IGN Twitter poll: Best Video Game of All-Time. 24h to vote Civ4! EDIT: Vote over, we lost :(


Say No 2 Net Validations
Oct 22, 2008
IGN has started a Twitter poll about the best video game of all time.


Civ4 is in there, on the lower left, paired against Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag.
Currently it's 29% Civ, 71% Assassin's Creed.
If you have a Twitter account, help us beat Assassin's Creed! Vote here! There are another 22h left to vote. The winner of this small poll will be matched against the winner of The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time versus the Elder Scolls V: Skyrim.
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Looks like we are losing to Assasin's Creed badly (AC was horrible by the way). It's a numbers game and I don't think the genre can compete with games played by the masses. It's BS.

Some fantastic older games are losing out to newer games.

I will say though that it is great they chose Civ IV to represent over the others.

Some of the first round matchups are crazy like Skyrim and Ocarina at Time (considered one of the best games ever). That one is very close. I think they should have matched up older games in the first round.
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Looking through the list, I see hardly any game which wouldn't deserve to be on top. So I don't think the exact matching really matters :dunno:.
Given how many people still play Civ5+6 on Steam, I do think we still have a chance against AC. But yes, the next round, we'll likely lose.
Well, AC has 70% of the vote with already over 10K votes submitted. Does not look good. But yeah, I see IV woulda been in contest with Skyrim or Ocarina next round which is most certainly a loss. I never played Ocarina or Zelda at all, but I know it is one of the best reviewed games of all time.
Based on what metric am I supposed to judge whether Super Mario Brothers 3 or Persona 5 is the better game? Certainty without doubt, truth without error and all of that...
I'm not sure if they look into the replayability and music of civ 4, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.
Unfairly matched, though. Action game vs turn-based game, obviously people will vote for the former
Without twitter I can't even see the current vote totals, nonetheless vote myself :blush:

Obviously we're not gonna beat games in genres that have 1000%+ the players. It's actually a really big honor that we even got mentioned when you consider how underrepresented strategy games are on here: Warcraft3, AoE, CK2, EU4, Myst, HoMM, Baldur's Gate, DoS2, FTL, C&C, Total War, MoO, didn't even make the 64. It looks like it's the only turn-based strategy game on there, and the only other non-RPG strategy game is Starcraft.
Obviously we're not beating either OOT or Skyrim, which is a believable FINAL bracket. Sad that we'll lose to an Assassin's Creed game though, they really are crap :(
Pokemon Yellow, Fallout NV, Goldeneye 007, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Doom, GTA San Andreas........cant....decide.....:crazyeye:

Why isn't Civ II in the list?!?!:mad:
Also no Longest Journey, Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle..adventure games have been forgotten. But no surprise in those votes.
Any list without Super Mario Kart (original on SNES) & A Link to the Past has no clue about gaming history anyways.
Oh..I now noticed the tourney is seeded in the brackets like the NCAA college basketball tourney. 1-16 in each bracket. Nice that IV got a 5 seed, but overall I think the seedings are suspect. Like with OOT and Skyrim. Not sure if the seeding is based on quantity or quality.

Like Portal 2 is fantastic but I'd not rate it a 1 over something like OOT or Witcher 3, and Skyrim as 13 seed seems so low. Then you have Startcraft as a 9...WTH? Honestly the seedings just seem very abstract and random, but I'm not sure how you can really qualify it. Maybe they used a combo of Critic review, User review and total sales or units sold. No clue, but it'd be nice to know what went into it.

IV bracket overall is very stacked compared to the others IMO...some really stellar and renown games in there....except for freakin' AC...ugh
Oh IGN...

IGN's Civilization IV Guide are really humorous. Especially what they said about Huayna Capac :D: Leaders guide other comments about civics and techs are also hilarious :lol:.

Their sample game are surprising as well: playing as a CRE leader, build SH, ignoring AH but research Polytheism, warrior first ... . :crazyeye:

Voting Civ IV to number 1 is nice. But after voting, if people want to improve their playing skills, do not follow IGN's Civ guide ;). Many articles in Strategy & Tips are much better.
Ah...the old IGN IV guide...a classic of futility.
IGN... sigh... they probably wouldn't know a good game if they played it a thousand hours...

On this list there is one winner: Civ IV. I also like Doom and Minecraft (but I haven't played Doom in ages).

Having a list of "best" games is incomplete without titles like UFO: Enemy Unknown, Europa Universalis IV, Pirates (yes, the Sid Meier original one), Civ II and Championship Manager (mostly the EoS 94 edition that I like) and CM2 97/98. Omitting any of these in favour of.... Fortnite (?!) is just silly. This list is probably made by kids that doesn't know better. Sadly.
Also no Longest Journey, Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle..adventure games have been forgotten. But no surprise in those votes.
Any list without Super Mario Kart (original on SNES) & A Link to the Past has no clue about gaming history anyways.

Indeed, it's like PC didn't exist until 1998 according to this list. I don't see any Command and Conquer or Red Alert, no Baldur's Gate... no Pong, no older Atari or Commodore games. Not having Quake or Duke Nukem 3D I can forgive if Doom is in the list and you don't want to have the same type of games. But then we have Mario X, Mario X, Mario X, Mario X.

I mean, this is for best game of all time. Of all time! Games like Fortnite will still have to prove themselves to be classics that people want to play in ten years time, whereas Baldur's Gate is still popular.

I love that they included Inside, and it's definitely one of the most beautiful things I've ever played, but I don't think I would ever classify it as "best game". Great experience? Sure. Must play before you die? Definitely. Best game? Not even in the top 50.

But, to be fair, it's a dumb gimmick, made by one outlet, and all voting is done by popularity. So, fortnite can score high because it's popular now, and its user base has a lot of connection with the medium the poll is taken on. So in the end, this thing means nothing and I'll probably forget about it after I close this browser.

IGN... sigh... they probably wouldn't know a good game if they played it a thousand hours...

On this list there is one winner: Civ IV. I also like Doom and Minecraft (but I haven't played Doom in ages).

Having a list of "best" games is incomplete without titles like UFO: Enemy Unknown, Europa Universalis IV, Pirates (yes, the Sid Meier original one), Civ II and Championship Manager (mostly the EoS 94 edition that I like) and CM2 97/98. Omitting any of these in favour of.... Fortnite (?!) is just silly. This list is probably made by kids that doesn't know better. Sadly.

That's the problem with opinions, right? Because "one winner" doesn't work at all for me with these list. I can't easily say a game is better if I had a complete different sense of enjoyment playing it. If I go by nostalgia, or pure feeling of joy and amazement while playing it. Civ VI would have a very hard time for me, competing with Halo 2 (had so much fun, for so many hours, in co-op with that game), Mass Effect (personally I prefer 1), The Last of Us (amazing experience), Hades (one of the best games I've played this decade). Heck, I even look back at AC: Black Flag with beautiful memories.

That said, if you'd ask me which game from this list I'd take to a desert island, it would be Civ VI. Just the sheer replayability would help me out. If you told me I could play one game from this list in the last 30 hours before I died, Civ VI wouldn't even be in the running.
IGN's Best Movies of ALL-TIME

Pirates of the Caribbean
Terminator 2
Iron Man 3
Avengers Endgame
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Star Wars
The Sound of Music
Dirty Dancing
Gone With the Wind
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Transformers: Dark Dise of the Moon
Fast and the Furious 2
Die Another Day
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Independence Day

I mean, this is for best game of all time. Of all time! Games like Fortnite will still have to prove themselves to be classics that people want to play in ten years time, whereas Baldur's Gate is still popular.
Now that you mention it, I am now choosing to interpret this "competition" - or whatever you'd call this travesty of a glorified ad wearing an overly complicated costume - as IGN silently admitting that quality is dead, and no game made hence shall manage to live up to the golden standard of the golden age of gaming...Fortnite.

Because let's be honest here, popularity contests like these being what they are, the winner is going to be Fortnite.
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