Keys to a Cultural Win with lots of DoW


Nov 2, 2001
I have won all different ways pre-patch on Immortal-King victories except Cultural. vexing gave some really good tips and I wanted to try them out for the first time. The results were really good despite having to successfully fight off many DoW. Here were the keys to success, fwiw:

Set up:
Small Continents
Standard Size, Speed, Resources
8 civs/16 city-states
Playing as Egypt

1. Tech start was:
Mining (ruin)
Sailing (for pearls)
Anim Husb/Wheel (to get War Chariots)
Philosophy (from GL)

2. Build orders in Thebes were:
Great Library
work boat
couple of War Chariots (to fight my first DoW)
Burial Tomb
Hanging Gardens
National College
Hagia Sophia

3. Settled Thebes in a resource-rich river coastal plains and building two other cities also in a resource-rich area (over 18 luxuries total). Annexed Honolulu for my fourth and final city.

4. First turning point was using a GS->Acoustics and getting Legalism (Opera Houses), GE->Sistine, building Hermitage and Free Religion/Theocracy pair to finish Peity all within 13 turns to go from 51 culture to 133 (no city-states)

5. Second turning point was (2) GS-> Navigation/Archaelogy, building museums, opening Freedom, building Louvre and settling two Landmarks to go from 171 culture to 231 in about a dozen turns.

6. Third turning point was finishing Tradition, getting Constitution, researching Radio and Telegraph (helped by RA) with Replaceable Parts in there to upgrade to Infantry, building broadcast towers and Cristo to go from low 400s to mid-500s culture.

7. I had 9 DoW from next-door Rome alone, plus two from Polynesia and one from Siam. Had to keep up militarily, which meant several War Chariots early on, then WC->Knights, Swords->Longswords mid-game then Rifle/Cav and Artillery/Infantry later on. I don't think I was slowed down that much because there were two long breaks in culture building (Steel to Banking and Astronomy, and Gunpowder to Rifles and Fertilizer/Military Science to Dynamite/Electricity) that focused on military/production while there were no culture to build. My overall population and production (mid-late game) was pretty low as the focus was on culture, wonders and defensive units.

8. Had really great luck with Wonders despite not getting Aristocracy until much later. Capturing Honolulu gave me four wonders when I had most of the others myself. Thebes had good production early until I started building Landmarks (had 6 altogether). Built Himeji as well as other defensive bonuses that held off every attack, even the late ones when I had only Artillery/Infantry to defend.

9. Only three cultural city-states and didn't get any of them (would've entailed even more DoW, I think) until pretty late. Nice boosts but others could've done better early on to manage getting them.

10. Overall, I love getting most of the Social Policies (some clunkers in there) and the finishers were great bonuses, lots of choice ones even if you are not going for such a win. But others could win quicker than I did but I love fighting battles (offensive or defensive, it didn't matter) too. In the end, a cultural win is just as easy as the other victory conditions IF you focus on it early in the game (the other victories can be switched to later on), even if you have spend a lot of time fighting wars. They key point was to get to and maximize the snot out of the Acoustics/Legalism, Archaelogy and Radio/Telegraph turning points.

11. Final note about the AI opponents. It has long been my criticism that they do not do enough to "play to win". There were several times that I held my breath when I was fighting yet another war with Rome on my northern front when England or Siam should have attacked my weak under-belly. I also wished that England or Greece could've been more aggressive in getting city-states (didn't help that they kept fighting each other) and no one built the UN. And despite a couple of Manhattan Projects, no nukes appeared. Unlike others, I do not like being in control of my destiny when playing a game - opponents should be all about making me lose, esp. since I was the leader in points most of the game. Perhaps a cultural game is seen as passive enough to the opponents, unfortunately. Rome was the only one that was aggressive enough with their nine DoW that kept me busy but they couldn't get through my lines. Wished others were the same way, esp. at the same time.
Forgot to add my Social Policies priorities:
Collective Rule (settler)
Citizenship (worker)
Organized Religion
Free Religion/Theocracy (finished Piety)
then finished Liberty
finished Tradition
finished Patronage
finished Freedom
My weakest part are the policies order. Buildings are pretty obvious. I've done 3 CV so far, all from GOTM and HoF settings. I'm not a big fan of cultural games, but i think the real challenge is to do them with the fastest time possible.

The success rate in sp mode is pretty high for immortal and below if you know what to do. The biggest challenge is certainly in mp mode. If someone have won this without any quitting, he's a god(at least with me in :lol:)

vexing, did you post the perfect policy order yet somewhere or it's still a big secret?
as far as i can tell the best order is something like
all of piety (+33% from wonders, +culture from happiness, then free policy to finish the branch),
all of freedom (culture then specialists then rest)
rest of liberty,
start patronage (left two then ally all cultural CS),
finish tradition,
finish patronage.

legalism is popped for opera houses / hermitage.

finishing freedom early is pretty key for the double culture from landmarks and +9 production manufactories.

patronage may be a mistake, or it should possibly be finished before tradition so you'll actually get a free specialist out of it. in general the final branch shouldn't matter much.
going to commerce for the building cost reduction may work out better if it lets you rush buy an extra broadcast tower or hydro/solar plant for capital. i guess it depends on your money situation / how many allies you've maintained. there are also situations where honor's opening policy early would work out better, like as askia on longer game lengths.
For cultural games I usually take Tradition, Honor, Piety, Patronage and Freedom trees. Tradition, Honor and Piety are very complimentary. This works particularly well with Aztecs. Liberty would seem to be a waste in a tall empire cultural game.
I've come back to Civ 5 from only playing in September/October 2010. I used to play on Prince and win. Now I'm back playing on Prince but I'm failing hard. Has the game become harder with patches? Or is it just because my first two games back on Civ 5 were also my first attempts at cultural victories?

My first was a boring failure where I kept having to fight off opponents who just didn't manage to hit me hard enough and let me live while I was playing a lost cause while on the other continent Arabia had a fun ride to tech or diplomatic victory.

It's so much easier for me to go tech, diplo or domination. Cultural just seems that I'm lagging behind in tech and army, and my neighbours attack me, making me slug through defensive wars with the braindead AI. The whole "more cities = more culture needed to get policies" mechanic is kind of iffy. I mean, I understand its purpose, but it just feels weird.

I think I'm just not very good at "tall" empires. I always seem to be in the middle of the pack in points.
Welcome back SimonL! The trick is to keep signing RAs and get these ren. cultural buildings very fast.

vexing, i tought that the 33% discount policy from the Liberty tree was very important to get before expanding...or is it the case from what you said, by taking a part of the Liberty tree early on?

Last 2 games i played i took the 33% discount before expanding and in the other game i didn't. I got a way better finish time from the discount.

Offhand, my chief advice would be to ignore everything you knew before, and ignore non-mechanical documentation.

It's not hard to win cultural, and particularly not so on Prince. I managed to win several cultural victories with like, 20 cities, all mine, most Annexed.

There is no longer any reason to limit your city acquisition. The culture hit doesn't hit hard enough to prevent the win even if you annex the entire world.
vexing, i tought that the 33% discount policy from the Liberty tree was very important to get before expanding...or is it the case from what you said, by taking a part of the Liberty tree early on?

that's representation. it reduces the 15% per city penalty to 10%. i do get it before going beyond two cities, but i like getting the settler as 3rd policy. you should be able to get a plush spot and generally that city is able to hard build library before GL finishes. also having the extra city already up and at 2 or 3 pop makes the golden age more of a bonus, and it still comes in time to help with NC.

Liberty would seem to be a waste in a tall empire cultural game.
not at all, even if you're only going three cities representation reduces the total culture needed to win by 8%, at four cities it's more than the piety finisher.
Thank you for the tips! I'll try them now.

I have got stuck one one map: stadard map, Arabia. Started on a continent with 5 civs. The issue is in Genkhis Khan - he is my only neighbour (except 3 city-states), he expands like mad, aggressive and has almost the same UU as I have. I have already tried the GP-based scientific victory but failed twice. I think I should try the cultural victory.

patronage may be a mistake,

I thought about this too. Thinking about protecting CSs will not make cultural victory easier.
I finally managed a cultural win on Prince as Gandhi on a standard map with 3 cities (which, I didn't realize, gave me the Bollywood achievement! :) ). Only around infantry did I manage to be on par technologically with most other civs, and the runaway civ was still a bit ahead of me and had built the United Nations.

Actually, there was a point where I made a mistake, I was upgrading units to defend against the Inca (the runaway civ gobbling everyone) and I was short on cash, I let one of my two cultural city-states allies decay to "friends", I didn't mind because I had all the culture needed at this point... However the Inca immediately allied them and I realized an hour later when the Inca built the UN that this CS gave them the ONE vote they were missing to win through UN. My Utopia project was 12 turns from completion, the UN vote was 8 turns away. AAAAARGH

So I reloaded a save from one hour before (I hate replaying) and made sure not to let that CS go. That made The Incas change their plan and he went crazy on the invasions. But once I had the rocket artillery, the tactical AI didn't fair good enough to take me. I won! But in 2025 or something ridiculous like that. In my previous failed game as Spain on Prince, the Arabs managed to win a UN victory before 2000. That could have happened again...

Despite my reload, I still count my win as a fair win, as I am still kind of new to Civ 5 and am learning of all the pitfalls, like that one... But I won't do it anymore because, well, now that I know I can win Prince, I'm okay with losing once in a while ;)

Things I learned from this game; check your victory progress screen often (especially diplomatic!), trading posts trading posts trading posts! You need money in this game! A lot! (was running out of money in my previous game as Spain), grow your cities fast and use specialist spots.

On city growing, is it me or does the AI always have bigger cities? Even as Gandhi and only 3 cities, I ended the game with the cities at pop 22 and 23. Everybody else seemed to have pops of 26-27 in their biggest cities. And they have ridiculous GPT, like 300-500. With that and their super fast research (renaissance era in like 1050!?) I'm not so sure Prince is the "normal level" that Prince was in Civ 4 where the AI had no benefits whatsoever and no penalties...
unfortunately the AI has bonuses even on prince; they're playing on chieftain difficulty so they get 3 extra base happiness, 60% happiness from cities and pop, 2/3rds cost social policies as well as some other bonuses, however no direct bonus to growth. perhaps they were allied with maritimes and you weren't?
A lot of the time when I go for a cultural win someone builds the UN and I end up winning diplomacy. This is usually when I don't plan on going culture from the beginning and just dominate my whole continent and need some way to win the game.
trading posts trading posts trading posts! You need money in this game! A lot! (was running out of money in my previous game as Spain), grow your cities fast and use specialist spots.

Disagree. Developing cities fast with mines/lumbermills and growing them with farms is much more useful. Don't build trade posts a lot - use specialists instead.

On city growing, is it me or does the AI always have bigger cities? Even as Gandhi and only 3 cities, I ended the game with the cities at pop 22 and 23. Everybody else seemed to have pops of 26-27 in their biggest cities. And they have ridiculous GPT, like 300-500. With that and their super fast research (renaissance era in like 1050!?)

The answer is above. With spamming farms instead of trading posts and using specialists you will have much larger cities with much better science/culture/gold output.
Disagree. Developing cities fast with mines/lumbermills and growing them with farms is much more useful. Don't build trade posts a lot - use specialists instead.

The answer is above. With spamming farms instead of trading posts and using specialists you will have much larger cities with much better science/culture/gold output.


Are there tiles where you would consider trading posts are good ? Is it before the gold buildings are available? Doesn't anyone play with trading posts? Or is it just a different play style to use specialist vs trading posts? Don't specialists just give like 2 gold per turn?

Are there tiles where you would consider trading posts are good ? Is it before the gold buildings are available? Doesn't anyone play with trading posts? Or is it just a different play style to use specialist vs trading posts? Don't specialists just give like 2 gold per turn?

I think that trading posts are good for puppets and widely-growing empires. With rationalism only, of course.

I can make some maths, but I should get back home first :). Rougly saying, if you have rationalism tree (you usually will not in cultural game), two trading posts on grassland will give you +2 gold + 1 science. With freedom one farm, 1GS+1GM will give you 2 gold + more-than-1 (don't remember correctly) science.

Of course, amount of specialist slots are limited, but there are other advantages on avoiding TPs: you will have larger population (because of farms) => better science output. You will also have a good production boost: TP-spammed city will usually waste more than 30 turns to build a museum (300 hammers) and a food/production city at the same time will build museum, public schoolm, theatre and a bank giving you boost in all spheres.
With four cities and lots of land (#1 throughout the whole game), I think I built 1 trading post. Lots of trading posts in my one puppet but there are much better ways to get gold, as well as better use of land.
Even on Immortal my strategy for cultural victory is pretty much the same. I go for a tall empire with 3 large cities, digging in and turtling like a mo-fo, and building lots and lots of wonders. I like Egypt, Babylon, and occasionally Siam for my civ. Egypt rerolling for marble is generally my plan. Tradition for the two left policies, then filling out Piety, then Patronage is my policy path. I know Patronage has been nerfed but I find the science boost supplements my culture focus nicely so I don't get behind, and the happiness bonus supplements many of the policies in the Piety tree, it's a nice synergy.

I tend to go for Stonehenge, CI (the longer GAs works great with Piety), and the obvious culture wonders (SC, CR, etc.). I also like grabbing GL, Oracle, and ET as optional wonders as well.

Also having the CSs on your side helps with DoW issues. I pick standard map size 90% of the time, and even though CS aren't overly aggressive during times of war, they're usually in close enough proximity to the other civs that they can provide a nice distraction. Cannon fodder...if you will :)
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