Is God using Trump to further His plan?

Confused as to why that passage was relevant...
John said:
34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. 35 By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.

But, well, I got back to you, I guess? No interest in that t-shirt, I suppose.
God doesn’t give two flying ducks on what Trump is doing, he’s busy playing golf with Buddha and Jesus discussing on how he created another universe.
Many in politics have claimed to be the temporal representative, but none in my lifetime have ever proven it. As mysterious and unsolvable as the equation is, I would naus’t puttith thine faithe eggs in the basket of Donald, of all people.

Total loonball stuff. He’s just a guy that lost for reasons that can be logically explained.
Confused as to why that passage was relevant...

But, well, I got back to you, I guess? No interest in that t-shirt, I suppose.
Because it is the core of Christian belief as expressed through the Word of Christ -- that no one claim to love Christ if they do not love all of their fellow humans. Inmate PO1135809 instead rages against Democrats the gay community, immigrants, people of color, "nasty" women, educators, scientists, election workers and RINOs. inmate PO1135809 is no Saul of Taurus. Repentance is required, and Inmate PO1135809 never admits a mistake or failure, instead blames others.
It can be (under some conditions) soothing to think a god cares about people. Whether Trump, some other old guy, or anyone else, the likelihood of a god playing a part in their life is sadly (?) so low that you'd better consider it non existent.
Trump did play a major role in recent years, by becoming potus. It will have lasting effects. Trump himself... won't be alive for much longer and ultimately will be forgotten, same as virtually everyone else.
My own suspicion is that God allowed Trump in order to expose the faithlessness of many in America who profess to be Christians.

In my view, the group that should have been the most vocal, unified and unequivocal in their rejection of Trump should have been Christians.
You're trying to apply logic to a situation that has none.

Not speaking of Gori in particular, but it has been amusing to hear non-Christians talk about how Christians should act and vote and so forth. How would one know if you are not a Christian?
If I only had a dollar for every time a non-atheist has told me how I act and vote and what I think and believe... :rolleyes:

Ask CFC's resident theologian what religion he follows. The answer might surprise you.

It is but then there is the animating power of the Holy Spirit which one cannot know until conversion. But this is not really point I was making. Moses was known to God before birth, became a murderer and yet God used Him. God chose David to be King when he was a shepherd and yet David gave up one of his generals to die so that he could take the man's wife. Sampson another example. God uses imperfect people to accomplish His ends. It appears that God has used Trump to bring about some relief against abortion. Children have been saved and more will follow. Perhaps in the end the US will totally legalize abortion, I cannot know, in which case Trump's work will stand as a testimony against our country.

Most of you will not believe this, but that God might use a man like Trump should also be a testimony to some that their sins may be forgiven. Seek God while He can be found.
Is this a discussion thread, or did I wander into a church by mistake? :huh:

If only the anti-choicers believed in creating the kind of society where unwed mothers, disabled mothers, underage mothers, victims of incest/other forms of rape resulting in pregnancy, widowed mothers, etc. could have a fair chance at finishing their education, getting employment that is enough to meet the basic needs and provide for the child's extra needs and education, and not be looked down on by politicians whose noses are permanently pointed up.

Gah. Deities using politicians to further their supposed causes and plans is an idea that's infested Canadian politics as well, particularly in my province. I wonder how many supporters of the Freedumb Convoy leaders whose trial started recently will be out in their MAGA hats (they claim that the first "A" means "Alberta", but many of them also support Alberta seceding from Canada and joining the U.S.).
I gotta wonder the motivations of divinity, stashing amongst other things a classified report on the wholesale prices of Albanian beets in the spare bathroom.

Far from me to challenge my spiritual superiors, but if we are at the precipice of the Second Coming, perhaps it would be clearer to the faithful if the vehicle be one without so many obvious flaws.
I gotta wonder the motivations of divinity, stashing amongst other things a classified report on the wholesale prices of Albanian beets in the spare bathroom.

Far from me to challenge my spiritual superiors, but if we are at the precipice of the Second Coming, perhaps it would be clearer to the faithful if the vehicle be one without so many obvious flaws.
From a religious point of view, that's not restrictive. I mean, in the new testament, Jesus intervened for Mary Magdalene. In the old testament, the wayward son was rewarded.
The problem is that biblical texts are not to be taken as advice for life, and in the US there is alarming religiosity (whether real or lip-service) all the way to the top offices of political life. W Bush famously claimed he had asked god about Iraq, so there is an audience for this type of thing.
Wasn't a japanese prime minister killed on account of his shadowy support for a cult?
We might as well be in Killer7 :jesus:
Finding answers through faith is something different from being divinely anointed the messenger. I remain agnostic but extremely skeptical that it is Donald Trump.
Finding answers through faith is something different from being divinely anointed the messenger. I remain agnostic but extremely skeptical that it is Donald Trump.
Would Obama in any way be more likely to be such? And if so, why?
For I fear there is no sane argument to be made for this in favor of anyone. Again, if we go by jewish/christian religious texts, murderers can be salvaged at the final moment and go to heaven (Evangelion by Matthew), while people can be killed on the spot and banished to hell just for giving only half of their property to the church instead of the entirety (Acts of the Apostles).
And yet millions more children die of malnutrition, disease, illness and god does nothing? He has had 2000 years to fix that. How many of those "saved babies" know lives of neglect and pain and are never even saved? How do you know whom god chooses for their work?
Christ died on the cross to defeat evil and sin. Isn't that enough?

What do you expect God to do? Allow everyone free will but require Him to indemnify everyone for anything bad that happens? Do you see God as a servant that gives us the ability to be "as Gods" (straight from the mount of the serpent) but is somehow responsible to protect us from the consequences of our actions? Adam and Eve lived a perfect and timeless existence but rebelled because they wanted to be in charge. At least your thinking is consistent to your ancestor. He blamed Eve for his actions and then had the gall to blame God for giving him a woman.

This reminds me of Christopher Hitchens, and Richard Dawkins still, blaming all the evils of the world on a God they claim doesn't exist in the first place. It's evident that there wouldn't have been the votes but for Trump and McConnell, so I am comfortable asserting that they were instruments in God's hands. Could I be wrong? Certainly.
Why isn’t Hawkins nor Hitchenson an agent of God, similarly? Why isn’t God working mysteriously through their atheism?
Now, I did not start this thread, this might be a little like grabbing the Christian and throwing him in the Colliseum for amusement.
I wasn't aware. You should know you can ask for the thread to be locked. From the OP there wasn't a clue that you didn't mean this to be a topic.
And I agree that threads about (which turn to be against) religion are in bad taste.
Now, I did not start this thread, this might be a little like grabbing the Christian and throwing him in the Colliseum for amusement.
First time?
One of the grand jurors in the GA case said in an interview "if the whole country had seen the evidence we've seen, it wouldn't be so divided." Shortly, the whole country will see that evidence. If that juror is correct, perhaps that will provide the opportunity for those estranged Americans to come back.
If the election was rigged it was probably done by operatives of the CIA and State Department in conjunction perhaps with others in the Deep State. In other words, the people who rig elections for a living. So, there isn't going to be any evidence for Trump et al to prove they had justification. So, there is the probability that some minds will be changed. But both things can be true, the election could have been stolen and Trump could have broken the law. Two other things can be true, God can work through lawbreakers and two, people, who believe in God or not, can believe in and support a lawbreaker.

Most GOP voters are like me, I never supported Trump, but I voted for him. I actually told people that I would vote for a random incarcerated felon rather than Hillary or Biden. Perhaps I was a prophet and didn't know it. Nothing can happen in these trials that will move votes to the left, the fact of these trials will have the opposite effect. The antipathy towards the left will only grow. Reconciliation would have been a wiser choice.

But if they have a good case it will suppress the GOP turnout. And it might reduce the coming violence.
It’s funny because we on the left agree, it’s not going to win us any votes. Still, some things are more important than partisan politics, like maintaining a democracy against would be autocrats through the rule of law.
I wasn't aware. You should know you can ask for the thread to be locked. From the OP there wasn't a clue that you didn't mean this to be a topic.
And I agree that threads about (which turn to be against) religion are in bad taste.
Nah, it's okay. Just didn't expect it. It's probably a good thing for people to that some of us are still around.

The thing is, the title, not mine, drop the "for Christians" part and I can get behind the title. God's plan encompasses all of us. Yes, I believe God is using Trump.
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It is the way the mods to test our faith I think. These threads are hard to kill too, very tempting to keep replying to each new post, it's purgatory :)
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