing latent genetics, this glorious monstrosity was instead created by cleaning up the Kraken genome. Removing unnecessary sequences and optimizing existing biological systems. Essentially creating the "perfect" Kraken.

While sleeker than its natural counterpart, it is no less massive nor is it any less terrifying. This bulk offers great advantage when attacking aquatic and coastal cities. Additional the Behemoth's metabolism is engineered in a way that it can recover quickly after devouring an enemy.

The Behemoth then, is a living war machine; a testament to the planet's wrath.

A lot of Purity's theme is about defense. Protection from this hostile alien world. The other main aspect of Purity is brute force. The 5th unit I've made for them takes on both aspects. This unit is a floating earthquake machine. Yup. The purpose of this unit is two fold. Its meant to serve as a disruptor for any ground based, non-hover enemies; they set up as their "support action" dealing damage to any enemies within 1 tile of them. They also have a second "support action" that will let them deal significant damage to a city, provided they're close enough.

Tier 1 - Battlesuit
Requirements: Servomachinery
  • Purity 4
  • Titanium 1
Tier 2 - Aegis
Requirements: Surrogacy
  • Purity 6
  • Floatstone 1 / Titanium 1
Tier 3 - LEV Tank
Requirements: Mobile LEV
  • Purity 8
  • Floatstone 2 / Titanium 1
Tier 4 - Mjolnir
Requirements: Seismic Induction
  • Purity 10
  • Floatstone 2 / Titanium 2
Tier 5 - LEV Destroyer
Requirements: Tactical LEV
  • Purity 12
  • Floatstone 3 / Titanium 2

Tier 4 - Mjolnir
Spoiler :

Unlocked at: Seismic Induction
Level 10 Purity
2 Floatstone / 2 Titanium
  • 2 Movement
  • Levitates over terrain
  • All movement costs 1
  • Cannot Attack
  • Shatter Earth - Damage all enemy units within 1 tile
  • Tower Breaker - Damage an enemy city within 2 tiles
+10% Strength when using Shatter Earth
+15% Strength when attacking Cities.

Those that walk the path of Purity cherish the remnants of mythology found in colonial databases. This is an excerpt on one of the most powerful weapon systems in the Purity arsenal, the Mjolnir series Levitating Seismic Inductors:

Named after the fabled Nordic weapon. Tales of a Mjolnir's strength range from splitting mountains to rupturing entire plates. In reality, their mag-res inductors are only middling between "woofers" and "thumpers" in power. In stark contrast to the Archimedes Lever, the Mjolnir's true strength does not come from the size of its resonator, but rather it's mobility. The ability for this platform to cause an upheaval, mobilize, and disrupt another flank has proven its worth time and time again. Let alone its ability to lay siege to a city.

The mere sight of a Mjolnir unit has broken lines of soldiers on its own, for fear of the chaos it will bring. The Mjolnir is one of the rare Purity units that actually possesses an AI. However, this is merely to perform tectonic and geological analysis, letting operators know where they can “Bring the hammer down”, as referred to by veterans. Any piloting, selection of target locations, and firing sequences are left to the human crew alone.

These spires, clad in titanium and held aloft by Floatstone are a welcome sight for troops on the ground. With the exception of a genuine LEV Destroyer, nothing else serves as a rallying call more than the sight and sound of a Mjolnir.

Appearance Suggestions
Spoiler :

Naval 1 - Phalanx
Spoiler :

Unlocked at: Defense Grid
Purity 7
2 Floatstone / 1 Titanium
  • 3 Movement
  • +50% Strength when Defending
  • +30% Strength when Attacking aliens
+5% Strength per Unused Movement, +1 Movement
Ignore Zone of Control, +1 Movement

Resolute. Unshakable.

These are words that resonate with the Purist. These are concepts upon which the Phalanx was founded. Weary of the frequent attacks of aquatic aliens, much research was put forth to making defenses that would better protect Purity ships from would be assailing xenos.

Two proposals were put forth to making a vessel that would be able to stand the forces of nature. The first was the introduction of a hyperdense titanium based alloy plating. The second was an experimental multi-phase field comprised of
ultrasonic and magnetic waves.

Military officials decided to use both. The Phalanx combines both defense technologies to make an ultra durable vessel. With Floatstone engines in place to combat the weight of the field generator and the Ti-Plating, the Phalanx form a wall upon which the enemies of Purity break.

Naval 2 - Sharanga Credit to KrittitTwo
Spoiler :

Unlocked at: Hyperconductors
Purity 10
2 Floatstone / 3 Titanium
  • 2 Movement, 2 Range
  • Levitates over terrain
  • All movement costs 1
  • Reduced strength when attacking on Land
  • Attacks deal 5 points of splash damage
+10 Splash Damage, +1 Movement
+1 Range, +1 Movement

You don't need to be more accurate. You just need bigger munitions.

Purity militarist have always sought the ability to field larger and larger artillery. To accommodate this ever growing desire for more firepower, Purity Engineers turned to discoveries in Hyperconductivity. Utilizing this technology, this craft is able to achieve incredible range for a massive payload. Unfortunately, the architecture needed for this hyper-conductive vessel makes it surprisingly fragile for a Purity unit.

Regardless, the Sharanga derives its name from the bow of the Hindu god, Vishnu. The weapon platform of the Sharanga is so heavy, that the largest anti-grav LEV engine to date had to be had to be installed in order to keep it buoyant. Supported only by its ability to conduct massive amounts of power.

On the battlefield, the Sharanga is able to cross land and sea, dispensing High-Explosive shells at the foes of Purity. And while it must be protected by more durable ships, it is an asset to any navy. The Sharanga will punish any foes who dare make the mistake of grouping together on the high seas.

Supremacy is about battlefield positioning. Uplinking to each other to increase combat effectiveness. They remove themselves as much as physically possible from their environment. They also have a knack for orbital units. As such, their last "unconventional unit" grants them some aerial Supremacy. The AETHR has 3 effects; 1) It imposes disadvantage to aircraft attacking within 2 tiles of it. 2) It can sweep for aircraft and 3) It can deploy itself to grant orbital coverage in the tiles above it (I think I set it at 2).

Tier 1 - CNDR
Requirements: Tactical Robotics
  • Supremacy 4
  • Firaxite 1
Tier 2 - CARVR
Requirements: Autogyros
  • Supremacy 6
  • Firaxite 2
Tier 3 - SABR
Requirements: Synthetic Thought
  • Supremacy 8
  • Firaxite 3
Tier 4 - LITRG
Requirements: Dark Networks?
  • Supremacy 10
  • Firaxite 4
Tier 5 - ANGEL
Requirements: Neural Uploading
  • Supremacy 12
  • Firaxite 5

Tier 4- LITRG
Spoiler :

Unlocked at: Dark Networks?
Supremacy 10
4 Firaxite
  • 2 Movement
  • Transpose: Move any unit within 2 tiles to another tile. If there are 2 units, they will swap location.
Units Transposed can still act. +50% Strength when Defending
+1 Transpose Range. +50% Strength when Defending

The LITRG is a support unit capable of literally shaping the lines of battle. With so much of Supremacy's military power being based on employing the right tool for job, a unit that is capable of coordinating and repositioning other units is invaluable.

The Logistic-Inferential Transposing Router Type-G, more commonly referred to by its acronym LITRG, is equipped with a multi-channel variable phasal transporter. While it lacks the range of the orbital version of the transporter, it more than makes up for it in flexibility. Instead of being limited to one way transportation, a LITRG is able to move a unit to anywhere inside of its area of influence.

In later models, the transporters could be modified to where the forces that were transposed by a LITRG were not affected by the "Summoning Sickness" that plagued both biological and mechanical soldiers alike, and were still able act after they are teleported. Alternatively, the power output could be boosted that would allow for transposition at extended ranges. Providing even greater repositioning.

Naval 1 - ORCL
Spoiler :

Unlocked at:
Supremacy 5
2 Firaxite
  • 4 Movement
  • Cannot Attack
  • Can enter territory without open borders.
  • Trace: This unit identifies a target within 2 tiles. The location and condition unit remains visible for the next 3 turns.
This unit can Hover. +1 Range. +2 Vision.
This unit can Hover. This unit has a 75% chance of withdrawing when attacked in melee

Ontological-Ranging Coordinator - Logos Class

"Wards win wars" is a military axiom with origins stretching back to the early 21st century, not too long before the Great Mistake. A phase once used by individuals who partook in simulated combat scenarios in online arenas, it became incorporated into real-life combat. Roughly translated, it means "the one who controls the vision on a battlefield will have the advantage". ORCLs then are designed to gather and relay information to other Supremacy troops.

Originally ORCLs were designed as high speed aquatic scout units. A fast, maneuverable, autonomous machine designed to scout out enemy forces, even behind closed borders, and and transmit back telemetric data on the mark's relative position and status. Surprisingly cheap to produce for its effectiveness, ORCLs allow Supremacy societies to see all.

Later on, ORCLs were upgraded from Naval craft to Hover craft, further increasing the effective range that they can cover. ORCLs are quite moddable, allowing for either increased sensor range or a high speed MAG-Pulse thruster to get ORCLs that get attacked in close proximity to retreat.

Naval 2 - AETHR
Spoiler :

Unlocked at: Climate Control
Level 10 Supremacy
4 Firaxite
  • 2 Movement
  • Cannot attack
  • -25% Strength to Aircraft attacking within 2 tiles
  • -25% Strength to Naval Units attacking within 2 tiles
  • Uplink - Deploy to grant Orbital coverage in a 2 tile radius
-50% Strength to Aircraft attacking within 2 tiles
-50% Strength to Naval Units attacking within 2 tiles

The Aerial Electroinductive Tropospheric Hypso-Restrictor, (AKA, AETHR) is a marvel of Supremacist engineering. This weapon platform was designed to wrest aerial control from the enemies of Supremacy.

In light of developing new earth aerospace technologies, the eventual need for denial arose. By utilizing weather control technologies the AETHR is able to deny enemy aircraft by creating regions of immense turbulence and even generate localized supercells. The combination of wind and lightning make it prohibitive for aircraft to attack.

However, weather manipulation is not all that this units is capable of. The AETHR can form an uplink with a satellite above it, meaning that the forward placement of orbital units are possible. Unrelated to its effectiveness in combat, much criticism has been put forth with regards to the AETHR’s acronym.
So I'm not entirely sure what the Hybrid specialize in with regard to the core units. Most of the upgrades are derived from the core affinity upgrade options, with a few exceptions. However, I do have clear ideas for the hybrid uniques.

And so here with the Hybrids, I will share my ideas for what I think the remaining hybrid units should be named as well as my 4th! and 5th! unique unit ideas. I will also be using some of the names discussed for the hybrids in the actual unit History, because I'm sick of saying H/P, P/S, and S/H. Feel free to share your thoughts.

Ascendancy Harmony/Purity
Based on the abilities of the 3 unique units that we will be seeing in Rising Tide in conjunction of the themes found in both Harmony and Purity, I came to the conclusion that this hybrid's strength would lie in battlefield control. Controlling the terms of engagement with territory, directed applications of combat strength, and high degrees of durability and resilience.
Spoiler :


Combat Rover

Missile Rover


Needle Jet

Patrol Boat




Tier 1 - Immortal
Requirements: Organics
  • Harmony 2 / Purity 2
  • Xenomass 1
Tier 2 - Obelisk
Requirements: Cognition
  • Harmony 4 / Purity 4
  • Titanium 1 / Floatstone 1
Tier 3 - Architect
Requirements: Alien Hybridization
  • Harmony 6 / Purity 6
  • Xenomass 2 / Floatstone 1
Tier 4 - Throne
Requirements: Human Idealism
  • Harmony 8 / Purity 8
  • Xenomass 2 / Floatstone 2
Tier 5 - Dyad
Requirements: Artificial Evolution
  • Harmony 10 / Purity 10
  • Xenomass 3 / Floatstone 3

Tier 2 - Obelisk
Spoiler :

Unlocked at: Cognition
Requires: Cognition
Level 4 Harmony / Level 4 Purity
1 Titanium, 1 Floatstone
  • 2 Movement
  • Levitates over terrain
  • All terrain costs 1 movement
  • Cannot attack
  • Engage Psi-Emitter: Deploy the Obelisk to claim nearby territory and increase combat strength of units within its tile.
+ 10 Damage per turn from Psi-Emitter
+1 Range on Psi-Emitter

As scientists delved further into the nature of Human Cognition, they unlocked secrets in activating the untapped potential of the brain. Research eventually lead to the development of a Brain Wave Generator that emits a spectrum of frequencies capable of stimulating combat effectiveness in Ascendant troops. Likewise, the frequencies can be focused into a harmful pulse that can prove lethal with sustained exposure if the brain is not tempered and trained to handle the effects...

Thus, the Obelisk was an early attempt at creating a mobile command point slash "Psi-Emitter". A small and mobile base that could be used as a morale and technological rallying point for Ascendant soldiers.

It should be noted that the Obelisk is not even a combative unit in the traditional sense. It gets to the line it needs to defend and establishes itself within a territory, thus allowing Ascendant troops to operate at their full capacity. The technologies found in the Obelisk enhances the combat capabilities of whatever units that may be garrisoned beneath it. Meanwhile it damages any enemies in the surrounding are with potent and potentially deadly frequencies.

Later upgrades to the generators would allow the Obelisk to extend the range of its emitter, expanding its ability to boost the combat strength of allies to a greater distance. Alternatively, some colonies decided to upgrade the pulse emitter increasing the attrition damage.

Tier 5 - Dyad
Spoiler :

Unlocked at: Artificial Evolution
Requires: Artificial Evolution
Level 5 Harmony / Level 5 Purity
3 Xenomass, 3 Floatstone
  • Levitates over Terrain
  • All movement costs 1
  • Rift - Deal 30 damage to 3 targeted tiles
  • Renewal - Heal a targeted unit to full health
  • Powers share a 2 turn cooldown
Rift will remain for an extra turn. Dealing 10 damage to any unit starting their turn in the Rift.

<Purity of Form and Thought>
<Harmony of Mind and Body>

The Dyad is a breakthrough in Ascendent research on applied Artificial Evolution. The Dyad takes on physical strength and fidelity found in the Immortal and combines it with the mental prowess of the Architect to create a lethal psionic specialist. Due to longstanding genetic modifications, emergent psychic powers like empathy and proto-claircognizance are not unheard of in Ascendant colonies. However the Dyads are on a level unto themselves. Their wills are so powerful that they are able to induce particle phenomena and subsequently manifest psionic abilities.

Candidates are screened throughout puberty to find any latent talent for neural-induction. When they come of age, a local military hero personally visits the candidate and offers them a position among the Dyads. But a candidate is never forced into joining. Studies have proven that an unwilling mind will be unable to withstand the rigorous gene therapy and mental training required. However, becoming a Dyad is viewed as a high honor and as such it is seldom that candidates turn down the offer.

Dyads, as implied by their name, consists not of one soldier but a pair of soldiers. As the combination of complimentary personality types vastly increases the strength of their psionic ability. Having another mind bolsters the strengths of the individual and makes up for their weaknesses. And on the battlefield a Dyad is capable of wreaking untold havoc on enemy lines. With their shared might, a Dyad unleashes a surge of destructive psionic energy. This power, colloquially referred to as the Rift, is equally effective on biological targets as it is mechanical ones. <While most Rifts are usually telekinetic, this can also be based in thermal quanta or electron transfer.> Alternatively a Dyad can extend their thoughts to their allies, mending flesh and armor. Reassuring their compatriots with the technique of Renewal.

Shining examples of human form and will, Dyads are veritable demigods walking among us.

Naval 1 - Argonaut Credit to KrikkitTwo
Spoiler :

Unlocked at: Genetic Design
Harmony 3 / Purity 3
1 Titanium, 1 Xenomass
  • 2 Movement, 3 when embarked
  • Can attack while embarked
  • No amphibious penalty
  • +20% Strength when Attacking
+15% Combat Strength attacking Cities; Steal energy equal to 33% of the damage inflicted on a city
+30% Combat Strength against Naval Units

Versatile Assault Unit

Argonauts are heroic souls that brave every frontier. Land, Sea, Genetics. These soldiers are not afraid to charge into enemy lines. Aquatic boundaries cannot slow them; rivers, aquatic cities, shorelines, Argonauts will dive right in and strike.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Argonauts are the first humans to truly be "Genetically Designed". Their abilities eclipse even the glorious achievements of Old Earth Olympians. Utilizing cutting edge discoveries in Genetics, Argonauts take the lessons learned from the creation of the Immortals and push it even farther.

Through rigorous training regimes and extensive gene modifications, Argonauts become a troop of heroic soldier suited to protecting their cities on land and sea. Highly adapted and highly adaptable, Argonauts are suited to amphibious combat; capable of performing Naval and Terrestrial assaults alike.

Naval 2 - Thunderhead Credit to Galgus
Spoiler :

Unlocked at: Hyperconductors?
Harmony 8 / Purity 8
3 Xenomass, 3 Floatstone
  • Levitates over Terrain
  • All movement costs 1
  • 2 Movement
  • Must be built in a Coastal or Aquatic city.
  • Cannot Attack
  • Attack deals 15 HP damage to the target and all adjacent enemies
+10 Lightning Damage,

The Thunderhead is a bit of an outlier in Ascendant society. Originally a thought experiment in combining Old Earth and New Earth faunal genes together, the Thunderhead became a gargantuan hybridized warbeast based on the Sea Dragon. A Thunderhead swims lazily between the skies and the tides. Despite sharing the incredible size of its predecessor their approach is as beautiful as it would seem impossible, with a slowly moving shadow lit by minor discharges of ambient electricity.

Their bodies host large deposits of floatstone contained within durable organds. This battery is the origin for their greatest wonder and terror. Stemming from several species of terran fish, the Thunderhead boasts a high capacity genetically enhanced bioelectricity.

While the electric eel of legend would only stun small prey, Thunderheads can quickly release devastating storms of lightning beyond anything seen on either planet. What this attack lacks in precision it makes up for in the breadth of its impact, shattering front lines and sending armies into chaos. Yet despite the terror it can instill on the battle, the colonists it protects view it fundamentally as a creature of wonder.
Mastery Purity/Supremacy
As of right now a solid theme for Purity/Supremacy (which I have been calling Mastery), seems to be Defense and Sieging. Their unique units have healing and options for turtling. The GyroLEV is my attempt to make the unit given by the tech to actually match the tech (*cough cough CARVR). The Skyfortress is included to put something more impressive after the Golem, which is really cool but doesn't scream ULTIMATE UNIT like the Xeno Titan, LEV Destroyer, or even the ANGEL to me. Mastery Units then consist of slow defensive units with fast striking units that sweep up what has been whittled down.

Calling this affinity "Mastery" also necessitates changing the unit upgrade prefix. So instead of "Master" I propose the use of "High". This would also fix the unfortunate oversight of Master Maestro.

Spoiler :


Combat Rover

Missile Rover


Needle Jet

Patrol Boat




Tier 1 - Drone Cage
Requirements: Autonomous Systems
  • Purity 2 / Supremacy 2
  • Titanium 1
Tier 2 - GyroLEV
Requirements: Autogyros
  • Purity 4 / Supremacy 4
  • Floatstone 1 / Firaxite 1
Aquatic 1 - Striker Foil
Requirements: Power Systems
  • Purity 5 / Supremacy 5
  • Titanium 1 / Firaxite 2
Tier 3 - Autosled
Requirements: Bionics
  • Purity 6 / Supremacy 6
  • Floatstone 2 / Firaxite 1
Tier 4 - Golem
Requirements: Bioengineering
  • Purity 10 / Supremacy 10
  • Floatstone 2 / Firaxite 2
Aquatic 1 - Striker Foil
Requirements: Power Systems
  • Purity 10 / Supremacy 10
  • Titanium 1 / Firaxite 2
Tier 5 - Skyfortress
Requirements: Ballistic LEV
  • Purity 12 / Supremacy 12
  • Floatstone 3 / Firaxite 3

Tier 2 - GyroLEV
Spoiler :

Unlocked at: Autogyros
Level 3 Purity / Level 3 Supremacy
1 Floatstone, 1 Firaxite
  • 2 Movement, 1 Range
  • Levitates over terrain
  • All movement costs 1
  • MedEvac - Grants a unit the ability to withdraw if they take fatal damage.
+1 Range, +1 Movement
This unit can still act after using MedEvac, +1 Movement

As you may know, rotorcraft are one of vehicle types that were brought along on colony ships. But with advancing technologies, these as well as their successors were quickly abandoned as colonies pursued more conventional hovercraft. However Mastery societies continued to investigate ways to hone autogyros.

And refine it they did. They discovered that alternative configurations of Floatstone anti-grav generators could produce greater thrust and lift than the standard lateral orientation. The only downside was the processing power required to keep the thrust from the GyroLEV&#8217;s "Torus Engine" in check while still handling the navigation and weapons system requirements.

The solution was childishly simple (in fact, it was the project engineer's daughter who pointed it out). By adding a compact Firaxite processor and pseudo-autonomous Telemetric AI, the system could easily handle both basic navigation and real-time system regulation, leaving the human pilot to handle all major flight control and of course weapons platforms.

GyroLEVs were huge success both on the battlefield and in civil endeavors. They moved just as fast and hit just as hard as other vehicles of its weight class, but could be fabricated with far less Floatstone than traditional LEV craft. Mastery societies are proud to say that the GyroLEV is an invention of their society. A testament to the greatness of human ingenuity and engineering.

Tier 5 - Skyfortress Credit to Galgus
Spoiler :

Unlocked at Ballistic LEV
Level 10 Purity / Level 10 Supremacy
  • 3 Floatstone, 2 Firaxite
  • 3 Range, 2 Movement
  • Levitates over terrain
  • All terrain costs 2 movement
  • Can attack twice
  • Extensive Repair - Can target allied units to heal them
  • Maintenance - Heal all surrounding units by 15
+50% Combat Strength when attacking Naval Units
+1 additional attack per turn

As weapon systems became more and more accurate the importance of a strong firing position increased. Though indirect fire weaponry advanced it never fully displaced its counterpart, and so military strategists never stopped pondering solutions to the problem of field of view.

The Skyfortress offers an easy solution to that problem: levitate a stable gun platform far above the battlefield for an almost perfect firing angle. Though it would have been deeply impracticable in ages past, the amazing weight mitigation of Floatstone and advances in quickly correction robotics allow the Skyfortress to be both well armored and incredibly stable.

Each Skyfortress is made to sustain a crew of gunners, maintenance, and flight personnel almost indefinitely. Its many turrets utilize human operators aided by an advanced targeting computer, leaving target selection to the gunner and aim to the computer in most cases. In addition, each Skyfortress houses advanced computer systems and repair drones to coordinate and sustain any military operation.

The Skyfortress has proven extremely effective at taking and securing dangerous positions, as little can weather its constant hail of destruction from above. Mastery soldiers, Mechanical and Human, cheer the arrival of the Skyfortress.

Naval 1 - Striker Foil
Spoiler :

Unlocked at: Power Systems
Purity 5 / Supremacy 5
1 Titanium, 2 Firaxite
  • 4 Movement
  • +20% Strength when attacking Coast
+30% Strength against Sea Units, Can move after attacking
+2 Movement, Can move after attacking

Agile, Light Melee Ship

Mastery societies are always looking for new ways of minimizing the risk their soldiers face. The one of simplest ways of doing that is to limit the number of soldiers deployed. While they did have the ability to remotely field robotic units, Mastery adherent were still not comfortable with machines operating without direct human supervision.

Instead Commanders elected to employ crews of subservient machines directed by a skeleton crew of skilled technicians. This meant that life support and supplies could be scaled down for a smaller human crew. In conjunction to advancements in Power Systems, Mastery shipwrights were able to begin constructing Foils: lightweight craft that skimmed the surface of the waves.

High speed engines installed on lightweight titanium craft, supporting a bare crew allowed these "Striker-Craft" to hit targets with surprisingly minimal threat to the human crew.

Due to its design, Striker Foils operate best in calmer, coastal waters. However their maneuverability can still be a valuable asset in assaulting other aquatic craft. Later on, some colonies elected to overclock their engines resulting an allow their Foils to run at blinding speeds.

Appearance suggestions:
Spoiler :

Spoiler :


Naval 2 - Sea Command Credit to KrittitTwo
Spoiler :

Unlocked at: Mechatronics
Purity 10 / Supremacy 10
3 Titanium, 3 Firaxite
  • 3 Movement.
  • Cannot Attack
  • Can hold 2 aircraft
  • Repair Aircraft - Heal onboard aircraft for 15 HP.
  • +15% Combat Strength to nearby allied ships
+10 HP Heal to Aircraft, +1 Aircraft capacity
+20% Combat Strength to nearby allied ships, +1 Aircraft capacity

As Mastery societies progressed and more robotic units were deployed, the increasing need for logistical support became quite prominent. Despite advancement in wireless communications, distance was still the largest obstacle in maintaining real-time human driven responses to ever changing combat threats. This was especially a problem on the seas where it where it was far more difficult to establish a stable base of operations.

To accommodate these needs, engineers developed the Sea Command Class carriers. With all the infrastructure of a small military base and a series of massive supercomputers, Sea Commands were used to coordinate fleets of Mastery ships and Tacjet air strikes alike. Their cutting edge repair bays were built with a contingent of interchangeable fabrication and engineering drones to aid in rapid reconstruction of damaged aircraft.

These ivory fortresses were an asset to any Mastery navy, allowing them to optimize the effectiveness of their troops though a combination of human creativity, machine resilience, and computer processing.
Voracity Supremacy/Harmony
Supremacy/Harmony specialize in stealth and making the impossible possible. Unlike with Purity/Supremacy, I think the Aquillon ultimate unit is worth its title. However, I could not resist the sheer terror that a genetically modified, cybernetically augmented Siege Worm would convey. As such the Geovore takes on the the ULTIMATE mantle. I like the idea of it being able to get behind enemy lines and trapping or sneaking up on enemy targets. Voracity units strike fast with invisible units and leave their enemies reeling.
Spoiler :


Combat Rover

Missile Rover


Needle Jet

Patrol Boat




Tier 1 - Nanohive
Requirements: Collaborative Thought
  • Harmony 2 / Supremacy 2
  • Titanium 1
Tier 2 - Geliopod
Requirements: Transgenics
  • Harmony 4 / Supremacy 4
  • Xenomass 1 / Firaxite 1
Aquatic 1 - Scuttlemine
Requirements: Swarm Robotics
  • Harmony 5 / Supremacy 5
  • Titanium / Firaxite 2
Tier 3 - Tenaxodon
Requirements: Synergistics
  • Harmony 6 / Supremacy 6
  • Xenomass 2 / Firaxite 2
Tier 4 - Aquilon
Requirements: Biometallurgy
  • Harmony 8 / Supremacy 8
  • Xenomass 2 / Firaxite 2
Aquatic 2 - Planktonet
Requirements: Swarm Intelligence
  • Harmony 8 / Supremacy 8
  • Xenomass 2 / Firaxite 2
Tier 5 - Geovore
Requirements: Geoscaping
  • Harmony 10 / Supremacy 10
  • Xenomass 3 / Firaxite 3


Tier 3 - Tenaxodon
Spoiler :

Unlocked at: Synergistics
Harmony 6 / Supremacy 6
2 Xenomass, 2 Firaxite
  • 2 Movement
  • Lurker - Automatically Dive into Ocean Tiles becoming invisible (Does not cost movement)
  • +50% Strength when attacking from stealth
+25% Strength when attacking from stealth
+1 Movement. +5 Health per turn when in stealth

There is an old Voracity saying that goes: Biomimicry is the sincerest form of engineering. The Tenaxodon is the attempt to iterate on the amphibious Makara which terrorized early colonists. Voracious societies saw value in the creature's flexibility; its ability to traverse both land and sea.

With the expanding of colonial bionic and biotic research the creation of synthetic lifeforms soon became a reality. By starting with the Makara as a template, they added a myriad of code from other species they bolstered the strengths and stripped away the weaknesses of the Makara making the optimal platform upon which cybernetic augmentations could be implemented.

Directly grafting on a superdural nanomesh, it would be protected from extreme heat or cold. Engineering hardened anatomy, would allow it to withstand the immense pressures of deep ocean. Implanting an artificial brain and AI, it would be vastly more intelligent than an normal animal. And lastly, growing a special biopolymer shell on its back would transform it from a difficult to spot enemy to a virtually undetectable terror.

With all of its augmentations a Tenaxodon can lurk in the depths indefinitely, until it decides to strike. And when it does, the Tenaxodon's massive maw and immense strength tears through unsuspecting victims.

Tier 5 - Geovore Credit to Galgus
Spoiler :

Unlocked at: Geoscaping
Level 10 Harmony / Level 10 Supremacy
3 Xenomass, 3 Firaxite
  • 3 Movement.
  • Ignores zone of control
  • Command: Burrow - Tunnel under enemies to attack and move.
  • +25% Strength when attacking fortified units
Burrow Leave behind a tunnel that allows allies to follow. +15% Strength when attacking fortified units
Burrow Leave behind a tunnel that allows allies to follow. ???

Nothing inspires more fear and awe in colonists as the Siege Worms, enormous titans that could emerge at any time.
Beyond their incredible strength they were renowned for their ability to swim through the earth, which sparked a new era of research into tunneling technologies.

Thus the Geovore has its origins not in military research, but in civilian subterranean construction. Only in the later colonial days did military scientists think to weaponize such technology.

The Geovore is the perfected fusion of a Siege Worm DNA base with cybernetic tunneling technologies, making it a far greater tunneler than its predecessors and any machine built by man: though it must surface periodically to vent heat the incredibly amounts of heat built up from the tunneling.

Colonial Excerpts - Geovore Observation
Some of the older colonist may remember the horrors of a Siege Worm attack. You know, before we managed pacify the native fauna. But even that pales in comparison to the directed fury of a Geovore strike! First you hear a low thrumming beneath in the earth, then it turns into a terrible cracking sound. Suddenly the ground shatters and a worm, blatantly engineered as indicated by its sleek and optimized form, breaches the surface. The cybernetic augmentations built into this metallic titan clearly indicate that is the product of a Voracious society. Earth and stone are scattered in every direction. Metal structures and vehicles transform into shrapnel in an instant. The heat released from the Worm&#8217;s bionic skin and vents bakes the surrounding area and can be felt from a mile away. It can be a truly terrible sight to behold. I&#8217;m just thankful that it's our engineers who are calling the shots.

Naval 1 - Scuttlemine
Spoiler :

Unlocked at: Swarm Robotics
Harmony 5 / Supremacy 5
2 Titanium, 2 Firaxite
  • 3 Movement
  • Explode on death dealing 25 damage to surrounding enemy units.
  • Explosion only does damage to an attacker if killed while defending.
+1 Movement, +15% Strength when Defending. Cities produce 2 Scuttlemine units
+25 Damage, Cities produce 2 Scuttlemine units

In their efforts to create autonomous machines capable of mimicking biological behavior, Voracious societies poured their resources into the production and study of Swarm Robotics.

Their research yielded an interesting form of weapon platform. Scuttlemines are an inexpensive cluster of explosive robots utilizing swarm logic to scuttle enemy naval craft, hence the name. They're basically are essentially suicide units meant to weaken larger threat with a more reliable damage. Instead of wasting expensive resources by attacking a durable enemy (i.e. Purity Phalanx or Ascendancy Argonaut), Voracity military forces would simply throw Scuttlemines at them until they either were disposed of or were more managable targets.

A simple yet effective weapon, the Scuttlemine was used

Naval 2 - Planktonet Credit to KrittitTwo
Spoiler :

Unlocked at: Swarm Intelligence?
Harmony 8 / Supremacy 8
3 Xenomass, 3 Firaxite
  • 3 Movement, 1 Range
  • Invisible
  • Enemies lose movement when moving next to this unit
  • Enemies who start their turns adjacent to the Plaktonet have 1 movement
+35% Ranged Strength
+10 HP Heal when you attack a unit.

Planktonets are Invisible Interdiction Units utilized by Voracious societies. Created from macro-plankton and nano-machines, they utilize swarm logic to form a web that practically immobilizes enemy ships.

The plankton that constitute these nets are quite large, a few centimeters in diameter. Each plankton hosts a culture of nano-machines, where each of these cultures is in constant communication with those around it, forming a massive Swarm Intelligence.

Due to the composition of the Plankton and the hard to detect nature of the nano-machines, Planktonets are practically invisible until you're right on top of them. When a target is detected, the Net's Swarm-mind is told to do what it does best and mass on enemy ships in an attempt to immobilize them through a combination physical adhesion and the siphoning of energy from ships and lifeforms alike. This makes it difficult for targets, living and mechanical, to escape.

Planktonets serves as an excellent set up tool for Scuttlemines and Tenaxodon, freezing prey in its tracks and allowing the units with more "conventional" strengths free reign.
I kind of like the idea of Purity revealing additional Derelict Settlements for Old Earth Artifacts, like exploration in Civ 5, with Harmony gaining it for Alien artifacts and Supremacy for progenitor ones.

Such reveals could be a decent way to give the upgraded explorers a niche.

The site would be revealed when an expedition began though, and any faction could attack at that point.

Hybrids could gain access to multiple reveals later.

For alternate ideas, Harmony explorers could use expedition charges to spread Miasma while Supremacy could deploy to establish one tile satellite coverage.
I like the idea of the Cloudbloom as a way to spread miasma quickly, though it should be able to fire solely to spread Miasma as an option to heal units.

There is a minor typo with it on the list.

I like the idea of the Mjolnir, but I'm not sure on it's niche.

Perhaps instead of slowing units it could be an AOE specialist, with no direct damage?

I like the AETHR, though all affinities should have a way to guard against aircraft.

Personally I like the idea of all fortified units taking shots at them if they come within their range.
This may not be the right idea for the Dyad, but I can't help but think of them like either Archons or High Templar from Starcraft, particularly after the recent trailer.

If psionics are allowed into the game, the concept of a elite psychic soldiers being the ultimate unit of Purity / Harmony fits well.

That and the Protoss aesthetic isn't terribly far from the overglorified armors used by that hybrid.

Minor typo, you wrote Harmony / Supremacy instead of Harmony / Purity.
I like the idea of the Cloudbloom as a way to spread miasma quickly, though it should be able to fire solely to spread Miasma as an option to heal units.

There is a minor typo with it on the list.

I like the idea of the Mjolnir, but I'm not sure on it's niche.

Perhaps instead of slowing units it could be an AOE specialist, with no direct damage?

I like the AETHR, though all affinities should have a way to guard against aircraft.

Personally I like the idea of all fortified units taking shots at them if they come within their range.

Thanks for the heads up. I've fixed the typo. I think I should not have written "attack" I think "fire" would be better. Basically the idea was what you said. I'll fix the wording on they later.

I'm nervous that giving the Mjolnir that ability would make it too similar to the Nanohive. I have an idea of how to work around that by borrowing from your Thunderhead.

I'm still learning the strengths and limitations of aircraft in beyond earth. I'm hoping aerospace and orbitals get some more attention in a future expansion. For now, the AETHR is the extent of the aircraft design I am comfortable with outside of the Hybrid tacjets.
I still pin splash damage to Purity due to them having it in the LEV Destroyer, but that approach may be the best way to implement it.

An expansion on aircraft and anti-air could help in the future, I agree.
Minor typo, you wrote Harmony / Supremacy instead of Harmony / Purity.

Earth-almighty! This is what I get for trying to multitask :lol:

I still pin splash damage to Purity due to them having it in the LEV Destroyer, but that approach may be the best way to implement it.

An expansion on aircraft and anti-air could help in the future, I agree.

First the waves, then the skies. Nothing shall be beyond our grasp!

For the Mjolnir, I think it could have 2 command options (like the Architect). The 1st one does damage to all units 1 tile around it. Weakening the lines. Allowing their armor or LEV Tanks to swoop in and take them out. Instead of a mass area induction, the second action lets them direct an attack at a city instead.

This may not be the right idea for the Dyad, but I can't help but think of them like either Archons or High Templar from Starcraft, particularly after the recent trailer.

If psionics are allowed into the game, the concept of a elite psychic soldiers being the ultimate unit of Purity / Harmony fits well.

That and the Protoss aesthetic isn't terribly far from the overglorified armors used by that hybrid.

I cannot say that I wasn't inspired by Starcraft. I know, calling them Dyads is VERY reminiscent of how High Templar are formed. I'm not even a Starcraft (let alone Blizzard game) player, but I would be a fool to not know anything about such an iconic series.

The definition of Dyad is manifold. Its used in math, biology, chemistry, sociology, literature. It was one of those names that just popped in there are worked (which are the best).

Instead of the 2 entities as 1, that the High Templar consist of, I focused on the other aspects of duality found in the Harmony/Purity (Ascendancy) theme.

  • The combination of Old Earth and Terra Nova genetics.
  • The combination Immortal form and Architect mind.
  • The combination of Purity and Harmony, as illustrated by the tagline in the unit's history <Purity of Form and Thought> <Harmony of Mind and Body>.

I cannot stress enough that the name is meant to illustrate that they are the union of Mind and Body. The children of two worlds.

I like the idea that by the time the Dyad comes into being that psychic or otherwise superhuman abilities are emerging due to years and years and years of genetic modification. I think Harmony/Purity (Ascendancy) is the best fit for the Psionic concept. I felt that it would be more fitting than the Throne; which while interesting, is simply an Architect Bubble from how it was described.
The orbital layer and the skies seem like the next logical focus for an expansion.

I'd hope they would use something like my old fleet expedition idea, showing the beginnings of extra-planetary activity while keeping the focus on the homeworld.

Would the Mjolnir friendly fire in that mode?

It would certainly be interesting to try to guide it into the middle of a pack of enemies.

I played Starcraft 2 some, and Starcraft 1 quite a lot way back in the day.

If you wanted to, you could also make the Dyads work in pairs to add another layer of symbolism.

It could make some sense for a psychic warrior to have another psychic reassuring them and backing them up.

I definitely agree that Harmony / Purity is the best fit for a psionic concept, and I could easily imagine their purple energy attacks as some form of psionic attack.

Perhaps that would be how the Dyad would attack?

I agree that the Dyad is more fitting than the throne: a hybrid that is all about perfecting their bodies and minds probably should not have a vehicle as their ultimate unit.

Though I'm not sure exactly why they require Floatstone.

Is it used in their armor or infused in their bodies to help them run faster and jump further?

Does it have some strange role in psionics?

Or is it simply customary for Ascendancy psychics to train and meditate on floating sky-temples?
I hadn't thought of it this way before, but the Skyfortress is similar to a slower LEV Destroyer with more range.

It would work well with the Golems keeping anything from getting too close to it.

My one complaint is that it is very similar to the LEV Tank at the moment - perhaps it could have three movement but a low combat strength, typical for ranged units?

In contrast the LEV Tank is quite durable in melee and ranged combat.

That may not be the right change, but I think it needs something to differentiate itself.

If the Autosled is like a fast Combat Rover, the GyroLEV could be a solid ranged unit to accompany it.

The pair could create a fast moving alternative to the Golem, Skyfortress, and Drone Cage combo.

They could also work with it potentially to flank and encircle enemies.

Either way I like the idea of them working together.

Italics needs fixed on the GyroLEV entry and it may be best to remove the "that" between "was" and "the".

I make such typos all the time myself.

The Geovore seems to fit well as an aggressive melee unit for Harmony / Supremacy.

Not as strong as a Xeno Titan, but much more mobile.
The orbital layer and the skies seem like the next logical focus for an expansion.

I'd hope they would use something like my old fleet expedition idea, showing the beginnings of extra-planetary activity while keeping the focus on the homeworld.

I'd be game for that. More of a late game. Just... they need to fix the Rocktopus. That poor thing is so interesting but just, sucks.

Would the Mjolnir friendly fire in that mode?

It would certainly be interesting to try to guide it into the middle of a pack of enemies.

I don't think it would, juuuuuust so its more user friendly. Just like how the Golem hopefully does not block friendly fire. Just enemy fire.

I played Starcraft 2 some, and Starcraft 1 quite a lot way back in the day.

If you wanted to, you could also make the Dyads work in pairs to add another layer of symbolism.

It could make some sense for a psychic warrior to have another psychic reassuring them and backing them up.

I definitely agree that Harmony / Purity is the best fit for a psionic concept, and I could easily imagine their purple energy attacks as some form of psionic attack.

Perhaps that would be how the Dyad would attack?

I agree that the Dyad is more fitting than the throne: a hybrid that is all about perfecting their bodies and minds probably should not have a vehicle as their ultimate unit.

That's what I was considering as well. I think having a pair would make hell of a lot of sense. Vaguely makes me think of Pacific Rim and even more of the Protoss :) I left the combat portion out of the history because I wasn't sure what their role and support actions in combat should be. I still need help with that. I feel like to distinguish them from other human units, they should probably hover, not walk.

The Throne is sort of an odd sore point for me. I agree that For an affinity that idolizes the human form. Why is a vehicle the ultimate? Its just confusing to me. Also Artificial Evolution would be an absolutely perfect tech for Ascendant societies thematically.

Though I'm not sure exactly why they require Floatstone.

Is it used in their armor or infused in their bodies to help them run faster and jump further?

Does it have some strange role in psionics?

Or is it simply customary for Ascendancy psychics to train and meditate on floating sky-temples?

I'm decidedly uncertain. I think all of these are possible. I think Sky-Temples would be a thing that just happens in Ascendant Societies. I kind of lean in the direction of Floatstone being directly incorporated in the Dyadic armor. If Floatstone is a monopole, perhaps it would react to them. Maybe anti-grav fields are needed to force the mind to act? I have no idea.

I hadn't thought of it this way before, but the Skyfortress is similar to a slower LEV Destroyer with more range.

It would work well with the Golems keeping anything from getting too close to it.

My one complaint is that it is very similar to the LEV Tank at the moment - perhaps it could have three movement but a low combat strength, typical for ranged units?

In contrast the LEV Tank is quite durable in melee and ranged combat.

That may not be the right change, but I think it needs something to differentiate itself.

I was thinking that it would have a considerably lower ranged attack value compared to the LEV Destroyer, but it would get a second attack. Not only that but I think giving it a directed heal might be interesting, sort of iterating on the Drone Cage's medic capabilities. The Skyfortress would be good for sieging (both offensive and defensive). Its like a turtle, if turtles were floating military bases.

If the Autosled is like a fast Combat Rover, the GyroLEV could be a solid ranged unit to accompany it.

The pair could create a fast moving alternative to the Golem, Skyfortress, and Drone Cage combo.

They could also work with it potentially to flank and encircle enemies.

Either way I like the idea of them working together.

That does sound good. The only real question that's buzzing in my mind about them is what their support actions are. I didn't catch what the Autosled did (I don't think anyone did, cause it wasn't shown).

Italics needs fixed on the GyroLEV entry and it may be best to remove the "that" between "was" and "the".

I make such typos all the time myself.

Thank you again. "Grammar are hard."

The Geovore seems to fit well as an aggressive melee unit for Harmony / Supremacy.

Not as strong as a Xeno Titan, but much more mobile.

Yes. I'm still enamored by your concept for this thing. Its just glorious. I should go fetch the flavor text that I wrote for the Steel Worm on Reddit.
On a different topic, I keep thinking Wayfinder would be a better Harmony explorer name than Druid, though that is probably due to thinking of your sponsor idea.

Yeah, the Rocktopus needs help.

A more accessible tech placement would be a good start.

Can't have those Earthquakes harming the good and pure humans!

Honestly I wouldn't see much point in the Golem if it blocked friendly fire - the point of it appears to be positioning ranged units behind it.

I could see a basic hover suit, or psionic hover nonsense.

Again, very much like the High Templar, which I view as a good thing.

Agreed on both counts.

I've thought that islands and the sky would make for amazing resorts or secret bases, but there is something about Sky-Temples that makes me want an excuse for them to be a thing.

I certainly agree that they would be the types to build such things.

And if the Dyads hover with psionics it would make sense to use Floatstone to make it easier.

With its deployable requirement and ultimate unit status the LEV Destroyer should have the most devastating ranged bombardments, but the Skyfortress would have artillery range.

Perhaps it could have repair drones like the Drone Cage, healing nearby units.

(While being far more expensive in terms of resources and production, of course.)

Yeah, the Autosled remains vague.

Given the specialized nature of the other units, I'd bank on it being a dedicated flanker and a mobile counterpart to the Golem.

Just from looking at it the unit seems less armored and equipped than a tank but also much faster.

I didn't know it at the time, but the purple look for Siege Worms meshes well with S/H.

And I can't think of a better thing to turn into a biomechanical monstrosity.
On a different topic, I keep thinking Wayfinder would be a better Harmony explorer name than Druid, though that is probably due to thinking of your sponsor idea.

I'd basically be required to go with Harmony if that was the case! I'm so happy with how the backstory on them turned out. I just need to redo their Trait after RT comes out.

I could see a basic hover suit, or psionic hover nonsense.

Again, very much like the High Templar, which I view as a good thing.

Agreed on both counts.

I've thought that islands and the sky would make for amazing resorts or secret bases, but there is something about Sky-Temples that makes me want an excuse for them to be a thing.

I certainly agree that they would be the types to build such things.

And if the Dyads hover with psionics it would make sense to use Floatstone to make it easier.

Yay! So would they hover an actual combat perk or just as a flavor thing? I really need to figure out their role in combat. Right now they're just an infantry unit with really high combat strength and 1 cost movement.

I really, really want to see hybrid cities eventually. I really like the example that Westwall posted in the Hybrid naming thread.

Spoiler :

Just needs a bit more LEV tech!

The only thing I'd like to change on the Ascendant aesthetic is a bit more contrast via a darker shade on the human ground units.

With its deployable requirement and ultimate unit status the LEV Destroyer should have the most devastating ranged bombardments, but the Skyfortress would have artillery range.

Perhaps it could have repair drones like the Drone Cage, healing nearby units.

(While being far more expensive in terms of resources and production, of course.)

I like the Skyfortress being weaker, with longer range, and without AOE damage. Its targeted fire; precise and calculated versus the LEV Destroyer's BLOW UP EVERYTHING!

Yeah. I migrated the "in-house repair-drones" from your LEV Carrier to the Skyfortress. So it just requires a directed idea on how the heal works. Just as with the dichotomy of the Skyfortress and LEV Destroyer proposed AoE heal or target heal. Both are useful for different reasons.

I didn't know it at the time, but the purple look for Siege Worms meshes well with S/H.

And I can't think of a better thing to turn into a biomechanical monstrosity.

A kraken, maybe? That's about it.
As their ultimate unit with floatstone, I think it would be fine if they hovered.

It would also look awesome.

The art is great, though it looks a bit more like golden Harmony than Ascendancy with the shape.

Then again, the looks suits them well.

It captures the grandiose style well either way, spires and gold everywhere.

Either would work well for the Skyfortress.

If there was a water version, that is what it would be.
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