Language translations for leader sayings


Keeper of Records
May 7, 2007
Ladies and gents, after a rousing and culturally enlightening language-sharing exercise translating the leader lines of Civ V I have returned to begin the process for Civ VI. Contributions are welcome! All leader lines may be heard here, though the in-game lines can only be found in the XML lines of the game:

Catherine de' Médici
Sources: Fourmi1, nunor, Metalz; Sascha77 for notes on the language Catherine speaks; Liufeng.

Speaks modern French with a strong Italian accent, and Italian with a Tuscan accent (she was born in Florence).

  • Vous osez attaquer mon royaume? Je ne crois point que Nostradamus lui même aurait su le prédire!
  • Real translation: You dare attack my kingdom? I don't believe that Nostradamus himself would be able to predict it!
  • J'ai vécu assez longtemps pour savoir reconnaître ma défaite. Poursuivez votre chemin.
  • Real translation: I have lived long enough to know when to admit my defeat. Pursue your way.
  • Je suis Catherine, Reine Mère de France. Je vous souhaite la bienvenue en mon royaume. J'ai grand désir et envie de découvrir tous vos secrets. (lit. "I have a great desire to discover all your secrets.")
  • In-game translation: I am Catherine, the Queen Mother of France, and I welcome you to the realm. I do so look forward to learning all there is to know about you.
  • Real translation: I am Catherine, Queen Mother of France. I wish you welcome in my kingdom. I have great desire and longing to discover all your secrets.
Agenda approval:
  • Impressionnant! Il semble que vos espions soient partout. Mes dames de compagnie seraient ravies de les entretenir pendant la fête.
  • Real translation: Impressive ! It seems that your spies are everywhere. My escorts would be delighted to entertain them during the party.

Agenda disapproval ("Warning") (Italian):

  • Dovreste prestare attenzione a ciò che v'accade intorno. Credetemi, vi sono fin troppi giochini che stanno avendo luogo.
  • In-game text: You really should start paying attention to what's going on around you. There are games being played here on so many levels.
  • Real translation: You should start paying attention to what's happening around you. Believe me, there are way too many games being played.
Declare war from AI (Italian):
  • Ahahah, non siate sorpreso. Se non vi accorgeste di quanto stava per accadere, siete in vero un folle
  • In-game translation: Masquerading as friends was kind of fun, wasn't it? Unfortunately it's time to drop the pretense and get to the business at hand.
  • Literal translation: Ahahah, don't be surprised. You'd truly be a foolish man if you didn't know what happened
  • Real translation: Ahahah, don't be surprised. In truth, you'd be a fool if you didn't know what was going to happen.
Pep talk (Italian):
  • Buona fattura e buon lo taglio; or' lo si cucia.
  • In-game translation: It is well cut; now you must sow.
  • Real Translation : Well made and well cut; now we sew it.
  • Note: The line is based on her quote from historical novel Sur Catherine de Médicis by Honoré de Balzac - "Bien coupé, mon fils, maintenant il faut recoudre." Those were the words of Catherine to her son Henri III after the assassination of the Duke of Guise, who led the Catholic League in France against the centralization of the state, fearing the upcoming of Henri of Navarra on the French throne since the latter was a Protestant. Henri III got sick of him and assassinated him, but that move led to his death, as the king was assassinated by the ultra-Catholic monk Jacques Clément.

Cleopatra VII Philopator
Source: AliasMittens

Speaks Middle Egyptian, the "classical" form of Ancient Egyptian prominent between ca. 2000 - 1350 BCE, and the ancestor of Coptic (after evolving through Late Egyptian and Demotic, the latter being the variant of Egyptian that Cleopatra would've actually known).

Agenda-based Approval

  • In-game text: I am only interested in people worthy of my time. Clearly you are one of them.

Declare War


  • Transliteration: iw m-a pA.ii mH n.k! / sSm imn-ra n.n!
  • Transcription: Iu em-'a paï meh en-ek! / Seshem Amun-Ra en-en!
  • Direct Translation: /be in-hand of-mine be-full of you!/ /may-guide Amun-Ra to-us!/
Notes: The intended meaning is likely to be "My hands are full of you"/"I have had my fill of you", but what they got was "It is in-hand of mine a fill to you".


  • Transliteration: iw kmt nhw.ti / ir nn sxn.i s pA.ii mrr sxn.i n Ax.t!
  • Transcription: Iu Kemet nehuti / Ir nen seheni es paï merer seheni en ahu[t]!
  • Direct Translation: /be Egypt lost/ /if not embrace-I man of-mine who-loves embrace-I to serpent!/
Notes: The (s pA.ii) segment sounds like "man of mine", so I wrote it in hieroglyphs as such. (mrr) is a relative form, "who loves". More bad grammar.


  • Transliteration: inwk ist Ἶσις xpr.ti sp-sn / inwk qliwApAdr{t}A Hna xnmst ir iw.k SAw
  • Transcription: Inek Iset, Isis, heperti sep-sen / Inek Kliwopatra hena henemeset ir iwek shawu
  • Direct Translation: /I Isis, Isis [in Greek], become twice/ /I Cleopatra with friend if be-you worth/
Notes: Her on-screen dialogue doesn't really match here at all. She clearly says "I am Isis, Isis, twice become" - which is nice nod to how she identified herself as the incarnation of that goddess historically. Her second sentence is pretty mangled... "Hna"/"hena" is only used to mean "and" in the context of lists, here it means "with". "Ir" and "iwek" can't stack like that, and "shawu" really means something closer to "valuable" ("worthy" would be "iq[e]r").

Misc. Notes:

- The pronunciation is uninspired. The vowel reconstruction is lazy, but that's forgivable seeing as the Egyptians didn't write the vowels (until Coptic came along, which is what makes it easier to work with) and experts still debate them. There's a fair amount of consensus on the consonants though, yet not even a whiff of an attempt to differentiate between /h/, /H/, and /x/, which all get folded into "h".

I love the voice acting though, she emotes really well and hits a nice cadence reminiscent of Egyptian Arabic.

Pep Talk:
In-game text: Eternity was in our eyes, and our lips.
Notes: This is a quote from William Shakespeare's play Antony and Cleopatra.

Cyrus II ("the Great")

Source: A scholar of Persian contacted by Red Khan, In-game lines/Civilization Wiki
Cyrus's language is a very poor attempt to portray Middle Persian, with bad pronunciation and grammar so broken that exact translation is not possible. Moreover Middle Persian is not historically accurate for Cyrus, since it's came into being about 500 years after him, he should have been voiced in Old Persian.

Agenda-based Approval: I understand all too well, there are some opportunities one simply can't pass up. (Nēk dānam kē jahišn hā hast, kē widardam mē tuwān.)

Agenda-based Disapproval: If there's deception afoot, I prefer it when I am the one providing the intrigue. (Agar frēb šāyad, xwāhēm kē pad dast ī man abāz bawēd.)

Attacked: Have you not heard the tales? The storied might of my armies? See for yourself. (Afsānhā rā mēšenawīst-ēh, ayādgār ī spāh ī amāwand ī man? Raw ud wēn!)

Declares War: It is time I show your people how they might fare under a competent ruler. (Nūn pad mardomān ī tō namāyēm, kē čiyōn azēr ī framān ī ādūg pādixšāy tuwān wāng ??? dāštand)

Defeated: So rarely have I seen this side of war. (Ham nēmag ī kārzār saxt kam dīd ēstād hēm.)

Greeting: You stand before the great Cyrus of Persia. I'm sure we'll be become fast friends, at least for the time being. (Raw, pēš ī kūruš ī wuzurg ī pārsī ēstāda ī. Dānēm kē zōr dōst šawēm, pad kāmistīh nūn rāy.)

Pep Talk: Do not be distressed by the slurs of our enemies, nor enticed by the praise of our allies. Trust in yourselves or no one at all. (Az garānī ī dušmanān ī amāh ranjūr mā bawēd ud az āfarīn ī dōstān ī amāh halag mā bawēd. abestān ō xwēš dārēd, mā abārīgān.)

Frederick I Barbarossa
Sources: Gigaz, Captain_Barbarossa.
Speaks Middle High German (Mittelhochdeutsch).

Agenda-based approval:
  • "Your cautiousness/prudence be praised! To help this kingdom/realm would mean to dance with death. OR I promised to be cautious./Prudence is important. To help this realm would mean to dance with death.
  • Über vorsihtich(k)eit sî gelobet, zû hëlfen disem rîch, hieze tanzen mit dem tôde.
Agenda-based disapproval:
  • I destroy my enemies, and should you help them, you as well.
  • Ich zerstöre meine Feinde, und falls ihr ihnen helft, auch euch!
  • How do you want to defeat me, when I have destroyed so many foes?
  • Wî wolt ir an mir gesigen, der ich sô vil der vînde verdurbe? / Wie wollt ihr mich besiegen, der ich so viele Feinde vernichtet habe?
Declares war:
  • You have heard the warning, and yet you are still looking for a fight! Now you will learn (your lesson), just like many a man before you!
  • Ir hâ(n)t der warnung wôl vernomen, doch suochet ir noch imer strît. Nû wërdet ir ez lërnen, wî sô manec man vor iuch! / Ihr habt die Warnung wohl vernommen, doch sucht ihr noch immer Streit! Nun werdet ihr es lernen, wie so mancher Mann vor euch!


  • Ich pflegte Frömmigkeit und Seligkeit... Doch vergesst das. Ihr habt den Sieg errungen...
  • In-game text: We were the august and glorious…but no, never mind that. You are victorious. May your reign be more peaceful than mine ever was.
  • Real translation: I maintained piety and blessedness... But never mind that. You have achieved victory...
Note: There is one more sentence in the Defeat scene, but for the life of me, I can't make out the words, and neither can my father. I believe the in-game subtitles (may your reign be peaceful...) is accurate, at least in spirit.


  • I am Frederic and rule over German and Welsh lands, over Burgund and some more. I know surely that you, too, can embrace righteous force./I know well that you rule with law and order.
  • Gott grüße dich, Geselle! Ich bin keiser Friderîch, und hêrsche über Diutsche und Welscelande, über Burgund und manche mêr. Ich weiz wol, daz ouch ir kunnt gehërzen mit rëchter gewalt. / "Gott grüße dich, Geselle! Ich bin Kaiser Friedrich und herrsche über deutsche und Welsche Lande, über Burgund und manche mehr. Ich weiß wohl, dass auch ihr könnt regieren mit rechter Gewalt!"
    "Good day, friend! I am Emperor Frederick and rule over German and Welsh (italian) lands, over Burgundy and many more. I know that you too can rule with righteous might!"
Notes: Welsh means Romans or romanized Celts. The last sentence is tricky, according to the middle German dictionary something with "kennen" - learn to know, "beherzen" - to your heart, "gewalt" - Power, force, usually in context with ruling and government.

"Gott grüße dich" (literally "God greets you") seems to be an antiquated phrase that would eventually become the colloquial greeting "Grüß Gott!" which is used in many German-speaking regions. It doesn't have an exact translation, but it's usage is basically the same as "Good day!".

Sources: usuluh, in-game text as provided by RedKhan
Speaks Old Akkadian.

  • Mînum sartum īpušam, ul mînum lemnum.
  • Translation: "What treachery did this to me? No, what evil?" (literally: What treachery; no, what evil)
  • Gilgameš ša KI.EN.GI (šumērim) u šar Uruk anāku. Lā taddar, ana ibrīja ṭîbāku.
  • Translation: I am Gilgamesh of Sumeria and King of Uruk. Do not be afraid… I am good to my friends.
(Literally: Gilgameš of šumer and king (of) Uruk I-am ...), then he seems to say "anāku ibrīja ţībāku", but it should be ana ibrīja ṭībāku, word by word: "for friends-my good-I-am"; the pronuncation of /j/ is strange here, it should be nearer to /y/) Also. KI.EN.GI should be pronounced šumērim here.

Declares War:
  • Gilgameš ustanimba? Akanni Gilgameš iḫḫaššalka!
  • In-game translation: Why do I fight? Because I can...because Inanna demands it.Now you will know the power of Sumer!
  • Real translation: Does not match the given translation.

  • Kaša kaša mar iltīm ke tu takiyaḫḫam.
  • In-game translation: I will enjoy hearing your last breath when you witness the destruction of your people.

Agenda-based approval:
  • Ibrum u ayyalutim um atta! Gilgameš iḫassas.
  • Translation: You are a good friend and ally. Gilgamesh will remember this.
  • Literally: Friend and ... you-are, Gilgameš he-will-remember. I cannot recognize the word for ally here)
Agenda-based disapproval:
  • šumma ibrīya taḫabbal, emūk Uruk tamaḫḫar, anniam pî amma nādin!
  • Translation: If you harm my friends, you will face the might of Uruk; this I promise you.
  • Literally: If friend-by you-opress, (force? of) Uruk you-will-face, this word ... I cannot understand the last word(s) "amanawin, aman awin" etc. It's probably a from of awû 'to speak', but I can't understand how)

Pep talk:
  • pûm nukkulum awātam iqabbi; pûm dannatum dina igarru; pûm ţîbum šāmiţi(m) ţîbutim issip
  • Translation: The artistic mouth recites words; the harsh mouth brings litigation; the sweet mouth gathers sweet herbs.
  • (Literally: mouth artistic word it-recites; mouth strong lawsuit it-starts; mouth sweet herb sweet it-collects. The word for herb is unclear to me, šāmiţu is some kind of alkaline plant)
Notes: This one is actually from The instructions of Shuruppag, verse 103-105.


Source: Basileus Rhomaion; Civilization Wiki page on Gorgo

Speaks Doric dialect of ancient Greek recognizable from the fact the long "e" (η) sound in most words is instead replaced by the long "a" sound (α). So you have "αγεμών" instead of "ηγεμών" (hegemon).

Agenda-based disapproval:

  • In-game text: Are you such a coward, to avoid bloodshed? To yield so easily? Where is your honor?
Greeting: I am Gorgo, Queen of Sparta and leader of the Greeks. Who are you? What victories can you speak of? (Γοργώ ειμί, α βασιλεία τάς Σπάρτας, και αγεμών των Ελλήνων. Τις εί συ; Τίνας νίκας οίος τε συ αγγέλλειν;

Agenda-Based Approval: You would make a good Spartan… resilient, strong, brave. (Σπαρτιάτης καλός είησαν. Καρτερός, ισχυρός, ανδρείος.)

Attacked: Now, we test your strength. Prepare yourselves! (Νυν πειρασόμεθα τάς υμετέρας δυνάμεως. Παρασκευάζεσθε!) [Note: The game incorrectly attributes this translation to Gorgo's Declares War line.]

Declares War: Those with power act with strength and the weak suffer. And thus you will come to be. (Δυνατὰ δὲ οἱ προύχοντες πράσσουσι καὶ οἱ ἀσθενεῖς ξυγχωροῦσιν. Καί ούτως τοι γίγνεται.)

Note: The first sentence is part of the famous Melian dialogue ("the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must"), which is itself part of History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides. Wikisource has the original one and comparing source and translation Red Khan found the exact paragraph.

Defeated: Ares has abandoned us. Sparta is defeated. (Ἄρης ἁμμε ἀπολέλοιπε. ἁ Σπάρτα ἐσσῆται.)

Pep Talk:

  • In-game text: A city is well-fortified which has a wall of men instead of brick. (Οὐκ ἂν εἴη ἀτείχιστος πόλις ἅτις ἄνδρεσσι, καὶ οὐ πλίνθοις ἐστεφάνωται.)
Notes: This one is from Parallel Lives by Plutarch, from the part dedicated to Lycurgus of Sparta. Comparing source and translation, Red Khan found the exact paragraph and quote.

Harald Hardrada

Source: klandri

Speaks Old Norse, with modified modern Icelandic pronunciation. (Says klandri: "The pronunciation is "a bit" too modern. The speaker is clearly an Icelandic speaker imitating Old Norse based on an incomplete understanding of how it sounded. The vowels 'y' and 'æ' for instance are pronounced flat out wrong as they have changed quite a bit from Old Norse to modern Icelandic but 'halla' when Haraldr attacks is unmistakably not Icelandic but a more archaic ON pronunciation.")

  • Harald Sigurdson stands before you. Never was there such a viking of land or sea. Hahaha, are you afraid?
  • Haraldr Sigurðarsonr stendr fyrir þér. Aldregi var víkingr slíkr lands né lagar. Hahaha, ertu hræddr?
Agenda-based Approval:
  • In-game text: A strong navy...that's a beautiful sight.
  • Real translation: A great force of ships... that's a beautiful sight.
  • Mikill skipaafli... þat er fagur sjón.
Agenda-based Disapproval:
  • In-game text: Your seas are unprotected, friend. All too easy to raid.
  • Real translation: Ah, your sea is defenseless, my friend. An attack would be an easy task.
  • Ah, sjór þinn er varnarlaus, vinur minn. Árás væri auðveldaverk.
Notes: 'Varnarlaus' can mean either defenseless or unprotected but 'laus' is cognate with 'less' so I went with that. Also Haraldr doesn't use the plural when he refers to the sea and while 'your seas are' sounds more natural in English than 'your sea is' I went with the literal translation. 'Árás' is a pretty general word like 'attack' so that's what I used even if he's presumably referring to a raid here. Finally 'all too easy to raid' is more natural than 'an attack would be an easy task' but that's what he says in the ON.


  • In-game text: This will make a great saga! The skalds will sing of my valor!
  • Real translation: You suppose you are to control the fire you have started. No-ho-ho-ho... No! It is too great for you!
  • Þú ættir þig eldinum eiga stjórna er þú hefir kveikt. Ne-he-he-he... Nei! Hann er þér of mikill!
Declare War:
  • To victory! To Odin's halls!
  • Til sigrs! Til halla Óðins!
  • In-game translation: So, I will join the einherjar in Valhalla and feast, while you toil away here.
  • Real translation: I'll go to sit pleased together with einherjar in Valhalla, while you toil here.
  • Ferk að sitja sáttr einherjum saman í Valhöllu, meðan þú herkir hér.
Pep talk:
  • In-game translation: He must gain victory before whom the banner is borne.
  • Real translation: He will have victory that the banner is borne before.
  • Sá mun hafa sigr er merkit er fyrir borit.
Note: Per Red Khan: "This is a quote by Harald Hardrada in his saga from Heimskringla (Part I, Chapter 22) by Snorri Sturluson (1179-1241). The English line is taken from a translation by Samuel Laing and the Old Norse line is directly from the saga."

Hojo Tokimune
Source: Sandcastle, Civ Fandom wiki
Speaks modern Japanese.

Agenda-based approval: You build your empire as the Rising Sun: powerful and brilliant. (Nanji wa hinode no gotoku tsuyoku kagayaku mikado no kuni wo kizukannya. / 汝は日出の如く強く輝く帝の国を築かんや。)

Agenda-based disapproval: To follow Bushido is to train the mind, the body, and the soul...but where can your people do so? (Karada, kokoro, tamashii wo kitaenn mono bushido nari. Nanji no tami wa, izukunite sore wo nasannya. / 体、心、魂を鍛えん者武士道なり。汝の民は、焉にてそれを為さんや。)

Attacked: The Divine Wind will protect us and you will fall, like the others. *slowly unsheathes blade* (Kamikaze warera wo mamori, onore wa katsute no gotoku metsubou seruran. / 神風我らを守り、己はかつての敵の如く滅亡せるらん。)

Declare War: I will not allow the Empire to suffer you any longer. The time has come to end this charade! *unsheathes and slices down with blade* (Kore made tari. Kono orokana shibai wo owarsen! / これまでたり。この愚かなる芝居を終わらせん!)

Greeting: Hello, I am Hojo Tokimune of Japan, a humble disciple of Bushido. (Ikaga aru. Ware wa Nihonkoku no bushido no shinnkousha, Hojo Tokimune. / いかがある。我は日本国の武士道の信仰者、北条時宗。)

Pep talk: 武士は戦わんが為に生き、勝たん為戦うものなり。("bushi wa tatakawan ga tame ni iki, katan tame tatakau mono nari")
Note: Per Red Khan, the line in English is a quote from the book Musashi's Book of Five Rings: The Definitive Interpretation of Miyomoto Musashi's Classic Book of Strategy by Stephen F. Kaufman (The Book of the Wind, last paragraph of chapter 3), which the author himself describes as "the best-selling interpretation of Musashi's 'Book of Five Rings.'" Translations of this paragraph to English are completely different; the one that is consistent with the original Japanese version of this paragraph (物毎に、勝と云事、道理なくしてハ、勝事あたはず。我道におゐてハ、少も無理なる事を思はず、兵法の智力をもつて、いか様にも勝所を得る心也。能々工夫有べし。) and its translation to modern Japanese (どんなことでも、勝つということは、道理なくしては勝つことはできない。我が(兵法の)道においては、少しも無理なことを思わず、兵法の智力をもって、どのようにでも勝つところを得るのである。よくよく工夫あるべし。) rather than Kaufman's own interpretation is "Without the correct principle the fight cannot be won. The spirit of my school is to win through the wisdom of strategy, paying no attention to trifles. Study this well." (here and here)

Defeated: Please end this dishonor to my family…to my people. (Hojyo ke tari, waga tami no kizuna wo na kake tamai so. / 北条家たり、我が民の絆をなかけ給いそ)

Prime Minister John Curtin
Speaks Australian-accented English.

Declare War: After thorough deliberation, Australia finds itself at a crossroads. Prepare yourself, war is upon us.

Attacked: We will mobilize every means of resistance to stop this transgression against our nation!

Agenda disapproval ("Warning"): War can only bring us loss. Loss of lives, loss of productivity, loss of our very humanity!

Defeat: The principles for which we have fought will survive longer than any nation you could ever build.

Introduction ("First meet"): John Curtin, I speak for the people of Australia as their Prime Minister. We seek sympathetic allies in the fight against the hawks of war.

Agenda Approval ("Kudos"): I commend your perseverance. We share a common interest in protecting those who often cannot protect themselves.

Civilopedia quote ("Pep talk"): I believe that there is in Australia today an intense love of country, greater in its expression than has yet been called forth at any previous period in Australia’s history.
Notes: Red Khan discovered on this site that this is an actual quote by him from March 1942. Says Red Khan: "Apparently this is a site of a team of sculptors who made John Curtin's statue at Fremantle, a city from which he was elected to the Parliament, so I guess they did their research and this quote is authentic."

Montezuma I

Speaks Nahuatl. Says the Fandom Wiki entry on Montezuma, "speaks Classical Nahuatl, but the language is both poorly translated and pronounced."
Source: Tamate; Circeus; Fandom wiki

Agenda-based disapproval: You have much that I do not! Do you want your people taken as slaves?

Agenda-based approval: We have more in common, than not. You follow Tlacaclel's words.

  • Moaxiwan miquitzyauhyotl nimanawaca nozo ipan tzompantli. Nik an auc se neka Huitzilopotchli! (Tamate)
  • Mohuaxohuan miquizqueh yaoyotl niman nahuac ahnozo ipan tzompantli. Nican aoc ceneca Huitzilopochtli. (Circeus)
  • Actual translation: Your warriors will have faced death at the place of the battlefield (through me) or upon an altar. It (that I do) does not show a (one) difference (to) Huitzilopochtli! (Tamate)
  • Your [warriors?] will die [war] [immediately] [locative] or upon the altar. [Here] [not/anymore] ??? Huitzilopochtli. (Circeus)
  • In-game translation: Your soldiers will die on the battlefield or upon an altar. It makes no difference to Huitzilopotchli.
Notes (Circeus): I misread the form of the verb die (miqui) as a past form followed by ic (used for instrumental relative "with/thourgh which"), but it is actually a plural future; "they will die". I still don't know what the root of "mohuaxohuan" is. It's a possessive noun (second person possessive: mo- -hua) in the plural (-n), but the exact word still eludes me. As far as I know "yaoyotl niman nahuac" is a jumble of word that are not properly connected to the verb as the mean by which or place where the warriors will die: "on the battlefield" should just be in yaoc ("in/through war" would be yaoyoltica), "on the altar" would be in tzompanco. The word (or words) ceneca remains a mystery to me (nican, "here", and aoc, a negative, are common particles), if there's a connection with nequi, "want", I do not know what it is. ce necah "one over there" (literaly the number "one", in this case) doesn't make sense either as it's completely ungrammatical.

Declares War: Now we will see if you are cowards or warriors!

  • Huitzilopochtli pohpolhuia toahchicahua[chotl?]huan... noahchicahua[chotl?]huan. Ca nicauh cencah miec ?? pampa mixtlah ?? (Tamate)
  • Huitzilopochtli pohpolhuia toahchicahuachotlhuan... noahchicahuachotlhuan. Ca nicauh cencah miec ?? ipampa mixtlah ??coti. (Circeus)
  • Actual translation: Huitzilopochtli, forgive our lack of [muscular] strength... my lack of muscular strength. I abandon ??? [locative] in a cloudy place ???.") (Tamate)
  • Huitzilopochtli forgives our weakness... my weakness. [???] (Circeus)
  • In-game translation: Huitzilopochtli forgive our weakness… my weakness. I was not strong enough to serve you. (Tamate)
Notes (Circeus): While the English uses an optative (i.e. MAY Huitzilopchtli forgive our weakness), the Nahuatl is a simple affirmative statement. The "chotl" syllable in "weakness" has no justification that I can see: the word should be (n/t)oahchicahualizhuan. That word, I should note, is very specifically about physical weakness, the lack of muscular strength.

I have to admit the second part baffles me, but that's because I can't make out the missing words at all. It clearly means something entirely different from the English, though: ipampa mixtlah is "in a cloudy place" and cencah miec means "a lot/large amount of".

  • Nikuani tekeotl ke tel Tenochitlan. Hueyi Tlatoani. Tlinon tikneki? Tiaxiwani auh nozo timawiki? (Tamate)
  • Nihcuani teuctli Tenochtitlan. Huey tlahtoani. Tlein on ticnequi. Tiyaochihuani ahnozo timauhqui? (Circeus)
  • Actual translation: I am the lord who scowls from Tenochitlan. The great speaker. Is it that you want? Are you a warrior (and)/or a coward? (Tamate)
  • Stand aside before?] the lord of Tenochtitlan. The king [Huey tlahtoani, lit. "the great speaker", was the title of the supreme Aztec leader]. Is this what you want? You can/are able to wage war or you are afraid? (Circeus)
  • In-game translation: I am the scowling lord of Tenochtitlan. The tlatoani. Who comes before me? A warrior or a coward?
Notes (Circeus): Nicuani is a bit of a mystery apart from likely being a first-person verb (n(i)-), possibly an habitual (-ni), which are usually adjectival in meaning. I have no idea where tamate gets "scowling", though: "cu" in motecuhzoma, "he scowls like a lord", is an artifact of the transliteration (the rooks are te(u)c, "lord", and (mo)zoma, "become angry, annoyed irritated"). I believe it is a form of ihcuani, "stand aside", but if the intent is "stand aside before me", that is ungrammatical.

Tamate hears a "tequeotl", but this is not a word I can find in my reference. Tel mean "but, however", so I don't know what it would do here. I believe the voice actor is just mangling the word teuctli (possibly it was given to him with the spelling "tecuhtli").

The last part is not a grammatical question in classical Nahuatl. The voice actor clearly says "temahuiqui", which is incorrect in two ways (whether its a pronounciation or grammar issue is unclear though.)

Mohandas K. Gandhi
Speaks Hindi and English.
Source: Tudhaliya

Agenda-based approval (English): There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is different from actually using it.

Introduction (Hindī):

Devanāgarī: नमस्कर, मैं मोहनदास गांधी हूँ। मेरे लोग मुझे बापू कहते हैं। पर कृपया मुझे मित्र कहें॥
नमस्कार, मैं मोहनदास गांधी हूँ। मेरे लोग मुझे बापू कहते हैं। पर कृप्या, मुझे मित्र कहें॥

namaskara maiṃ mohanadāsa gāndhī hūṃ| mere loga mujhe bāpū kahate haiṃ| par kṛpayā mujhe mitra kaheṃ||

Transcription: Namaskaar, main mohandaas gaandhi hun. Mere log mujhe baapu kehte hain. Par kripya, mujhe mitr kahein.

Translation: Namaskar (a polite greeting), I am Mohandas Gandhi. My people call me Bapu (Father). But please call me a friend.

In-game translation: Hello, I am Mohandas Gandhi. My people call me Bapu, but please, call me friend.

Agenda-based disapproval (Hindī):

Devanāgarī: यदि आप ख़ून का इतने प्यासे हैं, तो आपके नेतृत्व को समाप्त करना ही बेहतर होगा॥

Transliteration: yadi āpa khūna kitane pyāse haiṃ, to āpake netṛtva ko samāpta karanā hī behatara hogā||

Transcription: Yadi aap khoon ka itne pyaase hain, to aapke netrittva ko samaapt karnaa hi behtar hoga.

Translation: If you (polite) are thirsty for so much blood, then it will be probably better to make an end to your rulership.

In-game translation: If you are so bloodthirsty, maybe it is better to put an end to your leadership.

Declare War (Hindī):

मैं नैतिकता के कुरबानी दिए बिना इस जंग में हिस्सा ले सकता हूँ। मत पूछें कैसे। आप नहीं समझेंगे॥

Transliteration: maiṃ naitikatā ke kurabānī die binā is jaṅga hissā le sakatā hūṃ| mata pūcha kaise hai| āpa na samajheṅge||

Transcription: Main naitikta ke kurbaani diye bina is jang mein hissa le sakta hun. Mat puchein kaise. Aap nahin samjhenge.

Translation: I can take part in this war without sacrificing morals. Don't ask how. You (polite) won't understand.

In-game translation: I can engage in this war without sacrificing morals. Don't ask me how; you wouldn't understand

Attacked (English): My attempts to avoid violence have failed. An eye for an eye only makes the world blind.
Notes: The second sentence is an actual quote of Gandhi's.

Pep-talk (English): Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
Notes: This is an actual quote of Gandhi's.


अब मुझे जंजीरों में जकड़ें। यातनाएं दें। यहाँ तक की आप मेरे शरीर को नष्ट कर दें। पर आप मेरे मन को कभी कैद नहीं सकेंगे।

Transcription: Aab mujhe janjeeron mein jakdein. Yaatnaein dein. Yahaan tak ki aap mere sharir ko nasht kar dein. Par aap mere man ko kabhi kaid (or it might be 'qaid', I'm not sure with Urdu words) nahin sakenge.

Ab mujhe janjeeron mein jakdein. Yatnaen dein. Yahaan tak ki aap mere sharir ko nasht kar dein. Par aap mere man ko kabhi kaid nahi sakenge.

Translation: Now put me in chains. Torture me. Go as far as to destroy my body. But you will never be able to imprison my mind.

Mvemba a Nzinga
Speaks Lingala (?)

Greeting: I am Mvemba a Nzinga and I greet you as a friend. I can see you are blessed by God. Are you here to share your enlightenment?

Agenda-based disapproval: I can only assume your reluctance to spread your religion comes from lack of conviction.

Attacked: We are no strangers to war. You have strayed from God’s path, and now we will correct it.

Defeated: You are nothing but a glorified barbarian. Cruel, and ruthless.

Source: Fandom Wiki
Speaks Quecha.

Attacked: Now is the time for war. Hear the stamp of our warriors—warriors with the hearts of the puma. (Kunanqa maqanakuy pacham kachkan, sinchikunap saruyninta uyariy! Puma sunquyuq sinchikunam!)

Pep Talk: (Wiraqochaya qasilla qespilla punchaw Inka Runa yana michisqaykiqta killariy k'anchariy.)
Notes: This is a line from sacred hymn "Prayer to the Sun" composed by Pachacuti himself for the Situa ceremony around 1440-1450. The English translation is taken from the work Ancient American Poets by John Curl.

Dom Pedro II of Brazil

Speaks modern Brazilian Portuguese.

Agenda-based approval:
  • Imagine all the amazing things the brilliant minds of my nation will accomplish.
  • Imagine todas as conquistas surpreendentes que as mentes brilhantes da minha nação realizarão.
Agenda-based disapproval:
  • Your finest engineers and architects would be happier in a place where they could grow. Brasil, for instance.
  • Os seus melhores engenheiros e arquitectos seriam mais felizes num lugar onde pudessem crescer...No Brasil, por exemplo.
  • You can see how fruitless this will be for you, no?
  • Você verá como será infrutífero, não é?
Declare War:
  • I have to do this, for the sake of progress if nothing else. You must be opposed.
  • Tenho que fazer isso em beneficio do progresso. É preciso combatê-lo.
Note: "... if nothing else." doesn't actually appear in his speech, but was added for the translation for some reason.

  • May God grant me these last wishes -- peace and prosperity for Brazil.
  • Que Deus me conceda esses últimos desejos - paz e prosperidade para o Brasil.
Notes: These were Pedro II's last words (as he died in exile).

  • Good day. It is an honor to meet you in person. It seems great minds do attract each other, after all.
  • Bom dia. É uma honra conhecê-lo pessoalmente. Parece que mentes brilhantes se atraem.
Pep Talk:
  • Real translation: I don't know of a nobler task than to guide young minds and prepare men for the future (lit: for the tomorrow).
  • In-game text: I do not know of a task more noble than to direct young minds and prepare the men of tomorrow.
  • Desconheço tarefa mais nobre que orientar mentes jovens e preparar os homens para o amanhã.
Notes: Red Khan found on Pedro II's Wikipedia page the following quote: "The Emperor considered education to be of national importance and was himself a concrete example of the value of learning. He remarked: "Were I not an Emperor, I would like to be a teacher. I do not know of a task more noble than to direct young minds and prepare the men of tomorrow."

Says Red Khan, "The Portuguese Wikipedia article has these words too and they are different from what is said in game - "Não conheço tarefa mais nobre do que direcionar as jovens mentes e preparar os homens de amanhã." Most probably the translator was given this line in English without any context (yet again - context is important!) didn't recognize it and translated it back to Portuguese. So it's a clear case of what is called "back translation".

Source: Civilization Wiki; Basileus Rhomaion

Speaks standard classical Attic Greek.

Agenda-based Approval: You are wise to leave our neighboring city-state to us.

Agenda-based Disapproval: That city is ours. I would suggest you don’t interfere.

Attacked: Soldiers are not like trees. When they are destroyed, they are not so easily replaced (Οἱ στρατιῶται οὐχ ὁμοῖοι τοῖς δένδροις. ὅτε ὀλλυνται, οὐ ῥᾳδίως κατάγωνται.)
Note: This line is based on his quote from Parallel Lives by Plutarch "trees, when they are lopped and cut, grow up again in a short time but men, being once lost, cannot easily be recovered" (English translation source), although the Greek version doesn't match the original.

Declares War: This is for the greater good. You will understand…in time. (Τούτον ἐστί τοῦ μεγίστου καλοῦ ἕνεκα. Μαθήσει...εν χρόνω.)

Defeated: You may have defeated us, but what we leave behind is woven into the lives of others. (Ημάς νενίκηκας. Αλλά τά λοιπά τά υφαίνεται εν ταις ψυχαίς των άλλων.)
Note: This line is based on his quote "What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others." which is likely a modern paraphrasing of a longer passage from Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War, II.43.3.

Greeting: Hello, I am Pericles of Athens and I greet you on behalf of the Democracy. I trust you’ll let me conduct my business with these neutral parties? (χαῖρε, ὁ Περικλῆς τῶν Ἀθηνῶν εἰμι, καὶ δειξιοῦμαι σε ὑπέρ τῆς δημοκρατίας.)

Agenda-based Approval: You are wise to leave our neighboring city-state to us.
(Σαφῶς σε λεπεῖν τὴν προσχώρην πόλιν πρὸς ἡμῶν.) (Technically it should be προχώρον because it does not have a feminine ending.)

Agenda-based Disapproval: That city is ours. I would suggest you don’t interfere. (Εκείνη πόλις ή ημετέρα εστίν. Παραινώ σοι μή πολυγραγμονείν.)

Pep Talk: Δε ζημίας μεγίστη τό υπό πονηρότερου άρχεσθαι, εάν μη αυτός εθέλη άρχειν (It is one of the greatest punishments to be led by your inferiors when you don't want to lead yourself)
In-game Translation: Just because you do not take an interest in politics does not mean politics does not take an interest in you.
Note: The line in English is a quote widely attributed to him, but no source exist on that. Most probably it's based on Pericles' Funeral Oration from History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides - "Our public men have, besides politics, their private affairs to attend to, and our ordinary citizens, though occupied with the pursuits of industry, are still fair judges of public matters; for, unlike any other nation, regarding him who takes no part in these duties not as unambitious but as useless" (English source). The line in Greek is an exact quote from Plato's The Republic.
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Peter Alexeyevich (the "Great")
Lines: Soundcloud
Source: Red Khan
Speaks Russian with some antiquated words.

Declare war:
  • Line: За сим провозглашаю Вас врагом России, наших союзников, и Господа! Да помилует Он Вашу душу.
  • Transcription: Za sim provozglashayu Vas vragom Rossii, nashikh soyuznikov, i Gospoda! Da pomiluyet On Vashu dushu
  • In-game text: I hereby proclaim you an enemy to Russia, our allies, and God, may he have mercy on your soul.
Note: The in-game translation is quite accurate, except one minor detail - he says Gospod' (The Lord), not Bog (God). Also he uses an old-fashioned expression "za sim" (hereby).

  • Line: Ваша война тщетна. Россию победить невозможно! Кто с мечом к нам придёт — тот от меча и погибнет!
  • Transcription: Vasha voyna tshchetna. Rossiyu pobedit' nevozmozhno! Kto s mechom k nam pridot — tot ot mecha i pogibnet!
  • In-game text: Your war is hopeless. You have not learned from history. Conquering Russia is impossible. He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword!
  • Actual translation: Your war is futile. It's impossible to defeat Russia! Whoever will come to us with a sword, from a sword will perish!
Note: The last sentence is actually a famous phrase from a 1938 film by Sergei Eisenstein "Alexander Nevsky" and nowadays erroneously attributed to the historical figure of Alexander Nevsky.

  • Line: Я сражён. Жизнь прожить - не поле перейти.
  • Transcription: Ya srazhon. Zhizn' prozhit' - ne pole pereyti.
  • In-game text: I am defeated. To live one’s life is not like crossing a field.
Note: The in-game translation is right. The second sentence is actually a Russian proverb. My dictionary gives these English analogues: Life is not all clear sailing in calm water, There is a crook in the lot of everyone, Life is not a bed of roses, Life is not all beer and skittles, Life is not all cakes and ale. I hope you got the idea. :)

Introduction ("First meet"):
  • Line: Здравствуйте! Я - царь Пётр. Достойный правитель, подобный Вам, должен ценить всё самое изысканное. Любите ли Вы искусство, подобно мне?
  • Transcription: Zdravstvuyte! Ya - tsar' Potr. Dostoynyy pravitel', podobnyy Vam, dolzhen tsenit' vso samoye izyskannoye. Lyubite li Vy iskusstvo, podobno mne?
  • In-game text: Hello, I am Tsar Peter. So, a cultured leader such as yourself must enjoy the finer things in life. Are you fond of art as well?
  • Actual translation: Hello! I am Tsar Peter. A worthy ruler such as yourself must appreciate all the most exquisite things. Do you like art as I do?
Agenda Approval ("Kudos")
  • Line: Ваш народ достоин восхищения - искусство, наука... Чего ещё желать?
  • Transcription: Vash narod dostoin voskhishcheniya - iskusstvo, nauka... Chego yeshcho zhelat'?
  • In-game text: Yours is a society to emulate. Arts, sciences… what don’t you have?
  • Actual translation: Your people are worthy of admiration. Arts, sciences... What else can you wish for?
Civilopedia quote ("Pep talk"):
  • Line: Не забывайте кормить свой народ. Солдатский желудок пустыми обещаниями не насытить.
  • Transcription: Ne zabyvayte kormit' svoy narod. Soldatskiy zheludok pustymi obeshchaniyami ne nasytit'.
  • In-game text: Remember to feed your people. Soldiers' bellies are not satisfied with empty promises and hopes.
  • Actual Translation: Don't forget to feed your people. You can't satiate a soldier's stomach with empty promises.
  • Notes: According to Eugene Schuyler's book Peter the Great, Emperor of Russia, A Study of Historical Biography the second sentence was what he said to Danish ministers stating lack of provision as one of the reasons for cancellation of the planned joint invasion of Scania from Denmark during Great Northern War.
Agenda disapproval ("Warning"):
  • Line: Ваши люди жаждут познания и красоты, но Вы гнушаетесь науки и искусства. Отчего же?
  • Transcription: Vashi lyudi zhazhdut poznaniya i krasoty, no Vy gnushayetes' nauki i iskusstva. Otchego zhe?
  • In-game text: Your people are starved for knowledge and beauty, and yet you ignore science and art. Why?
  • Actual translation: Your people thirst for knowledge and beauty, but you shun science and art. Why so?

Phillip II
Lines: Soundcloud
Source: El Castellano, Abathorn, MistyRonin, nunor, untitledjuan, Civwiki
Speaks Castillian accented Spanish.


  • Actual translation: We are Phillip, king of Spain and Portugal, but most importantly we are faithful devotees of the one true religion.
  • Nos somos Felipe rey de España y Portugal, empero por encima de todo somos fieles devotos de la única y verdadera religión.
Agenda-based approval:
  • Actual translation: "We are a nation of faith, and your kindness towards our devotion honors you."
  • In-game line: I am relieved you understand that we cannot tolerate heretics. It is against God, of course.
  • Somos una nación de fe, y vuestro favor a nuestra devoción os honra. - lit. )
Agenda-based disapproval:
  • Actual translation: "You are not penitent, you curse! God's vengeance will fall on your head."
  • In-game line: Rather than penitent, you are blasphemous. The vengeance of God will be upon your head.
  • No seis penitente, ¡blasmefáis! La venganza de Dios caerá sobre vuestra cabeza.
  • Actual translation: This is absurd! Are you declaring war, to us? Hah, Do you ignore the (mighty) power of the Spanish Armada?
  • In-game line: You think your army can compare with my armada…with the might of my empire? You are grievously mistaken.
  • ¡Aquesto es absurdo! ¿Nos estáis declarando la guerra? .. Jeje ¿Acaso ignoráis el poderío de la armada invencible?
Declares War:
  • Actual translation: You have been judged for your sins. Now, you will atone for them! May God have mercy on your soul...
  • In-game line: You have transgressed against my kingdom and the kingdom of God…you must answer for your sins.
  • Se os ha juzgado por vuestros pecados. ¡Y agora los expiareis! ... Que dios se compadezca de vuestra alma.
Notes: In various legal systems, this statement is used when a person is sentenced to death in various legal systems. (MistyRonin)


  • Actual translation: My lands....why sir (God)? Why have you abandoned me?
  • In-game line: My lands…my Kingdom, why God? Why have you forsaken me?
  • Nuestros estados... ¿Por qué Señor? ¿Por qué nos has abandonado?
Pep Talk:
  • Actual translation: The day will come when we will be looking at the map of the world, but it will not be the world. It will be Spain
  • In-game text: One day I will be able to look at the map of the world, but will have ceased to be a map of the world. It will be Spain.
  • Llegará el día en el que cuando estemos contemplando el mapa del mundo, no será el mundo. Será España
Note: This is a quote of Phillip II's from the movie The Sea Hawk (1940), which starred Errol Flynn as an English privateer opposed to Phillip II.

Lines: Soundcloud
Sources: Trent Mills (YouTube user), in-game lines, Civ VI wiki
Speaks Cree.

Agenda-based Disapproval: Choose your friendships wisely—but you must choose. (ᑿᔭᐢᐠ ᓇᐘᓲ ᑭᐑᒌᐚᑲᓇᐠ᙮ ᒫᑲ ᐳᑯ ᑕᐚᓇᐘᓲᐣᑮᐣ᙮ / Kwayask nawasô kiwîcîwâkanak. Mâka poko tawânawasônkîn.)

Attacked: You could have found another way. Now, your regrets will be measured in blood. (ᑯᑕᐠ ᑮᑿᔾ ᑭᑫᑑᑕᒪᐣ᙮ ᒦᐦᑵᐤ ᑭᑲᑯᒋᑎᐸᐦᐃᑲᐣ / Kotak kîkway kiketôtaman. Mîhkwew kikakoci-tipahikan)

Declares War: I do not care to inflict the terrors of war upon you—but justice requires it.

Defeated: Had I wanted war, I would not be here now. You did not catch me. I gave myself up. (ᑮᐢᐱᐣ ᑭᓅᐦᑌᓅᑎᓂᑭᔮᐣ᙮ ᓇᒨᔭ ᑭᑮᑳᐦᑎᓈᐚᐤ᙮ ᓂᑮᐸᑭᑎᓂᓱᐣ᙮ / Kîspin kinôhtenôtinikiyân. Namôya kikîkâhtinâwâw. Nikîpakitinison.)
[Note: This line is based off a quote from a letter written by Poundmaker given to Louis Riel, the founder of Manitoba, after his defeat at the Battle of Batoche.]

Qin Shi Huang
: Soundcloud
Sources: Sagax, cools0812, in-game lines

Speaks ancient/archaic Mandarin. Says cools0812 says: "[The voice actor's] modern Mandarin was pronounced fluently and accurately... Even though Chinese wasn't pronounced that way during the Qin dynasty (they spoke Old Chinese then, which was completely different from modern Mandarin - a northern accent influenced by the Manchu language during 17th century), it's still OK because using a dead and extremely complicated pronunciation in acting is hardly doable. However, cools0812 also remarks the dialogue writing seemed amateurish, showing limited knowledge of Qin Shi Huang and imperial Chinese history. "All dialogues are written in Literary Chinese, a classical style of written Chinese used from 5th century BCE to the 1920s, so technically it fits in with Qin Shi Huang's era. It's only technically; because Literary Chinese is a constantly evolving literary language throughout its entire 2500 years history. An experienced reader can easily tell the differences in grammar and vocabulary between the 5th century BCE Analects and the 18th century History of Ming, both typical Literary Chinese texts. And although Qin Shi Huang's Literary Chinese was quite readable, it doesn't appear to be from the 3th century BCE."

Agenda-based Disapproval:
  • 汝观寡人,疆域之广,文武之盛,而贵国何有乎?
  • rǔ guàn guǎ rén, jiāng yù zhī guǎng, wén wǔ zhī shèng, ér guì guó hé yǒu hū?
  • In-game text: What need do you have for wonder when you can look upon the works of the Middle Kingdom?
  • Real translation: You look at me, (you see) how vast my empire sprawls, how thriving we are both culturally and militarily. And what does your empire have?
Notes: This line implies that Qin is not impressed by the player's lack of wonders, yet his agenda works the other way around - he is pissed if you DO have a lot of wonders.


  • 战 则 战 矣, 寡 人 即 将 诛 惩 尔 等!
  • zhàn zé zhàn yǐ ,guǎ rén jí jiāng zhū chéng ěr děng!
  • In-game text: You have asked for war and I will give it to you.
  • Real translation: Fight if you want to. Soon I will punish and kill you!
Declare War:
  • 敢犯天威, 寡人将发大军,毁汝宗庙,灭尔人民,誓无遏抑!
    gǎn fàn tiān wēi, guǎ rén jiāng fā dà jūn, huǐ rǔ zōng miào, miè ěr rén mín, shì wú jié(è) yì!
  • In-game text: You are the seed of evil. You must be destroyed.
  • Real translation: How dare you enrage the heaven's might! I will send a great army, desecrate your ancestral shrines, eliminate your people. I swear I won't restrain them!
Notes: Actually the last phrase seems very confusing, with this pronunciation I came up with lots of phrases but none of them fit. Now I believe that “jié” is a mispronunciation of "遏" (è). The VA might have mistaken it for a similar character “揭”(jié).

  • 寡人未曾料及......尔焉非也。
  • guǎ rén wèi céng liào jí......ěr yān fēi yě。
  • Real translation: I never would have thought......not like this.
  • Not sure about the last phrase, it could be translated into what the subtitle says (...not like this), but the grammar is broken.

Agenda-based approval:
  • 勿犯寡人。寡人之秦,天下莫之与抗。
  • wù fàn guǎ rén。guǎ rén zhī qín,tiān xià mò zhī yú kàng。
  • In-game text: It is good you do not try to compete with the glorious empire of Qin. Our wonders are initimable.
  • Real translation: Do not attack me. No one in the world can fight against my (empire of) Qin.

  • 天下汹汹之大乱,皆由于封建。寡人即将一之。
  • tiān xià xiōng xiōng zhī dà luàn,jiē yóu yú fēng jiàn。guǎ rén jí jiāng yī zhī。
  • The tremendous turmoil all over the world is the consequence of feudalism. Soon I will unify them.

Notes: The first sentence in the English line is a translation of his words from Records of the Grand Historian by Sima Qian, but the original in Chinese (天下共苦戰鬭不休以有侯王 / Tiānxià gòng kǔzhàn dòu bùxiū yǐ yǒu hóu wáng) is completely different save for "天下" (Tiānxià - All-under-Heaven).

He's talking about the greatest achievement of Qin Shi Huang - end of feudalism and beginning of centralized absolute monarchy in China. Remember that the feudalism in China, or more precisely the Fengjian system of Zhou dynasty, is marked by numerous powerful vassal kingdoms (which became independent during the late Zhou dynasty) and lack of direct rule from central government, unlike feudalism in the west (lieges, vassals , fiefdoms......)
The word “天下”, literally “under heaven”, can be translated as "all the world" or "all china", both were the same in Qin Shi Huang‘s age. So the true meaning of this line is not his hatred toward medieval social structure, but his ambition of world conquest.

  • 今汝之來也,岂欲观秦国山川之圣? 寡人乃秦之主也。
  • Jīn rǔ zhī lái yě, qǐ yù guàn qín guó shān chuān zhī shèng? Guǎ rén nǎi qín zhī zhǔ yě
  • In-game text: Why do you come before the Immortal Son of Heaven, the Great Qin Shi Huang?
  • Real translation: You've come today. Is it possible that you want to view the scenery of the mountains and rivers in the State of Qin; I am the ruler of Qin.
I'd like to direct your attention to these two words: "秦国"(qín guó, State of Qin) and "寡人"
(guǎ rén, I). When the Qin dynasty was mentioned in the literature of its era, it is usually referred to as "秦"(Qin) alone without“国”(state), because “秦国” means specifically the State of Qin, a vassal kingdom of Zhou dynasty, major player in the Warring States period eventually became the Qin dynasty through conquering other states. Qin Shi Huang is famous for this unification under his reign, thus he created the title of Qin Shi Huang (秦始皇, First Emperor of Qin) as the first emperor of a centralized Chinese empire. Before the unification, his title was Qin Wang Zheng (秦王政, King Zheng of Qin).

So, Qin Shi Huang referring to his civilization as “State of Qin” is really inconsistent with the fact that he is called Qin Shi Huang and he is the sole ruler of a unified Chinese empire in the game.

Now let's check the word "寡人". When translated into English, it's "me" or "I" and lost a great amount of information it conveys. There're many ways to say "I" in Literary Chinese, most are related to the social status of speaker, "寡人" is one of them, used by vassal kings of Imperial China, warlords in later ages, and sometimes emperors themselves. So if this word was said by any other Chinese emperors, it's fine. But anyone familiar with Qin Shi Huang would know his contribution to the first-person singular pronouns of Literary Chinese, that he made the word "朕" (zhèn) the formal first-person pronoun of emperors themselves and no one else, shortly after the unification.

Before Qin dynasty, "朕" can be used by anyone regardless of one's status, but after Qin Wang Zheng became Qin Shi Huang, and during the 2000 years of imperial Chinese history, people can be beheaded for using that word. According to The Records, Qin Shi Huang used “朕” for 9 years, from 221BCE to 212BCE, then he changed to "真人"(zhēn rén, a term very closely related to Taoism) due to his obsession in seeking immortality, briefly before his death in 210BCE.

So once again, Qin Shi Huang would only say “寡人” BEFORE he becomes Qin Shi Huang, but in this game what we got is Qin Shi Huang and we are playing China, instead of one of its warring states. It simply doesnt add up.

Lines: Soundcloud
Source: smartcanuck1988, SaiH, Civ wiki (transliterations)
Speaks Arabic.

هذا ليس هو النصر بل إن النصر هو تغيير قلوب خصومك بالرفق والحسن

hadhaa laysa huwa an-nasr, bal inna al-nasr huwa taghyeeru quloobi khuṣoomik bi-rifqi wal-ḥusna

This is not victory. But victory is changing the hearts of your opponents with care and generosity.
Note: Per the Civ wiki, the second sentence is a rephrased quote by Saladin from one of the translations of Baha ad-Din ibn Shaddad's work - "I have become great as I am because I have won the hearts of men by gentleness and kindness." A more accurate translation of this part (فما بلغت ما بلغت إلّا بمداولة الناس / a mā balaġtu mā balaġtu ’illā bi mudāwalati n-nās(i)) is "I only achieved what I have by coaxing people." The line spoken in Arabic is a back translation of the English sentence.

Declare War:
أعدك أن لن يذوق أحد السلام حتى تستسلم
'aedak 'an lan yadhuq ahd alsalam hataa tastaslim

In-game translation (erroneously switched with the Attacked line): It's shameful that we turn to violence, for it is not the behavior of kings to kill each other.
Actual translation: "I promise none of us will taste peace, until you concede." (not provided in game text anywhere, so it appears "I warn you against making a habit of shedding blood..." from the Attacked text has no in-game audio equivalent, though it was an actual quote of Saladin's)
Note: Per Red Khan, “The second half of the English sentence is another quote by him from Baha ad-Din ibn Shaddad's work, said in the aftermath of the Battle of Hattin to Guy de Lusignan, King of Jerusalem, after Saladin executed Raynald of Châtillon for previously breaking a truce - "'It is not the wont of kings,' said he, 'to kill kings; but that man had transgressed all bounds, and therefore did I treat him thus.'" In Arabic this is erroneously used as his Attacked line, but the original Arabic quote from the source (لم تجر عادة الملك أن يقتلوا الملوك / lam tajur ʕādatu l-mulūki ’an yaqtulù l-mulūk(a)) is either paraphrased or back translated from English.”

من الخزي والعار أن نلجأ إلى العنف فليس من عادة الملوك قتل بعضه البعض
min al-khizyi wa-al'aari an nalja' ilaa al-'unf, falaysa min 'aadati al-mulooki qatlu ba'ḍihaa al-ba'ḍ

In-game translation (erroneously switched with the Declare War line): I warn you against making a habit of shedding blood. Blood never sleeps.
Actual translation: It's shameful that we turn to violence, for it is not the behavior of kings to kill each other.
Note: Per Red Khan, "The in-game translation is based on a quote by Saladin from English translation of Baha ad-Din ibn Shaddad's work The Rare and Excellent History of Saladin - "I warn you against shedding blood, indulging in it and making a habit of it, for blood never sleeps." The Arabic original (واحذرك من الدما والدخول فيها والتقلد لها فان الدم لا ينام / wa 'uḥaḏḏiruka min ad-dimā'i wa d-duḵūli fīhā wa t-taqalludi lahā fa'inna d-dama lā yanām) has nothing in common with the line spoken here or when Saladin declares war."

بفضل منه الواحد الأحد القوي المنتصر الدائم الذي لا ينتهي ملكه أرسل إليك تحياتي يا صديقي العزيز

bifaḍli minh, al-waaḥidu al-aḥad, al-qawiy, al-muntaṣir, ad-daaimul ladhi laa yantahee mulkuh, ursilu ilayka taḥiyyaati yaa ṣadeeqee al-'azeez

With the will of the one and only, the strong, the victorious, the eternal whose reign never ends, I send you my greetings my friend.

Agenda-based approval:
السلام عليك أنت تنشر الصدق والمحبة بأفعالك بسم الله العالي العظيم
assalaamu 'alayk, anta tanshuruth thiqqah wal-maḥabbata bi-af'aalik, bismillaahi al-'aliyyi al-aẓeem.

Peace be upon you. You are spreading sincerity (?) and love with your actions. By the name of Allah the greatest.

Agenda-based disapproval:
لن أقبل بتدنيس الأرض سيعاقبك الله على كفرك وعصيانك وحده الكامل والعزيز

lan aqbala bi-tadneesi al-arḍ, sayu'aaqibuka Allahu 'alaa kufrik, wa-'iṣyaanik, waḥdahu al-kaamilu al-'azeez.

I will not accept this desecration of land. Allah will punish your blasphemy and disobedience. [?] He is the only who is whole, beloved. [/?]

Pep Talk:
نتيجة الحرب يحددها الاستعداد والعدّة وإرادة الله
natījatu l-ḥarbi yuḥaddiduha l-ʼistiʽdādu wa l-ʽiddatu wa ʼirādatu-llahi

  • Real translation: The result of war is determined by preparations and equipment. And Allah's will.
  • In-game text: Battles are determined by preparation and numbers, and God.
Note: Per Red Khan, "This is a rephrased quote by Saladin in the movie Kingdom of Heaven - "The results of battles ARE determined by God, but also by preparation, numbers, the absence of disease, and the availability of water," which in turn seems to be inspired by Averroist (from the Latinized name of its founder Ibn Rushd) thought (source). Also, the voice actor clearly says 'udda (appliance) instead of 'idda (number). This is probably because he misread the text, since these two words differ only by vowel marks, which are usually omitted."

President Theodore ("Teddy") Roosevelt

: Soundcloud
Speaks American English.

Agenda-based approval: Thanks for keeping the peace on the continent. Bully for you!
Notes: "Bully for you" is a phrase commonly associated with Teddy Roosevelt which is an exclamation of commendation.

Agenda-based disapproval: No man is above the law. It behooves you to remember that.
Notes: Theodore Roosevelt said "No man is above the law" in his Third Annual Message to Congress on December 7, 1903.

Attacked: If I must choose between righteousness and peace...I choose righteousness.
Notes: This is a quote from Roosevelt's book, America and the World War.

Declare war:
I wanted to avoid this you know. But your idea of peace left me no choice.

Defeated: Congratulations. Instead of the United States of America, your nation will go far.
Notes: The last part is a reference to Roosevelt's signature motto "I have always been fond of the West African proverb "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far."

Greeting: Welcome to the United States of America. If you conduct yourself well, you can consider us friends.
Notes: The second sentence is inspired by a quote from Roosevelt's Fourth Annual Message to Congress on 6 December 1904 - "Any country whose people conduct themselves well can count upon our hearty friendship."

Pep talk: Americanism means the virtues of courage, honor, justice, truth, sincerity, and resilience--the virtues that made America.
Notes: This is a quote from a letter to S. Stanwood Menken, chairman, committee on Congress of Constructive Patriotism (January 10, 1917). (source)

: Soundcloud
Source: User Tamu from, a native speaker from Vladikavkaz. He translated the Ossetian to Russian and RedKhan did the Russian-English translation. Latin script versions of the lines below are done according to the official Soviet script of 1920s.

Speaks Speaks Iron dialect (pronounced as e-ron) of Ossetian, an eastern Iranian language in the Caucas Mountains. It has been theorized Ossetian is the closest linguistic descendant or relative to the Scythian Sarmatian language. The voice actor is a native speaker, and her pronunciation is good ("as a radio announcer"), but some of the sentences are broken.


  • In-game text: Let it be known between us: I will repay treachery with blood! But, if you are a true friend, we will have peace.
  • Ossetian: Нӕ фехъуыстон - мачи зӕгъӕд гадзрӕхатӕй рацӕугӕйыл туг ныууардзӕн. Фӕлӕ кӕд ӕцӕг ӕмбал дӕ-уӕд балымӕн уыдзыстӕм.
  • Transcription: Næ fequyston - mači zӕhæd gadzræxatæj racæugæjyl tug nyuuardzæn. Fælæ kæd æcæg æmbal dæ-uæd balymæn uydzystæm.
  • Real translation: May nobody say that they didn't hear - blood will be spilled of those who turn against us. But if you are a true friend then we'll become friends.
Declare war:
  • Line: Паддзах дын дæ сæр агуры. Дæ туджы аныгъулдзынæ.
  • Latin script: Paddzax dyn dæ sær agury. Dæ tudžy anyhuldzynæ.
  • In-game text: The Empress calls for your head. You will be drowned in your own blood!
  • Actual translation: The Empress demands your head. You will drown in your own blood!
Note one: This is probably a reference to the story that she shoved Cyrus's head into a wineskin filled with human blood.

Note two: The word paddzax is a loan word from Persian pāti-xšāya (shah on throne). This term in different variants was used by many "eastern" ethnic groups of the Russian Empire to name the Russian emperor, so a more appropriate translation would be "tsarina". In Russian and languages it's influenced terms tsar or tsarina are used for ancient monarchs too, for example "скифская царица Томирис" (Scythian tsarina Tomyris) or "спартанский царь Леонид" (Spartan tsar Leonidas). But I thought that in English it is strongly associated with Russian monarchs, so I used the term "empress", the term game translation uses.

  • Line: Ды Томирисы зæрдæхудты бацыдтæ æмæ ныр бафиддзынæ!
  • Latin script: Dy Tomirisy zærdæxudty bacydtæ æmæ nyr bafiddzynæ!
  • In-game text: You have betrayed the trust of Tomyris and now you will pay!
  • Actual translation: You didn't justify the trust of Tomyris and now you will pay!
  • Line: Ус паддзах фембæлдис. Фæлæ мæн бахъуыды кæндзысты, дæу та?
  • Latin script: Us paddzah fembældis.Fælæ mæn baquydy kændzysty, dæu ta?
  • In-game text: The Empress falls, but I will be remembered. Will you?
  • Actual translation: The Empress met (?), but I will be remembered. What about you?
Agenda Approval ("Kudos")
  • Line: Нæ адæмтæ никуы ма уыдысты тыхджындæр. Бирæты бантъысти сабырдзинады рæстæгмæ.
  • Latin script: Næ adæmtæ nikuy ma uydysty tyxdžyndær. Biræty banthysti sabyrdzinady ræstægmæ.
  • In-game text: Our two nations have never been stronger. May you have many victories in times of peace.
  • Actual translation: Our people have never been stronger. Many were accompanied by victories to peaceful times. (the sentence is broken)
Civilopedia quote ("Pep talk"):
  • Line: Мæ уæлæдарæс у скифаг пæлæз, мæ дзабыр мын аккаг нæу, мае лыстæн(?) у æгас сых, мæ хæринаг у стонгдзинадимæ баст.
  • Latin script: Mæ uælædaræs u skifag pælæz, mæ dzabyr myn akkag næu, mæ lystæn(?) u ægas syx, mæ xærinag u stongdzinadimæ bast.
  • In-game text: My clothing is a Scythian cloak, my shoes are the hard soles of my feet, my bed is the earth, my food is only seasoned by hunger.
  • Real Translation: My overclothes are a Scythian cloak, my footwear doesn't fit me, my (?) is all around me, my food inseparable with hunger.
Note: Per Red Khan, "This is one of the ten extant letters ascribed to Scythian philosopher Anacharsis, although all of the letters are spurious."

Agenda disapproval ("Warning"):
  • Line: Ӕнцойдзинад у сæхи хорзæх, нæ йæ зыдтай?
  • Latin script: Æncojdzinad u sæxi xorzæx, næ jæ zydtaj?
  • In-game text: Loyalty is its own reward. Do you not know this?
  • Actual translation: Rest(?) is their virtue. Didn't you know this?

Emperor Trajan
Lines: Soundcloud
Sources: CaiusDrewart; Rising Sun (on agenda-based disapproval)
Speaks Latin.

  • Hail, traveler. I am the emperor Trajan of venerable [note: Augustae means "venerable" or "revered," not "far-reaching"] Rome. Who are you? What land do you call fatherland?
  • Ave, viator. Augustae Romae Imperator Caesar Traianus sum. Quis es? Quae terra patria vocas?
Agenda-based approval:
  • Your empire spreads widely, just like the heavenly kingdom of Jupiter. Well done.
  • Simile Iovis caelesti regno imperium tui late patet. Optime.
Agenda-based Disapproval:
  • You have given over the richest areas of your kingdom to your enemies to be despoiled. Do I really hear that expansion terrifies you?
  • Ditissimas tui regni regiones diripendas [he says "diripendas," but he must mean "diripiendas"] hostibus davisti [should be "dedisti," "davisti" is an incorrect form. This is a really elementary mistake.] Num propagatio adeo te terret? [Adeo means 'to such extent', 'so much]
  • Your insolence will lead you to death. Rome is able to be defeated by no force.
  • Insolentia ad mortem te ducet. A nulla vi Roma vinci potest.
Declare War:
  • The die is cast.
  • Alea iacta est.
Notes: This means "I've committed to this venture, there's no turning back, now it's in the hands of fate." This is what Julius Caesar said when crossing the Rubicon, according to Plutarch--though Caesar is supposed to have said it in Greek.)

  • The one salvation for the defeated (is) to expect no salvation.
  • Una salus victis nullam sperare salutem.

Pep Talk:

  • In-game text: Divide and conquer!
  • Divide et impera!

Queen Victoria
: Soundcloud
Speaks British-accented English.

Agenda-Based Approval: Please accept my warm thanks for your kind endeavors on the continent we share.

Agenda-based disapproval: You tread on dangerous waters in the face of England and her loyal colonies.

Attacked: War? We are not amused.
Notes: "We are not amused" is a quote popularly ascribed to Queen Victoria, though doubts remain as to whether she ever actually said this, and the stories surrounding the purported circumstances of the saying are legion.

Declare War: As our protests are in vain, we hereby declare war.

Defeated: This severe and afflicting loss will not be sustained, and England, thank providence, will ascend again.

Greeting: Greetings. We are by the Grace of God, Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. And soon, dare I say, the empire.

Pep talk
: Do not let your feelings (very natural and usual ones) of momentary irritation and discomfort, be seen by others.
Notes: Per Red Khan, this is an "actual quote of Queen Victoria's from her letter to her firstborn named after herself - Victoria the Princess Royal."
Last edited:
Alexander III ("the Great")
: Soundcloud
Sources: Basileus Rhomaion (with contributions from Civ Wiki contributors)

Speaks Attic Greek (the official language of the Macedonian court), but Macedonians at that point would more correctly speak a northern dialect similar to Thessalian or Lesbian Greek.

Agenda-based Approval: I hope we never meet in battle, it would be a shame to lose such a worthy foe. (Μή ποτε μαχώμεθα. Ἀισχρόν εἴην ἀπολλύναι ἀνταγωνιστήν οὑτως ἐπαινετόν. / Mē poté makhṓmetha. Aiskhrṓn eíēn apollýnai antagōnistḗn hoútōs epainetón.)
[Note: "ἄν" should have been used together with "εἴην" since it was intended to be a potential optative.]

Agenda-based Disapproval: How do you intend on growing your empire if you refuse to fight for your people?! (Τινί τρόπῳ ἀυξήσεις τὴν σὴν ἀρχήν, εἰ οὐ τοῦ λαοῦ ἕνεκα μάχησει; / Tiní trópo auxḗseis tḗn sḗn arkhḗn eí ou tou laoú éneka máchesai?)

Attacked: Peace was never of all that much interest to me anyway. (Ἡ εἰρήνη οὔποτε μ'ἔτερπε μάλα. / Ē eirḗrē ou poté m'éterpe mála.)

Declares War: The armies of Greece await you with open arms! (Αἱ τῆς Ἑλλάδος στρατιαί σε περιμένουσι μετά τῶν ἀσπασμάτων! / Haí tēs Elládos stratiaí se periménousi metá tōn aspasmátōn!)
[Note: It would be more correct to say "ασπασμών" (aspasmṓn) here.]

Defeated: Just as quickly as it began, my long march finally comes to end. (Ὡς μὲν ταχέως ἄρχετο, νῦν δὲ τέλος ἥχει ἡ ἐμή ἀνάβασις. / Ōs mén takhéōs árkheto, nyn de télos hēkheí hē emé anábasis.)

Greeting: Greetings! I am Alexander of Macedon, the King and the Pharaoh, the undefeated General of Greece! Surely you've heard of me? (Χαῖρε. Ἀλέξανδρος ὁ Μακεδών εἰμί, βασιλεῦς καί φαραώ, ὁ αησσῆτος στρατηγός τῆς Ἑλλάδος. Ἆρ' οὐ ἀκήκοας περί μου; / Khaíre. Aléxandros ho Makedṓn eimí, basileús kaí pharaṓ, ho aēssḗtos stratēgos tēs Elládos. Aroú akḗkoas perí mou?)

Alexander: Ου μέν φοβούμαι των λεόντων στρατιάν αγομένην οιί, αλλά των οιών στρατιάν αγομένην λέοντι (I do not fear an army of lions lead by a sheep, but an army of sheep led by a lion).

Chandragupta Maurya
Lines: Soundcloud
Source: Snipee356
Speaks Pali, but the language is poorly translated (per Red Khan).

Says Snipee356: "Chandragupta uses some very Bengali pronunciations (like his pronunciation of the word ‘distance’ as ‘durattho’ and his pronunciation of the accusative ‘m’s at the end of a word as ‘ng’) and some of the declensions I saw on Wikipedia don’t exactly match. Anyway, I tried translating it assuming it to be Pali with the help of online dictionaries, but it might not be totally correct (especially the verbs)."

अखंड जम्बूद्वीपस्सा मौर्यस्सा अधिरजा, अहम् चंद्रगुप्तो। न इधम् मम सीसे अनुपाविसित्थो।
Akhaṇḍa jambudvipassa mauryassa adhiraja, ahaṃ Chandragupto. Na idhaṃ mama sīse anupavisittho.
Emperor of the unified Maurya Jambudvipa, I am Chandragupta. No, it has not gone to my head.

Agenda approval:
यो दूरत्थो उत्तमो पटिविस्सको। इदानि त्वमेव जम्बूद्वीपस्सा उत्तमो पटिविस्सको।
Yo durattho uttamo paṭivissako. Idāni tvaṃeva jambūdvīpassa uttamo paṭivissako.
He who is distant is a good neighbour. Right now, you are Jambudvipa’s best neighbour.

Agenda disapproval:
तथम् नत्थी अंतर आम्हाकम् भूमिया। मम पजा त्वमेव पूतिगंधस्सा बलनतो अधिवासितम्।
Tathaṃ natthi antara amhākaṃ bhūmiyā. Mama pajā tvameva pūtigandhassa balanto adhivasetam.
There is nothing between our lands. My people are forced to endure your stench.

Notes: The first sentence seems hard to translate, and my guess is that it is grammatically incorrect. ‘Tatha’ means ‘there’, as in referring to a certain place. (It could also mean ‘truly’, but then it wouldn’t be accusative). It appears that ‘bhūmiyā’ is in ablative or dative singular, which seems out of place and ‘antara’ could mean either ‘between’ or distance’.

Declares war:
त्वमेव जनपदो अभिवड्ढिसि बहुतरम् जम्बूद्वीपस्सा सासने। उत्तमो इमिना अहम् वस्सामी।
Tvameva janapado abhivaḍḍhissi bahutaraṃ jambūdvīpassa sāsane. Uttamo iminā ahaṃ vassāmi.
Your realm would improve greatly under Jambudvip’s governance. Thus it would be best if I make it happen.

जम्बूद्वीपम् युद्धस्सा न भयम्। अधिकत्तो, त्वम अम्हाकम् ञायानुगत वड्ढिता सनिकम् गणिस्ससि।
Jambūdvīpaṃ yuddhassa na bhayaṃ. Adhikatto, tvaṃ amhākaṃ ñāyānugata vaḍḍhita sanikaṃ ganissasi.
Jambudvipa does not fear war. At most, you can slow our rightful advance.

मम उपदेशो च त्वम् सो सिक्खित अधिकञ्च साधूञ्च। मम मरणस्सा काले अहम् त्वम् च सिक्खापेटे।
Mama upadesho cha tvam so sikkhita adhikañcha sādhuñcha. Mama maraṇassa kāle ahaṃ tvaṃ cha sikkhapete.
You have learnt my advice far too well. I have instructed you in my demise (lit: 'the time of my demise').

Civilopedia quote:
Ma idaṃ alaṃ saṃvattatuṃ tumhakaṃ pajāye. Kiñca tvaṃ eva tassa pajāya saṃvattehi evaṃ tvaṃ atthi.
In-game translation: It is not enough to lead your people. Rather, you must lead as though you are your people.

Notes: Per Red Khan, “The sentence in Pali has broken grammar and vocabulary, "as if someone took the sentence in English, an English-Pali dictionary and tried to compose something Pali-sounding. This quote is probably inspired by a quote from Arthashastra(Book I, chapter XIX), written in Sanskrit - "In the happiness of king's subjects lies his happiness; in their welfare his welfare; whatever pleases himself he shall not consider as good, but whatever pleases his subjects he shall consider as good." Chanakya, the teacher and guardian of Chandragupta, is traditionally credited as the author of the text.”

Lines: Soundcloud
Source: Reckoner (translations), Zaarin (transliterations)
Speaks Phoenician in a manner resembling Hebrew.

  • English letters: ʾAnūk Dīdô, hamalkot u-haʾum leQart-ḥadaš. Makademe šum lekon bišum kin bnay Kᵉnaʿan.
  • Hebrew: אָנוּךּ דִידוֹ, הַמָלְכּוֹת וּהָאוּם לְקָרתְ'-חָדָש. מַקָדֶמֶה שוּם לֶכֹאן בִּישוּם קִין בָּנֵי כַּנָעָן
  • In-game translation: I, Dido, queen and mother of Carthage, greet you on behalf of the Phoenicians.
  • Notes: u-haʾum is a mix of Neo-Punic and Modern Israeli Hebrew, should read wa-haʾam; Makademe for "greet" is attested in Neo-Punic & Hebrew, but not in Phoenician; bnay Kᵉnaʿan (lit: the sons of Kna'an, בָּנֵי כַּנָעָן) means "The children of (the land) Kna'an" / "The people of Kna'an".
Agenda approval:
  • English letters: Yawoh ʾošer lemaqomkom...Harahokīm misapat hayom.
  • Hebrew: יָבוֹא עוֹשֶר לְמָקוֹמכֹּם...הָרָחוֹקִים מִשַפָּת הָיוֹם
  • In-game translation: May prosperity come to your cities – the ones away from the coast.
  • Notes: lemaqomkom means "to your places", where "your" is in plural form; She uses the common metaphor/coin of phrase "lip of the sea" (sapat hayom שַפָּת הָיוֹם) for "the coast", instead of the direct word "khof" (חוֹף).
Agenda disapproval:
  • English letters: Hopṣeynū lā laʾarṣ - hū lekom - mā hayom u-sapatū hū leʿameynū.
  • Hebrew: חֹפְצֶנוּ לֹא לָאָרץ' – הוּא לֶכֹּם – מַהָיוֹם וּשַפָּתוּ הוּא לֶעָמֵנוּ
  • In-game translation: We have no interest in the land - that is for you to claim – but the seas and the shores are Phoenician
  • Notes: is unattested in Phoenician & Punic; u-sapatū should be wa-sapatū; ʿameynū is a more general term (than the text) that means "our people" / "our nation".
Declares war:
  • English letters: (Sigh) ʿato malḥoma bitawkeynū. Hībiṭū bayom - ʿato haʾup male beʾonīyotay.
  • Hebrew: עָתוֹ מָלְחוֹמָה בִּתָבְכֵּינוֹ. הָבִּיטוּ בָּיוֹם – עָתוֹ הָאוּףּ מָלֵא בְּאוֹנִיוֹתָיי
  • In-game translation: Now we have war between us. Look to the seas – already the horizon is crowded with the sails of my fleets.
  • Notes: Malḥoma should be milḥamot; Not sure I've heard the 3rd word right, it might be "Nidavkeinu" (=we got infected, נִדָבְקֶינוּ) or "Nit'awkeynu (=we will wrestle/fight, נִתְאָבְקיֶנוּ); haʾup (the horizon) is similar to "ha'ofek" in modern Hebrew; male beʾonīyotay translates to simply "filled with my ships".
  • English letters: Malḥoma? Hakesilem ʾantum? Maqomkom yidaʾū ḥurb kiʾEpirus Sagunt.
  • Hebrew: מָלְחוֹמָה? הָכֵּסִילֶם אָנְטוּם? מָקוֹמכֹּם יִדָעוּ חוּרבְּ כִּאָפִּירוּס סָגוּנטְ
  • In-game translation: War? Are you a fool? Your cities will suffer the fate of Epirus and Saguntum.
  • Notes: ʾantum is the second-person plural independent pronoun and should read ʾattim in Phoenician or ʾantim in Punic (the Queen of Tyre, of course, spoke Tyrian Phoenician, not Punic). Sagunt should be Sagūt in Tyrian Phoenician.
  • Saguntum was an Ibero-Roman town that sided against the Carthaginians in the Second Punic War. I don't know of any Phoenician connection to Epirus, except that Pyrrhus of Epirus started his military campaign against the Carthaginians before turning on Rome.

  • English letters: ʾal titgaʾawū wine šḥakom. Bayūm ʾeḥḥad tiraʾū maqomkom hakol baʾeš.
  • Hebrew: אָל תִתְגַאָוְוּ בִינֶה שְחָקוֹם. בָּיוּם אַחָד תִירָאוּ מָקוֹמכֹּם הָכֹּל בָּאֶש
  • In-game translation: Do not glory in your conquest. One day you may see your capital bathed in flame.
  • Notes: Al titga'avu means "Do not take pride/glory", šḥakom (šḥakim in hebrew) means "great heights". Those terms often appear together in hebrew texts, but the vine between them (supposed to mean "up to"?) is unfamiliar to me.

Pep talk:
  • English letters: ʾAnūk dana ʾet kil mī lô yoten ʾet ḥaʿyū lešum Qart-ḥadaš
  • Hebrew: אָנוּךּ דָנַה אִת כִּל מִי לֹא יוֹתֶן אִת חָיוּ לֶשוּם לְקָרתְ'-חָדָש
  • In-game translation: I condemn anyone who would not lay down their life for Carthage.
  • Notes: dana would directly translate to "to give verdict" (feminine form) in hebrew, rather than "condemn".

Dyah Gitarja

Lines: Soundcloud
Source: YouTube user, corrections and notes by Vilvatiktan

Says the YouTube user, "[Gitarja] speaks Modern Javanese but Krama Inggil dialect, which is a very formal polite form of conversation, mainly spoken by older people." Says Vilvatiktan, "This is actually not the language that the queen would speak in her days, she would've used the Kawi Javanese similar to Gajah Mada's lines in Civ5. Krama Inggil is not a dialect, it is an honorific registers which Javanese language has 3: Ngoko, Madya, and Krama."

The lines in parentheses are in-game lines while the lines above are transliteration of Krama Inggil.

Agenda-based Approval:
ꦱꦶꦫꦲꦔꦺꦢꦺꦴꦲꦶꦥꦱꦶꦂꦲꦶꦏꦁꦭꦸꦮꦶꦃꦲꦭꦶꦠ꧀꧉ ꦏꦮꦶꦒꦺꦠꦤ꧀꧈ ꦥꦿꦺꦴꦥꦿꦤꦪꦲꦶꦏꦤ꧀ꦭꦤ꧀ꦲꦶꦔꦫꦤꦤ꧀ꦲꦲꦪꦸ꧉
Sira angedohi pasir ikang luwih alit. Kawigaten, pro pranaya ikan lan ingaranan ahayu.
(You avoid the smaller shores. Such deference is noted—and well-regarded.)

Declares War:
ꦱꦢꦸꦫꦸꦔꦶꦫ ꦥꦿꦁ ꦥꦸꦥꦸꦠ꧀꧈ ꦱꦶꦫ ꦧꦏꦭ꧀ ꦮꦿꦸꦲ ꦏꦿꦺꦴꦝꦤꦶꦁ ꦗꦸꦁ ꦱꦺꦮꦸ꧉
Sadurungira prang puput, sira bakal wruha krodhaning jung sewu
(Before this war ends, you will know the fury of a thousand ships.)

Agenda-based Disapproval:
ꦱꦶꦫ ꦢꦠꦤ꧀ ꦧꦶꦱ ꦲꦁꦒꦺꦒꦺꦩ꧀ ꦮꦶꦱꦪꦤꦶꦁ ꦤꦸꦱ ꦥꦤꦸꦱꦤꦶꦫ꧉ ꦄꦧꦺꦕꦶꦏꦶꦁ ꦲꦮꦺꦲ ꦫꦶꦁ ꦮꦺꦴꦁ ꦲꦶꦁꦏꦁ ꦮꦺꦤꦔ꧉
Sira datan bisa anggegem wisayaning nusa panusanira. Abeciking aweha ring wong ingkang wenanga.
(You cannot keep hold of your island territories. You should deliver them to someone who can.)

ꦄꦠꦸꦲꦸ ꦥꦫꦤ꧀ ꦤꦺꦴꦫ ꦮꦿꦸꦲ ꦠꦏ꧀ ꦁꦏꦺꦴ ꦮꦭꦺꦱꦤ꧀ꦏꦸ ꦲꦁꦒꦶꦫꦔꦶ ꦮ ꦱꦏꦭ꧉ ꦫꦶꦏ ꦩꦁꦏꦺ ꦱꦶꦫ ꦧꦏꦭ꧀ ꦮꦿꦸꦲ꧉
Atuhu? Paran nora wruha tak ngko walesanku anggirangi wa sakala. Rika mangke sira bakal wruha.
(Truly? Didn't you know my vengeance puts monsoons to shame? Soon you will.)

Declares War: Sadurungira prang puput, sira bakal wruha krodhaning jung sewu
(Before this war ends, you will know the fury of a thousand ships.)

ꦆꦩ꧀ꦥꦺꦤꦶꦁ ꦤꦸꦱ꧀ꦮꦤ꧀ꦠꦫ ꦲꦶꦭꦁ ꦲꦶꦁ ꦲꦒꦿꦸꦧꦶꦁ ꦥꦱꦁ꧉
Impening Nuswantara ilang ing agrubing pasang.
[Our dreams of a united archipelago (Nusantara) is lost to the tide.]
(The dream of Nusantara is lost to the turning tide.)
Note: The in-game defeated line has a pronunciation error, the word 'impening' is pronounced with é.

Sang Gitarja ta aku, Ratuning kalawan Pangraksaning Indonesiya. Sintena ikang kumira? Aku tanpa bisa lumrah aneng dhasaring samudra
(I am Gitarja, Indonesia's queen and protector. Those who thought us weak litter the ocean floor.)
Note: During Gitarja's days the name Indonesia had not existed yet, the word Nuswantara/Nusantara might be more common to address the whole archipelago.

Eleanor of Aquitaine
Lines: Soundcloud
Source: Josephias; Aurelesk provided an alternate translation for the Agenda Disapproval line as well.
Speaks ancient Occitan (a close cousin of Catalan).

Pep Talk: "In nomine sancte e individue trinitatis, ego, Elionoris, Dei gratia humilis Francorum regina e aquitanorum duccessa"
Direct translation: "In the name of the saint and indivisible Trinity, I, Eleanor, humble queen of the Franks and duchess of Aquitania by the grace of god"
Notes: This seems to be a generic medieval King introduction, according to Josephias. Per Red Khan, "This is from her privilegium in the cartulary of Abbaye aux Dames in Saintes, France (source: Cartulaires inédits de la Saintonge by Théodore Grasilier). Because its abbess, Agnès of Barbezieux (1134-1174), was her relative, Eleanor became a generous donor to the abbey."

Occitan (ancient):
"Ben siatz venguts a la cort d'Alienor, duquesa d'Aquitania, rèina consors de França e d'Anglaterra, jutjairitz d'amor. Quaus nòvas ditz?"
Direct translation: "Well be you come to the court of Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitanie, Queen consort of France and England*, judgess of love. Which news you say?"
*Why not? Guess they had to do it to use the phrase for both Eleanors, even if she could not be both at the same time (maybe in the case of Eleanor of england, just a jttle).
In game text: "Welcome to the court of Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitanie, Queen consort of France and England, the judge of love. What tidings?"

War (by Human)
Occitan (ancient):
"M'es grèu que ara avèm far guerra entre nos, mas noi tendrem"
Direct translation: "It's grief to me that now we have to make war between us, but we will have (got it)".
*"It's serious to me / It's grief to me" ("M'es grèu") is a quite typical (in catalan, and probably in occitan) phrase to say you're sorry.
In game text: "I regret we must now go to war with each other - but I regret it only a Little"
Note: By the in game text's meaning, the last words could also be "mas non tan grèu" (this is: "but not so grief")

War (by AI)
Occitan (ancient):
"Terras frevols vey, ab frevol governador. Mas vos vezetz òst que s’amassant per vos vencer".
Direct translation: "Weak* lands I see, with weak* ruler. But you see a host* that is assembling to win you"
*weak or fragile, host in the meaning of army
In game text: I see weak lands, led by a weak ruler. You see my armies massing to overthrow you.

Agenda Approval
Occitan (ancient):
"Òm ditz que avètz mes grans ciutats près de nòstra frontièra comunal aissi com ròsas espandidas en un vergier… ohh... Com es deleichós!"
Direct translation: "It is said you placed great cities near our common frontier, as roses extended in an exhuberant garden*… ohh… how delightful!"
Notes: Josephias says, *exhuberant garden is as near as I could get in English to the meaning of "verger", which is normally used for a place with plenty of (beautiful) vegetation."
In game text: "I am told you have placed great cities near our common border, like a garden of splendid roses.... Delightful!"

Agenda Disapproval (2 possible translations, one by Josephias, one by Aurelesk):

Josephias' Suggestion:
"Si voletz ponhar? de bastir ciutats près de nòstra frontièra que se farsan? fòrtas e bèlas per a que siatz bèl que las mire"
Direct Translation: If you want to fight? to build cities near our frontier, let them fill?* strong and beautiful in order that it is beautiful (nice) I see them.
Notes: Josephias says "*Probably fill in the sense of "grow". Haven't found the exact meaning for ponhar, the most probable is to make something with the fists: catch, fight…"
In game text: "If you are going to trouble yourself to make cities near our border, at least make them beautiful, prosperous cities, so I may enjoy the view."

Aurelesk's Suggestion: "Se voletz poniar de bastir ciutats pres de nostra frontiera (laugh) que si farsiant fortz e belas, per al quem sia, bel que las mire"
Direct Translation: You want to quickly build cities near our border (laugh) [at least / make sure to] make them big and beautiful, for what it is*, beautiful/nice to look at them.
* : you have to understand like "for what your cities may pretend to try to achieve"

Occitan (ancient):
"Se vòstra set de poder vos mena a dechazer mon regiment, que aissi siá! Qu'encara serai capdel de la cort d'amor."
Direct Translation: "If your thirst for power leads you to deprive my rule, so be it!, *That* I'll still be the head of the court of love
*That is used here to emphasize the following phrase
In game text: "If your lust for power drives you to destroy my rule, so be it. I will still rule the court of love".

Genghis Khan
Lines: Soundcloud
Source: A user from Lingvoforum translated wrote down Genghis Khan's lines and translated them to Russian. He wrote them down in Mongolian Cyrillic alphabet which is used in Mongolia. Translation to English is RedKhan's.

Genghis Khan speaks in modern Mongolian with "stylization to classical Mongolic language"

First meet

Би бол басу Чингис хаан бию. Урьд минь Монголын уудам тал хойно минь хүчирхэг их морьд цэрэг байба.
Bi bol basu Chingis khaan biyu. Urid mini Mongolyn uudam tal khoino mini khüchirkheg ikh morid tsereg baiba.
Actual translation: I am Genghis Khan. Before me a spacious Mongolian steppe, behind me a mighty and great horse army.
In-game translation: I am Genghis Khan. Before me lie future Mongolian lands. Behind me is the only cavalry that matters.


Чи монголчуудын хууран мэхэлсэн тул миний нүдэнд хамрын нус, амны бөөлжис мэт муухай харагдах бию.
Chi mongolchuudyn khuuran mekhelsen tul minii nüdend khamryn nus, amny bööljis met muukhai kharagdakh biyu.
Actual translation: You deceived the Mongols, and now in my eyes you're as disgusting as snot from the nose and vomit from the mouth.
In-game translation: You have hobbled the Mongolian clans. My respect for you nearly matches the loathing.
Note: Yeah, that's the actual translation and the translator assured me that it's an authentic idiom.

Declare war from from AI

Чи миний их цэргийг хориглох гэж оролдов уу. Удалгүй чи миний их цэргийн өмнө өвдөг сөхрөн унамуй.
Chi minii ikh tsergiig khoriglokh gej oroldov uu. Udalgüi chi minii ikh tsergiin ömnö övdög sökhrön unamui.
Actual translation: Did you try to stand on the way of my great army? Soon you will bow before my great host.
In-game translation: You stand in the way of my armies. Soon, you shall fall before them.

Declare war from human

Олон үг хэлэх хэрэггүй! Өнөөдөр монголчууд чиний ялагдлыг гэсэх юму.
Olon üg khelekh khereggüi! Önöödör mongolchuud chinii yalagdlyg gesekh yumu.
Actual translation: There is no need to speak many words. Do you think Mongols will soften from your defeat?
In-game translation: No more words. Today, Mongolia charges toward your defeat.
Note from translator: "I'm very unsure of the grammar here. The word "gesekh" literally means "to melt", why it is used here is not clear."

Agenda-based Approval

Баатар эр чи гутаагдсан бию, гэвч энэ бол басу их гутамшиг бус билу бэ.
Baatar er chi gutaagdsan biyu, gevch ene bol basu ikh gutamshig bus bilu be.
Actual translation: You, baghatur, brought shame upon yourself, but it's not a big one.
In-game translation: The cavalry you field is an embarrassment, but thankfully a small one.

Agenda-based Disapproval

Хонин давсаг толгой дээрээ углаад хоёр дуулга хэмээж хулчгар амьтад цуглуулаад хурц баатрууд хэмээмэй юу чи.
Khonin davsag tolgoi deeree uglaad khoyor duulga khemeej khulchgar amitad tsugluulaad khurts baatruud khemeemei yuu chi.
Actual translation: Did you put a sheep's bladder on your head and call it a double helmel, did you recruite cowards and call them great baghaturs, didn't you?
In-game translation: You wouldn't wear a sheep's bladder and call it a helmet. So why claim you have amassed "cavalry"?

Pep talk

Дэлхий дахиныг морин нуруун дээрээс эзлэх амар, харин дэлхий дахиныг морин нуруун дээрээс засаж үүрд болмуй.
Delkhii dakhinyg morin nuruun deerees ezlekh amar, kharin delkhii dakhinyg morin nuruun deerees zasaj üürd bolmui.
Actual translation: It is easy to conquer the world on horseback, but you cannot rule the world from horseback.
In-game translation: It is easy to conquer the world on horseback. But to dismount and govern? That is the hardest task.

Note: Per Red Khan, “this is probably inspired by a quote attributed to Yelü Chucai, an adviser and administrator of the early Mongol Empire. According to the inscription on his tomb and other Chinese sources this is what he said to Ögedei Khan, son of Genghis Khan. It is also quoted in René Grousset's The Empire of the Steppes: A History of Central Asia - "The Empire, he told Ögödai, was created on horseback, but it cannot be governed on horseback." But this quote really belongs to Lu Jia, a Western Han dynasty Chinese politician who lived long before (died in 170 BC).


: Soundcloud
Sources: Civilization Wiki; Zakhai (Pep Talk line)

Agenda-based Approval: I see you have found God’s wisdom, and that you share it with the world. I am happy with this. (Widzę, iż mądrość boską znalazłeś i dzielisz się nią ze światem. Radam.)
["Radam" is old Polish. It means "I am happy with this", not "good"]

Agenda-based Disapproval: Everyday, I pray for your soul, that you find the wisdom of the Lord. (Co dzień modlę się o duszę twoją, iż odnajdziesz mądrość Pana.)
[Note: It would be more grammatically correct for this line to use "every day" instead of "everyday."]

Attacked: So, you show your true nature: a serpent lying in the grass… easily trampled. (Pokazujesz więc swą prawdziwą naturę: Wąż wijący się w trawie, łatwo zdeptany.)

Declares War: I must protect the interests of Poland. Surrender quickly so that this may end without bloodshed. (Interesów Polski bronić muszę, poddaj się czym prędzej, by zapobiec rozlewowi krwi.)

Defeated: No, I am not ready to leave God’s service. I am just beginning his good work! (Nie, nie gotowam zaprzestać służyć Bogu. Zaczynam jeno jego dobrą pracę!)

Greeting: A meeting blessed by God, I am sure. I am Jadwiga the King of Greater Poland. Yes, a king. (Spotkanie przez Boga błogosławione, pewnam tego. Jam Jadwiga, Król Polski.)

Pep Talk: Whoever serves the God, has a good master*. (Ktokolwiek Bogu służy, dobrego ma pana.)

*Master or Lord

Jayavarman VII
: Soundcloud
Source: Civ Wiki
Speaks formal Khmer.

Agenda-based Approval: Ending spiritual suffering is just as important as easing physical distress. You understand this. (ដោយសារកាបញ្ចប់ទុកវេតនាផ្លូវចិត្ត គឺចាំបាច់ខ្លាំងណាស់ ដូចគ្នានឹងការសំរួលផ្លូវចិត្តផងដែរ។ / Daoysaar ka banhchob touk vetenea phleuchett ki chabach khlang nahh dōchkneanung kar saamm ruol phleuchett paang dair.)

Agenda-based Disapproval: How can your people attain the divine without examples of divinity? (តើប្រជានរាស្រ្គរបស់ព្រះអង្អចូលទៅជិតព្រះអង្គយ៉ាងដូចម្តេច? បើគ្នានការនែនាំពីសេចក្តីល្អទេនោះ។ / Tae brachea noreah robahh preah ang choul teuw chit preahang yeang dōchmdech? Baei kmien kar nei nuam pi sechktei lak ah te noh?)

Attacked: War, then? Fools think fortune is on their side. Who will you blame when yours runs out? (សង្គ្រាម? ចុះបន្តាប់គីជាអ្វី? មនុស្សល្ងងតែងតែគិតថាជោកវាស្នានិងនៅជាមួយពួកគេ តើអ្នកណាអ្នកនិងស្តីបន្ទោសនៅពេលព្រះអង្អគិតដូចច្នេះ? / Sangkream? Choh bantuab ki chea avei? Mnouhh longoong tengte ketthea chok veasnah neng neuw cheamuoy puokke. Tae neaknar neng stei bantohh neuwpel preah ang ket dauch chneh?)

Declares War: Your actions reveal your desire for war. The Khmer shall oblige you. (Ahmbuah robah Preah Ang banghanh bi chettanah bangkar somkrieam haey. (អំពើរបស់ព្រះអង្គបង្ហាញពីចេតនាបង្កសង្គ្រាមហើយប្រជានរាស្រ្គខ្មែរត្រូវតែផ្តល់ការបព្វកិច្ចអោយព្រះអង្គ។ / Ampeu robahh preah ang banghanh pi chetnea bangkah sangkream haey brachea noreahh khmer trauvte phdal kar bapp aoy preah ang.)

Defeated: One gains humility in defeat. I pray you are granted the most humility of all. (បុគ្គលមានចិត្ត សន្តោសគង់បរាជ័យ យើងបូងសួងអោយព្រះអង្គ បានទទួលសេចក្តីសន្តោសសំរាប់មនុស្សគ្រប់គ្នា។ / Bokkol meanchett santohh kong barachei yeung boung suong aoy preah ang bahn totuol sechktei santohh saamrabb mnouhh grobknea.)

Greeting: I am Jayavarman VII, and the Khmer allow me to lead them. Their suffering is my suffering. (ព្រះនាមជ័យវវ្ន័នទី៧ហើយដែរប្រជានរាស្រ្តខ្មែរយាងយើងអោយដឹកនាំពួកគេ សេចក្តីទុកសោករបស់ពួកគេ គឺជាសេចក្តីទុកសោករបស់ទូលបង្គំ។ / Preahneam Jayavarman ti brambi haey der brachie nrea khmer yeang yeung aoy doekneak puokke. Sechktei touk saok robahh puokke kuchea sechktei touk saok robahh toulbangkoum.)

Lines: Soundcloud
Source: Civ wiki
Lautaro speaks Mapudungun.

Leftraru iñche, chi lef traru, pu mapuche feyentunienew. Eymi ka femaymi?
I am Lautaro, the Swift Hawk. Mapuche honor me with respect. Will I see the same from you?

Agenda-based Approval:
Tami pu che poyeniefi ñi tuwün. Kimfali tañi inaken tami newen engün.
Your people take great pride in where they come from. It is clear they follow your lead.

Agenda-based Disapproval:
Chumngechi ngünewküleymi ayikekunuchi pu che mew. Inawentukeyngün kay tami femkey?
How do you lead such a boring people? Do they follow the example you set?

Kimniefun eymi mew tañi maneluwnuam. Fentrentu pepikewaiñ tüfachi weychan mew. Eymi kay?
I knew you could not be trusted! We have long prepared for this war. Have you?

Declares War: It comes to war. Mapuche shall use your own weapons against you!

Afkentu newentufiyiñ, welu zewmangelafuy chem chumal… zewmangelafuy chem chumal.
We resisted to the last, but it was too late … too late.


Lines: Soundcloud
Source: Canterbury
Speaks modern Maori (especially given some of the slang used in the English translations).

Intro: "Ko Kupe-pōkai-moana au, ā, kei te whakatata mai koe ki tō te Māori nohonga. Tēnā, ko wai koe?"
Close Translation: I am Kupe, explorer of the sea, and you are approaching the dwelling place of the Māori. So, who are you?
In-game Translation: I am Kupe the navigator, and you approach the place of the Māori. Will you tell me about yourself?

Agenda Approval: "Ka matomato tonu te whenua. Ka ora! Ka waitī tonu ngā wai. Kei whea mai!"
Close Translation: The/Your land stays lush and green. (It/You) shall flourish! (And) the/your waters remain lovely and fresh. Wonderful!
In-game Translation: Your land stays green and your waters are clean and clear. Choice.

Agenda Disapproval: "Ka pūkaitia, e koe, te para ki te whenua, ka tuku ai ki te moana. Ka pirau, ka raru te ao nei. Nāu!"
Close Translation: You pile waste on the land, and dump it in the sea. This world is decaying and in danger. Because of you!
In-game Translation: You pile filth on the land and dump it in the sea. You waste and spoil the world!

Declare war (by human): "E tā! Tirohia te rangatira rā me te whakapuakitanga pakanga. Kai tawhiti koe, e hoa! E kite ana tō nui pūwhāwhātanga."
Close translation: Bro! Look at the chief over there with the war declaration. You're amazing, mate! It shows how "big but hollow" you are.
In-game translation: Look at the big civ leader with the war declaration. Great job, mate! Really shows off how hard you are.
Note: "Big but hollow" ("nui pūwhāwhā") in the last sentence describes something being not as solid or strong as its size would suggest (i.e., appearing harder than it actually is).

Declare war (by AI): "Ko te mate tāu e kōwhiri nei. Aue ana, whakatautau ana tō iwi! Hīoi ana ngā pou o tō whare, ngāueue ana ō whenua!"
Close translation: It is death you have chosen. Your people wail and moan! The pillars of your house are shaking, and your lands are quaking!
In-game translation: You choose death. Your people wail and moan! The pillars of your houses shake, all your lands are shaking!
Note: In the third sentence, Kupe clearly says the singular "your house" ("tō whare") instead of the plural "your houses" ("ō whare") in the in-game translation.

Defeat: "Kāti, i tino ū paku pakaru te iwi Māori. Ā, ko te mea nui, ka pūmau tonu ō mātou mana."
Close translation: Well, the Māori people have been completely and utterly broken. But the important thing is that our mana (power, influence) shall still endure.
In-game translation: I have done my utmost, but your strength was greater. My heart, at least, will beat undefeated.
Note: The in-game translation is almost completely different to what Kupe is actually saying here.

Pep talk: "Muturangi! Tēnā, whakaritea tāu wheke. Ki te kore, ā, māku kē."
Close translation: Muturangi! Now, sort out your octopus. If not ... well then, I'll do it instead.
In-game translation: Muturangi, do something about your octopus, or I'll do it for you.
Notes: 1) In-game translation from Civ Wiki. 2) This quote refers to the Māori legend of Kupe and the Giant Wheke, in which Kupe battles and kills a monstrous octopus ("wheke") belonging to a tohunga (master) called Muturangi.


Lines: Soundcloud
Source: Red_warning
Speaks modern Swedish with some archaic words added.

Intro: Jag är Kristina, Sveriges drottning, patron av konst och litteratur. Hälsar jag en annan kunskapsälskande person?
Translation: I am Kristina, queen of Sweden, patron of art and literature. Do I greet a fellow knowledge loving individual?

War (by Human): Sverige ska tukta dem som hotar världen. Förbered er på krig!
Translation: Sweden shall discipline those who threaten the world. Prepare for war!

War (by AI): Sverige skall göra sin del för att hålla världens ondska stången. Konst är ett sätt att uppnå detta, krig mot er ett annat.
Translation: Sweden shall do its part to hold evil at bay. Art is one way to achieve this, war against you another.

Agenda Approval: Vi har nyligen fått ett helt nytt konstverk och jag ska vara värd snart för en konstvisning. Era sändebud äro inbjudna.
Translation: We have a brand new work of art and I will soon be host to an art display. Your envoys are invited.

Agenda Disapproval: Jag förmodar att du bara synar konst är god när den förena rummets estetik, din borgarbracka. (Red_warning translation) / OR / Jag antar att du endast synar konst i god när den förenar rummets estetik (,din borgarbracka) (DDdreamer translation)
Translation: I assume you only think art is fine when it pollutes the aesthetics of the room, you lowborn oaf. / OR / I assume you only like art when it holds the room together, you lowborn oaf* / OR / I guess you merely value art when it enhances the aesthetic of a room you borgarbracka**
Notes (Red_warning): "
This sentence doesn't make a lot of sense to me, the grammar is all messed up. It may be that they have tried to use archaic grammar, the problem is that 90% of the language used overall is modern Swedish with some odd archaic words thrown into it. Sometimes the grammar is attempting to be archaic, like the usage of "äro" instead of "är", but then the rest of the sentence is modern. I'm pretty sure "synar" is supposed to be "synes" and "förena" is supposed to be "förorena". Synar means scrutinise in this context while synes means think, and förena means unite while förorena means pollute. So she literally says "I assume you only scrutinise art is good when unite the room's aesthetics".
Notes (DDdreamer): "Borgarbracka" is difficult to translate directly. It's an insult towards people with right-wing political views (borgare) and implies the person is rich but vapid/shallow. So "vapid fop" might be a close enough equivalent. "Synar i god" or "syna i god" means something like "view in a good light". "Förenar rummets estetik" or "Förena rummets estetik" means "unite the aesthetics of the room". [Kristina's] basically telling you that you only collect art because it looks pretty, but without having any actual deep understanding or appreciation for the pieces.

Defeat: Jag älskade aldrig makt, och nu saknar jag konsten. Bara ånger och förlust återstår för mig.
Translation: I never loved power, and now I miss the arts. Only regret and loss remains for me.

Pep Talk: Glädje ligger ej i andras opinioner.
Translation: Happiness does not lie in the opinion of others.

Mansa Musa

Lines: Soundcloud
Source: MonsieurOiseau, Civ wiki (transliterations)
Speaks formal Arabic.

Intro: أنا سلطان موسى سيّد مالي وبحمد الله أنا رجل غني جدّاً جدّاً تشرّفت بلقائكم.
ana alsultan musaa , syd maliun , w - alhamd lilah - rajul ghaniun jiddaan jadana. 'ana saeid bimuqabalatik.
I am Sultan Musa, lord of Mali, and thanks to God, I am a very very rich man...I am honored to meet you.

Agenda Approval: افرحوا معي يا أصدقاء لأنّنا أحرارمن كل رغبة ويمكن أن نكرّس وقتنا لإرادة الله
afrahuu maei ya 'asdaqa' lannna 'ahrarumana klu raghbat wayumkin 'ana nkrrs waqtina li'iiradat allah.
Rejoice/be happy with me friends, for we are free from all desire, and may dedicate our time to the will of God.

Defeated: الثروة عابرة والتعلم يؤدي إلى الغرور... كل ما فعلته يا الهي فعلته باسمك
altharwat eabirat waltaelim yuadiy 'iilaa alghurura... klu ma faealtuh ya alhi faealtuh biaismik.
Wealth is passing and learning leads to vanity...all that I did my God, I did in your name.

Agenda Disapproval: ماذا فعلتم ليأخذ الله منكم تلك المكافأة؟ اعودوا إلى طريق الصواب.
madha faealtum liakhudh allah minkum tilk almukafa'ata? aewaduu 'iilaa tariq alsawab.
What have you done for God to take such a reward from you? Return to the path of correctness.

War (human): كفى! تسامحي منتهي هنا... يجب أن تكون بيننا حرب بدلا من سلام زائف
kafa! tasamuhia muntahi huna... yjb 'an takun baynana harb badalaan min salam zayif.
Enough! my tolerance is ended here...there must be war between us instead of a false peace.

War (AI): تجاوزاتك عميقة مثل المحيطات يا الله ...عيني على عقاب
tajawazatuk eamiqat mithl almuhitat ya allah ...eayni ealaa eiqab.
In-game translation: Your transgressions are as deep as oceans. O God, grant that I may chastise this one!

Pep Talk: كل ما تخرجون من صدقة ابتغاء وجه الله سوف يكرمكم الله به
klu ma tukhrajun min sadaqat abtigha' wajh allah sawf yukrimukum allah bih.
Notes: Says Red Khan, "This one is another case of back translation, a more severe one. The English quote is taken from a book The Message of The Qur'an by Muhammad Asad, it's translation and interpretation in English of surah (chapter) 30 "Ar-Rum" (The Byzantines) ayah (verse) 39. But the original verse in Arabic doesn't even remotely resemble the line spoken in-game. As yet again most probably the translator wasn't given any context (did I mention that context is important?) and didn't recognize that it's a Quranic verse and back translated it to Arabic."

Matthias Corvinus

Lines: Soundcloud
Source: krokobone
Speaks Hungarian. Fandom wiki indicates that he is speaking Medieval Hungarian and even explains the difference with modern Hungarian.

First meet: Mátyás vagyok. Én vagyok Magyarországnak királya, ellenségim ostora, az igaz híveknek védelmezője. Üdvözöllek.
Translation: I am Matthias. I am King of Hungary, scourge of my enemies, defender of the faithful. Greetings.

War Reaction: Tudhattad volna, hogy egy napon háborúság támad miköztünk.
Translation: You should have known that one day there would be war between us.

War Declaration: Pimaszságod okozá e háborúságot. És én boldogan viszem ellened győzelemre a Fekete Sereget.
Translation: Your insolence has caused this war, and I will be happy to lead the Black Army to victory over you.
Notes: Says krokobone, "The war reaction and war declaration sound a bit strange to me, especially the war reaction one sounds like as if Matthias is declaring the war. Maybe Firaxis switched them up accidentally?"

Kudos: Hamar siker titka kicsiny szövetségesid megerősítése.. nemde?
Translation: The secret of quick success is strenthening your lesser allies... isn't it?

Agenda Disapproval: Mondják, csupán hazaszeretettel fizeted segédhadaidat. Ebbűl és két garasbúl megvan a sörük.
Translation: They say that you pay your allied forces with nothing more than patriotism. That and two pennies* can buy them a beer. (*the word "garas" means a type of coin which was used some centuries ago, and was not worth much)

Defeat: Ma még a győzelem koszorúját hordod, de meg tudod-é tartani, amit szereztél?
Translation: Today you are wearing the crown of victory, but can you keep what you have taken?

Pep Talk: Meghalt Mátyás. Oda az igazság.
Translation: Matthias is dead. Justice is gone. (This is a reference to the fact that Matthias is known as Matthias the Just (Mátyás az Igazságos) in Hungary.)
Note: The English quote is probably taken from Britannica, which describes it as a "popular saying". The Hungarian one is almost the same as quoted in Book of Hungarian Proverbs by János Erdélyi. This translator was given context, or, most probably, either recognized the proverb or googled the English lines.

Robert the Bruce
: Soundcloud
Source: Uberfrog
Per Uberfrog, Robert the Bruce speaks with "Scottish vocabulary (no idea if it's shared with the Northumbrian dialect) from a few words: ain for "own", alane/alanich for "alone/lonely", þeday/theday for "today" and faws for "false", which have survived to Modern Scots. I think ik for "I" and the hard, almost d- like pronunciation of thu (rather than "thou") is also a northern trait, but again, I'm no expert".

"Ik em Robert Brus. Scotland me folweth, be het thrugh feldes of whete or thrugh battalie."
" I am Robert the Bruce. Scotland follows me, be it through fields of wheat, or battle."

Agenda approval:
"It were wys, pes to kepen mid thy neighbours. Blood fedes payeth men at greet expense."
"It was wise to keep peace with your neighbours. Men pay a great cost for blood feuds."

"Thu [unknown] fool. Thu shalt suppen of thine ain teeth afore thu set forth foot in Scotland."
"You [unknown] fool! You shall sup on your own teeth before you set foot in Scotland!"

Declares war:
"Werre abideth on oure hertes. Wherefor perseveren mid a faws pes?"
"War abides in our hearts. Why persevere with a false peace?"

First meeting:
"Ik em Robert Brus. Scotland me folweth, be het thrugh feldes of whete or thrugh battalie."
"I am Robert the Bruce. Scotland follows me, be it through fields of wheat, or battle."

"An alanich winde bloweth thrugh þe Highlandes þeday. A dirge for Scotland. Canst thu het heren?"
"A lonely wind blows through the Highlands today. A dirge for Scotland. Can you hear it?"

Pep talk:
"Nane holdeth his ain flesh and blood in hate, and ik nae an excepcioun."
"No-one holds his own flesh and blood in hate, and I am no exception."
Note: Per Red Khan, "According to English chronicler Walter of Guisborough (who wrote in Latin) this is the first sentence of his words to the knights of his ancestral lands of Annandale when he joined rebellion against Edward I of England — "No man holds his own flesh and blood in hatred and I am no exception. I must join my own people and the nation in which I was born. I ask that you please come with me and you will be my councillors and close comrades." (a quoted by Wikipedia)"

Agenda disapproval:
"Kep thine werres [unknown]. Or elles shalt thu trailen þe mok thrugh thine ain londs."
"Keep your wars [distant]. Or else you shall trail the muck through your own lands."

Seondeok of Silla
: Soundcloud
Source: Morningcalm (and his dad, who provided the Korean type)
Speaks modern Korean (terms like "Hanguk", a reference to Korea from the South Korean perspective, is telling in this regard).

나 한국의 선덕여왕은 당신을 인정합니다. 우리의 만남은 예견되었습니다.
Na Hanguk-oue Seon-dohk yeoh-wahng eun dahng-shin eul injeyong hahm-ni-dah. Oo-ree-oue mahn-nahm eun yea-geuhn dweh-ohss sum-ni-dah.
I, Queen Seondeok of Korea, acknowledge (recognize) you. Our meeting was predicted (anticipated, foretold).
(In game translation: "I, Seondeok of Korea, acknowledge you. Our meeting was foreseen.")

Agenda approval:

내 백성은 창조의 신비를 통달한 당신을 매우 부러워 합니다.
Neh baeksung-eun chang-jeuh-oue shin-bi reul tohng dahl hahn dahng-shin eul meh-oo boo-roh-woh ham-ni-dah.
My people much envy you, who mastered the mystery of creation.
(In game translation: Your mastery of creation's secrets is the envy of my people.)

Agenda disapproval:
다른 이들이 하늘을 향해 나아갈 때에 당신은 땅을 파고 있습니다.
Dah-run ee-dull-ee hahnul eul hyahng-eh gahl ddeh-eh dahng-shin eun ddahng-eul pahgoh iss-sum-ni-dah.
While others are moving toward the heavens, you are digging the ground (earth, soil).
(In game translation: "While others reach for the heavens, you claw at the dirt.")

Declares War:
별들이 당신의 패배를 예견합니다. 하늘의 뜻을 거절할 수 없습니다.
Byeoldulleun dahng-shin-oue peh-beh-rull yeh-gyeon ham-ni-dah. Hahnul-ee dduts-eul goh-jeol-hahl soo obseum-ni-dah.
Stars foretell your defeat. You cannot disobey the heaven's (lit. sky's) will.
(In game translation: "The stars predict your defeat. Why argue with the heavens?")

내가 예견하노니 당신의 패배는 빠르고 민족은 잊혀질 것입니다.
Neh-ga yeh-geun-hah-noh-nee dahng-shin-ee ppeh-beh-neun bbah-reu-goh minjok-eun eet-chuh-jil geohss-im-ni-dah.
I foretell (predict) that your defeat will be swift and that (your) nation will be forgotten.
(In game translation: "Your defeat shall be swift...your people, forgotten. This I have foreseen.")

나는 내 죽음을 예견했지만, 한국의 운명은 다를 것입니다.
Na-nun neh joogoom-eul yehgyeon-hehd-ji-man, Hanguk-oue eumyeong-eun dahreul ggoh-shim-ni-dah.
Although I foresaw my death, Korea's fate will be different.
(In-game translation: I foresaw my own end, but not that Korea would share my fate.)

Pep Talk:
향이 없는 꽃은 주목은 받지만, 관심을 받을 수 없습니다.
Hyahng-ee obnun ggourtchun joomok-eun bahdjiman, gwahn-shim-eul bahdeul-soo ohb-seum-ni-dah.
A flower without scent may receive attention, but it cannot draw interest (it cannot be of people's interest).

Note: The quote references an event described in the Samguk Yusa (written in Classical Chinese, which was used by literate Koreans at the time of its composition), a collection of Korean myths and legends, in which Seondeok, after receiving a painting of three peony flowers alongside peony seeds from Emperor Taizong of China, correctly predicted that the flowers would have no scent, because the painting did not depict any butterflies or bees flying around the flowers. Thus, peonies came to represent Seondeok's wisdom and insight.

Suleiman I, the Magnificent
: Soundcloud
Source: Red Khan, using his knowledge of modern Turkish, an online Ottoman – Modern Turkish dictionary and “Redhouses's Turkish Dictionary, in two parts, English and Turkish, and Turkish and English” by Sir James W. Redhouse published in 1882. Says Red Khan, "But I wouldn’t be able to complete this without the help received from all the nice people at Discord server dedicated to Ottoman language, so much kudos to them for all the help."

Suleiman speaks Ottoman language although almost all of the sentences have broken grammar and incorrect vocabulary. Despite of this, it's a huge improvement in historical accuracy from the previous installment, where Suleiman spoke plain modern Turkish.

Ottoman, also called Ottoman Turkish is the variety of the Turkish language used in the Ottoman Empire. It borrows extensively, in all aspects, from Arabic and Persian and its speakers used the (Perso-Arabic) Ottoman Turkish alphabet for written communications. In 1928, following the fall of the Ottoman Empire after World War I and the establishment of the Republic of Turkey, widespread language reforms (a part in the greater framework of Atatürk's Reforms) instituted by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk saw the replacement of many Persian and Arabic origin loanwords in the language with their Turkish equivalents. It also saw the replacement of the Perso-Arabic script with the extended Latin alphabet. Because of this Ottoman is not fully understood by modern Turkish speakers.

An analogue for this reform would be that if English underwent such an extensive purification reform that would rip off all the French and Latin influences and basically became something similar to Anglish.
Depredators who nocturnally effected an opportunist entry into Mehmet Bey's domicile purloined costly tapis eight in number.

Spoiler :
Burglars broke into Mehmet Bey's house by night and stole eight valuable rugs.

An approximation of how written Ottoman sounds to modern day Turkish speakers can be found in an article by Swedish Turkologist Gunnar Jarring called “The Turkish Language Reform: A Catastrophic Success”.

Also, the voice actor uses late 19th – early 20th century pronunciation of Ottoman, not one contemporary to Suleiman. For example, he pronounces the final consonant in word sizin (your) as plain “n”, while in Suleiman’s times it was pronounced as “sizüng” with the final consonant as in English word “sing”.

First meet:
عظمت طوپقپودن بن سلیمان، قیصر روم، سلاممزی احسان ایدرز

  • Transliteration: Azamet-ü Topkapu'dan ben Süleyman, Kaysar-i Rûm, selâmımızı ihsan ederiz.
  • Translation: From the magnificence of Topkapi, I, Suleiman, Kayser-i Rum, bestow upon you my welcome.
  • In the Middle East, the Persians and the Arabs continued to refer to the Roman and Byzantine emperors as "Caesar" (in Persian: قیصر روم‎ Qaysar-i Rum, "Caesar of the Romans"). Thus, following the conquest of Constantinople in 1453, the victorious Ottoman sultan Mehmed II became the first of the rulers of the Ottoman Empire to assume the title Kaysar-i Rûm.
  • Name "Topkapu" for the time of Suleiman is anachronistic, the palace wouldn't acquire that name until much later. It was called Yeni Saray or Saray-ı Cedid (New Palace), as opposed to the Eski Saray (Old Palace) which was the first palace built by Mehmed II after 1453, which subsequently became the residence of the imperial women. Though most of the time they would use more abstract terms when referring to the palace, like "âsitâne" (doorstep). So a more historically accurate translation for this line would be something in line with "Âsitâne-i saâdetden ben Süleyman..." (From The Doorstep of Felicity, I, Suleiman…)

Attacked (War Human):
ها، اعلی! جهان، اردولرمڭ غیرقابل انكار قدرتی و دولت علیۀ عثمانڭ احتشامنه شاهد اولیجقدر

  • Transliteration: Ha, âlâ! Cihan, ordularımın gayrikābil inkâr kudreti ve Devlet-i Alîye-i Osmân’ın ihtişamına şâhit olacaktır.
  • Translation in game: Good. The world shall witness the incontestable might of my armies and the glory of the Empire.
  • Actual translation: Oh, good. The world shall witness the incontestable might of my armies and the glory of The Sublime Ottoman State.
  • He actually say the official name of the Ottoman Empire – "Devlet-i Alîye-i Osmâniye" but says it as "Devlet-i Aliye-i Osman", which literally translates as The Sublime Osman’s State. This is obviously either mispronunciation or mistranslation, because it was never called in this way. The correct way to say this part would be "Devlet-i Alîye-i Osmâniye'nın ihtişamına"
  • The word Ottoman is a historical anglicisation of the name of Osman I, the founder of the Empire and of the ruling House of Osman (also known as the Ottoman dynasty). Osman's name in turn was the Turkish form of the Arabic name ʿUthmān (عثمان‎).
  • The "Ha, âlâ!" part might be homage to Turkish TV-series "Muhteşem Yüzyıl" ("The Magnificent Century") where the character of Suleiman uses the word "âlâ" frequently.

Declare war (War AI):
سزڭ ممتد كستاخلغكز و بی‌ادراك عزتمزدن ماعدا دار و كوب ایلدك

  • Transliteration: Sizin mümted küstâhlığınız vü bî-idrak izzetimizden mâ'adâ, dâr u kûb eyledük.
  • Translation in game: Your continued insolence and failure to recognize my preeminence leads us to war.
  • Actual translation: Your continued insolence and lack of perception aside from my preeminence, we did battle.
  • The sentence doesn't make grammatical sense, the "sizin mümted küstâhlığınız vü bî-idrak" (Your continued insolence and lack of perception) doesn't connect to the rest of the sentence in a grammatical way. And they forgot to add -iniz (your) onto idrak (perception) as well.
  • Here Suleiman addresses you in a politer and respectful V-form (sizin), unlike in other lines, where it's either less formal/polite T-form (sen) or no grammatical direct address is used at all. I don't know if this is intentional, but historically Ottoman rulers would address other rulers in T-form (sen), as witnessed in Suleiman’s letter to Francis I of France - Sen ki, Françe vilayetinin kralı Françeskosun... (to thee, who art Francis, king of the land of France...). At least until the Austrians convinced them to stop doing that in the 17th century.
  • And speaking of homages and influences of the “Magnificent Century”. Here is a clip from this series where Suleiman writes the above-mentioned letter. I think influences on Suleiman’s appearance in the game are clear:
    Spoiler :

  • Proper translation: İzzetimizi görmekde senin mümted küstâhlığın ve noksân-ı idrâkından naşi harb u cidâla giririz.

Agenda Approval (Kudos):
مادامکه ملتڭ هپ آهنكدار اقوام مختلف ایدن حكمت سلیمان ادراکڭ ضروریدر

  • Transliteration: Mâdemki milletin hep âhenktar akvam-ı muhtelif eden hikmet-i Süleyman-ı idrakin zarûrîdir.
  • Translation in game: You, too, must possess the wisdom of Solomon, for your nation is made of many people who live in harmony.
  • Actual translation: Seeing that your nation [is] always a renderer of harmony, your wisdom of Suleiman of perception that does various peoples is necessary.
  • King Solomon is known in Islam as Sulaymān and thus is Suleiman’s namesake. Because of this a pun is, certainly, intended.
  • Proper translation: Milletinin âheng ü selâmetde yaşayan ekvâm-ı muhtelifeden olmağla hikmet-i Suleymân senin dahi olsun.

Agenda disapproval (Warning):
استاد جهان اولهجكسڭ، اوڭجه خلقڭڭ استادی اولهسڭ و لكن ناقص الرموز استعدادسڭ

  • Transliteration: Üstad-ı cihan olacağasan, önce halkının üstadı olasın, ve lâkin nâkısü'l-rumûz-u istîdatsın.
  • Translation in game: If you would be master of the world, you must first be master of your people—and you show no signs of mastery in this matter.
  • Actual translation: If you would be master of the world, you must first be master of your people and however lacking signs of capability.
  • Bad grammar, bad vocabulary, bad pronunciation.
  • The "üstad-ı cihan" (master of the world) part is both funny and sad. Funny because they translated "master" like “üstad”, which means "a guild master", a word suitable only for a mere craftsman but not for the master of the world. Sad because the Ottomans had literally hundreds of ways to say "master of the world" or something along its lines and the translator managed to miss all of them. Redhouse dictionary has so many entries just for "Cihan-" (world) words that fit with this meaning – cihan-ban, cihan-dar, cihan-gir, cihan-küşa, cihan-sitan, cihan-ara, cihan-piray. In the prefaces of books there can literally be multiple pages of praise to the sultan.
  • "Nâkısü'l-rumûz-u" is a literal translation of “lacking signs”, but doesn’t make any sense in Ottoman. It’s also mispronounced, the correct transcription/pronunciation would be nâkısü'r-rumûz.
  • Bad grammar, bad vocabulary, bad pronunciation.
  • The "üstad-ı cihan" (master of the world) part is both funny and sad. Funny because they translated "master" like “üstad”, which means "a guild master", a word suitable only for a mere craftsman but not for the master of the world. Sad because the Ottomans had literally hundreds of ways to say "master of the world" or something along its lines and the translator managed to miss all of them. Redhouse dictionary has so many entries just for "Cihan-" (world) words that fit with this meaning – cihan-ban, cihan-dar, cihan-gir, cihan-küşa, cihan-sitan, cihan-ara, cihan-piray. In the prefaces of books there can literally be multiple pages of praise to the sultan.
  • "Nâkısü'l-rumûz-u" is a literal translation of “lacking signs”, but doesn’t make any sense in Ottoman. It’s also mispronounced, the correct transcription/pronunciation would be nâkısü'r-rumûz.
  • Proper translation: Eğer 'âlemi zabt edeceksen, bundan evvel kendi re'âyânı zabt etmen gerek ve bu mevzu'da senden yine hiç eser yok.
خراب ایتدڭ! خراب ایتدڭ! استانبول، شمدی یالکز ﻣﺎﻟﻴﺨﻮﻟﻴﺎدن مضطرب شعرانڭ خاطرلادیکی ارم شهرنه دونمشدر

  • Transliteration: Harab etdun! Harab etdun! İstanbul, şimdi yalnız mâlihulyâdan mustarip şuarânın hatırladığı İrem şehrine dönmüştür.
  • Translation in game: Ruin! Ruin! Istanbul becomes Iram of the Pillars, remembered only by the melancholy poets.
  • Actual translation: You ruined it! You ruined it! Istanbul becomes the city of Iram, remembered only by poets suffering from melancholy.
  • Iram of the Pillars is a legendary lost city mentioned in The Quran.
  • The first part (Ruin!) certainly doesn't match the English in-game translation, although what is exactly said is unclear, it might be either bad grammar or mispronunciation or both. I wrote down the variant that makes the most sense. Saying just "Ruin!" would be "Harâbe!"
Civilopedia quote ("Pep talk"):
اشته! بو بنم علممدر! بنی سوان تعقیب ایده

  • Transliteration: İşte! Bu benim alemümdür! Beni seven tâkip ede!
  • Translation: Behold! This is my banner! Anyone who loves me will follow me!
The source of this quote seems to be a paragraph from a book published in 1911 by Hester Donaldson Jenkins (1869-1941) a professor at the American College for Girls in Constantinople from 1900-1909 named “Ibrahim Pasha: Grand Vizir of Suleiman the Magnificent” The author references another book, “Relatione degli Ambasciatori Veneti al Senato” by Eugenio Albèri printed in 1840. Alas, there is no reference in this book.
I wasn’t be able to find any mentioning of this legend in any Turkish sources, even a very thorough article in İslâm Ansiklopedisi doesn’t tell anything similar.

Tamar of Georgia
: Soundcloud
Source: Aktchyually; Civ wiki (transliterations)
Per Red Khan, "Speaks modern Georgian with some medieval stylization. For example, the plural form of "heart" in her Attacked line is გულნი (gulni) instead of the modern გულები (gulebi)."

Pep talk:

Georgian: ნუ უფლიეთ ნურცა მთავართა, ნურცა გლახაკთა ხელის შელვა
Translation: Do not let a noble, nor a peasant hinder you.
Transliteration: Nu upliet nurtsa mtavarta, nurtsa glakhak’ta khelis shelva.
: Per Red Khan, the English line is a translation from her address to the clergy at a Church council she convened at the beginning of her reign from the medieval chronicle The Life of Tamar, Queen of Queens, although the line spoken in Georgian is a back translation from English. The original quote is ნუ თუალ-ახუამთ მთავართა სიმდიდრისათჳს, ნუცა გლახაკთა უდებჰყოფთ სიმცირისათჳს. / nu tual-akhuamt mtavarta simdidrisatŭis, nutsa glakhak’ta udebhq’opt simtsirisatŭis. - "Do not show partiality to the mtavars because of their wealth, and do not neglect the destitute because of their poverty."

Georgian: ნუ შეძრწუნდებიან გულნი ქართველთა სიმრავლესა მათისათვის
Translation: Georgian hearts won’t be shaken by their overwhelming numbers.
Transliteration: Nu shedzrts'undebian gulni kartvelta simravlesa matisatvis.

Agenda disapproval:
Georgian: შენი ხალხი ნამეტნავად დაჯერებულ არს, ბარბაროსებსაც უფლიათ შემოსვლა ქალაქებსა თვისა შინა
Translation: Your people are too confident, any barbarian can easily walk in into your cities.
Transliteration: (Sheni khalkhi namet'navad dajerebul ars, barbarosebsats upliat shemosvla kalakebsa tvisa shina.)

First meeting:
Georgian: მე ვარ თამარ, მეფე ყოვლისა საქართველოისა, სთქუ სიტყვაი შენი და განაგრძე სვლაი ესე შენნი
Translation: I am Tamar, King of Georgia, say what you will and be on your way.
Transliteration: Me var tamar, mepe q'ovlisa sakartveloisa, stku sit'q'vai sheni da ganagrdze svlai ese shenni.

Georgian: კედელნი ზღუდისანი ვერ დახსნეს საქართველოი აოხრებითგან, უძლურვარ მეცა
Translation: Mighty walls couldn’t save Georgians from devastation, I myself am powerless.
Transliteration: Edelni zghudisani ver dakhsnes sakartveloi aokhrebitgan, udzlurvar metsa.

Agenda Approval:

Georgian: მომწონს ესე კედელნი რომელნი ესე აღშენებულ არს შენი ხალხისათვის, გაქუს სული ქართველთა
Translation: I admire these walls you have built for your people, you have Georgian spirit.
Transliteration: Momts'ons ese k'edelni romelni ese aghshenebul ars sheni khalkhisatvis, gakus suli kartvelta.

Declares war:
Georgian: ღმერთი ჩვენთანა არს, თქვენ მარტოდ ხართ
Translation: God’s with us and you're all alone.
Transliteration: Ghmerti chventana ars, tkven mart'od khart.

Wilfrid Laurier
Lines: Soundclound
Source: Lord Lakely; in-game English lines
Speaks formal French and his dialogue is, as you might expect, very polite in its delivery, and also English.

Intro: "Au nom du peuple canadien, bienvenue! Je suis le premier-ministre Laurier."
In-game Translation and Actual Translation: "In the name of the Canadian people, welcome! I am prime minister Laurier!"

Agenda Disapproval: "Pourquoi n'aidez-vous pas à résoudre les crises que secouent le monde? N'êtes-vous pas sensible au malheur des autres?"
In game translation: "Why do you not help resolve the crises that affect the world? Are you unmoved by the plight of others?"
Actual Translation: "Why don't you help in resolving the crises that shake the world? Are you not susceptible to the misfortune of others?"

Agenda Approval: You have proved a reliable partner in resolving international conflict. Canada commends you. [English]

War (by Human): As we can reach no peaceful resolution with you, Canada must turn, with reluctance, to war. [English]

War (by AI): In responding to the unstinting malignancy that has heretofore defined your relationship with Canada, we can have no recourse but war. [English; note the caption for this line differs slightly and reads "As an unstinting malignancy defines your relationship to Canada, we can have no recourse than war".]

Pep talk/Civilopedia quote: "Si c'était en mon pouvoir et sous ma responsabilité, j'essaierais la voie ensoleillée."
In-game Translation and Actual Translation: "If it were in my power, and if I had the responsibility, I would try the sunny way."
Note: Per Red Khan, "This is a quote from his speech on Manitoba Schools Question given in Morrisburg, Ontario, 8 October 1895. The sunny way is a reference to one of Aesop’s Fables, in which the wind and the sun compete to see who can motivate a man to remove his jacket. The sun shines down, pleasantly and patiently, and the wind blows with bluster. The sun ultimately wins the day, proving that patience and enticement are more effective than force and coercion."

: Soundcloud
Source: Lord Lakely, Toothed Bomb
Speaks modern Dutch very politely or, says Red Khan in his summation of other opinions: "Queen Wilhelmina does not speak in a time and status appropriate accent which can be heard on the recording of her speech, but in a mock stereotypical one that people use to simulate royals or elites."

"Ik ben Wilhelmina, Koningin der Nederlanden. Het is mijn grote eer* u eindelijk te ontmoeten." / "I am Wilhelmina, Queen of the Netherlands. It's my great pleasure to finally meet you." (Ingame) / "I am Wilhelmina, Queen of the Netherlands. It's a great honour to me to finally meet you". (Translation)

Says Lord Lakely: "*The dialogue is a bit weird in that she appears to be saying "mijn" (My great honour) but it could be "mij een" (a great honour to me), which would be more grammatically correct."

Agenda Disapproval:
"Wie handel weigert, denkt vaak dat hij bij ons kan pakken wat hij wil. Hij heeft het flink mis"* / "Those who refuse trade often think they can take what they want from us. They're sorely mistaken." / "[He] who refuses trade, often thinks he can grab anything he wants from us. He's sorely mistaken."

Says Lord Lakely: "I'm not sure what the best translation for the word "flink" is in this context. They game went with sorely, which is correct meaning-wise. Nuance-wise, "vastly" would've been a better translation. Note that her sentences are in the third person singular instead of plural. The pronoun used in Dutch to refer to a person of an unknown gender ("men") is never used in subclauses like these. So while she does say "he", the correct translation into English is "they"."

Says Vandlys: "The word "anything" in the second translation is out of place. It is not said in Dutch. Otherwise the Dutch would be "[...] denkt vaak dat hij bij ons ALLES kan pakken wat hij wil." The best literal translation of the word "flink" is big or strong. Where English would say he is a big lad, or a strong lad, the Dutch would use the word "flink". In this context, sorely is definitely better than 'vastly' as Lord Lakely implies. The word flink might also imply a threat here, or the promise of retaliation, therefore I think sorely is closer than vastly in this context."

Agenda Approval:
Nederland floreert met elke zending die u ons stuurt. / The Netherlands flourishes with every shipment you send to us.

Says Vandlys: "Floreert is weird. It is a very literal translation, but the verb 'floreren' (that's the infinitive) would not be used often in Dutch and is a very obvious Anglicanism. 'Bloeit', the literal and contextual translation, would be much more suitable here. However, they might have chosen 'floreert' to give it more status, but I doubt it."

Uw verraderlijke agressie zal geen succes kennen! Nederland houdt stand! / Your treacherous aggression will not succeed! The Netherlands will hold!
(NOTE: A more literal translation would be: "Your treacherous agression will know no success." Not sure if that's a common thing to say in English.)

Declares war:
Nederland is onbevreesd voor u! Wanneer wij u verslaan, zijn wij sterker dan ooit! / The Netherlands is undaunted by you! When we defeat you, we'll be stronger than ever!

First meeting:
Ik ben Wilhelmina, koningin der Nederlanden. Het is mij 'n grote eer u eindelijk te ontmoeten. / I am Wilhelmina, queen of the Netherlands. It is a great honour for me to finally meet you.

Moge Nederland, met God's hulp, op een dag zijn grondgebied terugwinnen. / May the Netherlands, with God's help, reclaim his territory one day.

Says Vandlys: "his territory" is incorrect here. It is a literal translation, so in that sense it is good, but "his" in this case relates to The Netherlands, not God, so the English version should read "their territory".

Pep talk:
Hoe donker en moeilijk deze tijden ook zijn, gelooft u aan een uiteindelijke overwinning van onze zaak. / No matter how dark and trying these times may be, believe in the ultimate victory of our cause.

Says Vandlys: 'Trying times' is a free translation that is a good collocation in English, but a better translation would be difficult times.' Furthermore, a footnote needs to be placed with the word 'ultimate'. Uiteindelijk means "in the end" and not "complete" or "best", whereas ultimate can mean all three.

Says Lord Lakely: The line translates to: "However dark and difficult these times are, you believe in an eventual victory of our case"

Or a more liberal (and smooth) translation: "You have faith in the eventual victory of our cause, in spite of these dark and difficult times."

Notes: Per Red Khan, "This sentence is a slightly changed sentence from her speech during the first broadcast of Radio Oranje on 28 July 1940 - "hoe donker en moeilijk de tijden ook zijn, te blijven vertrouwen in de eindoverwinning van onze zaak." This sentence can be heard in this video at 1:06."
Last edited:
Emperor Basil II
Source: Basileus Rhomaion

Speaks Ancient Greek with a modern accent, but seems more a mix of Attic and Koine Greek.

Agenda-based Approval: Your decisive actions, your great victories, all are a gift of God. Make sure you thank Him. (Τα αριστεία σου, αι μεγάλαι νίκαι σου, προέρχονται από του Θεού. Φροντίσης ως ευχαριστής Αυτώ. / Ta aristeía sou, ai megálai níkai sou, proérchontai apó tou Theoú. Frontísis os efcharistís Aftó. - lit. "Your displays of excellence, your great victories, they come from God. You should make sure to thank Him.")

Agenda-based Disapproval: You lack dignity, honor, piety, and all that makes a ruler righteous. Perhaps you should copy me. (Σπανίζεις ενότητος, τιμής, ευσεβείας, παντών ως απεργάζονται τον άρχονταν δίκαιον. Ίσως πρέπει με μιμείσαι. / Spanízeis enótitos, timís, efseveías, pantón os apergázontai ton árchontan díkaion. Ísos prépei me mimeísai. - lit. "Unity, honour, piety - everything that makes a just ruler - are hard to come by for you. Perhaps you should mimic me (follow me by example).")

Attacked: I shall tell my historians to record your empire for the future, after I have ground your cities into the dust. (Κονιορτοποιήσω τας πόλεις σου και νεύσω τους εμού συγγραφέας εξηγείσθε το κράτος σου διά το μέλλον. / Koniortopoiíso tas póleis sou kai néfso tous emoú syngraféas exigeísthe to krátos sou diá to méllon. - lit. "I shall crush your cities and signal to my writers so that they describe your nation for the future.")

Declares War: You deserve nothing less than war, but in my abundant mercy, I will make it brief and decisive. (Αξιοίς τίποτα λιγότερο από του πολέμου, αλλά εν τω αύθονω ελέη μου, συντόμως νικήσω πάρα πολύ. / Axioís típota ligótero apó tou polémou, allá en to áfthono eléi mou, syntómos nikíso pára polý. - lit. "You deserve nothing less than war, but in my abundant mercy, I shall win very swiftly.")

Defeated: Has God withdrawn his favor from me, that Rome must fall? Oh, what a calamity! (Εύνοιαν αφήρη γε μοι ο Θεός, ως χρεί την Ρωμανίαν συμπίπτειν. Οίμοι, οίαν την συμφοράν. / Évnoian afíri ge moi o Theós, os chreí tin Romanían sympíptein. Oímoi, oían tin symforán. - lit. "God has withdrawn his favour from me indeed, as He decrees Rhomania to fall. Oimoi, what a calamity.")

Note: Rhomania (Ρωμανία) is the unofficial name for the Byzantine/Eastern Roman Empire that its inhabitants used throughout its existence (and for centuries thereafter). It is more aptly translated to "land of the Romans" in Greek and also serves as the root for the modern name of Romania (known in the Middle Ages in old Romanian as "Teara Romaneasca"). Oimoi (οίμοι) is an ancient Greek exclamation of grief or despair

Greeting: You stand before Basil, Autocrat and Emperor of the Romans, scourge of my foes. Behold Rome! (Ίστατε έμπροσθεν Βασιλείου, Αυτοκράτορος και Δεσπότου των Ρωμαίων, μάστιγος των εχθρών εμών. Ιδού Ρωμανία. / Ístate émprosthen Vasileíou, Aftokrátoros kai Despótou ton Romaíon, mástigos ton echthrón emón. Idoú Romanía. - lit. "You stand before Basil, Emperor (Autocrat) and Despot of the Romans, scourge of our foes. Behold Rhomania.")

Quote from Civilopedia: I am Basil, the Bulgar-Slayer. I am Basil, both hero and villain, loved by my people and hated by my enemies. Power depends on two things: the force of arms and the observance of laws. (Ειμί [ο] Βασίλειος ο Βουλγαροκτόνος. / Eimí [o] Vasíleios o Voulgaroktónos.)
[Note: He only pronounces the first sentence of his quote. Also, the stress in the word "Bulgar-Slayer" is wrong, it should be Voulgaroktónos not Voulgaróktonos.
The last sentence is a slightly rephrased sentence from the second preface of the Code of Justinian.

Emperor Menelik II

Source: Somebody who know Amharic left translations in the comments section of Menelik's video.

Greeting: Hello, I am Menelik, Lion of Judah,my house and roots is from the Solomonic dynasty of king of kings of Ethiopia. Greetings.

Attacked: Don't you know the lion of Judah always came out a winner? Well,soon you will learn about it the hard way.

Declares War: Your deed is insulting for Ethiopians, so that you will pay a heavy price for this.

Agenda-based Approval: I am glad you have chosen the flat land over the high mountains cause these are both culturally and rightfully mine so you better settle down somewhere else.

Defeated: Do you think God would abandon Ethiopia? Do you really think he would favour you? Don't celebrate your win too soon.

Simon Bolivar
Lines: Soundcloud
Source: untitledjuan, correction to greeting by Red Khan
Speaks Latin-American Spanish. Says untitledjuan, "Bolívar in-game doesn’t seem to have a very strong accent from either Venezuela or Colombia. To me, he sounds just like the regular Spanish Latin-American dubbed film and TV program. It is an accent that aims to be neutral in order to distribute it to all Latin America without showing variations or regional words. However, it can also be a particular “neutral” variety from Caracas or elsewhere in Venezuela, but I doubt it. It is unlikely to find someone in Venezuela or Colombia that speaks naturally with that accent, as it is a constructed “neutral” one to appeal to all of Latin America.

However, Bolívar does use words such as “vuestra”, “os”, “conocéis” etc. that are nowadays frequently used in Spain, but that would sound archaic, extremely formal or old-fashioned in modern day Colombia and Venezuela. It wouldn’t be inaccurate though, as some letters written by Bolívar himself show that he did use those words and that they used to be more common, at least in formal speech, in colonial and early Colombia and Venezuela."

War (by AI)

  • ¡Vuestra tiranía, si no se controla, llevará a la oscuridad al mundo y, por esta razón, os declaro la guerra!
  • Your tyranny, if it is not controlled, will lead the world to darkness and, for this reason, I declare war on you.
War (by Human)
  • Seguir con la guerra es lamentable, pero necesario al lidiar con serpientes como vos.
  • To keep on with war is lamentable, but it is necessary when dealing with snakes like you.


  • Todo lo que he hecho lo hice por la nación de la Gran Colombia. Soy un patriota hasta el final.
  • All that I have done I did it for the nation of Gran Colombia. I am a patriot until the end.

First Meet

  • Yo, el presidente Simón Bolívar os da la bienvenida a la Gran Colombia.
  • I, the president Simón Bolívar, welcome you to Gran Colombia.

Kudos/Agenda Approval

  • Al parecer conocéis tanto de historia como de diplomacia. Vuestro pueblo se beneficia de vuestro gobierno.
  • It seems that you know about history just as much as you know about diplomacy. Your people benefit from your government.
Agenda Disapproval
  • ¿Puedo daros una advertencia? Cambiad vuestros métodos o los que lideran los ejércitos lo harán por vos.
  • May I give you a warning? Change your methods or else the leaders of the armies will change them for you.
Pep Talk:
  • Las almas generosas se interesan en la gente que busca recuperar los derechos otorgados por el Creador y la naturaleza.
  • Generous souls are interested in people that seek to recover the rights granted by the Creator and by nature.
Note: Per Red Khan, "The quote in English is translation of Bolívar's Carta de Jamaica (Jamaica Letter) as given in the book The Political Thought of Bolivar: Selected Writings. The line spoken in Spanish is most probably a back translation, because this sentence in the original is phrased differently - "Siempre las almas generosas se interesan en la suerte de un pueblo que se esmera por recobrar los derechos con que el Creador y la naturaleza lo han dotado;" (from Wikisource)"
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Greeting: I am Catherine, the Queen Mother of France, and welcome you to the realm. I do so look forward to learning all there is to know about you.") (PCGamesN vieo, (1 hr 59 min 49 seconds) Je suis Catherine , la Reine Mère de la France , et vous souhaite la bienvenue à mon royaume.

You forgot the French for the last sentence. You stopped at "realm". And the last sentence is not quite accurate. "I so look forward to learning all your secrets." would be a more literal translation.
You forgot the French for the last sentence. You stopped at "realm". And the last sentence is not quite accurate. "I so look forward to learning all your secrets." would be a more literal translation.
Thanks! The English translation is from the in-game representation. As indicated in my parent post, there is a slight "lost-in-translation" thing going on where Catherine is really saying "secrets" but the in-game translation favors the subtler "all there is to know about you."

What would be your translation of the last line? I didn't try the last one since I figured a fluent French speaker would do a more complete job. I tried the others for fun, mostly. :)
Thanks! The English translation is from the in-game representation. As indicated in my parent post, there is a slight "lost-in-translation" thing going on where Catherine is really saying "secrets" but the in-game translation favors the subtler "all there is to know about you."

What would be your translation of the last line? I didn't try the last one since I figured a fluent French speaker would do a more complete job. I tried the others for fun, mostly. :)

A literal translation would be "I have a great desire to discover all your secrets".
Pedro II
Speaks Portuguese.
Agenda-based approval: Imagine all the amazing things the brilliant minds of my nation will accomplish. Imagine todas ...surpreendentes ...mentes brilhantes da minha nação ...realizaron. (PCGamesN 17:20)
Agenda-based disapproval: Your finest engineers and architects would be happier in a place where they could grow. Brasil, for instance. (Gamezilla, Polish, 2:03)
Attacked: You can see how fruitless this will be for you, no? (PC Gamer 13:27 Civilization 6 gameplay - hands-on with the first 100+ turns)
Defeat: May God grant me these last wishes -- peace and prosperity for Brazil. (Arekkz Gaming 6:36 Japan Gameplay)
Greeting: Good day. It is an honor to meet you in person. It seems great minds do attract each other, after all. Bom dia. É uma honra conhecê..Parece mentes brilhantes se atraem. (PCGamesN, 4:36)

Let's see if I can make a few adjustments to this! :D

Pedro II
Speaks modern Brazilian Portuguese.
Greeting: "Good day. It is an honor to meet you in person. It seems great minds attract each other." ("Bom dia. É uma honra conhecê-lo pessoalmente. Parece que mentes brilhantes se atraem.")
Attacked: "You will see how this will be fruitless, no?" ("Você verá como será infrutífero, não é?")
Agenda-based approval: "Imagine all the surprising achievements that the brilliant minds of my nation will accomplish." ("Imagine todas as conquistas surpreendentes que as mentes brilhantes da minha nação realizarão.")
Agenda-based disapproval: "Your finest engineers and architects would be happier in a place where they could grow. (...)" ("Os seus melhores engenheiros e arquitectos seriam mais felizes num lugar onde pudessem crescer (...)")

I'm not sure about the word "infrutífero" when Pedro II is attacked, and when he disapproves the video cuts off before he actually finishes his line, so those can still be changed.
As for Defeat, the video has no sound from the game, so I can't hear what he says, but a translation from the text to Portuguese would be "Que Deus me conceda estes últimos desejos - paz e prosperidade para o Brasil". If anyone finds another video where Brazil is Defeated, I will happily check what he says!

Overall, I like how this game's translations are much closer to what was used in Civilization V, but there are still a few details that change a bit.
Pedro's Attacked line is a bit weird to me, it's a weird phrase - but maybe that's because I'm from Portugal. It's possible that that sentance structure makes more sense in Brazilian Portuguese than in European Portuguese! :)

Thanks for doing this thread again! :)
Thanks for the help! Will update parent post with your contributions. Let's hold off on the Defeated line since the real speech is likely to be different (we noticed the Catherine greeting discrepancy, for example).
Catherine de' Médicis
Speaks modern French.
Attacked: You dare attack my sovereign realm? I don't believe even Nostradamus could have predicted this! (Ju?) vous osez attaquer mon royaume? Je ne crois même pas Nostradamus...aurait pu prédire! (Polygon, 41:12)
Greeting: I am Catherine, the Queen Mother of France, and welcome you to the realm. I do so look forward to learning all there is to know about you. Je suis Catherine, la Reine Mère de la France, et vous souhaite la bienvenue à mon royaume. J'ai grande (desire?) envie de découvrir (tus) vos secrets. (lit "I have a great desire to discover all your secrets.") (PCGamesN video, 1 hr 59 min 49 seconds)

Well it's getting pretty hard owing to her STRONG Italian accent, but in order to reach exactitude (with color): ;)

Catherine de' Médicis
Speaks modern French.
Attacked: You dare attack my sovereign realm? I don't believe even Nostradamus could have predicted this! Vous osez attaquer mon royaume? Je ne crois point que Nostradamus lui même...aurait su le prédire! (Polygon, 41:12)
Greeting: I am Catherine, the Queen Mother of France, and I welcome you to the realm. I do so look forward to learning all there is to know about you. Je suis Catherine,_Reine Mère de_France, je vous souhaite la bienvenue à mon royaume. J'ai grand désire (it's not very french neither, but that's what she say) envie de découvrir tous vos secrets. (lit "I have a great desire to discover all your secrets.") (PCGamesN video, 1 hr 59 min 49 seconds)

A lot of my corrections are small corrections (because you worked so well ;) ), but still helpful... at least I hope...
Thanks! Interesting that she has an Italian accent. :O

I am honored that you spent your first post to comment in this thread. *bows*
Qin actually speaks Ancient/archaic Chinese. Which is amazing.

In his case the in-game subtitles are kinda off though - he actually says much more in his lines.
Fingers crossed for the return of the triple Ximican!

Very thoughtful giving Cathy an Italian accent. I love them all except maybe Vicky... she sounds like one of those creepy text-to-speech voices.
Great thread! May I request you to put the original sentence and the translation in separate lines? Like this:

  • You dare attack my sovereign realm? I don't believe even Nostradamus could have predicted this!
  • Vous osez attaquer mon royaume? Je ne crois point que Nostradamus lui-même aurait su le prédire! (Polygon, 41:12)

BTW, this is the correct French sentence:
Greeting: I am Catherine, the Queen Mother of France, and I welcome you to the realm. I do so look forward to learning all there is to know about you.
Je suis Catherine, laReine Mère de laFrance. et Je vous souhaite la bienvenue à mon royaume. J'ai grand désir et envie de découvrir tous vos secrets.

Keep going! :goodjob:
Thanks, I've been wandering on this site since a very long time... but I only made the step today

oh and nunor is very relevent (great idea for organisation, and better correction)
Ok, I've added the extra spaces for now, although spatial concerns might mean we have to revert to the original way we did it in the Civ 5 thread. '

Translation assistance much appreciated, nunor. :D
I remember the Civ5 thread! We struggled with several languages (mainly the Amerindian and African ones). I haven't given up on translating those :D

I hope someone who is familiar with Coptic can provide translation/and transliteration for Cleo's lines.

If Gilgamesh is really in, then they will use Sumerian instead of Akkadian. How exciting!

Hopefully the errors made in Civ5 recordings won't repeat here (several of the leaders lines were mismatched, Wu Zetian has no Peaceful line, etc)
If Gilgamesh is really in, then they will use Sumerian instead of Akkadian. How exciting!
I have always wanted to know what Sumerian sounds like, it will be nice to hear it.
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