
Im running into some problems where the Ai has to build up too much of an army before attacking lol. I even gave the ai like 6 or 7 free starting units and a large 30% unit production discount. Can I get another recompile with these changes to cvcityai.cpp:

Changes in bold.

int CvCityAI::AI_minDefenders()
int iDefenders = 3;
int iEra = GET_PLAYER(getOwnerINLINE()).getCurrentEra();
if (iEra > 1)
if (iEra > 3)

if (((iEra - GC.getGame().getStartEra() / 2) >= GC.getNumEraInfos() / 2) && isCoastal(GC.getMIN_WATER_SIZE_FOR_OCEAN()))

return iDefenders;

This will make base defenders 3 and then increase that by 1 during medieval period and by 1 at the industrial period. Thanks Horatius (for era defining) and Keldath!! :D
1. Dont I need a new cvgamecoredll.dll file for the BTS/Mods/kmod/assets section a ~5.05mb sized file?

After I downloaded your file, I just replaced the cvgamecoredll folder files under the BTS folder labeled "cvgamecoredll".

2. Btw Karadoc uploaded 1.42 new version so please use 1.42 version and then make the cvcityai changes (and then do the recompile hehe).

3. Whats the difference between the cvgamecoredll FOLDER under the main directory and the same named folder under the BTS subfolder?
This isnt updated as much as it should be but check out a list of the changes i made:

Edit: I went through all units and all buildings and increased ai asset and ai weights for unique Units, unique buildings, and forges/granary/factories/military_academies (now buildable b/c ai doesnt know how to use great generals for them, massive hammer cost). I also increased asset and weight for Pottery, Metal casting, Rifling, and Assembly Line

Handicap Settings with no free ai techs and no free starting worker, on Emperor difficulty:

Getting my butt kicked putting up much more of a fight in longer wars, and getting out-teched lol. Cannot wait for this next recompile. Just lost a couple cities because the Ai is using my buffed version of grenadiers (first strike, free strength 1, 20% city attack, lowered vs rifles to 40%) and Karadoc's amphibious naval assault.

Edit 2:
Adjusted every Ai building "flavor" rating in the xml (triple the number of flavors, adjusted almost every wonder lol) and adjusted the "iasset" rating for appropriate values based on my opinion. Banks and Military Academies added to highest basic building asset list with granary, forge, and factory.
Can you make sure the 1.42 kmod recompile uses the:

SidMeier'sCivilization4BeyondtheSword/BeyondtheSword/CvGameCoreDll files

And not the SidMeier'sCivilization4BeyondtheSword/CvGameCoreDll files

I hope I got that right.
Really enjoying this mod, but can you check and make sure the Python is working correctly? I get errors on loading and when I try to create an event with some python in it.

Hope everythings ok, take your time, but still intersted in dat recompile :).

In the meantime I went through almost all the xml and rewrote alot of stuff.

Now I got eliminated twice and now I'm facing the germans and russians late game :( And Im behind in tech.

After changing panzers and cossacks to make them better overall (lower bonus vs units and increased power ratings). I'm gonna pay lol.

Edit: notice multiple defending machine guns in some ai cities


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