Is that considered GOTM cheating????

Is it cheating when I start again????

  • YES! Submit your first try or let it be!

    Votes: 37 66.1%
  • It`s OK, since it was only a few turns.

    Votes: 6 10.7%
  • It`s OK until the end of the ancient era.

    Votes: 4 7.1%
  • Oh come on! We don`t take that so seriously!

    Votes: 9 16.1%

  • Total voters
Dec 5, 2001
Here`s my problem: In my GOTM4 try I got badly clobbered by Barbarians right at the start. I had 3 Warriors, 1 exploring, 2 in capital. Barbarian Warroir comes up, kills both, plunders the city. Since there`s another Barbarian in view, I poprush a Warrior. He defends successfully and gets promotet, onla to die under the strokes of a third barbarian while I try to build my first settler. City plundered.....

Now you all now the next neighbour in GOTM4, and that nations predisposition for easy kills..... They came in with 8+ units, talking nicely to me, but never wavering from their course, going straight for my capital (by now 1 Warrior, 1 Spearman defence), took it, and razed my second city.... End Game.

Now my question: I`ve seen quite some of the map in this short time. I now know about an inportant location for a city, and I know (I guess) about the number of civ on my island as well as what strategy I should employ in the early phase.

Can I start the game again and submit it or is that considered cheating because I had "insider knowledge"????

How many turns are OK for a restart, if any?????
Something like that happened to me in the GOTM1.

Matrix told me it would be cheating to restart so I submited this game with a very low score.

So better chance in GOTM5.

(If you don't see my in the result, it's because I erased my game and Matrix lost my submission.)
I think u can restart.
All high scores players are reloaders ... or liars :D
Check their save games : early settlement on AI continents with tiremes !!! early conquest with few bowman of AI neighbour or even warrior !!!
Reloading, especially in early stage, makes the difference.
Congratulations for your honesty anyway !
Originally posted by mogon
All high scores players are reloaders ... or liars :D
You wish. :p

I had something similar in the GOTM II. Not as bad as you had, but still... It sucks, but reloading is never ever allowed.

By the way, I'm glad for the result of the poll, but the result actually doesn't matter at all. It's not allowed to reload and that's that.

Ok, the only thing that gives dispensation is pressing the wrong button accidentally.
Originally posted by Matrix
You wish. :p

I had something similar in the GOTM II. Not as bad as you had, but still... It sucks, but reloading is never ever allowed.

By the way, I'm glad for the result of the poll, but the result actually doesn't matter at all. It's not allowed to reload and that's that.

Ok, the only thing that gives dispensation is pressing the wrong button accidentally.

totally agree on reloading. what I´m more interested in though is restarting the entire game! btw: I did NOT look at the AAR so I don`t know the map...

well, I played that game for fun, and I tell you one thing: it looks like a great starting position, and it is (except for the barbs that killed me ;) ) but I`m really looking forward to seeing other people`s scores :D
Restarting the GOTM completely is basically the same. You replay because things don't go the way you wanted. Sh*t can happen...
Well this is my second GOTM. The first forced me to pay very causiously even though it was on regent. I endup being stalled for ages as i couldn't get horses. And fought a long bitter defensive war.

Bad luck dose happen to us all. But the fun of the game is to carry on regardless. As it tuned out it was a very enjoyable game as I made a big comeback

Unfortunity on Emperor level it seem to be unforgiving. Most people submitt there first game and replay it again to see what they would have done differently. (I'am looking forward to playing GOTM1 :) )
No restarting even on emperor ?
The goal is not to win, but to do as good as you can (in your first try). Obviously, when playing on emperor level and you loose, you won't be the only one. Though I got the nasty feeling some don't submit when they've lost. But I garantee: I'll loose. :o Donsig will loose. ;)

But that's the fun part of the Game of the Month: you compare your results with others. This is very different then a game for the Hall of Fame, where ofcourse reloading is allowed. Your score is actually pure relative to all other scores.
I've been playing a game to submit to the Civ3 HOF. I was under the impression that reloading wasn't allowed for those games. The rules weren't very clear, all that I can see is this quote.

Do not cheat! Any games suspected of cheating will not be processed. Any games that are later found to have been cheated will be removed.

Are you sure reloading is allowed? I guess I just assumed that as a "cheat" because of the GOTM rules. I've been trying to avoid domination, and without reloading that means keeping the empire much smaller than perhaps I should (playing it safe). That's really the only point in the game that reloading would make a difference, as the rest has just been a pure numbers rush. Individual battle results have virtually no effect on the outcome of the game because there are so many of them.
The idea of the Hall of Fame is that you play a game as perfect as possible. But reloading as often as you like (until you win a battle with low chance of success) might indeed be considered cheating. Ok, I'll take back that statement. :) But if you want to be sure, ask Thunderfall...
I recieved this answer on the HOF thread regarding whether reloading was allowed or not.

Originally posted by Duke of Marlbrough
General Definition of Cheating:

Cheating is generally considered anything that is done outside the normal operations of the game. That means editors, mod-packs, and the like. Anything that everyone who just buys the game, and only installs patches/updates to the game, can do is fair game.

Reloading is allowed to a degree. If you want to check things, reload, if you want to redo a combat, you shouldn't reload.

The rules aren't as strict as the GOTM because in tthe GOTM everyone is playing the same game so they have to be sure everyone is playing on a more fair level within the fixed time frame. In the HOF, if someone outscores you, you just have to eventually play better to beat them.
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