K-Mod: Far Beyond the Sword

dont be desparate.

your probably doing something wrong.

first , make sure you placed the mod under beyond the sword/mods

make sure themod folder tree looks like this:

second, i recommend to create a short cut with the mod name in it - mod="kmod" in the exe short cut.

i recommend to use other mods based on kmod, which are way more updated (karadoc left but other continued his remarkable ai modifications).

ah yes, i forgot -
this git doesnt contain the dll, nice for figuring out!
Change log

  • The AI will no longer start planning for war in less than 30 turns (scaled by game speed) unless a certain number of cities have been built (based on map size and number of players).

Just wanted to say I very much enjoy this mod. I have a old Map set on Deity and Marathon speed that I return to every year or two load up KMOD restart the game and get destroyed by the improved AI once more. Who every said losing can't be fun maybe I will beat it someday. Regardless I have gotten countless hours of enjoyment from it thank you.

I did notice that this particular AI change made things much easier. Typically on my annual losing crusade a neighbor the Mongols would always attack very early every single time making survival at the beginning tenuous and challenging. On my most recent two plays survival at the beginning was comparatively trivial. I could not figure out why I was no longer getting attacked until I realized I had updated my version of kmod.

As the general theme of the mod has been towards increasing the difficulty and improving balance. I wanted to highlight the fact that this particular change seems to make the game dramatically easier especially on marathon speed and deity difficulty when aggressive civs are on the map.
I'm a big fan of K-Mod and like the idea behind the culture changes, but I think the values need tuning. I'd like to change them at least for my own local files. Does anyone know how I can do this?
What I'd like to change is distance penalty formula for plot culture and bump the free culture value.

For context around why I want to decrease the intensity of cultural wars, I'm playing a game on deity right now and even though I'm investing heavily in culture I'm still seeing revolt risk in the first 2 cities (besides my capital) that I founded. That I'm unable to keep these cities out of revolt risk even when building most of the cultural buildings and building lots of wonders and national wonders in nearby cities has been pretty frustrating and seems a bit ridiculous.
Thanks that's exactly the information I was looking for. If I swap out the DLL will my current game be able to use my new settings or will the changes only affect new games?
Cities add culture to nearby tiles (including tiles with other cities) turn by turn, and the accumulated culture is written to and read from savegames. Changing the formula in doPlotCultureTimes100 is not going to change the tile culture values loaded from savegames. You could do something like setting all tile culture to 0 and then let all cities spread culture according to the new formula a certain number of times, but that would not be the same result as if the new formula had been used since the start of the game. (Assuming that the new formula will still spread culture gradually based on culture level and city culture rate.) The changed formula will, in any case, apply on all subsequent turns, adding to the culture values loaded from the savegame.
Change log
  • The AI will no longer start planning for war in less than 30 turns (scaled by game speed) unless a certain number of cities have been built (based on map size and number of players).
I played a few more games. I think the revised slightly more peaceful AI at the beginning of the game is fine.
It does make deity difficulty easier as aggressive AI will no longer rush you with archers but
it also avoids early war between the AI which when it occurs hinders their development substantially.
I would recommend keeping this change for most AI but revert it for aggressive civs to allow maximum variability in gameplay and to make aggressive civs more dangerous early on should there be a future update.

Overall this Mod is fantastic. Thank you for all your work on it. I use for almost all of my Civilization games.
I noticed that the files for this mod contain files for the unit upgrade tree mod. Which means that it should be possible for the unit upgrade tree tab to show up in the pedia. But I've not managed to make that happen. Is there an option somewhere that is turned off?
I think that's part of Sevopedia,
- Compatible with Civ4 version 1.52
- Includes all 1.52 vanilla pedia upgrades
- Multiple interface enhancements
- Includes Vovan's outstanding Unit Upgrade Chart [...]
so Sevopedia needs to be enabled on the Advisors tab. And the K-Mod opening menu will only show the regular Pedia, regardless of the Sevopedia option. What's more (iirc), when Pedia is accessed from the opening menu, Sevopedia becomes disabled even within a running game and will only re-appear after having been toggled off and on again.


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I don't see any text tags like "+1commerce on farms" for serfdom in the civics or research menu.

Does this mean the mod didn't load properly?

At this time, I see no difference between the original BTS game and the mod, unless the text strings aren't included in the mod.
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Civilopedia and the Civics screen should show the Farm commerce. And, after launching a game, Ctrl+Alt+O should bring up the BUG menu. Usually, the problem is that the Mods\K-Mod folder contains another K-Mod folder, and then BtS can't locate the mod's assets. The path should be e.g. Mods\K-Mod\Assets\CvGameCoreDLL.dll.
Civilopedia and the Civics screen should show the Farm commerce. And, after launching a game, Ctrl+Alt+O should bring up the BUG menu. Usually, the problem is that the Mods\K-Mod folder contains another K-Mod folder, and then BtS can't locate the mod's assets. The path should be e.g. Mods\K-Mod\Assets\CvGameCoreDLL.dll.
I had ro change the extract directory, everything is working.

I'm hoping the serfdom and relgious spread changes work as you say. I enjoy playing Huge Lakes maps with 11 AI's with no barbs, but they often become one world religion, or huge lakes 7 AI's + barbs with Frederick of Holy Rome, who would benefit more from serfdom farms,, since losing a farm or two to barbs on the order cities isn't as devastating as a village or hamlet and more farms = more specialists for frederick
Of course, running Serfdom will rule out Caste System, which, I think, is also pretty good for a Philosophical leader. I reckon that Financial leaders benefit the most from the Serfdom change. Regarding religion spread on a single continent, you could run a game or two on AI Auto Play (Ctrl+Shift+X; may require the "chipotle" cheat code to be entered in Beyond the Sword\CivilizationIV.ini) to see if the mod (usually) allows multiple AI-founded religions to thrive.
can someone guide me how to make next war work with k-mod without too much hassle, next-war is a natural extension of base technologies, and it would be great if k-mod worked there
if k-mod only modifies certain (more global) parameters maybe it would not be impossible to implement next-war, unless k-mod's AI knows how to leverage particular units
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Do you know if there's a way to make the barbarians "dumb" like they are in the unmodded game, while retaining the "Better AI" for the AI players?
I tried a few raging barbs gmaes, but the improved AI prevented the barbs from suiciding on my cities, causing them to rapidly stack 40-50 units and pillage everything
You might be able to cancel out the DLL changes to attack courage by experimenting with iBaseAttackOddsChange of LEADER_BARBARIAN in Assets\XML\Civilizations\Civ4LeaderHeadInfos.xml. If that works, you could also consider shifting part of the increase to iBaseAttackOddsChange to iAttackOddsChangeRand for more unpredictability (Barbarians only sometimes attacking at very low odds).
You might be able to cancel out the DLL changes to attack courage by experimenting with iBaseAttackOddsChange of LEADER_BARBARIAN in Assets\XML\Civilizations\Civ4LeaderHeadInfos.xml. If that works, you could also consider shifting part of the increase to iBaseAttackOddsChange to iAttackOddsChangeRand for more unpredictability (Barbarians only sometimes attacking at very low odds).

I found the portion described, highlighted in red.

Does the integer value represent a percentage, or a bizarre integer weight

For instance, if I set this to 5, and then to 10, what would be the mathematical difference.

That being said, your suggestion did work. I set the value to 10 and the rand value to 25. They suicide upon reaching any of my units.

Thank you. This made raging barbs + improved ai's playable in kmod.

In the unmodded game, the immortal ais die to raging barbs (even when I put every AI starting settler on plains hill with bronze) and the diety ai's don't even care (they just farm unit xp from the barbs and then declare on you in 2000BC with a stack of fifty 10/10 CRIII axes lol), so I can't ever use the option.

The kmod ai's can survive just fine on emperor using the "Full of Resources" map script to force bronze and horses in their capitols.


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