KIOT I- What is this 'Logic' you speak of?

OOC: I smell a war a-brewing... :mischief:

Horb recognizes the claims of Hellas to the disputed region. For a complete list of reasons, inquire below.
Syria is Greek. Also you expanded in Armenia and Turkey, and both of those regions are in Minor Asia.

Stay in Iran and Iraq, or face war.

and also why do you have a claim, its my province, its not nomans land.

I will take it over with my armies if you dont change your claims in Syria and Minor Asia.
Make my day you Macedonian Slav.

EDIT: You're claiming muslim land, not in any sense connected with the so called Greek Empire, and you want me to cede my claims, you want Fresh Fruit for Rotting vegetables. No way. Bulgaria is on top of you. It has, it owns have of real Greece, and you said nothing, no threats not one word. I see this as blatant aggression, just because I joined this turn, you want to cease the opportunity to land grab. Well I will not allow you that, I ask the world community to fight these menacing barbarians, why must someone yield there own, I say Christos, you keep doing this in every game, Im sick of it, most people let in, but I will not, you start a rage conversation which ends up with you acting like a baby and going I WANT IT OR WAR. I said lets compromise you wouldn't. SO NOW I'M TELLING YOU I WILL NOT CAVE IN, I WILL NEVER SURRENDER AND I HOPE YOU ET BEATEN WORSE THAN IOT7!
You know something?

I have planned to expand in this area. See my orders. I wanted this area. See my orders. I posted those f$&%#^% orders before you joined.

Because an idiot joins in the middle of the game and takes my claims, i am the aggressor. I told you that i have no damn problem with all your province exept for one f*@*#$@ province in coastal Syria.

You join the game in the third turn, you take the provinces i was going to claim, and you cant agree to just move one f&%%$ claim?!

I dont understand you!! Why you cant just move one damn province. You come in the third turn, take my claims and think that i will welcome you?!
EDIT: Because of slow internet this post was double posted.
Make my day you Macedonian Slav.

Bosnian Bastard. Greece has a history of 5,000 years. You are some slavs who have no history. We have Parthenon. You have nothing.
Bosnian Bastard. Greece has a history of 5,000 years. You are some slavs who have no history. We have Parthenon. You have nothing.

You know something?

I have planned to expand in this area. See my orders. I wanted this area. See my orders. I posted those f$&%#^% orders before you joined.

Because an idiot joins in the middle of the game and takes my claims, i am the aggressor. I told you that i have no damn problem with all your province exept for one f*@*#$@ province in coastal Syria.

You join the game in the third turn, you take the provinces i was going to claim, and you cant agree to just move one f&%%$ claim?!

I dont understand you!! Why you cant just move one damn province. You come in the third turn, take my claims and think that i will welcome you?!

Dude I left you a buffer zone, I didn't claim on top of you like someone *wink* wink*, I could claimed enough to completely cut you off, but I didn't, I was polite and still am (the Macedonian Slav thing was a ingame joke dont take it seriously, and Im Wadiyan Arab not Bosnian in this game). See my claims only barely touch your province once, I left a buffer zone, and Im not gonna claim it, its all yours, also you can have all the Caucuses, Im willing to trade coastal Syria, but not for some threat. Also you want me to give up claims that are two provinces away from you? I just wanted to say (note the fresh fruit rotting vegetables) that Im open to negotiations, but your rant on destroying me tipped me of the edge. Also no need to insult or swear. Thats low dude, calling someone an idiot, someone who wants to play fair and respected you and even made concessions from the beginning, thats low. So what if I joined on the third turn, once again I dont see you ranting on Bulgaria who joined on top of you, you want everything from me just because Im still weak and you think you can take me out. This is the last time Im being Canadian (Polite), my terms are: Talk polity, no swearing or insulting, in game jokes yes, but no insults. Dont just outright claim anything, talk about it, ask and so on, also note that I already gave you land.

P.S You want me to start somewhere else, I should've, I bet if someone else was you they wouldn't have a problem with my claims.
Dude I left you a buffer zone, I didn't claim on top of you like someone *wink* wink*, I could claimed enough to completely cut you off, but I didn't, I was polite and still am (the Macedonian Slav thing was a ingame joke dont take it seriously, and Im Wadiyan Arab not Bosnian in this game). See my claims only barely touch your province once, I left a buffer zone, and Im not gonna claim it, its all yours, also you can have all the Caucuses, Im willing to trade coastal Syria, but not for some threat. Also you want me to give up claims that are two provinces away from you? I just wanted to say (note the fresh fruit rotting vegetables) that Im open to negotiations, but your rant on destroying me tipped me of the edge. Also no need to insult or swear. Thats low dude, calling someone an idiot, someone who wants to play fair and respected you and even made concessions from the beginning, thats low. So what if I joined on the third turn, once again I dont see you ranting on Bulgaria who joined on top of you, you want everything from me just because Im still weak and you think you can take me out. This is the last time Im being Canadian (Polite), my terms are: Talk polity, no swearing or insulting, in game jokes yes, but no insults. Dont just outright claim anything, talk about it, ask and so on, also note that I already gave you land.

You can have all of Syria, except the coast of Syria. Also i want Israel, so i can expand in Egypt and re-create Byzantium. All of the Middle East is yours.

Also why dont you just change your 1 claim in coastal Syria and claim an other part of Syria.

And sorry about the insult.
Okay, its a deal, but I can I take the Caucasus and do not expand into Sudan, Ethiopia, or Arabia.
Deal. I only want coastal Syria, Irseal and Egypt.
Deal. I only want coastal Syria, Irseal and Egypt.
o what if I joined on the third turn, once again I dont see you ranting on Bulgaria who joined on top of you, you want everything from me just because Im still weak and you think you can take me out.

Actually, check the thread more. He joined on top of me, not the other way around.
There is a seniority courtesy to not take other existing nations' claims, Napoleon, which is why when I joined I checked everyone's orders and made sure not to sit so close as to threaten, but not so far away as to be isolationist. You nearly had it right, but you missed one province. You should also keep in mind older nations are generally stronger, and so it's wise to accept early in the game for a chance at moving to the mid game. I'm not saying either of you were 100% justified, but it should be noted that the Bulgars, Greeks and Latins are building a power bloc. (Under the assumption that these other two respond to my attempts at diplomacy, that is. Red_Spy, you have a very important PM that has to do with land. Both of you, I offer a triple FTA, NAP, and since it now seems like it might be necessary, military alliance. )

EDIT: I just remembered, at its greatest extent, Byzantium controlled a good chunk of Italy. You aren't going for that, are you, christos?
Wait, no war over syria? :(
Nothing to pillage, no one to gun down? I guess we must look elsewhere for weak prey.
I offer a triple FTA, NAP, and since it now seems like it might be necessary, military alliance. )

EDIT: I just remembered, at its greatest extent, Byzantium controlled a good chunk of Italy. You aren't going for that, are you, christos?

We accept the Alliance, the FTA and the NAP.

About Italy, we dont want it. Although Rome would be nice to have.
Sorry, no can do. I just haven't expanded there yet because I figured no one would try with me right there.
Sorry, no can do. I just haven't expanded there yet because I figured no one would try with me right there.

I was joking. Right now i want to expand in the Holy Land.

New Orders:

Claim as much of coastal Syria and Israel as i can.
Create 4 spies.


2/3 into industry, 1/3 into navy.
Nothing for two weeks? Is something going on that I am not aware of?
Nah, I just lost to will to run it; I'll probably revive it once IOT becomes less cluttered.
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