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JFD and Janboruta's Civilisations

Also, add Orkney to the list of places where Norwegian colonies can be taken from.

I meant Shetland. :p

Well, you've got both now, plus some Arctic, Antarctic, Icelandic, and Faroe places.

Norway updated as above*.

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*so below

So I'm right after all :) People do not recognize Vaclav that easily.
And yeah, I guess it would be the same if Stephen was renamed to István, so don't get me wrong, I'm not arguing to change it.

Vaclav can still cause confusion. Though you are right, it's not that big a deal, so I won't argue to change that either (even though your jan excuse just disappeared :p)
Although to be honest, I also wasn't sure he is the same as Wenceslaus, until I checked (a couple months ago) who did you choose as the Bohemian leader.

Well, Vaclav was certainly more obscure to me than Wenceslaus, and I personally prefer the latter.

Spoiler :

And something that is on topic, how is ExCE going? will it end with you dead after a Muay Thai fight with Sukritact? :lol:
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I don't think ExCE is necessarily on topic :p ExCE is going alright. Basically:

Colonies The Colonies component itself is complete, but the Loyalty mechanic awaits some work from our gacrious Successor to the Throne of Whoward, Lord Gazebo.
Trade Trade is complete except I have no idea - again (i swear, I redo the list several times over, and this always happens) - what secondary effect to give Sugar...
Attrition This needs some work.
Exploration This is complete except for the Recon line/Great Explorer, which is a bit tricky because a lack of art (both icon and graphic) prevents me from having both. The Great Explorer is too important, but to deprive the mod of what made it Exploration Continued is sort of ridiculous.
Hello Jfd,
thanks for all the great mods you've done so far!
Do you think it will be ever possible to split major civs like spain and russia into ~3 minor civs?
Maybe they could establish their motherland using the decissions mod by conquering each other or diplomacy.
It would be great to see those big civs being created over time.
Other scenarios could be France (after 100 years war), Poland/Lithuania, Germany, Great Britain, Scandinavia, Italy and so on...
Maybe there are even more interesting unions in america and asia im just very fixed on european yneamp map with TSL :)
Greets and keep up the good work pls.
The download states the mod was last updated 9 days ago... am I... in the future? :eek:

NZ internet == slow. ETA 5 min

Hello Jfd,
thanks for all the great mods you've done so far!
Do you think it will be ever possible to split major civs like spain and russia into ~3 minor civs?
Maybe they could establish their motherland using the decissions mod by concering each other or diplomacy.
It would be great to see those big civs being created over time.
Other scenarios could be France (after 100 years war), Poland/Lithuania, Germany, Great Britain, Scandinavia, Italy and so on...
Maybe there are even more interesting unions in america and asia im just very fixed on european yneamp map with TSL :)
Greets and keep up the good work pls.

Hypereon's planning to do something like this, I think. Using the basic constituent part of a nation - e.g. The Rus' - and letting them enact decisions or whatever to evolve (The Rus' -- Kievan Rus' -- Novgorod -- Muscovy -- Russia (Peter) -- Russia (Catherine) -- Russia (Alexander II) -- Russia (Nicholas II) -- Soviet Union (Lenin) -- Soviet Union (Stalin) -- Russian Fed (Putin) -- Russian Orthodox Empire (Putin)

Be a load of work though.
Now, did someone say they loved the Vandal music? :p

And in the info box for the Vandals the war theme is credited as "Battle for Middle-East" :lol:

Exploration This is complete except for the Recon line/Great Explorer, which is a bit tricky because a lack of art (both icon and graphic) prevents me from having both. The Great Explorer is too important, but to deprive the mod of what made it Exploration Continued is sort of ridiculous.

But I updated the icon for the Great Explorer, and you used a unique model for that already? But I think I'm not getting what you mean here.
And in the info box for the Vandals the war theme is credited as "Battle for Middle-East" :lol:

Homage to a previously unknown prophecy as fortold by Tolkein :p

But I updated the icon for the Great Explorer, and you used a unique model for that already? But I think I'm not getting what you mean here.

That's the Great Explorer. I was then going to use the something something from the something something as the regular Explorer, which was the upgrade from the Scout. I've got a model for one of them, but not necessarily both. I've absolutely no trouble with the Great Explorer - but the original Exploration Continued - which lacks a Great Explorer - has a Scout -- Explorer -- Adventurer -- Airship line, and this is what I can't retain because the Great Explorer is taking the art of both the Explorer (updated by you) and the Adventurer.
Hypereon's planning to do something like this, I think. Using the basic constituent part of a nation - e.g. The Rus' - and letting them enact decisions or whatever to evolve (The Rus' -- Kievan Rus' -- Novgorod -- Muscovy -- Russia (Peter) -- Russia (Catherine) -- Russia (Alexander II) -- Russia (Nicholas II) -- Soviet Union (Lenin) -- Soviet Union (Stalin) -- Russian Fed (Putin) -- Russian Orthodox Empire (Putin)

Be a load of work though.

It was France, though.
Be a load of work though.

Definetly, just wanted to know if those utopic thoughts are possible :)

At first it would be great to fill some empty space in medieval europe like novgorod, muscovy and crimea.
Eeh ok.
Might fit better in civ suggestions / request thread then.
Good to hear that though.
Spoiler :

>tfw reading anything that Nathan types

And something that is on topic, how is ExCE going? will it end with you dead after a Muay Thai fight with Sukritact? :lol:

How... how come you write my name with an H? Do you want me to write your name with an H?:p;)
NZ internet == slow. ETA 5 min

Hypereon's planning to do something like this, I think. Using the basic constituent part of a nation - e.g. The Rus' - and letting them enact decisions or whatever to evolve (The Rus' -- Kievan Rus' -- Novgorod -- Muscovy -- Russia (Peter) -- Russia (Catherine) -- Russia (Alexander II) -- Russia (Nicholas II) -- Soviet Union (Lenin) -- Soviet Union (Stalin) -- Russian Fed (Putin) -- Russian Orthodox Empire (Putin)

Be a load of work though.

Well, I decided to wait until Piety & Prestige, because I'm a kind of occupied for now. High School final exams coming and a friend of mine decided to run for the Finnish parliament (!), so I'm the main graphician for his campaign now. And after that, entrance exams and probably moving to the university, I hope. So, "real life" has once again surpassed modding for time unknown... :lol:

Can't really promise anything to anyone anymore... :( :p
Janboruta, did i mention how much i like Poland? And the vandals? And the Vandal music? And your art? And your art? And your music picks? And who picked the music for the Nri and Belgium? Its awesome. Did i mention that its awesome? It is, anyways.
Well: Sugar was a trading resource in basically all of the zone around the Equator in Latin America. +5% Gold for every Sugar Resource could be a bit boring, but it definitively works.

Alternatively, Sugarcane Sugar introduced a new type of sweetener in Europe, which had only eggplant sugar and honey. So a 50% We Love The King Day extender could be nice.
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