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Less Stringent Control Areas?


Oct 24, 2003
Richmond, VA
I've been playing a game with RFC as the Turks, and it has been a lot of fun. It's been a somewhat odd game, as Jerusalem and the town above it were razed when I spawned, and all of Asia east of Persia (who became my vassals right after I conquered Babili) except for Mongolia has collapsed. Because Jerusalem was razed, Babili is the only city with Christianity (independent, then Theocracy). But it's been a blast, and I've managed to conquer all of Italy since Rome collapsed, as well as the Arabian peninsula. I was going for the UHV, since the last time I played Civ/Rhye's those were just barely in the game. Upon reaching 1700, I noticed a greyed out 1/3 by the score. I rapidly looked to the Balkans, the Black Sea, and Mesopotamia, and seemed to control those. When I looked to the Atlas, I groaned in dismay as I noticed Spalatum was one tile to the west of the Balkan box, and I only had two cities. I don't think you could argue that it's not controlled, as I am the only one with any culture in the Balkans and any cities. Ultimately, it would be nice if there were someway to check that I am completely dominant in an area, as without the Atlas I think it would be nearly impossible to complete many objectives, seeing that I had to scramble to found Antakya and Kudüs (well, Kudüs at least) to control Mesopotamia. Here's a map of my territory in the areas which I was supposed to control:
Spoiler :
I've been playing a game with RFC as the Turks, and it has been a lot of fun. It's been a somewhat odd game, as Jerusalem and the town above it were razed when I spawned, and all of Asia east of Persia (who became my vassals right after I conquered Babili) except for Mongolia has collapsed. Because Jerusalem was razed, Babili is the only city with Christianity (independent, then Theocracy). But it's been a blast, and I've managed to conquer all of Italy since Rome collapsed, as well as the Arabian peninsula. I was going for the UHV, since the last time I played Civ/Rhye's those were just barely in the game. Upon reaching 1700, I noticed a greyed out 1/3 by the score. I rapidly looked to the Balkans, the Black Sea, and Mesopotamia, and seemed to control those. When I looked to the Atlas, I groaned in dismay as I noticed Spalatum was one tile to the west of the Balkan box, and I only had two cities. I don't think you could argue that it's not controlled, as I am the only one with any culture in the Balkans and any cities. Ultimately, it would be nice if there were someway to check that I am completely dominant in an area, as without the Atlas I think it would be nearly impossible to complete many objectives, seeing that I had to scramble to found Antakya and Kudüs (well, Kudüs at least) to control Mesopotamia. Here's a map of my territory in the areas which I was supposed to control:
Spoiler :

Having just completed a Turkish UHV on the 600AD start, i must say i *hate* Anatolia as it appears in that start. The towns are all so close together that Surgot is both the only sensible place to found a capitol and a terrible spot given the proximity of other cities. I also had to found Baghdad myself (what the heck were the Arabs doing for 680 years?). But at least Jerusalem was there.

That said, I captured Athens and founded Dirac and "Budapest" (it has a different Turkish name). Looks like Dirac is within that region - so you probably want to raze Spatulum. (Budapest is not, but it kept the Germans out).
In my last game as the turks, I waited to found a city until I took Costantinople (ASAP) with the starting units. Constantinople started as the capitol, in that way
I had the same problem in a Turkish game I played today. I've been doing great, and will inevitably win, but I would have preferred a UHV victory, but I lost that on the same condition.
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