[BTS] Italy, 128x144x18


Oct 21, 2020
Tired of conquering the world. Preparing your next trip to italy. Then you might enjoy this giant map of italy. Copy the file to "My Games/Beyond the Sword/saves/World Builder" and start a custom scenario with the file. Tested with plain BtS 3.19 or BtS 3.19 + BAT Mod 4.1.

Spoiler Giant Map of Italy :

Choose the roman civ to dominate the game or any other civ for a much tougher fight. Starting positions are the major italian cities: Rom, Mailand, Neapel, ... The map contains many geographical markers like city names, river names, ... for orientation.


Can you make a Asia map for me please?

Here's an example you should look up to.
proposed east asia map.png
What an amazing map! Really appreciate the name-pins you added. Looks like I'll be adding Corsica myself though :)
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