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Kamikaze Apostles! (Updated March 17th)

Do you ever ruthlessly exploit the Martyr promotion in your games?

  • Yes, I am a cruel villain

  • No, I would never...

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I just did this with Frelanor a couple games ago. Getting Mont St Michel was easy with the French bonus. I spammed apostles and marched them through Spain and Siam. Didn't even bother promoting them most of the time.
Hey Socrates,

Totally hear ya, bro... I never promote my apostles (or Khmer missionaries). I just send 'em straight out to a waiting enemy holy guy. I usually wait until I spot an enemy holy dude first before I send my minion off to his death. :satan::satan::devil::satan::satan:
I ALWAYS leave my apostles with one charge remaining to make them into a warrior of my faith. I pray for the relic upgrade and quickly move those lucky enough to obtain it into dangerous foreign lands to do as ill-conceived attacks as possible. The trouble is the game does seem to understand you are parking your robed figure close to his holy city - holy site for that particular reason and rarely fights it.

Yo BoomBoom,

You need to complete the Mont St. Michel wonder. This wonder gives all of your new apostles the Martyr promotion automatically. You can also play the Khmer civ, a civilization available as a DLC expansion, which has a unique building called a Prasat, which replaces the temple. This unique building gives your missionaries the Martyr promotion. :please::please::old::jesus::old::please::please:

Waiting for the AI to create holy people is like watching water on a stove and waiting for it to boil. That's why I wait until I actually see an enemy holy person before I create a martyr and send him to his death...:deadhorse:
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In my games I always have issues finding Apostles to kill me. What difficulty do you use for this? I was considering playing a game for this fun and was thinking trying it at King instead of Deity so I can build wonders reliably. Poland is my favorite Reigious civ as their UA & UB are under rated IMO Civ 6.
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In my games I always have issues finding Apostles to kill me. What difficulty do you use for this? I was considering playing a game for this fun and was thinking trying it at King instead of Deity so I can build wonders reliably. Poland is my favorite Reigious civ as their UA & UB are under rated IMO Civ 6.
Hey BK,

I play my game normally and when I see an enemy apostle, I'm all over that sucker like a vampire at a blood donation clinic. A few moments ago, I used several apostles to go exploring into some uncharted terrain, and luckily came across a waiting apostle who slapped my missionary down, and beat him like a rented mule... :deadhorse:

I got this way cool prize after the senseless bloodshed was over :devil:[pissed]:devil:

Keep posting those relics...Would love to see them all. So far those shown I have gotten at one point or another. I love to play the religion game (esp as Spain). I've maximized the strategy as stated by Jarms48 often and do enjoy it immensely.
In my games I always have issues finding Apostles to kill me. What difficulty do you use for this? I was considering playing a game for this fun and was thinking trying it at King instead of Deity so I can build wonders reliably. Poland is my favorite Reigious civ as their UA & UB are under rated IMO Civ 6.
difficulty shouldn't matter a lot. On immortal and deity the AI does get a combat bonus that helps but they don't necessarily spam more units. I usually look for a typically religious AI and just wander around their lands. Just look at the rankings and the religious victory leaders should be the focus. I'll spread them out among the top 3.
Keep posting those relics...Would love to see them all. So far those shown I have gotten at one point or another. I love to play the religion game (esp as Spain). I've maximized the strategy as stated by Jarms48 often and do enjoy it immensely.
I'll keep posting those relics, Mister Boom Boom. Now that I have Mont St. Michel, I can create martyrs that attack, so I can get them killed by missionaries. There have been dozens of missionaries wandering through my lands, but I can't attack them unless I have apostles with the martyr promotion. The Khmer civ only allows creation of missionaries with the martyr bonus, and they cannot attack...

Anyway, I'll keep the relic screen shots coming... :cheers:
difficulty shouldn't matter a lot. On immortal and deity the AI does get a combat bonus that helps but they don't necessarily spam more units. I usually look for a typically religious AI and just wander around their lands. Just look at the rankings and the religious victory leaders should be the focus. I'll spread them out among the top 3.
That's a good strategy, Socrates. I'd do it as well, but I have disabled the religious victory. I disable all victories except the domination victory, because the other victories are not real. They are merely formalities of the game. If you use them, more power to ya, but I can't stand them and don't want them....:wallbash:
That's a good strategy, Socrates. I'd do it as well, but I have disabled the religious victory. I disable all victories except the domination victory, because the other victories are not real. They are merely formalities of the game. If you use them, more power to ya, but I can't stand them and don't want them....:wallbash:
Best part about this game is you can tailor it to you're tastes.

A lot of the time I'll just run them from one end of an enemy's empire to the other. Usually it takes a few turns for them to do that so I dont have to micromanage their movements. Enemy apostles will attack on sight and that'll disrupt the command so you can focus on suicide bombing your religious martyr.
Best part about this game is you can tailor it to you're tastes.

A lot of the time I'll just run them from one end of an enemy's empire to the other. Usually it takes a few turns for them to do that so I dont have to micromanage their movements. Enemy apostles will attack on sight and that'll disrupt the command so you can focus on suicide bombing your religious martyr.
Exactly, Socrates...

I do the same thing because you can set their movement commands to a destination. I will use them in place of scouts and have them flesh out all of the various areas of the huge maps I play on. :ar15:
Check this one out...

Cincture of the Theotokos

Sounds like the creative team at Firaxis might have been taking some sort of "medicinal supplement" when they came up with this one... :cowboy:

Now they're starting to come in rather quickly... I got another one (Chains of the Apostles) but I have already posted a pic of that relic from my last game so I will not post it again.
Do Relics count as Great works for Eleanore's UA?
A relic is a great work, so it counts towards her unique ability. Here is a description of her unique ability from Steam's First Look... :vomit:

Eleanor Unique Ability – Court of Love

Great Works in Eleanor’s cities each cause a loss of Loyalty per turn in nearby foreign cities. A city that leaves another civilization due to a loss of Loyalty and is currently receiving the most Loyalty per turn from Eleanor skips the Free City step and instantly joins her civilization.

...and here is a link to Civilizations Wiki's master article on Great Works. As you can clearly see, it specifically states...

Civilization VI introduces a brand new type of Great Work: the religious Relic. This may be a piece of the True Cross, or the Tablet of the Prophet, or a similar item filled with sacred significance. In the world of Civilization VI, more pious than ever, these Relics are powerful tools of both religious and cultural dominance. Their sources are unique, and so are the places they may be stored. Unlike Great Works of Art or Artifacts, Relics may be earned throughout the entire game, and they produce +4 Faith and +8 Tourism, but no Culture (unless they are owned by Jadwiga).

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