IO5 - Gotta Catch 'Em All!


Boom, headshot.
Mar 10, 2007
Note: Before doing anything, you need to watch a video.

Link to video.

That's right, if you watched the video, you'll know that our next game is Pokemon based.

Our objective is to be a Pokemon master! In order to do that, we need to catch them all! And by "them", I mean the resources. That's right, we'll need to obtain at least one copy of every resource on the map. Also, there's only one victory condition activated: conquest. To win, we must crush the opposition with our mighty Aggron!!!

To recap:

-Must obtain at least one of every resource on the map by war or trade
-Must win by conquest

It's fractal monarch epic, so it will be fun. By the way, did you want to see the save?

Well too bad. I'm playing the initial turns, so I'll keep the save with me.

However, here's our start:

So, comments are welcome.

Roster so far:

IdiotsOpposite (Our Glorious Leader)
MatrixTheKitty (Skitty)
BrianShanahan (<unknown>)
NeilMeister (<unknown>
<this spot reserved for ForGreatJustice>

So... Let's go!!

And to everyone, we are using the latest version of BTS with the latest version of BUG. I don't know what BUFFY stands for, so I chose not to use it. Acronyms without explanations scare me. Ah, well, everyone has a phobia. Keep the ideas coming, I'll play 25 turns tomorrow, then whoever's second will play 15, then we settle down to 10. This, of course, is to avoid first-turns boredom.

Game rules. I have three of them.

1. Either follow the 24/48 rule or tell us you need more time, please. It makes the game move so much more smoothly. If you ask for more time, I'd be willing to bet that we'd give it.
2. Please do not make the really important decisions (early city founding, early GP actions, and the like) without consulting the group at least a little bit.
3. Above all, ENTERTAIN. Because no one likes a boring SG. I can't remember who said it (I'm thinking Deviant Minds), but as they say, a log of events doesn't make a fun turnset.

That said, it's rather easy to follow those rules, and if you notice, "Don't make mistakes" isn't on there, so feel free to do so! Just not on purpose

Note that as the glorious leader, I am excepted from following these. However, I'll follow them anyway, because I can.
Kangas, Kangas, Kangaskhan.

Yes I'm in I've watched about 7 of the serie and played 6 of the games. I may have someone who'll be interested, I'll PM him.

P.S. Video don't work.
Thanks for the info. I've fixed the video now.

The more the merrier, as long as he can play on monarch well!

So... looking at the start, I'd say we're not all that great. Pre-calendar, the only resource I can see that we can work is the plains cow. So, I guess we have a 1-pcow start...

We had BETTER have a metal in the BFC. Otherwise, we've been shafted.
OK, I'm in.

I would be tempted to move the warrior west, to see what we would lose if/when we move the settler to the PH.
Yep, we should be able to go chop crazy

PH looks like it will have copper/iron
Yep, we should be able to go chop crazy

PH looks like it will have copper/iron

Just think, if it has copper we could do an axe rush on someone!!

Wait, we might be alone...:sad:

Now THAT would be a challenge. Isolated, without any really good resources in our capital, we must strive to expand EVERYWHERE.

By the way, we WILL need more than one ice city in order to capture those elusive deer, silver, and fur resources. So count on it.

I'll move the warrior 1W and make the piccie.

Spoiler :

There's the pic. It doesn't reveal anything in the sea, but it does reveal bananas... 2 NW of our capital and thus out of range! And YACR (yet another calendar resource)!
Thats good, 1S will give us a seaside capital, without needing lots of sea squares. I smell a chopped GLH.

The extra prod that is hopefully in that PH will be a bonus.
Thats good, 1S will give us a seaside capital, without needing lots of sea squares. I smell a chopped GLH.

The extra prod that is hopefully in that PH will be a bonus.

The problem is, we don't have much food to show for it. That plains cow is only going to give us 3 fpt (and 3 spt and 1 cpt, but that's not the point), so where is our food going to come from?

I do have one hope... that by moving 1S, we'll stumble upon another valuable food resource... like an irrigated floodplains corn... come on irrigated FP corn!

Also, according to the data, we are the Kanto-ish people. I need help fixing that. Should we call ourselves Kanto-nese?
Will do, I'll move the settler 1S, end the turn, change the name, and post the screenie.

I won't found yet until we're sure we're where we want to be...
All right, here's the screenshot from turn 2:


Our name is now Kantojin
We found even MORE forests. Seriously, I'm tired of them already.

Forests forests and more forests. SIP? Or should we make a bit longer PPP?

I suggest AH->BW.
Might as well settle there. Doesn't look like a great city, but we don't need to be delayed anymore than one turn. I won't say anything else until I know for sure what is in our BFC.
Might as well settle there. Doesn't look like a great city, but we don't need to be delayed anymore than one turn. I won't say anything else until I know for sure what is in our BFC.


Hmm... once again moving our settler was a great idea, as you can see... it gave us an extra resource in the BFC, just like in IO4! The only problem is that the resource is YACR.

So, I'll ask one thing... I realized that our starting techs are DISMAL. Fishing and the Wheel... so I'll ask... Hunting->AH or Mining->BW?

Personally, I'd go the first, then immediately go to the second afterwards. But despite being the Glorious Leader, I still want the others input so I don't make a disastrous mistake. Looking at our terrain, I don't want to make a single one.
Agriculture -> Animal Husbandry -> Mining -> Bronze Working -> Pottery

We can farm that riverside grassland N of the city before BW along with pasturing the plainscow to try and make up for our abysmal food start. It might end up having a metal or horses, though. We should also farm the dyes after we pop our border, as they're lakeside. We'll just plantation over one of them when we get calendar. Probably shouldn't do both unless we really need to trade the second one away. When we get BW, we should farm that forested lakeside grassland W of the dyes as well. When we get pottery, we should probably cottage up the riverside grasslands. We could also farm over the spices until we get Calendar, but I don't think doing that is a as high a priority as the other farms.

Oh and remember to choose the first tech on this turn instead of waiting for the game to prompt you on the next turn.
I was the guy Brian PM'd about the SG, so I'll volunteer for a slot.

I'm pretty bad at war though, although Epic should make things easier. I usually win at Monarch though just not via conquest ;)

Pretty bad start location 1 food resource and calendar resources. Definitely go agriculture then animal husbandry, since you can't take animal husbandry straight off. Tokugawa's starting techs suck. Once he gets to gunpowder he is smoking though.
TS1 - I want to be the very best.

So... you already know what happened in turn one and two. So this will take you all the way to turn 30!!! Afterward, someone will play 20, then we're into the ten-turn cycle.


Let's begin!

We begin our humble adventure in Pallet Town. A small town, it's only size one, and has no buildings other than Professor Oak's Palace. It's there that our young hero begins his adventure... by stepping out into the deadly Pallet Forests!

...yeah, I'm not very good at this. Let's get on with the turnset shall we?

At around turn 4, we get a tribal village. It contains 40 gold, but it also is nearby to RICE!! And considering how we are, we'll need all the different resources we can get!

In turn 8, we meet Asoka:

We declare peace... FOR NOW.

In turn ten, we get another TB and it gives our warrior experience. With all of the jungle nearby, it naturally goes to Woodsman II.

In turn 13 buddhism is founded...

And in turn 14 Agriculture is obtained, which is wonderful!

Set to AH and off we go again!

Unfortunately, next turn, our warrior, despite having Woodsman II, died because I neglected to heal him after the fight with the barb warrior. My bad, my bad... Good thing my rules allow mistakes.

On turn 24, our worker finishes and I start a warrior to replace the one I stupidly killed off.

Our warrior begins a farm in the river grassland 1N and such.

The rest of the turnset is pretty uneventful. So, here's the situation...

Or... pics and the save will be up once Photobucket starts working. Which it isn't.

So... I guess wait a few hours!

EDIT: Photobucket is working now, so I posted the pics. I'll also post the save while I'm at it...

Pokemon Master - 3250 BC
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