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Imperialistic America- What's better than that?! An American AoI story

I played till 1898 today. And:

Spoiler :
A Major European Power Declared war on me

Won't tell you who quite yet though ;)
You'll have to wait until Christmas break- 18th :)

Heheh, in My game as the US, Shortly after I took out Central America (and the bulk of my army was down south), guess which European Power declared war on me, out of the blue?
Great Britain! OUch!
I commenced a huge production of SimsDynamite guns and pounded the british fleets that kept pounding Boston. Eventually I built a big enough stack to take eastern Canada, then went for peace as the War Weariness really ramped up.
Actually you're both wrong :). Lol. :p

Heheh, in My game as the US, Shortly after I took out Central America (and the bulk of my army was down south), guess which European Power declared war on me, out of the blue?
Great Britain! OUch!
I commenced a huge production of SimsDynamite guns and pounded the british fleets that kept pounding Boston. Eventually I built a big enough stack to take eastern Canada, then went for peace as the War Weariness really ramped up.

Yeah i've heard this one guy, he was U.S and the British fleet killed his and reduces all his eastern city's to 1 pop.
Sorry for not updating!!! Every Time I have I have just not felt like it, but I have played about 2 updates worth of the game.. so I should probably.. update. I will update right Now!,

After I write it...
Plus i included a map.. its a NES map but it still works :)
Update 5, War! Part 1 of 2

Week 41 1897
The shipyards of San Diego completes the Uss Dale a Bainebridge Class Destroyer.
After researching Maxim Guns I, all the Gatling Guns I have are taken to Washington D.C to be upgraded into the ColtM1895 Mg Btln.

Week 49 1897
Konigsberg hosts the World Fair I

The World's Fair In Konigsberg

Week 1 1898
Los Angeles comples the Bainebridge class Destroyer, Uss Decatur

There is a proud day for America! The glorious city of San Fransisco hosts the World's first Olympic Games! Another American achievement ;).

Olympic Games Logo

The naval yards of Charleston finishes building a Foote Class Torpedo Boat, Uss Foote. The Foote will be stationed in the South Atlantic Fleet

Week 5 1898
We research Field Guns I, which allows us to build the SimsDudley Dynamite Gun,

We Begin reseraching Mountain Guns I.

Week 9 1898
Boston completes the Electron wonder, granting us two free techs.
Mountain Guns I, which allows us to build the Hotchkiss Mnt Gun.

And the other tech we choose is Agriculture Refining which gives us some nice improvements.

Tech tree 1898, the ones with blue tinted names have been researched.

Week 13 1898
Britain demands 100 gold from us, we shall accept-for now.. But next time we won't be so passive.

After the world Has seen peace for a while, an unexpected war happens,
Russia declares war on Britain, we shall wait and see what happens. Grover Cleveland reminds the waring factions to remember the Monroe Doctrine.

Week 17 1898
France demands 100 gold, going on our word we reject.. and they declare war,
Grover Cleveland orders all ready troops in the Continental U.S to load onto transports, which include, 4 cavalry, 1 infantry, and 3 Marines. Their target? Cayenne, in French Guiana.
The southern Atlantic fleet will assist in the bombardment and landing of the Americans.

The Battleships, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania en route to Cayenne.
While the Northern and Central fleets will engage any French ships spotted.

Charleston shipyards complete the Uss Cole a Foote Class Torpedo Boat.

Uss Cole

Week 22 1898
Philadelphia sends the first Trans-oceanic radio signal. Granting us two free techs,
Armored Cruisers, allowing us to build the Pittsburgh Class CA(It's really the Pennsylvania Class).

This ship is very strong, and it can keep up with convoys! So it can hunt them, and protect them.

And the other tech we choose is Colonial Admin II, which allows us to build U.S Volunteer Cavalry, which is the equivalent to Colonial Calvary.

I will begin scrapping [Disbanding] the Indiana Class Battleships, and the Maine, and Texas, when Dreadnoughts I is researched as they will be obsolete.

San Diego completes a Bainbridge Class Destroyer, Uss Hopkins. The TR-06, spots French ships near Pago Pago, we might need to send that Destroyer Flotilla earlier to engage the ships.

Week 25 1898
St. Louis completes the Vacuum Tube wonder, granting us two Free techs.

Howitzers I, and Artillery Doctrine are researched.

Los Angeles completes another Bainebridge Class Destroyer, for the 1st Destroyer Flotilla, Uss Hull, we are only building one more ship for this Flotilla, a Pittsburgh class CA, as they can move very fast.

We plant a spy in Paris, Cayenne has 3 French Colonial Infantry defending the City.

There is Part 1!

Part Two will possibly be tomorrow.

Here is a map,. It is a Map of After Part 2.. So it gives away a little bit ;) but not much that we already Know of :)

Ok this map is from the NESing part of Forum, I didn't make it I just edited it to make it look like it did in game.

Spoiler :

No problem on not updating. It's nearly Christmas so everyone is busy. I even needed to change my story starting day to somewhere after Christmas due to all the things and jobs to do before Christmas. ;)
Im sorry for no update.. in a month :eek: ....
I got HoI2 DD for christmas ;)...
It's been occupying my time...
Following this story. Is AoI available here at CivFans? I didn't see it from a quick peruse of the download section. Do those graphics come with the modpack or are they yours?
Ok everyone!!! I promise
to update this weekend I
am determined
to not let it die!
Its probably dead. (Just Saying)
If I get back into Civ3 I may redo this but I highly doubt it :(.
Fun While it lasted though :(!
Aww hell. I'm going to play civ3 and try to load this save if it doesn't work well too bad. If it does there will be an update :).

Also I may make another AoI story if playing this save gets me back Into it.
Actually I may just start a NEW story.

Which country would you rather see;
Italy, Austria, or Maybe Germany (if Enough like it) OR a NEW Japan Game?
I had a feeling. I playedAn Austria game yesterday and I got to 1900 and took all the Balkan cities except Athens and I took Libya. Then my ally declared war on Britain and I lost everything I don't think I have the heart for Austria anymore.
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