Leoreth Plays the Celts

Alright, with this thread coming to a timely close, what are the lessons learned?

First are the changes I have already made. Removing the Mediterranean resources definitely made their game more difficult, but I think that is in line with what the Celtic game should be like. Before that, Nemessos simply had too many good resources to work with. Same with the required three cities in Gaul - it never occurred to me to use the starting settlers for the UHV goal, but obviously that is a valid choice. It's also not intended to be that easy, so the new UHV goal prevents that workaround.

Playing against Rome felt a bit one dimensional in this game. I don't like that Rome forces you into the war due to their conqueror spawn, it would be more fun to have agency in that decision. It's fine if it happens sometimes, but I would dislike if it was every game. An early war depends very little on your strategy and mostly on your combat luck (of course smart unit positioning also plays a role). You either end up in a place where you can capture the required cities early or you don't. Maybe it is more interesting if you fail and have to try later, but not sure if that would be a valid path. The Roman conquerors are currently unbeatable. I also think it would be more fun if you could fight back. In my initial Celtic test games I often managed to defend against them and then got worn down by the endless stream of legions coming from other parts of their empire. That was a lot of fun and something I would like to occur in more games.

What is left to do with the conclusions from this playthrough?
  • I will probably nerf the Celtic maintenance modifier to make research a little harder for them, and force them to be more picky about cities
  • Roman conquerors against the Celts should be weaker, they should succeed against the AI even with fewer units. Maybe I can lower the amount of conqueror units generally to reduce those huge power spikes.
  • Some of China's recent nerfs can probably be scaled back.
Once again Rome gets an early conqueror spawn. Is that a guaranteed thing? What has everyone's game experience been like? In my initial test games it took a while before they targeted me and I actually started the initial war to capture Mediolanum.
i found they always appeared yeah
Those stacks are definitely too strong to ever be able to handle with what you can produce until this point. I wonder if they are overtuned.
tbh I find a lot of the classical era civs conqueror stacks to be way beyond what most civs can produce realistically, greek conquerors could possibly also use a rework. Upon reading further I see that you echo this!
Congrats! I'm quite impressed that you managed to pull UHV3 without conquering Rome.

A few questions:
1) You have mentioned that some resources spawn in Gaul only if a Mediterranean civilization (realistically speaking, Rome) founds a city here. Does it mean that in Celtic "conquest" games (or any games where Rome for some reason never expands in Gaul) the French will be somewhat weaker because the resources will never spawn?
2) How bad China was in your walkthrough? You've never shown us China, only demographics plot where it holds 1-2 places.

Weakening Roman conquerors would be great. Currently you either rush Rome or prepare to relocate to Ireland/Britain; there is no reason to ever pick the most reasonable - so to speak - decision to stay and fight.

Ireland becoming the Papal State is something worthy of... i don't know what exactly, it's just too good to not comment on.
Played the celts with the new conquerer stacks it seemed really easy to kick the romans out now. They took one city for a couple of turns and that was it. the AI also seemed to leave it's cities defended by an archer only once it was built, sending the founding legions off elsewhere. Making an easy conquest.
Building Bern in pannonia with a starting settler and razing Mediolanum really messed up the Romans they marched their settlers around with heavy escorts for what seemed a ridiculous amount of time before finally settling the coastal cities in Iberia and southern france.
First play as the Celts too, got very lucky, no roman conqueror event so far. Rome decided to send all their stacks at the greek, and lost, conqueror event against Carthage being successful so far, left Rome undefended with one or two archers, as well as Montpellier and Tarragona which i decided to attack immediately. Unfortunately i realized that Tarragona wouldn't trigger the UHV goal as Iberian city..?? Is that intended, it clearly states Iberia when hovering over the city, or am i off here..? Savegame attached


The goal requires to found a city.
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