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Imperialistic America- What's better than that?! An American AoI story

I'm sorry... but this story has to end......
Every time i try to load up the saved game. at 73% it says "Civ3Conquests" has encountered an error and must close.
Even when i Chose an Auto Save :(
I am very sorry.. I might start another story some time...

EDIT: i am going to uninstall and reinstall the game.......... and then start a new story:
About Japan..probably.
That's weird. Did you change anything in the scenario (cities, graphics, anything...)? I got this once when I downloaded Brucha's moddings in order to play with him and the music files were messed up. I just deleted the new songs, copied the old ones and changed the music.txt back to old version and now it runs normally. And I'm good way into 2nd age as Germany without any problems whatsoever. :confused:
I will try it. I have kept the saves.. but uninstalled the game... and I'm going to reinstall it then reinstall AoI. and pray it works :(

Edit: i Am installing Civ3 right now an hour left.
Hopefully it will work and this story will be saved
Update: It is working now :)!!!
Will make an update tomorrow first gotta play.. Might beable to update today
We have decided to attack Hispaniola, this will be our first war, our troops are untrained and haven't seen combat, most haven't even shot a gun. Even though our troops are untrained Hispaniola is a new country, just getting on its feet, it shall be easy prey for our modern army, untrained but modern, plus we have a very modern navy which will help us bombard them before our invasion.

Us Troops Training Before War

We load two transports full of troops, Tr-03, and Tr-04. The invasion force will be consisting of, 3 U.S infantry, 4 U.S cavalry, and 1 U.S marine.

U.S troops on board transports bound for Hispaniola

Our navy will accompany the troop transports, the ships coming along will include, Uss Stiletto, Uss Taniciusfox, Uss Maine, Uss Texas, Uss Pennsylvania, Uss Brooklyn, Uss New Orleans, Uss Columbia.

The U.S fleet heading towards Hispaniola

Our spies have found out what the countries defenses are,
in Port-Au-Prince there are 1 City Guard, and 1 Hispaniola Riflemen defending the city, plus another Hispaniola Riflemen in production done in about a 5 weeks. [5 Turns]. Santo Domingo the other Hispaniola city has 1 City Guard and 1 Hispaniola Riflemen in production, will be finished in a month [4 turns].

Week 7 1896
The transports will land their troops near Port-Au-Prince, on hills. then after they take the city they will move on toward Santo Domingo, and attack the city.
Here is the plan of attack:
The ovals Represent ships, squares troops, and lines path once Port-Au-Prince has fallen.

U.S Plan For Invasion

President Cleveland asks congress to declare war on Hispaniola saying "They have a very unsuccessful government, that oppresses their people we must end this!, as President I urge you to think of those poor people living under that filthy government, declare war and bring hope for these people!"

Declaration of War Against Hispaniola

We have very bad news. The military advisor told the president, "We left a transport.. undefended because we didn't think Hispaniola had navy.. and they sunk it, but good news we can have it fully replaced next turn with 3 infantry and 1 cavalry all next turn!"

The Uss San Fransisco attacks the Hispaniola Cork Screw Frigate, SS Port-Au-Prince. They have naval fighting for a while, the Uss San Fransisco is hit directly in the forward magazine causing it to explode, while the San Fransisco fires at the ship and sinks it with in minutes.

The fight between the San Fransisco and the Frigate.
The San Fransiscois forced to return to Tampa Bay for major repairs [1/2 Hp]

Week 21 1896
Washington D.C completes our Gold Standard brining many benefits to our national treasury.

Also, in Chicago the X-Ray machine is invented, which gives us two free techs, they are the, Destroyers I. Which allows us to build the advanced Bainebridge Class

Bainebridge Stats

And next we choose Pre-Dreadnoughts II, which allows us to build the newly designed
Virginia Class BB, the Virginia Class, i much more powerful then the Kearsage Class, which makes the Kearsage Class obsolete. President Cleveland asks the military advisor when he tells him of the Virginia Class . "I thought you said the Kearsage wouldn't be obsolete for at least a decade!, so what do we do the aging Indianas if the Kearsage is obsolete, scrap 'em?" "NO!" Said the Advisor, "Even though they are old we can use them at least another 10 years, longer for the Kearsage, then we can scrap 'em!"

Stats of Virginia Class

The Transports dropped off the troops on hills nearby Port-Au-Prince. And the Navy started shelling the city to soften up the defenders.

American Ships Bombarding Port-Au-Prince

The Uss Arexander attacks a Hispaniola Frigate, and sinks it with minimal damage [2/3 Hp left]. It is ordered to return to Charleston For Repairs.

Week 33 1896
The Shipyards of Seattle launch the first Virginia class Battleship it is christened the Uss Virginia BB-10.

Painting of the Virginia after launch

Week 37 1896
American troops finally attack the city of Port-Au-Prince, after 4 days of naval bombardment to soften up the defenses. After days of fighting, and losing 3 thousand Cavalry and a handful of infantry, the U.S troops take the city.

American Troops Entering Port-Au-Prince

A few days later, after Naval Bombardment of Santo Domingo, with only 500 losses we take the city, Hispaniola President flees the country and his Generals sign peace with the Americans, the Peace Stated America ruled the country.

The Signing of Peace


Week 41, 1896
The first Bainebridge Class Destroyer is built and christened the Uss Dumanios DD

Dumanios Recently after construction.

The Uss New Orleansand the Uss Maine are stationed at Port-Au-Prince to protect the area.

San Fransisco completes the Columbia Class PC, Uss San Diego. After the city to its south.

The Repairs on the Uss Arexander are proclaimed finished, and is ready to return to its service in the Southern Atlantic Fleet.

In New York, the navy is celebrating yet another ship completion, the second ship in the Virginia Class, it is called the Uss Rhode Island BB-11 After the Smallest State, it joins the newly comissioned Central Atlantic Fleet.

Week 49 1896
Philadelphia completes the 2nd Bainebridge class Destroyer it is named the Uss Bainebridge. Across the country in San Fransisco the naval yards there complete the 3rd Bainebridge Class Destroyerthe Uss Barry.

Week 5 1897
San Fransisco completes yet another Bainebridge Class Destroyer the Uss Chauncey. While New Orleans, completes the 3rd Virginia Class Battleship, the Uss Nebraska BB-12. It Joins the small Caribbean Fleet.

Week 9 1897
Washington D.C completes the small wonder, Military Academy, which will help in our future wars greatly, firstly by creating Veteran Units, secondly by increasing the chance for a Corps to appear.

Info on Military Academy

Philadelphia completes the 4th Virginia Class Battleship in the U.S navy, the Uss Georgia BB-13

President Cleveland held a press conference this morning about Hispaniola, and this is what he said. "My friends, as you all know our great armies have liberated Hispaniola from their oppressive government, so now I am declaring Hispaniola a independent country, with our help they can be strong! We shall protect them! From this Moment on I declare the Democratic Republic Of Hispaniola to be founded!

Hispaniola Flag

To be continued.

Regarding the Hispaniola independence, I will pretend it is a seperate country, but in AoI2 I will edit it to create a Hispaniola Civ, with them allied in a Locked alliance with the U.S and the U.S will have a city on there island, to protect them better [so I can get some RM :) ]
I don't think there are RMs in AoI II. After all, it is World War II and the Colonial Powers were beginning to fall apart as new independent nations began to rise in their colonial holdings due to the war. But I'm not sure about this. :)

Next target Mexico? And then the whole Central America? That shouldn't do much of a problem when Mexico is gone.
Excellent.....! An AOI 4.0 Story about the US! Perfect because I am trying AOI 4.0 for the first time as the US!

A couple questions; Why the early emphasis on navy - Why start with building battleships. Also, why not go right after the Cubans or the Hispaniolas from the start?

Looking forward to following this.
Oh by the way, all of your art images show up in this thread for me, but none of your screen shots. It looks like the content filter that I am behind at my workplace is not letting any of the .pngs from photobucket through. :(

Edit: .jpg images from photobucket come through on other threads though, so, maybe saving them as JPGs will make them more accessible to more folks. Just a thought.
jpg's have terrible quality :) png's are the way to go imho. not sure why you're having trouble viewing them Ivan. imageshack is another place to upload&link from.

naval gunfire support (ngfs) is so important in AoI. so i can understand why Pre Dreds were researched. otoh, the other line (colonial techs) offers some goodies as well (vol cav units and col conscript workers).
Excellent.....! An AOI 4.0 Story about the US! Perfect because I am trying AOI 4.0 for the first time as the US!

A couple questions; Why the early emphasis on navy - Why start with building battleships. Also, why not go right after the Cubans or the Hispaniolas from the start?

Looking forward to following this.
Oh by the way, all of your art images show up in this thread for me, but none of your screen shots. It looks like the content filter that I am behind at my workplace is not letting any of the .pngs from photobucket through. :(

Edit: .jpg images from photobucket come through on other threads though, so, maybe saving them as JPGs will make them more accessible to more folks. Just a thought.

I did go after Hispaniola :) last few paragraph? Also as El Justo said....
PNG is better thats why I use them, try right clicking then choose open in new tab or something to that extent?

And Btw I will only update on weekends.. school is to long to play AND update.
I did go after Hispaniola :) last few paragraph?

Thanks, I saw that. I was wondering why you waited for about a year to go after them. The reason is, I am trying to be agressive in my game and I immediately moved all of my mobile forces to Cuba and with an ROP with Spain attacked and destroyed the cuban natives in 2 turns. So, I guess my question is, is there pay off for waiting, or did you just want a stronger navy for bombardment.

Thanks again. I'll stay posted for your next update on the weekend.
Thanks, I saw that. I was wondering why you waited for about a year to go after them. The reason is, I am trying to be agressive in my game and I immediately moved all of my mobile forces to Cuba and with an ROP with Spain attacked and destroyed the cuban natives in 2 turns. So, I guess my question is, is there pay off for waiting, or did you just want a stronger navy for bombardment.

Thanks again. I'll stay posted for your next update on the weekend.

I kinda did it to build up, and I really didn't want to start the story off with war, I dunno why but yeah, also yeah I wanted stronger navy and army to attack.
Also to your previous post: I built battleships so early to simulate how life was back then, they thought battleships were invincible so they built lots.
Also to your previous post: I built battleships so early to simulate how life was back then, they thought battleships were invincible so they built lots.

Great point. There definitely was pride in the Great White Fleet and using the Navy to send notice that the US had come of age and was now a serious player (or at least wanted a place at the playing table).;)
Nice story! Especially like the pictures as well to go with it.

Both Hispaniola and Cuban natives are early favorite targets for me as the US. The British start out far too strong to go after early.
Well.. I really can't untill Friday because I'm going to the city tomorrow and going to go to the Hospital for a check up but it will be this upcoming weekend :) or Friday

Edit: I Kinda felt bad that i didn't update this weekend..
So I am writing a short one right now... about maybe 1 - 2 game years :)
To keep you guys entertained 'til I can come back

EDIT: I was writing it..then my shockwave plug-in crashed and internet didn't work :(
Lost it. so you guys will have to wait until Thursday or Friday
This is a short update! Sorry.
This was supposed to be done Tuesday.. but my internet crashed when I was writing it :mad:. Then I had to go.. So here it is sorry its late :rolleyes:.
The American protectorate The Republic of Hispaniola was doing quite well after the U.S invasion, they had a new President, and was finally a free nation, and its people were finally feeling the full effects of a Democracy. There was still a huge gap between the poor workers and the rich land owners, but President Grover Cleveland was trying very much to diminish the gap and create a 'middle class', one of his plans was to create more jobs by building things, one of those things was a fort in the north of the island to protect the people of Hispaniola from imperial conquests of the many nearby European colonies. The fort was called "Fort Cabarete" after the small town it was nearby. The fort is expected to be finished in about 4 months

Fort Cabarete Under Construction

President Cleveland, after returning to Washington D.C after his month long visit to Hispaniola, giving speaches and meeting with their leaders. He met his military advisor and the advisor showed him a map of the U.S with a map of Hispaniola included, it looked something similar to:

Continental U.S

The Red X in the map shows where the Fort is getting Built

Hispaniola Map

Week 13 1897
The navy shipyards of New Orleans launches a Bainbridge Class Destroyer named the Uss Ivan Dolvich II

Ivan Dolvich II in the New Orleans Harbor

President Cleveland hears a knock on his door, and the Military advisor walks in,
he says "Sir I have a great plan to advance our naval supremacy". "Which is..." Replies the President. "Well," he says after bringing in a world map. He points between Hawaii, and Samoa, and says "I believe we should build a destroyer flotilla of at least 7 destroyers to protect our raw materials from the region, and in case of war they can be deployed fast to the far east, or colonies of the British, German, Dutch, Japan and Spain. They would never expect us to get ships there so fast, we could easily surprise them and therefore could win a war between them". "If we do that which cities will build the destroyers?". "San Diego, and Los Angeles, and maybe San Fransisco". "Sounds good to me, start right away!".

Week 17 1897
Research of Industrialization I complete.
This allows Olympic Games I, and World Fair I wonders

We Begin researching Theory of Flight

New Orleans completes the Bainebridge Class Destroyer Uss El Justo

Uss El Justo

Week 21 1897
Chicago completes the wonder Great Novel

News from the Portuguese-British War. Britain has taken Luanda, Benguela, and Vila Luso from Portuguese South West Africa, only Broken Hill remains Portuguese.
In South East Africa they have lost the City of Mozambique.

The Labor crews working on Fort Cabarete finally completes the fort.

Fort Cabarete

Week 29 1897
Washington D.C completes the Intelligence Agency, that will help in wars greatly

Week 33 1897
The Portuguese-British war is over as peace is signed, President Cleveland helps dictate the peace terms and some of the terms include; Britain keeping gained land, and Paying money to Portugal in return.

Week 37 1897
We complete the research of Theory of Flight

Which produces a Scientific Great Leader, Alexander Graham Bell, we have him hurry the Wright Flyer in Washington D.C will be done next turn.
Los Angeles completes a Bainebridge Class Destroyer the first ship in the planned 1st Destroyer Flotilla, the ship is named the Uss Klyden

Uss Klyden

Charleston completes the first Battleship in a long time, the Virginia Class Battleship, Uss South Carolina BB-14

South Carolina Recently after launch

Week 41 1897
Washington D.C completes the Wright Flyer wonder,

It grants us two free techs, we chose Maxim Guns I.
It allows us to build the ColtM1895MGBtln, a very powerful defender, we will build these in the main cities as soon as possible.

and the other tech we choose is Electronics, this allows to build 3:eek: wonders that grant us 2 free techs!.

The end~
Hope you liked it :)
I know it was short.. sorry
Update! :woohoo:

Seriously, it doesn't matter if the update is short. Just as long as you keep 'em coming so that the story doesn't die. :)
I played till 1898 today. And:

Spoiler :
A Major European Power Declared war on me

Won't tell you who quite yet though ;)
You'll have to wait until Christmas break- 18th :)
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