[LP] Leader Pass: Great Negotiators Technical Issues

I have all of the Civ 6 DLC, but the Leader Pass in Epic Games is still $19.99(US). Anyone else have this problem or solve it?
If you own it on epic you should create a ticket because they are treating me like its a new error that hasn't been found yet. They are not saying they know about it and are working on it.

I tried disabling the leaders pass add-on on my end to re-enable it but then the addon just disappeared. I am back to only 15 add-ons instead of 16.

The fixes Aspyr are recommending don't work for OS Catalina. However, if you're running Catalina and still need a fix, I've figured out a workaround.

If you go into the system files, and find the location: /Users/<USERNAME>/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Sid Meier's Civilization VI/Civ6.app/Contents/MacOS/Civ6_Exe

(obviously putting your system username where indicated)

Then rename Civ6_Exe to AppBundleExe

For me, this fixed the launch problem; game now works, and all the DLC are there.
Do you have 10.13.6 as your macos version? Has anyone seen anywhere that 2k or firaxis or Sid Meier or _anyone_ said "don't update if your OS is before 10.14?
Yes I have 10.13.6. And I also didn't see any heads up about the update and that it would undo the game on mac 10.13.6 :(
Two weeks and Epic store players still haven't access to Leader Pass. No informations. Firaxis don't care about epic store players.
I can't get Caesar. When I tried linking 2k to steam, I had to create an account at 2k. It seems 2k won't allow me to finish creating the account because it still wants me to link to a social media account which I do not have and don't intend on getting. I reported this to 2k support but am still waiting on a solution. :mad:
Still doesn't work for me sadly. Got this information from Aspyr:

''With this latest update, the minimum OS requirement is now MacOS 10.14.6. You will need to update your OS in order to resolve this issue.''

And my computer can't update past 10.13.6. It would've been nice to be informed that this update wouldn't work on this version, then there still would be a choice of being able to continue playing the game.

in theory this should be fixed, and if you still have problems, you should contact the 2K support.
Thanks! i will check tonight. I might not have checked last night and i see the Twitter post is dated the 13th. If not, then contact support.
Still doesn't work for me sadly. Got this information from Aspyr:

''With this latest update, the minimum OS requirement is now MacOS 10.14.6. You will need to update your OS in order to resolve this issue.''

And my computer can't update past 10.13.6. It would've been nice to be informed that this update wouldn't work on this version, then there still would be a choice of being able to continue playing the game.

Still doesn't work for me after the latest patch.
The launcher said i had 5 of 5 dlc owned. BUT i had to reinstall windows because my windows update was no longer working.
I reinstalled the game and now i am back to 4 of 5 dlc owned. The epic launcher shows that I should have the leaders pass but the fraxis launcher says i dont have it.
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