Illians and FF

Every unit in FfH starts out unable to know which end of the sword goes into the bad guy. If you're handing the godslayer to some badass level 20 hero, he's already had his epic journey which turns him from a bumbling neophyte into a guy fit to kill a god.
The lore reason that the Godslayer is auto-kill is because the Godslayer is not really a sword but the manifestation of the compact. The physical act of stabbing the god with the sword does not matter, It is the fact that all gods agreed to becoming vulnerable to it if they broke the compact. If the person weilding the Godslayer is killed battling a god, I would expect it to suddenly start flying and stab him anyway. Having a person bring it to the god merely speeds up the process. Simply by ascending, Auric seeled his fate that he would be slain by the Godslayer. An example of this effect is that all the pieces of the godslayer magically moved towards the area Mulcarn was in in Age of Ice.
Well, it wouldn't really call their motion towards Mulcarn "Magic." Although it was fated in some way, it does seem to have required some human involvement. Giving the Godslayer to Finner was likely a symbol of the gods agreeing that Mankind should be the guardians of the agreement and the proper masters of Erebus. One piece had to be sent across an icy sea by a Lanun crew hired by Cassiel, and another piece was likely lost in some remote location until Mulcarn himself ordered it found and brought to him so he could keep it from his enemies. (Yeah, that may not have been a very wise move.)

That the Godslayer could finish the job once humanity has at least demonstrated the will to enforce the compact by sending someone (anyone) to try to use it seems quite appropriate though. Note that the code does not mean the unit wielding the weapon will survive the conflict, just that its death will not be in vain.

(P.s. Does anyone else suspect that the Finner might have actually been Nemed, and that the reason the Elohim kept the secret so closely that no one ever found it and in the Age of Rebirth even they have no clue where it could be is that it never actually existed?

It seems to me that the only one all the gods would respect and trust enough to grant this power is their brother Nemed. They may not view this (im)mortal as being the real god they knew anymore (they seem to identify each other more my precept than divine spark, which is why in the Age of Rebirth even the evil gods have such respect for Sucellus), but his connection to him was certainly strong. Early in the age of Dragons the gods often visited Nemed's farm, which would later serve as neutral ground for the negotiations and where the Seven Pines would grow once the compact was sealed.

It seems to me that someone who once embodied the Precept of Life would still have the characteristic desire to start over, a willingness to give up the life he had and live again as someone else. After seeing his (second) wife and generations of his descendants die, he would probably tire of the eternal life he had requested, but rather than seek suicide I imagine he would fake his death, hide out for a while, and reemerge under a new identity. I find it very unlikely that he has been Os-Gabella's prisoner for most of the age of Erebus. He likely tried to live a normal life and blend in, but in times of great crises would rise up to protect his children. It is possible that he would continue moving on and taking new identities in order to hide from Gabella, but I imagine he wanted to reconcile with her and may instead of sought her out from time to time to see if she had changed her mind.

He may have taken other wives from among his descendants, and come to agree with Gibbon Goetia that the fulfilling life is that of a simple father of a loving family. Being an imposing, immortal, distantly removed grandfather likely would not allow nearly the same level of closeness to his children. This kind of incest may seem rather icky, but as he would probably be genetically perfect it wouldn't be a problem for his later children...of course this assume genetics in Erebus are anything like on Earth, which is likely wrong. I tend to think he would at least prefer to take as wives his more distant granddaughters, not those he helped to raise.

In my musings over how Patria was founded and how Kylorin came to rule all of Man, I tend to think Finner is rather important. I imagine that the end of the Age of Dragons was particularly devastating to humans, and many flocked to Finner for protection. His tribe likely grew in power and prestige, and grew into a powerful city state (I'd probably call it "Amur," so the Proto-Patrians would be called Amurites and Kylorin called his people this to hearken back to his pre-corrupted kingdom) that was a first among equals at the start of the next age. Finner likely ruled it for a while, but grew concerned that his power and immortality as a former god were too great, and did not like the idea of eventually becoming a Godking. His immortality would eventually become apparent, so he had to flee before that. I imagine that Kylorin was his son or grandson and that most other human settlements joined him peacefully based on the reputation of his father, but Kylorin may have had to conquer a few peoples by force.

Of course, my previous conjecture that Kylorin may have been the first god of life was dead wrong, and this likely is too.)
I understan this thread turned out to be more an Auric-Ascended-focused thread but, sticking with the original thread name, I'd like to point another Ilians' issue (and excuse me if it has already been pointed out thousands times somewhere else...).

They DON'T use The Temple of Hands which would give them quite some advantages (fighting bonus for them and malus for the enemies, stealth assassins' ability, not to speak about the cool graphic effect resulting in see a whole continent iced and snowed!).

I think it's probably an AI issue (since Malakim too NEVER use scorch, even if they're bonuses are even greater) and so quite hard to handle but I think it's a shame!
I wonder if the temple of the hand thing could be easily fixed by increasing the AI weight.
will look into it

It seems to have a flavour type of religion, too. Perhaps Agnostic AIs are unwilling to build things marked as such.
It seems a bit much to be that the Temple of the Hand terraforms to Snow forever, even if built in a recently captured city that is soon regained by its original owner.

In my version, I commented out the normal code and added this right below the Planar Gate code:
		if pCity.getNumRealBuilding(gc.getInfoTypeForString('BUILDING_TEMPLE_OF_THE_HAND')) > 0:
			iSnow = gc.getInfoTypeForString('TERRAIN_SNOW')
			iFlames = gc.getInfoTypeForString('FEATURE_FLAMES')
			iFloodPlains = gc.getInfoTypeForString('FEATURE_FLOOD_PLAINS')
			iForest = gc.getInfoTypeForString('FEATURE_FOREST')
			iJungle = gc.getInfoTypeForString('FEATURE_JUNGLE')
			iScrub = gc.getInfoTypeForString('FEATURE_SCRUB')
			iSmoke = gc.getInfoTypeForString('IMPROVEMENT_SMOKE')
			iX = pCity.getX()
			iY = pCity.getY()
			iRad = 3
			for iiX in range(iX-iRad, iX+iRad+1, 1):
				for iiY in range(iY-iRad, iY+iRad+1, 1):
					pLoopPlot = CyMap().plot(iiX,iiY)
					if not pLoopPlot.isNone():
						if not pLoopPlot.isWater():
							iRnd = CyGame().getSorenRandNum(45, "Snowfall") + 10
							pLoopPlot.setTempTerrainType(iSnow, iRnd)
							iFeature = pLoopPlot.getFeatureType()
							if iFeature == iForest or iFeature == iJungle:
								pLoopPlot.setTempFeatureType(iForest, 2, iRnd)
							if iFeature == iFloodPlains:
								pLoopPlot.setTempFeatureType(-1, 0, iRnd)
							if iFeature == iScrub:
								pLoopPlot.setTempFeatureType(-1, 0, iRnd)
							if iFeature == iFlames:
								pLoopPlot.setFeatureType(-1, 0)
							if pLoopPlot.getImprovementType() == iSmoke:
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