Is a broken deal...

No, a broken deal is when the AI has already accepted your offer, and then before the 20 turns is over, you declare war on him. A deal AFAIK is not considered broken if you are at wa with a 3rd civ and they conquer your city(ies) connected to the resource or cut your road access to them. Also, I believe if you cut the roads yourself, it also is not considered a broken deal.
I do not know for sure if you break the roads to the resource if the beal is not broken.
I have only done that once and the Aztecs got hoping mad at me. I'm not sure though if they would have been mad at me if I had have waited the 5 turns for the deal to expire anyways....
i think there's an exploit along those lines. it's the trade route you need to sever, not the road to the resource (your trade takes precedence over your own supply, so you no longer have your iron, it goes in your trade). But just don't break treaties. Don't violate agreements. Cancel them after the 20 turns in the diplomacy screen and your reputation stays intact.
If the AI refuses your deal it is not a broken deal, because there never was a deal to brake. A refusal is just a refusal, and a broken deal is something that occurs if you break a deal that has already been made. Breaking a deal requires that you have a deal, and then do one of many things before the end of the 20 turn time limit, for most deals (peace is until war, etc.), to make that deal obsolete. Breaking a deal in the advisor scree, however, does not tarnish your rep.... I believe

Sorry to be so redundant, but the above posters I thought had responded well, and your above thread initiation asking for a pro to respond was, well, a little vague.

Disclaimer: I am not a pro.
Originally posted by bobgote
i think there's an exploit along those lines. it's the trade route you need to sever, not the road to the resource (your trade takes precedence over your own supply, so you no longer have your iron, it goes in your trade). But just don't break treaties. Don't violate agreements. Cancel them after the 20 turns in the diplomacy screen and your reputation stays intact.

Yes, but I had 2 Iron. Traded one to the Aztecs. Two or three turns later one of my Iron disappeared. So as you said the deal takes precedence and I was without Iron. I would be without Iron for 17-18 more turns unless I traded for some. But then I would be stuck paying for an Iron I didn't need for 2-3 turns after my aztec deal expired. So I pillaged the road leading to my one Iron resource. The deal was then canceled. They stayed polite. And then I rebuilt the road giving myself Iron.
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