Keeper of Records
Ladies and gents, after a rousing and culturally enlightening language-sharing exercise translating the leader lines of Civ V I have returned to begin the process for Civ VI. Contributions are welcome! All leader lines may be heard here, though the in-game lines can only be found in the XML lines of the game:
Catherine de' Médici
Sources: Fourmi1, nunor, Metalz; Sascha77 for notes on the language Catherine speaks; Liufeng.
Speaks modern French with a strong Italian accent, and Italian with a Tuscan accent (she was born in Florence).
Agenda disapproval ("Warning") (Italian):
Cleopatra VII Philopator
Source: AliasMittens
Speaks Middle Egyptian, the "classical" form of Ancient Egyptian prominent between ca. 2000 - 1350 BCE, and the ancestor of Coptic (after evolving through Late Egyptian and Demotic, the latter being the variant of Egyptian that Cleopatra would've actually known).
Agenda-based Approval
Declare War
Misc. Notes:
- The pronunciation is uninspired. The vowel reconstruction is lazy, but that's forgivable seeing as the Egyptians didn't write the vowels (until Coptic came along, which is what makes it easier to work with) and experts still debate them. There's a fair amount of consensus on the consonants though, yet not even a whiff of an attempt to differentiate between /h/, /H/, and /x/, which all get folded into "h".
- I love the voice acting though, she emotes really well and hits a nice cadence reminiscent of Egyptian Arabic.
Pep Talk:
In-game text: Eternity was in our eyes, and our lips.
Notes: This is a quote from William Shakespeare's play Antony and Cleopatra.
Cyrus II ("the Great")
Source: A scholar of Persian contacted by Red Khan, In-game lines/Civilization Wiki
Cyrus's language is a very poor attempt to portray Middle Persian, with bad pronunciation and grammar so broken that exact translation is not possible. Moreover Middle Persian is not historically accurate for Cyrus, since it's came into being about 500 years after him, he should have been voiced in Old Persian.
Agenda-based Approval: I understand all too well, there are some opportunities one simply can't pass up. (Nēk dānam kē jahišn hā hast, kē widardam mē tuwān.)
Agenda-based Disapproval: If there's deception afoot, I prefer it when I am the one providing the intrigue. (Agar frēb šāyad, xwāhēm kē pad dast ī man abāz bawēd.)
Attacked: Have you not heard the tales? The storied might of my armies? See for yourself. (Afsānhā rā mēšenawīst-ēh, ayādgār ī spāh ī amāwand ī man? Raw ud wēn!)
Declares War: It is time I show your people how they might fare under a competent ruler. (Nūn pad mardomān ī tō namāyēm, kē čiyōn azēr ī framān ī ādūg pādixšāy tuwān wāng ??? dāštand)
Defeated: So rarely have I seen this side of war. (Ham nēmag ī kārzār saxt kam dīd ēstād hēm.)
Greeting: You stand before the great Cyrus of Persia. I'm sure we'll be become fast friends, at least for the time being. (Raw, pēš ī kūruš ī wuzurg ī pārsī ēstāda ī. Dānēm kē zōr dōst šawēm, pad kāmistīh nūn rāy.)
Pep Talk: Do not be distressed by the slurs of our enemies, nor enticed by the praise of our allies. Trust in yourselves or no one at all. (Az garānī ī dušmanān ī amāh ranjūr mā bawēd ud az āfarīn ī dōstān ī amāh halag mā bawēd. abestān ō xwēš dārēd, mā abārīgān.)
Frederick I Barbarossa
Sources: Gigaz, Captain_Barbarossa.
Speaks Middle High German (Mittelhochdeutsch).
Agenda-based approval:
"Gott grüße dich" (literally "God greets you") seems to be an antiquated phrase that would eventually become the colloquial greeting "Grüß Gott!" which is used in many German-speaking regions. It doesn't have an exact translation, but it's usage is basically the same as "Good day!".
Sources: usuluh, in-game text as provided by RedKhan
Speaks Old Akkadian.
Declares War:
Agenda-based approval:
Pep talk:
Source: Basileus Rhomaion; Civilization Wiki page on Gorgo
Speaks Doric dialect of ancient Greek recognizable from the fact the long "e" (η) sound in most words is instead replaced by the long "a" sound (α). So you have "αγεμών" instead of "ηγεμών" (hegemon).
Agenda-based disapproval:
Agenda-Based Approval: You would make a good Spartan… resilient, strong, brave. (Σπαρτιάτης καλός είησαν. Καρτερός, ισχυρός, ανδρείος.)
Attacked: Now, we test your strength. Prepare yourselves! (Νυν πειρασόμεθα τάς υμετέρας δυνάμεως. Παρασκευάζεσθε!) [Note: The game incorrectly attributes this translation to Gorgo's Declares War line.]
Declares War: Those with power act with strength and the weak suffer. And thus you will come to be. (Δυνατὰ δὲ οἱ προύχοντες πράσσουσι καὶ οἱ ἀσθενεῖς ξυγχωροῦσιν. Καί ούτως τοι γίγνεται.)
Note: The first sentence is part of the famous Melian dialogue ("the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must"), which is itself part of History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides. Wikisource has the original one and comparing source and translation Red Khan found the exact paragraph.
Defeated: Ares has abandoned us. Sparta is defeated. (Ἄρης ἁμμε ἀπολέλοιπε. ἁ Σπάρτα ἐσσῆται.)
Pep Talk:
Harald Hardrada
Source: klandri
Speaks Old Norse, with modified modern Icelandic pronunciation. (Says klandri: "The pronunciation is "a bit" too modern. The speaker is clearly an Icelandic speaker imitating Old Norse based on an incomplete understanding of how it sounded. The vowels 'y' and 'æ' for instance are pronounced flat out wrong as they have changed quite a bit from Old Norse to modern Icelandic but 'halla' when Haraldr attacks is unmistakably not Icelandic but a more archaic ON pronunciation.")
Hojo Tokimune
Source: Sandcastle, Civ Fandom wiki
Speaks modern Japanese.
Agenda-based approval: You build your empire as the Rising Sun: powerful and brilliant. (Nanji wa hinode no gotoku tsuyoku kagayaku mikado no kuni wo kizukannya. / 汝は日出の如く強く輝く帝の国を築かんや。)
Agenda-based disapproval: To follow Bushido is to train the mind, the body, and the soul...but where can your people do so? (Karada, kokoro, tamashii wo kitaenn mono bushido nari. Nanji no tami wa, izukunite sore wo nasannya. / 体、心、魂を鍛えん者武士道なり。汝の民は、焉にてそれを為さんや。)
Attacked: The Divine Wind will protect us and you will fall, like the others. *slowly unsheathes blade* (Kamikaze warera wo mamori, onore wa katsute no gotoku metsubou seruran. / 神風我らを守り、己はかつての敵の如く滅亡せるらん。)
Declare War: I will not allow the Empire to suffer you any longer. The time has come to end this charade! *unsheathes and slices down with blade* (Kore made tari. Kono orokana shibai wo owarsen! / これまでたり。この愚かなる芝居を終わらせん!)
Greeting: Hello, I am Hojo Tokimune of Japan, a humble disciple of Bushido. (Ikaga aru. Ware wa Nihonkoku no bushido no shinnkousha, Hojo Tokimune. / いかがある。我は日本国の武士道の信仰者、北条時宗。)
Pep talk: 武士は戦わんが為に生き、勝たん為戦うものなり。("bushi wa tatakawan ga tame ni iki, katan tame tatakau mono nari")
Note: Per Red Khan, the line in English is a quote from the book Musashi's Book of Five Rings: The Definitive Interpretation of Miyomoto Musashi's Classic Book of Strategy by Stephen F. Kaufman (The Book of the Wind, last paragraph of chapter 3), which the author himself describes as "the best-selling interpretation of Musashi's 'Book of Five Rings.'" Translations of this paragraph to English are completely different; the one that is consistent with the original Japanese version of this paragraph (物毎に、勝と云事、道理なくしてハ、勝事あたはず。我道におゐてハ、少も無理なる事を思はず、兵法の智力をもつて、いか様にも勝所を得る心也。能々工夫有べし。) and its translation to modern Japanese (どんなことでも、勝つということは、道理なくしては勝つことはできない。我が(兵法の)道においては、少しも無理なことを思わず、兵法の智力をもって、どのようにでも勝つところを得るのである。よくよく工夫あるべし。) rather than Kaufman's own interpretation is "Without the correct principle the fight cannot be won. The spirit of my school is to win through the wisdom of strategy, paying no attention to trifles. Study this well." (here and here)
Defeated: Please end this dishonor to my family…to my people. (Hojyo ke tari, waga tami no kizuna wo na kake tamai so. / 北条家たり、我が民の絆をなかけ給いそ)
Prime Minister John Curtin
Speaks Australian-accented English.
Declare War: After thorough deliberation, Australia finds itself at a crossroads. Prepare yourself, war is upon us.
Attacked: We will mobilize every means of resistance to stop this transgression against our nation!
Agenda disapproval ("Warning"): War can only bring us loss. Loss of lives, loss of productivity, loss of our very humanity!
Defeat: The principles for which we have fought will survive longer than any nation you could ever build.
Introduction ("First meet"): John Curtin, I speak for the people of Australia as their Prime Minister. We seek sympathetic allies in the fight against the hawks of war.
Agenda Approval ("Kudos"): I commend your perseverance. We share a common interest in protecting those who often cannot protect themselves.
Civilopedia quote ("Pep talk"): I believe that there is in Australia today an intense love of country, greater in its expression than has yet been called forth at any previous period in Australia’s history.
Notes: Red Khan discovered on this site that this is an actual quote by him from March 1942. Says Red Khan: "Apparently this is a site of a team of sculptors who made John Curtin's statue at Fremantle, a city from which he was elected to the Parliament, so I guess they did their research and this quote is authentic."
Montezuma I
Speaks Nahuatl. Says the Fandom Wiki entry on Montezuma, "speaks Classical Nahuatl, but the language is both poorly translated and pronounced."
Source: Tamate; Circeus; Fandom wiki
Agenda-based disapproval: You have much that I do not! Do you want your people taken as slaves?
Agenda-based approval: We have more in common, than not. You follow Tlacaclel's words.
Declares War: Now we will see if you are cowards or warriors!
I have to admit the second part baffles me, but that's because I can't make out the missing words at all. It clearly means something entirely different from the English, though: ipampa mixtlah is "in a cloudy place" and cencah miec means "a lot/large amount of".
Tamate hears a "tequeotl", but this is not a word I can find in my reference. Tel mean "but, however", so I don't know what it would do here. I believe the voice actor is just mangling the word teuctli (possibly it was given to him with the spelling "tecuhtli").
The last part is not a grammatical question in classical Nahuatl. The voice actor clearly says "temahuiqui", which is incorrect in two ways (whether its a pronounciation or grammar issue is unclear though.)
Mohandas K. Gandhi
Speaks Hindi and English.
Source: Tudhaliya
Agenda-based approval (English): There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is different from actually using it.
Introduction (Hindī):
Devanāgarī: नमस्कर, मैं मोहनदास गांधी हूँ। मेरे लोग मुझे बापू कहते हैं। पर कृपया मुझे मित्र कहें॥
नमस्कार, मैं मोहनदास गांधी हूँ। मेरे लोग मुझे बापू कहते हैं। पर कृप्या, मुझे मित्र कहें॥
Transliteration: namaskara maiṃ mohanadāsa gāndhī hūṃ| mere loga mujhe bāpū kahate haiṃ| par kṛpayā mujhe mitra kaheṃ||
Transcription: Namaskaar, main mohandaas gaandhi hun. Mere log mujhe baapu kehte hain. Par kripya, mujhe mitr kahein.
Translation: Namaskar (a polite greeting), I am Mohandas Gandhi. My people call me Bapu (Father). But please call me a friend.
In-game translation: Hello, I am Mohandas Gandhi. My people call me Bapu, but please, call me friend.
Agenda-based disapproval (Hindī):
Devanāgarī: यदि आप ख़ून का इतने प्यासे हैं, तो आपके नेतृत्व को समाप्त करना ही बेहतर होगा॥
Transliteration: yadi āpa khūna kitane pyāse haiṃ, to āpake netṛtva ko samāpta karanā hī behatara hogā||
Transcription: Yadi aap khoon ka itne pyaase hain, to aapke netrittva ko samaapt karnaa hi behtar hoga.
Translation: If you (polite) are thirsty for so much blood, then it will be probably better to make an end to your rulership.
In-game translation: If you are so bloodthirsty, maybe it is better to put an end to your leadership.
Declare War (Hindī):
मैं नैतिकता के कुरबानी दिए बिना इस जंग में हिस्सा ले सकता हूँ। मत पूछें कैसे। आप नहीं समझेंगे॥
Transliteration: maiṃ naitikatā ke kurabānī die binā is jaṅga hissā le sakatā hūṃ| mata pūcha kaise hai| āpa na samajheṅge||
Transcription: Main naitikta ke kurbaani diye bina is jang mein hissa le sakta hun. Mat puchein kaise. Aap nahin samjhenge.
Translation: I can take part in this war without sacrificing morals. Don't ask how. You (polite) won't understand.
In-game translation: I can engage in this war without sacrificing morals. Don't ask me how; you wouldn't understand
Attacked (English): My attempts to avoid violence have failed. An eye for an eye only makes the world blind.
Notes: The second sentence is an actual quote of Gandhi's.
Pep-talk (English): Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
Notes: This is an actual quote of Gandhi's.
अब मुझे जंजीरों में जकड़ें। यातनाएं दें। यहाँ तक की आप मेरे शरीर को नष्ट कर दें। पर आप मेरे मन को कभी कैद नहीं सकेंगे।
Transcription: Aab mujhe janjeeron mein jakdein. Yaatnaein dein. Yahaan tak ki aap mere sharir ko nasht kar dein. Par aap mere man ko kabhi kaid (or it might be 'qaid', I'm not sure with Urdu words) nahin sakenge.
Ab mujhe janjeeron mein jakdein. Yatnaen dein. Yahaan tak ki aap mere sharir ko nasht kar dein. Par aap mere man ko kabhi kaid nahi sakenge.
Translation: Now put me in chains. Torture me. Go as far as to destroy my body. But you will never be able to imprison my mind.
Mvemba a Nzinga
Speaks Lingala (?)
Greeting: I am Mvemba a Nzinga and I greet you as a friend. I can see you are blessed by God. Are you here to share your enlightenment?
Agenda-based disapproval: I can only assume your reluctance to spread your religion comes from lack of conviction.
Attacked: We are no strangers to war. You have strayed from God’s path, and now we will correct it.
Defeated: You are nothing but a glorified barbarian. Cruel, and ruthless.
Source: Fandom Wiki
Speaks Quecha.
Attacked: Now is the time for war. Hear the stamp of our warriors—warriors with the hearts of the puma. (Kunanqa maqanakuy pacham kachkan, sinchikunap saruyninta uyariy! Puma sunquyuq sinchikunam!)
Pep Talk: (Wiraqochaya qasilla qespilla punchaw Inka Runa yana michisqaykiqta killariy k'anchariy.)
Notes: This is a line from sacred hymn "Prayer to the Sun" composed by Pachacuti himself for the Situa ceremony around 1440-1450. The English translation is taken from the work Ancient American Poets by John Curl.
Dom Pedro II of Brazil
Source: Shypiano
Speaks modern Brazilian Portuguese.
Agenda-based approval:
Says Red Khan, "The Portuguese Wikipedia article has these words too and they are different from what is said in game - "Não conheço tarefa mais nobre do que direcionar as jovens mentes e preparar os homens de amanhã." Most probably the translator was given this line in English without any context (yet again - context is important!) didn't recognize it and translated it back to Portuguese. So it's a clear case of what is called "back translation".
Source: Civilization Wiki; Basileus Rhomaion
Speaks standard classical Attic Greek.
Agenda-based Approval: You are wise to leave our neighboring city-state to us.
Agenda-based Disapproval: That city is ours. I would suggest you don’t interfere.
Attacked: Soldiers are not like trees. When they are destroyed, they are not so easily replaced (Οἱ στρατιῶται οὐχ ὁμοῖοι τοῖς δένδροις. ὅτε ὀλλυνται, οὐ ῥᾳδίως κατάγωνται.)
Note: This line is based on his quote from Parallel Lives by Plutarch "trees, when they are lopped and cut, grow up again in a short time but men, being once lost, cannot easily be recovered" (English translation source), although the Greek version doesn't match the original.
Declares War: This is for the greater good. You will understand…in time. (Τούτον ἐστί τοῦ μεγίστου καλοῦ ἕνεκα. Μαθήσει...εν χρόνω.)
Defeated: You may have defeated us, but what we leave behind is woven into the lives of others. (Ημάς νενίκηκας. Αλλά τά λοιπά τά υφαίνεται εν ταις ψυχαίς των άλλων.)
Note: This line is based on his quote "What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others." which is likely a modern paraphrasing of a longer passage from Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War, II.43.3.
Greeting: Hello, I am Pericles of Athens and I greet you on behalf of the Democracy. I trust you’ll let me conduct my business with these neutral parties? (χαῖρε, ὁ Περικλῆς τῶν Ἀθηνῶν εἰμι, καὶ δειξιοῦμαι σε ὑπέρ τῆς δημοκρατίας.)
Agenda-based Approval: You are wise to leave our neighboring city-state to us.
(Σαφῶς σε λεπεῖν τὴν προσχώρην πόλιν πρὸς ἡμῶν.) (Technically it should be προχώρον because it does not have a feminine ending.)
Agenda-based Disapproval: That city is ours. I would suggest you don’t interfere. (Εκείνη πόλις ή ημετέρα εστίν. Παραινώ σοι μή πολυγραγμονείν.)
Pep Talk: Δε ζημίας μεγίστη τό υπό πονηρότερου άρχεσθαι, εάν μη αυτός εθέλη άρχειν (It is one of the greatest punishments to be led by your inferiors when you don't want to lead yourself)
In-game Translation: Just because you do not take an interest in politics does not mean politics does not take an interest in you.
Note: The line in English is a quote widely attributed to him, but no source exist on that. Most probably it's based on Pericles' Funeral Oration from History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides - "Our public men have, besides politics, their private affairs to attend to, and our ordinary citizens, though occupied with the pursuits of industry, are still fair judges of public matters; for, unlike any other nation, regarding him who takes no part in these duties not as unambitious but as useless" (English source). The line in Greek is an exact quote from Plato's The Republic.
Catherine de' Médici
Sources: Fourmi1, nunor, Metalz; Sascha77 for notes on the language Catherine speaks; Liufeng.
Speaks modern French with a strong Italian accent, and Italian with a Tuscan accent (she was born in Florence).
- Vous osez attaquer mon royaume? Je ne crois point que Nostradamus lui même aurait su le prédire!
- Real translation: You dare attack my kingdom? I don't believe that Nostradamus himself would be able to predict it!
- J'ai vécu assez longtemps pour savoir reconnaître ma défaite. Poursuivez votre chemin.
- Real translation: I have lived long enough to know when to admit my defeat. Pursue your way.
- Je suis Catherine, Reine Mère de France. Je vous souhaite la bienvenue en mon royaume. J'ai grand désir et envie de découvrir tous vos secrets. (lit. "I have a great desire to discover all your secrets.")
- In-game translation: I am Catherine, the Queen Mother of France, and I welcome you to the realm. I do so look forward to learning all there is to know about you.
- Real translation: I am Catherine, Queen Mother of France. I wish you welcome in my kingdom. I have great desire and longing to discover all your secrets.
- Impressionnant! Il semble que vos espions soient partout. Mes dames de compagnie seraient ravies de les entretenir pendant la fête.
- Real translation: Impressive ! It seems that your spies are everywhere. My escorts would be delighted to entertain them during the party.
Agenda disapproval ("Warning") (Italian):
- Dovreste prestare attenzione a ciò che v'accade intorno. Credetemi, vi sono fin troppi giochini che stanno avendo luogo.
- In-game text: You really should start paying attention to what's going on around you. There are games being played here on so many levels.
- Real translation: You should start paying attention to what's happening around you. Believe me, there are way too many games being played.
- Ahahah, non siate sorpreso. Se non vi accorgeste di quanto stava per accadere, siete in vero un folle
- In-game translation: Masquerading as friends was kind of fun, wasn't it? Unfortunately it's time to drop the pretense and get to the business at hand.
- Literal translation: Ahahah, don't be surprised. You'd truly be a foolish man if you didn't know what happened
- Real translation: Ahahah, don't be surprised. In truth, you'd be a fool if you didn't know what was going to happen.
- Buona fattura e buon lo taglio; or' lo si cucia.
- In-game translation: It is well cut; now you must sow.
- Real Translation : Well made and well cut; now we sew it.
- Note: The line is based on her quote from historical novel Sur Catherine de Médicis by Honoré de Balzac - "Bien coupé, mon fils, maintenant il faut recoudre." Those were the words of Catherine to her son Henri III after the assassination of the Duke of Guise, who led the Catholic League in France against the centralization of the state, fearing the upcoming of Henri of Navarra on the French throne since the latter was a Protestant. Henri III got sick of him and assassinated him, but that move led to his death, as the king was assassinated by the ultra-Catholic monk Jacques Clément.
Cleopatra VII Philopator
Source: AliasMittens
Speaks Middle Egyptian, the "classical" form of Ancient Egyptian prominent between ca. 2000 - 1350 BCE, and the ancestor of Coptic (after evolving through Late Egyptian and Demotic, the latter being the variant of Egyptian that Cleopatra would've actually known).
Agenda-based Approval
- In-game text: I am only interested in people worthy of my time. Clearly you are one of them.
Declare War

- Transliteration: iw m-a pA.ii mH n.k! / sSm imn-ra n.n!
- Transcription: Iu em-'a paï meh en-ek! / Seshem Amun-Ra en-en!
- Direct Translation: /be in-hand of-mine be-full of you!/ /may-guide Amun-Ra to-us!/

- Transliteration: iw kmt nhw.ti / ir nn sxn.i s pA.ii mrr sxn.i n Ax.t!
- Transcription: Iu Kemet nehuti / Ir nen seheni es paï merer seheni en ahu[t]!
- Direct Translation: /be Egypt lost/ /if not embrace-I man of-mine who-loves embrace-I to serpent!/

- Transliteration: inwk ist Ἶσις xpr.ti sp-sn / inwk qliwApAdr{t}A Hna xnmst ir iw.k SAw
- Transcription: Inek Iset, Isis, heperti sep-sen / Inek Kliwopatra hena henemeset ir iwek shawu
- Direct Translation: /I Isis, Isis [in Greek], become twice/ /I Cleopatra with friend if be-you worth/
Misc. Notes:
- The pronunciation is uninspired. The vowel reconstruction is lazy, but that's forgivable seeing as the Egyptians didn't write the vowels (until Coptic came along, which is what makes it easier to work with) and experts still debate them. There's a fair amount of consensus on the consonants though, yet not even a whiff of an attempt to differentiate between /h/, /H/, and /x/, which all get folded into "h".
- I love the voice acting though, she emotes really well and hits a nice cadence reminiscent of Egyptian Arabic.
Pep Talk:
In-game text: Eternity was in our eyes, and our lips.
Notes: This is a quote from William Shakespeare's play Antony and Cleopatra.
Cyrus II ("the Great")
Source: A scholar of Persian contacted by Red Khan, In-game lines/Civilization Wiki
Cyrus's language is a very poor attempt to portray Middle Persian, with bad pronunciation and grammar so broken that exact translation is not possible. Moreover Middle Persian is not historically accurate for Cyrus, since it's came into being about 500 years after him, he should have been voiced in Old Persian.
Agenda-based Approval: I understand all too well, there are some opportunities one simply can't pass up. (Nēk dānam kē jahišn hā hast, kē widardam mē tuwān.)
Agenda-based Disapproval: If there's deception afoot, I prefer it when I am the one providing the intrigue. (Agar frēb šāyad, xwāhēm kē pad dast ī man abāz bawēd.)
Attacked: Have you not heard the tales? The storied might of my armies? See for yourself. (Afsānhā rā mēšenawīst-ēh, ayādgār ī spāh ī amāwand ī man? Raw ud wēn!)
Declares War: It is time I show your people how they might fare under a competent ruler. (Nūn pad mardomān ī tō namāyēm, kē čiyōn azēr ī framān ī ādūg pādixšāy tuwān wāng ??? dāštand)
Defeated: So rarely have I seen this side of war. (Ham nēmag ī kārzār saxt kam dīd ēstād hēm.)
Greeting: You stand before the great Cyrus of Persia. I'm sure we'll be become fast friends, at least for the time being. (Raw, pēš ī kūruš ī wuzurg ī pārsī ēstāda ī. Dānēm kē zōr dōst šawēm, pad kāmistīh nūn rāy.)
Pep Talk: Do not be distressed by the slurs of our enemies, nor enticed by the praise of our allies. Trust in yourselves or no one at all. (Az garānī ī dušmanān ī amāh ranjūr mā bawēd ud az āfarīn ī dōstān ī amāh halag mā bawēd. abestān ō xwēš dārēd, mā abārīgān.)
Frederick I Barbarossa
Sources: Gigaz, Captain_Barbarossa.
Speaks Middle High German (Mittelhochdeutsch).
Agenda-based approval:
- "Your cautiousness/prudence be praised! To help this kingdom/realm would mean to dance with death. OR I promised to be cautious./Prudence is important. To help this realm would mean to dance with death.
- Über vorsihtich(k)eit sî gelobet, zû hëlfen disem rîch, hieze tanzen mit dem tôde.
- I destroy my enemies, and should you help them, you as well.
- Ich zerstöre meine Feinde, und falls ihr ihnen helft, auch euch!
- How do you want to defeat me, when I have destroyed so many foes?
- Wî wolt ir an mir gesigen, der ich sô vil der vînde verdurbe? / Wie wollt ihr mich besiegen, der ich so viele Feinde vernichtet habe?
- You have heard the warning, and yet you are still looking for a fight! Now you will learn (your lesson), just like many a man before you!
- Ir hâ(n)t der warnung wôl vernomen, doch suochet ir noch imer strît. Nû wërdet ir ez lërnen, wî sô manec man vor iuch! / Ihr habt die Warnung wohl vernommen, doch sucht ihr noch immer Streit! Nun werdet ihr es lernen, wie so mancher Mann vor euch!
- Ich pflegte Frömmigkeit und Seligkeit... Doch vergesst das. Ihr habt den Sieg errungen...
- In-game text: We were the august and glorious…but no, never mind that. You are victorious. May your reign be more peaceful than mine ever was.
- Real translation: I maintained piety and blessedness... But never mind that. You have achieved victory...
- I am Frederic and rule over German and Welsh lands, over Burgund and some more. I know surely that you, too, can embrace righteous force./I know well that you rule with law and order.
- Gott grüße dich, Geselle! Ich bin keiser Friderîch, und hêrsche über Diutsche und Welscelande, über Burgund und manche mêr. Ich weiz wol, daz ouch ir kunnt gehërzen mit rëchter gewalt. / "Gott grüße dich, Geselle! Ich bin Kaiser Friedrich und herrsche über deutsche und Welsche Lande, über Burgund und manche mehr. Ich weiß wohl, dass auch ihr könnt regieren mit rechter Gewalt!"
"Good day, friend! I am Emperor Frederick and rule over German and Welsh (italian) lands, over Burgundy and many more. I know that you too can rule with righteous might!"
"Gott grüße dich" (literally "God greets you") seems to be an antiquated phrase that would eventually become the colloquial greeting "Grüß Gott!" which is used in many German-speaking regions. It doesn't have an exact translation, but it's usage is basically the same as "Good day!".
Sources: usuluh, in-game text as provided by RedKhan
Speaks Old Akkadian.
- Mînum sartum īpušam, ul mînum lemnum.
- Translation: "What treachery did this to me? No, what evil?" (literally: What treachery; no, what evil)
- Gilgameš ša KI.EN.GI (šumērim) u šar Uruk anāku. Lā taddar, ana ibrīja ṭîbāku.
- Translation: I am Gilgamesh of Sumeria and King of Uruk. Do not be afraid… I am good to my friends.
Declares War:
- Gilgameš ustanimba? Akanni Gilgameš iḫḫaššalka!
- In-game translation: Why do I fight? Because I can...because Inanna demands it.Now you will know the power of Sumer!
- Real translation: Does not match the given translation.
- Kaša kaša mar iltīm ke tu takiyaḫḫam.
- In-game translation: I will enjoy hearing your last breath when you witness the destruction of your people.
Agenda-based approval:
- Ibrum u ayyalutim um atta! Gilgameš iḫassas.
- Translation: You are a good friend and ally. Gilgamesh will remember this.
- Literally: Friend and ... you-are, Gilgameš he-will-remember. I cannot recognize the word for ally here)
- šumma ibrīya taḫabbal, emūk Uruk tamaḫḫar, anniam pî amma nādin!
- Translation: If you harm my friends, you will face the might of Uruk; this I promise you.
- Literally: If friend-by you-opress, (force? of) Uruk you-will-face, this word ... I cannot understand the last word(s) "amanawin, aman awin" etc. It's probably a from of awû 'to speak', but I can't understand how)
Pep talk:
- pûm nukkulum awātam iqabbi; pûm dannatum dina igarru; pûm ţîbum šāmiţi(m) ţîbutim issip
- Translation: The artistic mouth recites words; the harsh mouth brings litigation; the sweet mouth gathers sweet herbs.
- (Literally: mouth artistic word it-recites; mouth strong lawsuit it-starts; mouth sweet herb sweet it-collects. The word for herb is unclear to me, šāmiţu is some kind of alkaline plant)
Source: Basileus Rhomaion; Civilization Wiki page on Gorgo
Speaks Doric dialect of ancient Greek recognizable from the fact the long "e" (η) sound in most words is instead replaced by the long "a" sound (α). So you have "αγεμών" instead of "ηγεμών" (hegemon).
Agenda-based disapproval:
- In-game text: Are you such a coward, to avoid bloodshed? To yield so easily? Where is your honor?
Agenda-Based Approval: You would make a good Spartan… resilient, strong, brave. (Σπαρτιάτης καλός είησαν. Καρτερός, ισχυρός, ανδρείος.)
Attacked: Now, we test your strength. Prepare yourselves! (Νυν πειρασόμεθα τάς υμετέρας δυνάμεως. Παρασκευάζεσθε!) [Note: The game incorrectly attributes this translation to Gorgo's Declares War line.]
Declares War: Those with power act with strength and the weak suffer. And thus you will come to be. (Δυνατὰ δὲ οἱ προύχοντες πράσσουσι καὶ οἱ ἀσθενεῖς ξυγχωροῦσιν. Καί ούτως τοι γίγνεται.)
Note: The first sentence is part of the famous Melian dialogue ("the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must"), which is itself part of History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides. Wikisource has the original one and comparing source and translation Red Khan found the exact paragraph.
Defeated: Ares has abandoned us. Sparta is defeated. (Ἄρης ἁμμε ἀπολέλοιπε. ἁ Σπάρτα ἐσσῆται.)
Pep Talk:
- In-game text: A city is well-fortified which has a wall of men instead of brick. (Οὐκ ἂν εἴη ἀτείχιστος πόλις ἅτις ἄνδρεσσι, καὶ οὐ πλίνθοις ἐστεφάνωται.)
Harald Hardrada
Source: klandri
Speaks Old Norse, with modified modern Icelandic pronunciation. (Says klandri: "The pronunciation is "a bit" too modern. The speaker is clearly an Icelandic speaker imitating Old Norse based on an incomplete understanding of how it sounded. The vowels 'y' and 'æ' for instance are pronounced flat out wrong as they have changed quite a bit from Old Norse to modern Icelandic but 'halla' when Haraldr attacks is unmistakably not Icelandic but a more archaic ON pronunciation.")
- Harald Sigurdson stands before you. Never was there such a viking of land or sea. Hahaha, are you afraid?
- Haraldr Sigurðarsonr stendr fyrir þér. Aldregi var víkingr slíkr lands né lagar. Hahaha, ertu hræddr?
- In-game text: A strong navy...that's a beautiful sight.
- Real translation: A great force of ships... that's a beautiful sight.
- Mikill skipaafli... þat er fagur sjón.
- In-game text: Your seas are unprotected, friend. All too easy to raid.
- Real translation: Ah, your sea is defenseless, my friend. An attack would be an easy task.
- Ah, sjór þinn er varnarlaus, vinur minn. Árás væri auðveldaverk.
- In-game text: This will make a great saga! The skalds will sing of my valor!
- Real translation: You suppose you are to control the fire you have started. No-ho-ho-ho... No! It is too great for you!
- Þú ættir þig eldinum eiga stjórna er þú hefir kveikt. Ne-he-he-he... Nei! Hann er þér of mikill!
- To victory! To Odin's halls!
- Til sigrs! Til halla Óðins!
- In-game translation: So, I will join the einherjar in Valhalla and feast, while you toil away here.
- Real translation: I'll go to sit pleased together with einherjar in Valhalla, while you toil here.
- Ferk að sitja sáttr einherjum saman í Valhöllu, meðan þú herkir hér.
- In-game translation: He must gain victory before whom the banner is borne.
- Real translation: He will have victory that the banner is borne before.
- Sá mun hafa sigr er merkit er fyrir borit.
Hojo Tokimune
Source: Sandcastle, Civ Fandom wiki
Speaks modern Japanese.
Agenda-based approval: You build your empire as the Rising Sun: powerful and brilliant. (Nanji wa hinode no gotoku tsuyoku kagayaku mikado no kuni wo kizukannya. / 汝は日出の如く強く輝く帝の国を築かんや。)
Agenda-based disapproval: To follow Bushido is to train the mind, the body, and the soul...but where can your people do so? (Karada, kokoro, tamashii wo kitaenn mono bushido nari. Nanji no tami wa, izukunite sore wo nasannya. / 体、心、魂を鍛えん者武士道なり。汝の民は、焉にてそれを為さんや。)
Attacked: The Divine Wind will protect us and you will fall, like the others. *slowly unsheathes blade* (Kamikaze warera wo mamori, onore wa katsute no gotoku metsubou seruran. / 神風我らを守り、己はかつての敵の如く滅亡せるらん。)
Declare War: I will not allow the Empire to suffer you any longer. The time has come to end this charade! *unsheathes and slices down with blade* (Kore made tari. Kono orokana shibai wo owarsen! / これまでたり。この愚かなる芝居を終わらせん!)
Greeting: Hello, I am Hojo Tokimune of Japan, a humble disciple of Bushido. (Ikaga aru. Ware wa Nihonkoku no bushido no shinnkousha, Hojo Tokimune. / いかがある。我は日本国の武士道の信仰者、北条時宗。)
Pep talk: 武士は戦わんが為に生き、勝たん為戦うものなり。("bushi wa tatakawan ga tame ni iki, katan tame tatakau mono nari")
Note: Per Red Khan, the line in English is a quote from the book Musashi's Book of Five Rings: The Definitive Interpretation of Miyomoto Musashi's Classic Book of Strategy by Stephen F. Kaufman (The Book of the Wind, last paragraph of chapter 3), which the author himself describes as "the best-selling interpretation of Musashi's 'Book of Five Rings.'" Translations of this paragraph to English are completely different; the one that is consistent with the original Japanese version of this paragraph (物毎に、勝と云事、道理なくしてハ、勝事あたはず。我道におゐてハ、少も無理なる事を思はず、兵法の智力をもつて、いか様にも勝所を得る心也。能々工夫有べし。) and its translation to modern Japanese (どんなことでも、勝つということは、道理なくしては勝つことはできない。我が(兵法の)道においては、少しも無理なことを思わず、兵法の智力をもって、どのようにでも勝つところを得るのである。よくよく工夫あるべし。) rather than Kaufman's own interpretation is "Without the correct principle the fight cannot be won. The spirit of my school is to win through the wisdom of strategy, paying no attention to trifles. Study this well." (here and here)
Defeated: Please end this dishonor to my family…to my people. (Hojyo ke tari, waga tami no kizuna wo na kake tamai so. / 北条家たり、我が民の絆をなかけ給いそ)
Prime Minister John Curtin
Speaks Australian-accented English.
Declare War: After thorough deliberation, Australia finds itself at a crossroads. Prepare yourself, war is upon us.
Attacked: We will mobilize every means of resistance to stop this transgression against our nation!
Agenda disapproval ("Warning"): War can only bring us loss. Loss of lives, loss of productivity, loss of our very humanity!
Defeat: The principles for which we have fought will survive longer than any nation you could ever build.
Introduction ("First meet"): John Curtin, I speak for the people of Australia as their Prime Minister. We seek sympathetic allies in the fight against the hawks of war.
Agenda Approval ("Kudos"): I commend your perseverance. We share a common interest in protecting those who often cannot protect themselves.
Civilopedia quote ("Pep talk"): I believe that there is in Australia today an intense love of country, greater in its expression than has yet been called forth at any previous period in Australia’s history.
Notes: Red Khan discovered on this site that this is an actual quote by him from March 1942. Says Red Khan: "Apparently this is a site of a team of sculptors who made John Curtin's statue at Fremantle, a city from which he was elected to the Parliament, so I guess they did their research and this quote is authentic."
Montezuma I
Speaks Nahuatl. Says the Fandom Wiki entry on Montezuma, "speaks Classical Nahuatl, but the language is both poorly translated and pronounced."
Source: Tamate; Circeus; Fandom wiki
Agenda-based disapproval: You have much that I do not! Do you want your people taken as slaves?
Agenda-based approval: We have more in common, than not. You follow Tlacaclel's words.
- Moaxiwan miquitzyauhyotl nimanawaca nozo ipan tzompantli. Nik an auc se neka Huitzilopotchli! (Tamate)
- Mohuaxohuan miquizqueh yaoyotl niman nahuac ahnozo ipan tzompantli. Nican aoc ceneca Huitzilopochtli. (Circeus)
- Actual translation: Your warriors will have faced death at the place of the battlefield (through me) or upon an altar. It (that I do) does not show a (one) difference (to) Huitzilopochtli! (Tamate)
- Your [warriors?] will die [war] [immediately] [locative] or upon the altar. [Here] [not/anymore] ??? Huitzilopochtli. (Circeus)
- In-game translation: Your soldiers will die on the battlefield or upon an altar. It makes no difference to Huitzilopotchli.
Declares War: Now we will see if you are cowards or warriors!
- Huitzilopochtli pohpolhuia toahchicahua[chotl?]huan... noahchicahua[chotl?]huan. Ca nicauh cencah miec ?? pampa mixtlah ?? (Tamate)
- Huitzilopochtli pohpolhuia toahchicahuachotlhuan... noahchicahuachotlhuan. Ca nicauh cencah miec ?? ipampa mixtlah ??coti. (Circeus)
- Actual translation: Huitzilopochtli, forgive our lack of [muscular] strength... my lack of muscular strength. I abandon ??? [locative] in a cloudy place ???.") (Tamate)
- Huitzilopochtli forgives our weakness... my weakness. [???] (Circeus)
- In-game translation: Huitzilopochtli forgive our weakness… my weakness. I was not strong enough to serve you. (Tamate)
I have to admit the second part baffles me, but that's because I can't make out the missing words at all. It clearly means something entirely different from the English, though: ipampa mixtlah is "in a cloudy place" and cencah miec means "a lot/large amount of".
- Nikuani tekeotl ke tel Tenochitlan. Hueyi Tlatoani. Tlinon tikneki? Tiaxiwani auh nozo timawiki? (Tamate)
- Nihcuani teuctli Tenochtitlan. Huey tlahtoani. Tlein on ticnequi. Tiyaochihuani ahnozo timauhqui? (Circeus)
- Actual translation: I am the lord who scowls from Tenochitlan. The great speaker. Is it that you want? Are you a warrior (and)/or a coward? (Tamate)
- Stand aside before?] the lord of Tenochtitlan. The king [Huey tlahtoani, lit. "the great speaker", was the title of the supreme Aztec leader]. Is this what you want? You can/are able to wage war or you are afraid? (Circeus)
- In-game translation: I am the scowling lord of Tenochtitlan. The tlatoani. Who comes before me? A warrior or a coward?
Tamate hears a "tequeotl", but this is not a word I can find in my reference. Tel mean "but, however", so I don't know what it would do here. I believe the voice actor is just mangling the word teuctli (possibly it was given to him with the spelling "tecuhtli").
The last part is not a grammatical question in classical Nahuatl. The voice actor clearly says "temahuiqui", which is incorrect in two ways (whether its a pronounciation or grammar issue is unclear though.)
Mohandas K. Gandhi
Speaks Hindi and English.
Source: Tudhaliya
Agenda-based approval (English): There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is different from actually using it.
Introduction (Hindī):
Devanāgarī: नमस्कर, मैं मोहनदास गांधी हूँ। मेरे लोग मुझे बापू कहते हैं। पर कृपया मुझे मित्र कहें॥
नमस्कार, मैं मोहनदास गांधी हूँ। मेरे लोग मुझे बापू कहते हैं। पर कृप्या, मुझे मित्र कहें॥
Transliteration: namaskara maiṃ mohanadāsa gāndhī hūṃ| mere loga mujhe bāpū kahate haiṃ| par kṛpayā mujhe mitra kaheṃ||
Transcription: Namaskaar, main mohandaas gaandhi hun. Mere log mujhe baapu kehte hain. Par kripya, mujhe mitr kahein.
Translation: Namaskar (a polite greeting), I am Mohandas Gandhi. My people call me Bapu (Father). But please call me a friend.
In-game translation: Hello, I am Mohandas Gandhi. My people call me Bapu, but please, call me friend.
Agenda-based disapproval (Hindī):
Devanāgarī: यदि आप ख़ून का इतने प्यासे हैं, तो आपके नेतृत्व को समाप्त करना ही बेहतर होगा॥
Transliteration: yadi āpa khūna kitane pyāse haiṃ, to āpake netṛtva ko samāpta karanā hī behatara hogā||
Transcription: Yadi aap khoon ka itne pyaase hain, to aapke netrittva ko samaapt karnaa hi behtar hoga.
Translation: If you (polite) are thirsty for so much blood, then it will be probably better to make an end to your rulership.
In-game translation: If you are so bloodthirsty, maybe it is better to put an end to your leadership.
Declare War (Hindī):
मैं नैतिकता के कुरबानी दिए बिना इस जंग में हिस्सा ले सकता हूँ। मत पूछें कैसे। आप नहीं समझेंगे॥
Transliteration: maiṃ naitikatā ke kurabānī die binā is jaṅga hissā le sakatā hūṃ| mata pūcha kaise hai| āpa na samajheṅge||
Transcription: Main naitikta ke kurbaani diye bina is jang mein hissa le sakta hun. Mat puchein kaise. Aap nahin samjhenge.
Translation: I can take part in this war without sacrificing morals. Don't ask how. You (polite) won't understand.
In-game translation: I can engage in this war without sacrificing morals. Don't ask me how; you wouldn't understand
Attacked (English): My attempts to avoid violence have failed. An eye for an eye only makes the world blind.
Notes: The second sentence is an actual quote of Gandhi's.
Pep-talk (English): Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
Notes: This is an actual quote of Gandhi's.
अब मुझे जंजीरों में जकड़ें। यातनाएं दें। यहाँ तक की आप मेरे शरीर को नष्ट कर दें। पर आप मेरे मन को कभी कैद नहीं सकेंगे।
Transcription: Aab mujhe janjeeron mein jakdein. Yaatnaein dein. Yahaan tak ki aap mere sharir ko nasht kar dein. Par aap mere man ko kabhi kaid (or it might be 'qaid', I'm not sure with Urdu words) nahin sakenge.
Ab mujhe janjeeron mein jakdein. Yatnaen dein. Yahaan tak ki aap mere sharir ko nasht kar dein. Par aap mere man ko kabhi kaid nahi sakenge.
Translation: Now put me in chains. Torture me. Go as far as to destroy my body. But you will never be able to imprison my mind.
Mvemba a Nzinga
Speaks Lingala (?)
Greeting: I am Mvemba a Nzinga and I greet you as a friend. I can see you are blessed by God. Are you here to share your enlightenment?
Agenda-based disapproval: I can only assume your reluctance to spread your religion comes from lack of conviction.
Attacked: We are no strangers to war. You have strayed from God’s path, and now we will correct it.
Defeated: You are nothing but a glorified barbarian. Cruel, and ruthless.
Source: Fandom Wiki
Speaks Quecha.
Attacked: Now is the time for war. Hear the stamp of our warriors—warriors with the hearts of the puma. (Kunanqa maqanakuy pacham kachkan, sinchikunap saruyninta uyariy! Puma sunquyuq sinchikunam!)
Pep Talk: (Wiraqochaya qasilla qespilla punchaw Inka Runa yana michisqaykiqta killariy k'anchariy.)
Notes: This is a line from sacred hymn "Prayer to the Sun" composed by Pachacuti himself for the Situa ceremony around 1440-1450. The English translation is taken from the work Ancient American Poets by John Curl.
Dom Pedro II of Brazil
Source: Shypiano
Speaks modern Brazilian Portuguese.
Agenda-based approval:
- Imagine all the amazing things the brilliant minds of my nation will accomplish.
- Imagine todas as conquistas surpreendentes que as mentes brilhantes da minha nação realizarão.
- Your finest engineers and architects would be happier in a place where they could grow. Brasil, for instance.
- Os seus melhores engenheiros e arquitectos seriam mais felizes num lugar onde pudessem crescer...No Brasil, por exemplo.
- You can see how fruitless this will be for you, no?
- Você verá como será infrutífero, não é?
- I have to do this, for the sake of progress if nothing else. You must be opposed.
- Tenho que fazer isso em beneficio do progresso. É preciso combatê-lo.
- May God grant me these last wishes -- peace and prosperity for Brazil.
- Que Deus me conceda esses últimos desejos - paz e prosperidade para o Brasil.
- Good day. It is an honor to meet you in person. It seems great minds do attract each other, after all.
- Bom dia. É uma honra conhecê-lo pessoalmente. Parece que mentes brilhantes se atraem.
- Real translation: I don't know of a nobler task than to guide young minds and prepare men for the future (lit: for the tomorrow).
- In-game text: I do not know of a task more noble than to direct young minds and prepare the men of tomorrow.
- Desconheço tarefa mais nobre que orientar mentes jovens e preparar os homens para o amanhã.
Says Red Khan, "The Portuguese Wikipedia article has these words too and they are different from what is said in game - "Não conheço tarefa mais nobre do que direcionar as jovens mentes e preparar os homens de amanhã." Most probably the translator was given this line in English without any context (yet again - context is important!) didn't recognize it and translated it back to Portuguese. So it's a clear case of what is called "back translation".
Source: Civilization Wiki; Basileus Rhomaion
Speaks standard classical Attic Greek.
Agenda-based Approval: You are wise to leave our neighboring city-state to us.
Agenda-based Disapproval: That city is ours. I would suggest you don’t interfere.
Attacked: Soldiers are not like trees. When they are destroyed, they are not so easily replaced (Οἱ στρατιῶται οὐχ ὁμοῖοι τοῖς δένδροις. ὅτε ὀλλυνται, οὐ ῥᾳδίως κατάγωνται.)
Note: This line is based on his quote from Parallel Lives by Plutarch "trees, when they are lopped and cut, grow up again in a short time but men, being once lost, cannot easily be recovered" (English translation source), although the Greek version doesn't match the original.
Declares War: This is for the greater good. You will understand…in time. (Τούτον ἐστί τοῦ μεγίστου καλοῦ ἕνεκα. Μαθήσει...εν χρόνω.)
Defeated: You may have defeated us, but what we leave behind is woven into the lives of others. (Ημάς νενίκηκας. Αλλά τά λοιπά τά υφαίνεται εν ταις ψυχαίς των άλλων.)
Note: This line is based on his quote "What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others." which is likely a modern paraphrasing of a longer passage from Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War, II.43.3.
Greeting: Hello, I am Pericles of Athens and I greet you on behalf of the Democracy. I trust you’ll let me conduct my business with these neutral parties? (χαῖρε, ὁ Περικλῆς τῶν Ἀθηνῶν εἰμι, καὶ δειξιοῦμαι σε ὑπέρ τῆς δημοκρατίας.)
Agenda-based Approval: You are wise to leave our neighboring city-state to us.
(Σαφῶς σε λεπεῖν τὴν προσχώρην πόλιν πρὸς ἡμῶν.) (Technically it should be προχώρον because it does not have a feminine ending.)
Agenda-based Disapproval: That city is ours. I would suggest you don’t interfere. (Εκείνη πόλις ή ημετέρα εστίν. Παραινώ σοι μή πολυγραγμονείν.)
Pep Talk: Δε ζημίας μεγίστη τό υπό πονηρότερου άρχεσθαι, εάν μη αυτός εθέλη άρχειν (It is one of the greatest punishments to be led by your inferiors when you don't want to lead yourself)
In-game Translation: Just because you do not take an interest in politics does not mean politics does not take an interest in you.
Note: The line in English is a quote widely attributed to him, but no source exist on that. Most probably it's based on Pericles' Funeral Oration from History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides - "Our public men have, besides politics, their private affairs to attend to, and our ordinary citizens, though occupied with the pursuits of industry, are still fair judges of public matters; for, unlike any other nation, regarding him who takes no part in these duties not as unambitious but as useless" (English source). The line in Greek is an exact quote from Plato's The Republic.
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