Kamikaze Apostles! (Updated March 17th)

Do you ever ruthlessly exploit the Martyr promotion in your games?

  • Yes, I am a cruel villain

  • No, I would never...

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Sagax, the Khmer mod isn't compatible with the Gathering Storm upgrade. That's why I don't play Khmer. :cry:

I would definitely like to, but I love the GS improvements so much that I'll have to wait for the upgrades for the upgrade... :crazyeye:
Sagax, the Khmer mod isn't compatible with the Gathering Storm upgrade. That's why I don't play Khmer. :cry:

I would definitely like to, but I love the GS improvements so much that I'll have to wait for the upgrades for the upgrade... :crazyeye:
....? The Khmer are an official DLC, not a mod. Unless you mean that you really hate the official version of them, and are waiting on Sukritact's mod (which doesn't even affect the suicide-relic strategy).
Yeah Sagax, you're right. It is a DLC, but that still doesn't make it compatible with Gathering Storm. When I go to the advanced settings to create a new game with the Gathering Storm expansion, the Khmer civ is not an option listed. I wish it were because I would love to play it.

Anyway, I just got another way cool skull thingy as a relic. Man, I am loving this SO much...:love:
Yeah Sagax, you're right. It is a DLC, but that still doesn't make it compatible with Gathering Storm. When I go to the advanced settings to create a new game with the Gathering Storm expansion, the Khmer civ is not an option listed. I wish it were because I would love to play it.

That's...not how it works. All official DLCs are immediately compatible with new official content. Did you scroll further enough? Currently all the civs are listed weirdly: it first shows all the GS leaders in alphabetical order, then all RnF leaders, and only then all the Vanilla+DLC civs/leaders.


OR: Did you enable this DLC?
Sagax, I just checked my Steam account and all of my DLCs (all of the available Civilization and Scenario Packs) were not installed anymore. I had installed them before I installed GS expansion. I'm now installing my DLCs a second time. Hopefully, this will work.
Okay, I have all of my DLCs installed, including the Khmer civ. For some reason, all of my DLCs were uninstalled after I installed GS. I didn't realize that I would need to install them again. Anyway, I installed everything again, and I have access to ALL of the civs (I bought every single new civ that came out). I can now play Khmer, but first I need to complete my current game with the Japanese.

Just got another cool relic...


News Flash!!!

When you run out of slots for relics, you don't generate them when your apostles die horrific deaths as they are slaughtered mercilessly by the EVIL enemy apostles and their VILE heathen beliefs. Arghh! I spit on them!

Sorry, um... I got a little carried away there... :blush:

Anyway, It would appear that I need to build more temples in order to keep gaining more relics. I didn't build Apadana in time, but I'm building the National History Musem, and that will give me four fresh new shiny clean spots for the oh so Holy Relics of the Sacred Divine Worshipful Holy Stuff... :smoke:
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This strategy is perfect when you combine:
- Reliquaries: Which gives relics triple faith and tourism yield.
- Monastic Isolation: Which means no penalties for losing religious combat.
- Mont St. Michel: The wonder that makes this strategy possible.
- St. Basil's Cathedral: It’s a nice wonder but not necessarily required.
- Cristo Redentor: So your relics and religious pressure don’t diminish when your opponents research the Enlightenment.

Make sure you always use all but 1 of your Apostles charges.
Thanks for the advice, Jarms, I'm now gonna start a new game with Khmer. This civ is perfect for this strategy, and I won't be forced to get Mont St. Michel (although I'll try to get it anyway).

I knew about all of the facts you presented, bro... except for that Monastic Isolation thing-a-ma-bob.... :goodjob:

I appreciate your help, dude... :bowdown::bowdown::worship::worship::woohoo::woohoo:
I just hate the distraction the religious side of Civ 6 is to me. I find it very annoying and wish there was a way to exclude it from the game as implemented.
I just hate the distraction the religious side of Civ 6 is to me. I find it very annoying and wish there was a way to exclude it from the game as implemented.

I can understand your point, bro... There are times when I like to completely dismiss this entire aspect of the game. I have a very strong passion for being a cruel warmonger and savagely murdering thousands of lives as I scratch and claw my way to the top of the power pyramid... :deadhorse:

However, you can always disable the religious victory...:satan::devil::devil::devil::satan:

This martyr feature and the free relic it provides is something that I find quite enjoyable...:spear:
Hi Lee, resident moron here

Yes, I can say that, because my wife happens to be married to one. A fact she'll explain at excruciatingly great lengths if you give her half a chance.. and something I am but all to willing to point out in mixed company,

..which proves her point.

Anywho, I'll admit that I have a bit of a problem watching my apostles bow down in defeat, but that's mostly due to how I see them functioning. Since it's theological debate that they engage in, I assume that they're all just standing around, baked out of their minds, talking BS to each other..

which led me to the following;

I only ever have five apostles at any given time, they being

Mike, :coffee:

Prick (the P is silent), :aargh:

Vivyan :wallbash:

Neil (who's always the most badass of the bunch) :woohoo:

and Alexei Yuri Gagarin Siege of Stalingrad Glorious Five Year Plan Sputnik Tractor Moscow Dynamo Back Four Balowski (his dad was a bit of a socialist) :wow:

God I wish we could actually name apostles :please:

They'll always have a few guru's hanging around (who provide either sacred herbs for getting baked, or words of encouragement when they start to lose the plot) as well as any number of missionaries who will re-tell their undeniable profound logic of why turtles are actually reincarnated meter maids or meteor strikes are really just God losing his marbles to the surrounding cities filled with unbelieving scumbag infidels.

I (almost) never raise apostles until Moksha has the Patron saint promotion (churning out missionaries until then), as well as being suzerain of Yerevan (so that I can choose whatever promotion I want for them, which is almost always the debater) If Yerevan isn't in a game I just create throw away apostles called Larry until I get a good selection of promotions to choose from.

I hope this was useful, and otherwise entertaining... I also tend to giggle a lot in myself when I'm playing.. :D
Relic Friendly City States;

Babylon; +1 Science per Relic
Kandy; Free relic when discovering Natural Wonder, +50% Faith from Relics
Yerevan; Apostles can choose from a bigger list of promotions, increasing chances of getting a Martyr if you don't have one of the appropriate Wonders.
Hi Lee, resident moron here
turtles are actually reincarnated meter maids or meteor strikes
Hey there, old andy griffith... (he said as he whistled the theme song to the old andy griffith show and snapped his fingers)

Me and Opie are goin' fishin' a little later and he wanted to talk about how teenage mutant ninja turtles are actually reincarnated as meteor maids on strike... :splat:

Anyway, my new game with the Khmer is quite awesome. I'm really having a lot of happy fun with Gathering Storm... My main problem with the older versions of civ II, civ III, civ IV, civ V, and civ VI has always been staying interested into the late game, but this is not a problem with the Great Works and the expanded Science features, and the many measures that have been taken to prevent unit spamming. Thank you, Firaxis... :run::w00t:

Relic Friendly City States;

Babylon; +1 Science per Relic
Kandy; Free relic when discovering Natural Wonder, +50% Faith from Relics
Yerevan; Apostles can choose from a bigger list of promotions, increasing chances of getting a Martyr if you don't have one of the appropriate Wonders.

I wish there were some way we could carefully pick and choose which city states we want to have in our games. That would be like, really way cool and the gang... :band:
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I just did this with Frelanor a couple games ago. Getting Mont St Michel was easy with the French bonus. I spammed apostles and marched them through Spain and Siam. Didn't even bother promoting them most of the time.
I ALWAYS leave my apostles with one charge remaining to make them into a warrior of my faith. I pray for the relic upgrade and quickly move those lucky enough to obtain it into dangerous foreign lands to do as ill-conceived attacks as possible. The trouble is the game does seem to understand you are parking your robed figure close to his holy city - holy site for that particular reason and rarely fights it.
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