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In depth look at the WBS file

Or in world builder just click on the "change all plots" icon and select ocean. ;)
Dale said:
Or in world builder just click on the "change all plots" icon and select ocean. ;)
That doen't actually work all that well. You can still see the land that was there from the randomly generated map you started with under the ocean...

Unless this disappears after you reload your wbs file, I didn't try that...
hey i couldn't get the world builder file out of the zip thingy. so could u e-mail me the instructions of world builder with a file that i can acually open?
Feet said:
That doen't actually work all that well. You can still see the land that was there from the randomly generated map you started with under the ocean...

Unless this disappears after you reload your wbs file, I didn't try that...

I konw this pisses me off, i click change all plots to ocean but i still the what the map used to like just in ocean form......there are still mountians and hills to be seen...grrrr i wish there was still a map edtior like civ 3 had
To avoid the funny ocean after deleting land you simply save the WBS, then reload.
Hey Dale you mentioned random events in one of your tutorials.

I was wondering how I may mod them in.
Python scripting.
Hi Dale, don't know if you can help me. I'm in the process of writing a map generator program and I'm using all the info xml files to populate the combos for the various world builder options. Except for the calendar entries, I was able to find descriptions for all the entries in one of the text xml files in the Assets/Text directory. For the calendar entries, their description is: TXT_KEY_CALENDAR_DEFAULT, TXT_KEY_CALENDAR_YEARS, TXT_KEY_CALENDAR_TURNS, etc. Usually, strings like this appear in those text files so we can extrapolate a useful description. i.e. Right above the calendar entries in CIV4BasicInfos.xml, is TXT_KEY_CONCEPT_WONDERS which can be found in CIV4GameTextInfos_Objects.xml and resolves to "Wonders" in english. However, searching for the string TXT_KEY_CALENDAR_DEFAULT anywhere in the Assets directory comes up with only one hit: the original reference in CIV4BasicInfos.xml. So, any idea where to find the description for the calendar entries?
Okay, the calendar entries:

- DEFAULT: Hardcoded. You can't change this one.
- YEARS: Hardcoded. Actually just converts the gameturn to a date in the display.
- MONTHS: Civ4BasicInfos.xml
- SEASONS: Civ4BasicInfos.xml

You can create a custom calendar too by defining it in Civ4BasicInfos.xml same as MONTHS or SEASONS. I created a custom calendar for my Age of Discovery scenario where there's only Summer and Winter. I defined it through Civ4BasicInfos.xml.

Thanks Dale, your guide has been an extremely useful resource for figuring out how my program could generate wbs files :goodjob:
hajmyis said:
u should make a file for me to downlaod were it is just a blank ocean map the is a huge map...8)

Just save to desktop as a .html file and use your browser.

My javascript_foo would not allow me to handle the radio buttons I wanted to do, so you have to type things out yourself. Sorry.



<script language=javascript>
function Create_Summary()
document.test.history.value = "";
for (var j=0; j < document.test.y_coord.value; j++)
for (var i=0; i < document.test.x_coord.value; i++)
var block = "BeginPlot\n\t" + "x=" + i + ",y=" + j + "\n\tTerrainType=";
block += document.test.terrain.value + "\n\tPlotType=";
block += document.test.pl_type.value + "\nEndPlot\n";
document.test.history.value += block;


<form name="test">

<td align=right>Width:&nbsp;</td>
<input type=text name="x_coord" size=4 maxlength=4 onblur='Create_Summary();'>
<td align=right>Height:&nbsp;</td>
<input type=text name=y_coord size=4 maxlength=4 onblur='Create_Summary();'>
<td align=right valign=top>Terrain:&nbsp;</td>
<input type=text name=terrain size=20 maxlength=20 onblur='Create_Summary();'><br>
examples include TERRAIN_OCEAN
<td align=right valign=top>Terrain:&nbsp;</td>
<input type=text name=pl_type size=1 maxlength=1 onblur='Create_Summary();'><br>
3=>below sea level<br>
<td colspan=2>&nbsp;</td>
<td colspan=2 align=center>
<textarea name="history" cols=40 rows=21 wrap></textarea>


<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME=".defaults" VALUE="CLEAR" onclick="document.test.history.value='';">


Dale said:
Okay, so you've created a scenario, but wish to mod if further.
How do I create a scenario?

Then how do I get into its XML?

Sorry, old school civ3er here. total newb.
Here is a question i have been searching every thread i can think of and haven't found an answer.

I am trying to make a multiplayer map. I have the map in a working condition but is there a way to randomize the start location? Basicly i set 8 start locations and it will randomly place the players there, like any other stratagy game does.

I ask because atm everyone spawns in the same spot all the time. and personally i get sick of starting in the same spot on the map :P
When I open up the builder and am editing a unit, I notice you can change the promotions and experience points. At the bottom is a box for "Script". What is that "Script" about?

Thanks for any light you can shed on that subject.
How are

world size= the map size setting of the scenario. This is usually set when you setup the map in the WBS in-game. However you may want to change it. These values are defined in CIV4WorldInfo.xml.


Speed= the speed of the game. This is where you can set if the game is NORMAL speed or EPIC as defined in CIV4GameSpeedInfo.xml. Default is NONE.

Victory= the different victory types in the scenario. These are defined in CIV4VictoryInfo.xml and you may specify any/all of them. Each victory must be specified on it's own line like the last few settings. By defining a victory type it means the player/AI has the possibility of winning the game that way. Default is no victory types set (and no defined victory types mean all are possible). But if you define any (even just one) then all others are locked out.

MaxTurns= the maximum number of turns in the scenario. This must be set higher than GameTurn (obviously can't start after the end). EG: You have a scenario that you want to run for 300 years, and your calendar is set to CALENDAR_YEARS. Setting MaxTurns=300 will end the game with score victory after turn 299 (remember 0 is the first turn).
connected? I want to make a map with fixed starting positions but nothing else fixed. There are some "problems":

1. I don't see a way, how to place starting locations without determine leaders. The way I worked out, the leader names and civ names are in German now for all Civ4-versions. I don't want to make also a English, French, Italian, Spain... version of a simple map WBS file. Any hints?

2. How exactly is game lenght defined? I want to make it possible, to choosing the N° of turns, game speed and so on by the player of that map themself, not by me (the creator of that map). I allready set Speed=NONE, there is no "Victory" line, no "Max Turns", only "world size" is still defined "standard". (here is the file, if you want to have a look) But one player today reported, the game still will be finished in renaissance-"age". Now I don't know why. Any help? :crazyeye:
dale, on the tutorial u made for making a senario... the ivory color key isnt working when using it on bmp coverting to map... how can i fix this, no ivory appears on my map in the game.. thank u
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