Observations on the increase in late-game tech cost: So, I fear the concerns about raising the tech/civic costs in mid- to late-game may be coming to fruition, at least with games in epic/marathon. I believe the change was made originally in order for players to better match the Global Era with where one is on individual era. However, I am noticing with my current games that the AI isn’t adapting to the cost increase well, which affects the Global Era timer greatly.
In my current game, I just hit modern era techs and civics while the Global Era is still in Renaissance. Looking at the AI on the tech/civic trees, there are some really bad stragglers, (i.e. Germany just discovered Metal Casting, while I am just about to hit Flight). Granted, I don’t have many science or culture civs in the mix, but I figured the AI in general would have been tuned to build more science and culture districts to stay competitive with the increased costs. I am a bit disappointed, because I had hoped the new change would have made the late game flow better.