hey all,
ive made a nice mod mod for kmod,
it does not change game play,
but it does add many useful stuff, mainly to modders,
i didnt quite know where to post this, so i decided to put it here.
the revdcm team and evolution team.
lib sp'it
and many more.
i hope people will use this.
heres the link:
this is the stuff i added:
ive made a nice mod mod for kmod,
it does not change game play,
but it does add many useful stuff, mainly to modders,
i didnt quite know where to post this, so i decided to put it here.
the revdcm team and evolution team.
lib sp'it
and many more.
i hope people will use this.
heres the link:
this is the stuff i added:
Spoiler :
mod components
kmod 1.41 core.
1. jculture and j improvement mods culture control is game option.
2. hated civs/favorite civs
3. fresh water mod - water from improvements + no fresh water from lakes or ocean
4. extended mountains mod - aloow pass on mountains, improvements tags and resources.
5. free tech from building tag (not implemented)
6. city unit and city size prereq (not implemented)
7. terrain health good/bad
8. unit prereq civic
9. specialist hsppiness/unhappiness
10. 50 civs on a map
11. woc tga index
12. unique civ project
13. project free unit
14. project help tag
15. kmod 1.41
16. slavery mod
17. extra pillage - 1.6
18. replaceble buildings
19. tlo promotion tags
20. natuve route mod
21. specialist civics
22. new tags from revdcm:
obselete unit
prereq gameoption/prereq - not gameoption
bPrereq Building Class
Prereq Building Class OverrideTec
Prereq Building Class OverrideEra
Force Obsolete Unit Class
tags for buildings:
prereq gameoption/prereq - not gameoption
23.influence driven war (sdk)optional
24. some sdk fixes from revdcm:
xienwolf fixes along the codes from revdcm
NoXP from PreReqBuildin - i dunno what it does - but it sounds good
mongoose feature fix
more stuff.
25. platypings uuuu interface
26. platyping requierment script - does not work in pedia - cause i dont know how to merge it
kmod 1.41 core.
1. jculture and j improvement mods culture control is game option.
2. hated civs/favorite civs
3. fresh water mod - water from improvements + no fresh water from lakes or ocean
4. extended mountains mod - aloow pass on mountains, improvements tags and resources.
5. free tech from building tag (not implemented)
6. city unit and city size prereq (not implemented)
7. terrain health good/bad
8. unit prereq civic
9. specialist hsppiness/unhappiness
10. 50 civs on a map
11. woc tga index
12. unique civ project
13. project free unit
14. project help tag
15. kmod 1.41
16. slavery mod
17. extra pillage - 1.6
18. replaceble buildings
19. tlo promotion tags
20. natuve route mod
21. specialist civics
22. new tags from revdcm:
obselete unit
prereq gameoption/prereq - not gameoption
bPrereq Building Class
Prereq Building Class OverrideTec
Prereq Building Class OverrideEra
Force Obsolete Unit Class
tags for buildings:
prereq gameoption/prereq - not gameoption
23.influence driven war (sdk)optional
24. some sdk fixes from revdcm:
xienwolf fixes along the codes from revdcm
NoXP from PreReqBuildin - i dunno what it does - but it sounds good
mongoose feature fix
more stuff.
25. platypings uuuu interface
26. platyping requierment script - does not work in pedia - cause i dont know how to merge it