LK168, Greece, Sid Attempt

Wow, there are a lot of un-moved units. Just to double-check: Did I get the right file? 1909AD? This seems more like a begin-of-turn save than a handoff save.
Wow, there are a lot of un-moved units. Just to double-check: Did I get the right file? 1909AD? This seems more like a begin-of-turn save than a handoff save.
Yes, you got the correct save. On our home land mass, I would not have any reason to move any of the troops (the troops at the airfield are waiting for next turns airlift, I give first priority to Harley Scouts) I might have done a little more landscaping, except thaI (1) I forgot to kill the Maghreb Infantry next to 1 of our towns on the coast and (2) I declared war on Italy in 1909 and we can now capture their 2 towns over by former Brazil.
All the troops and workers I left unmoved on the other land mass were so you could set-up offense and not be left cleaning up my plans.
If I had continued, I was not going to conquer Canada in 1 turn, but let them linger on so our Lawyers could spend time interviewing Canadian troops and singing entertainers. :D
I would consider killing the Italians and annexing Krasnoyarsk this turn. 2 of the last 3 notes I left where about my concerns with the Maghreb and all there 3 movement units.
Also, I would go after the Silver happy resource southeast of Quebec as soon as practical.
I think I rushed about 10 tanks in former Japan/Aztec/Britain.
Mini-update, I'm only to the end of 1912. Russia is a houseboat civ, and I've taken a decent chunk of Maghreb. Canada and Italy have been fairly quiet fronts. Maghreb tried to sneak in a strike force along the southern coast to Lutetia. I'm actually shorter on Infantry than Tanks and Vickers!
:clap: Good to here about the Maghreb. When their cities join our nation they must add a sizable amount of gold to our coffers.
Have you cash rushed Adventurers to replace the Infantry guarding our interior cities?
Sounds like we are getting close to ending. I'm thinking another AWM for LK169. Comments?
Sounds like we are getting close to ending. I'm thinking another AWM for LK169. Comments?
Count me in.

In any game, I would like to play a Civ that we have not yet used in the CCM series and not in any LK series game starting with LK100.
Also, we should use the newest Flintlock Patch.

N.B. The Flintlock ini file has an entry "disallow_founding_next_to_foreign_city = true"
From my experience it seems this disallows founding next to any city.
Maybe we should chance it "false" and regain the ability to found next to a city.

In addition, there is a Flintlock entry: "promote_forbidden_palace_decorruption = false"
If we change it to "true" the Forbidden Palace would be equal in decorruption effect to a Palace.
N.B. The Flintlock ini file has an entry "disallow_founding_next_to_foreign_city = true"
From my experience it seems this disallows founding next to any city.
Maybe we should chance it "false" and regain the ability to found next to a city.
It's actually the option above it, "adjust_minimum_city_separation", that controls the distance. By default it is '0' which corresponds to default Civ3 behaviour, and by setting it to -1 you can then found cities next to each other.

The setting you mentioned, however overwrites that when you're trying to found cities next to other civs' cities, of course, so you might need to adjust that one too if you prefer to settle combat settlers within knife-fighting distances.
It's actually the option above it, "adjust_minimum_city_separation", that controls the distance. By default it is '0' which corresponds to default Civ3 behaviour, and by setting it to -1 you can then found cities next to each other.

The setting you mentioned, however overwrites that when you're trying to found cities next to other civs' cities, of course, so you might need to adjust that one too if you prefer to settle combat settlers within knife-fighting distances.
:yup: Yes, so it is. Here are the description files of the Flintlock Mod R15:

City Dstance1.jpg

City Distance2.jpg

Spoiler :

The next version of CCM - CCM 2.6 - will hold its own configuration of the Flintlock Mod, allowing cities to be founded next to each other (minimum city separation -1) so it will be possible to create canals, but disallow founding cities next to foreign cities. The next version of CCM is about 3/4 ready. So CCM 2.6 in the techtree is looking not so much different from CCM 2.5, there are big changes "under the visible skin" of CCM 2.6, among them a complete change in the setting of civ-specific buildings.

The new options in the Flintlock Mod for land artillery in the testgames with the next version of CCM didn´t convince me, as in the end it was always an additional advantage for the human player. Some other civers also reported, that there was a phase in their game play when they voluntarily stopped to produce artillery units any longer, as this would finish the game much too early. Flintlock land artillery in CCM 2.6 will come with a new line of siege artillery in smaller numbers at the end of era 2.

The religious settings in CCM 2.6 are improved and now are close to my concept how they should work. The new strategic resource faith, produced by churches, mosques, wats, mandirs and missions here is very helpful. CCM 2.6 will also hold the new additional luxury resource cotton, so the happiness of cities will be somewhat in balance, as the cheap religious communities are no longer producing happiness additional to 1 culture.

The civ Brazil-Portugal is changed back to Portugal-Brazil with its focus on European early units, as this seems to be the better setting for a worldmap using the new options for Barbarians coming (hopefully) with version R16 of the Flintlock Mod.
Turn Log:

This is going to be long, so buckle up, buckaroos!


I spend a LOT of time trying to get organized. There are troops fortified all over the place. For future reference, it's a lot easier to figure things out when
1. the save is handed off at the end of turn and
2. Any concentrations of fortified troops are all clustered together

Battle of Palmyra:
Vickers Mark E kills 2 Italian Rifleman

Vickers Mark E kills Maghreb Infantry near Santander

Partisan kills Italian Spear near Krasnoyarsk, inspiring another Partisan!
That Partisan inspires a third Partisan as it runs off an Archer unit.
That third Partisan dies fighting a War Elephant :wallbash:

Battle of Krasnoyarsk:
Tank kills Russian Rifleman
Tank kills Russian Rifleman and takes the city. 167 gold.

Cleaning up the neighborhood...
Tank kills Italian Rifleman and an arty
Tank kills Italian Rifleman and War Elephant
Tank kills Italian Rifleman and retreats from a second one
Tank kills Italian Rifleman and a bombard.
Tank kills Italian Rifleman
Tank kills 2 Russian Musket Infantry

Battle of Novosibirsk:
Tank dies against Russian Rifleman
Tank kills Russian Rifleman
Tank kills an Italian Adventurer on the way to the walls and kills the redlined Russian Rifleman
City is autorazed. 181 gold.

Vickers mark E kills Russian Musket Infantry
Tank retreats from Russian Musketeer

Battle of Kazan:
Tank dies
Tank kills Russian Rifleman
Tank kills Russian Infantry; 199 gold.

Cleaning up the neighborhood...
Tank dies
Tank kills Russian Infantry
Tank kills 2 Australian Early Armored Cars
Tank kills 2 Russian Infantry
Tank kills Aus Camel Musketeer and 2 Russian Infantry
Tank kills Worker and Russian Infantry
Partisan converts Canadian Trebuchet to the cause.
That Partisan kills Russian Crossbow.

Tactical01 founded.
Battle of Vladivostok:
Two Tanks retreat
Tank kills Russian Infantry
Tank kills Conscript Russian Infantry
Tank kills Russian Rifleman and razes the city. 336 gold and 11 Workers.

More stray units...
Tank retreats
Tank kills Italian Rifleman
Tank dies
Tank kills Russian Musket Infantry
Tank kills Russian Line Infantry and retreats
Tank kills Russian Rifleman and Maghreb Infantry
Tank kills Maghreb BA10 and Flamethrower
Tank retreats
Tank retreats
Tank kills Maghreb Eastern Infantry
Tank kills Maghreb Eastern Infantry and dies against Algerian Infantry


Arabia cancels our Coffee for gpt deal.
Lots of bombing at Aztec 5 -- we lose the Port there.
Tons of bombing at Leicester, too -- where I just moved our bombers :( We need some Flak.

Lots of naval action along our west coast, too. We lose a Cruiser near Old Turkey.

Armored Car sneaks through and kills an Infantry, capturing a full stack of Workers.
Australia wants peace. Nah.

Propaganda in Aztec 3.

1910 AD:

Partisan kills Canadian Pike, generating another Partisan!

Battle of Caesaraugusta:
Vickers Mark E kills Italian Rifleman and Italian Pikeman
Vickers Mark E kills Italian Late Pikeman. 49 gold.

Battle of Mississauga:
Vickers kills Native Spearman
Harley Scout kills Native Spearman and takes the city.

Partisan kills Russian Line Infantry
Vickers Mark E kills Maghreb BA10
We lose a Tank clearing out a few stray Russian soldiers

Battle of Smolensk:
Tank narrowly kills Eastern Infantry
Tank retreats
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank kills Flak and generates Heracles. We get an Academy in Malinalco
eTank dies
Harley Scout kill Algerian Infantry
Vickers Mark E kills Eastern Infantry and BA10
Tank kills BA10
Tank kills BA10 and Eastern Infantry
Tank kills Eastern Infantry and Sherman V
Tank kills Flamethrower and rolls into the city. 3955 gold.

Partisan kills Russian Rifleman; new Partisan
Partisan kills Native Spearman

Lawyer kills Late Pikeman
Lawyer kills Pike
Lawyer signs Pike
Lawyer signs Native Spearman
Lawyer signs Crossbowman

Partisan kills Native Spearman
Partisan kills Native Spearman and generates another Partisan
Partisan kills Native Spearman
Partisan kills Native Spearman
Partisan kills Native Brave
Partisan kills Native Spearman
Missionary converts Native Brave

Siege of Orenburg:
Tank dies
Tank retreats
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank kills Early Supertank
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank kills Sherman V
Tank dies
Tank kills Harley Scout and BA10
Tank kills BA10 and Eastern Infantry
Tank kills Eastern Infantry and Algerian Infantry
Tank kills 2 BA10 and gets a Leader! We get an Academy in Kazan.
Tank kills Harley Scout and takes the city. 3992 gold.

Clearing the outskirts...
Tank kills 2 Algerian Infantry
Tank kills 3 Algerian Infantry
Tank kills 2 Algerian Infantry, then retreats
Tank kills Algerian Infantry and retreats
Tank kills 2 Algerian Infantry
Tank kills 2 Algerian Infantry but dies on the third
Tank retreats
Tank kills 2 Algerian Infantry
Tank kills 2 Algerian Infantry

Tank kills Native Spearman
Tank kills Crossbowman
Tank kills Crossbowman

Battle of Fredericton:
Tank kills Native Spearman
Tank kills Native Spearman
Tank kills Pikeman
Tank kills Native Spearman
Tank kills Crossbowman
Tank kills Crossbowman
Tank kills Crossbowman and takes the city.

Battle of Victoria:
Tank kills Pike
Tank kills Pike and takes the city.

Tank kills stray Native Spearman

Battle of Regina:
Tank kills 2 Pikes
Tank kills 2 Native Spearman. City is ours.

Battle of Yekaterinburg:
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank kills BA10. City is ours. 4031 gold.

Early HeavyTank kills 2 stray Eastern Infantry

4 Vickers Mark E retreat before we kill an Eastern Infantry on the mountain next to Yekaterinburg.

Vickers Mark E kills 2 Russian Riflemen and a Canadian War Elephant
Vickers Mark E kills Russian Rifleman, redlined Eastern Infantry...and then dies to Canadian Native Horselancer (3.2.2) :wallbash:
2 Artillery kill 2 Native Horselancers
AT gun kills 2 more
AT gun kills 2 more, generates Theseus, who gives us an Academy in Fredericton
AT gun kills 2 more Native Horselancers
AT gun kills 2 Mounted Warriors
AT gun kills 2 Hospitaller Knights
AT gun kills 2 Chariots

Battle of Lutetia:
Vickers Mark E retreats
Vickers Mark E kills Italian Musket Infantry
Vickers Mark E kills Italian Musket Infantry
Vickers Mark E kills Italian Infantry WW1. 76 gold.

Vickers Mark E kills Maghreb AT Gun and narrowly dies on a second.
Vickers Mark E kills 2 Maghreb AT Gun and Heavy Artillery WW1, generating a Leader who gives us an Academy in New Orleans.
Vickers Mark E kills stray Praetorian and dies to Maghreb Eastern Infantry
Vickers Mark E kills Eastern Infantry and 2 Native Spearmen
Vickers Mark E kills Native Spearman and 2 Crossbowmen

Early Armored Car kills American Longbowman
Harley Scouts kill 3 Native Braves, 3 American Longbowmen, and a Seige Bow
Harley Scouts kill another 5 Native Spearmen
2 Infantry kill Native Spearmen


Poland and Arabia sign peace.
Arabia runs over one of our Partisans with Harleys
Harley Scout dies on a second Partisan
Harley Scout retreats
Italy bombs us, pinging a couple of Infantry in the Canada area.
Canada moves a ton of units, but the only combat is a skirmish at Regina. The Knight retreats.
Russia kills our Partisan
Russia loses a unit attacking one of our Tanks

Maghreb is caught stealing our plans
Propaganda in Shimonoseki

1911 AD:

Tanks clear a few stray Canadian units blocking the rails to Thunder Bay. We net a Leader who rushes University in Aztec Outpost
Tank kills Maghreb Marine near Victoria

Siege of Moscow:
Harley Scout dies while buzzing the walls.

-- American Longbowman sniped us while passing, so I have a Tank deal with the two guys on that tile --

Tank kills Russian Infantry
Vickers Mark E kills Russian Infantry
Vickers Mark E kills Russian Infantry
Vickers Mark E retreats
Vickers Mark E kills Russian Infantry
Vickers Mark E dies
Vickers Mark E kills Russian Rifleman
Vickers Mark E dies
Vickers Mark E kills Russian Rifleman
Tank kills conscript Russian Rifleman
Tank kills Russian Infantry
Tank retreats
Tank kills Russian HMG
Tank kills an artillery unit -- WW1 or Heavy Artillery, not the plain "Artillery" unit.
Tank kills another artillery-type unit


Battle of Rostov:
Tank kills Russian Infantry and Russian Rifleman ... odd, the game shows a regular Infantry, but it switched the defender to a vet, then to the Rifleman when I rolled in.
Tank kills 2 Russian Infantry
Tank dies
Tank kills Russian Infantry
Tank retreats
Tank kills Russian Rifleman. Novik class destroyer shows as the final defender :lol:
Tank kills 2 Russian Rifleman
Tank retreats
Tank redlines Russian Rifleman but then dies and promotes him :wallbash:
Tank redlines Russian Rifleman but then dies and promotes him, ugh, twice in a row :(
Tank kills 2 Russian Riflemen
Tank kills 2 Adventurers...and now the top defender is a Steamer!
Tank kills 2 wounded Russian Riflemen
Tank kills Russian Rifleman


Battle of St. Petersburg:
Tank kills Russian Rifleman and generates Diomedes who rushes a University in Aztec 9
Tank retreats
Tank dies
Tank kills Russian HMG and razes the city. 4 Workers and Russia is still alive.

Tank dies to a mountaintop Maghreb Eastern Infantry (3-stack)
Tank retreats
Flamethrower dies
Flamethrower kills the first mountaintop Maghreb Eastern Infantry
Flamethrower kills Eastern Infantry
Partisan kills redlined Eastern Infantry. New Partisan.
Tank kills another Eastern Infantry nearby

I see that the Maghreb have Bulldozers.

Battle of Tingis:
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank dies
Tank kills Eastern Infantry and Sherman V. 5832 gold and 11 Workers.

Battle of Zouchis:
Tank dies
Tank redlines Eastern Infantry...and then dies.
Tank kills 2 Eastern Infantry. 3908 gold

Early HeavyTank kills stray Italian Musketman near Zouchis
He also runs over a Native Spearman near Charlottetown.

Tank kills stray Italian Rifleman and Italian Musketman
Tank kills Italian Musket and 2 Praetorian
Tank kills Eastern Infantry and destroys a radar tower, then dies at the outskirts of...

Battle of Bryansk:
Tank dies
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank retreats
Tank dies
Tank kills wounded Eastern Infantry
Tank kills wounded Eastern Infantry. 5921 gold.

Battle of Delft:
Tank retreats
Tank retreats
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank retreats
Tank dies
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank kills Eastern Infantry. 5952 gold.

Clearing the way...Tank kills Eastern Infantry

Battle of Gigthis:
Tank retreats
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank kills Eastern Infantry. 3989 gold.

We lose 1 Tank clearing the way to Iol

Battle of Iol:
Tank kills 2 Eastern Infantry. 4033 gold, and I keep the size 1 city.

Battle of Lauwersoog:
Tank kills Eastern Infantry, destroying a radar tower
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank retreats from Arabian MG-Btln
Tank dies
Tank retreats
Tank kills Arabian MG-Btln. 4077 gold and a measly 4 Workers

Battle of al-Kaf:
Tank retreats
Tank kills Eastern Infantry, destroying a radar tower
Tank dies
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank kills Eastern Infantry. 4124 gold.

Italy has a big stack in an awkward spot near the ruins of Bryansk (which threatens New Bryansk)
Tank retreats
Tank kills Italian Infantry WW1
Tank kills Italian Line Infantry
Tank dies
Tank kills Italian Infantry WW1
Tank kills Italian Infantry WW1
Tank kills Italian Musketeer
Tank narrowly kills Italian Musket Infantry
Tank kills Musketman
Tank kills Musketman
Tank kills wounded Italian Infantry WW1
Tank kills Pikeman
Tank kills Pikeman

Moving along...
Tank kills Native Spearman, promotes
Tank kills Native Spearman
Tank kills Crossbowman

Adventurer kills American Longbowman

Battle of Carthago Novo:
Harley Scout dies
Harley Scout kills Flak and destroys a radar tower
Vickers Mark E kills Eastern Infantry
Vickers Mark E kills Eastern Infantry. 4172 gold, 2 Workers

Battle of Sulcis:
Harley Scout dies
Dragoon dies
Early Armored Car kills Flak and destroys a radar tower
Tank kills 2 Eastern Infantry. 4221 gold

Enslaver captures Native Brave
Lawyer captures Mounted Warrior and generates Ajax! He rushes a Uni in Kazan.
I misclick and end the turn :(

AARRGGHH!! I didn't improve ANY cities on either continent, and I left some key areas poorly defended :(

To be continued...
Good progress. :thumbsup:
Have you considered capturing the 2 Korean Cities and the Persian (?) city that are over in the jungle by what was the Aztec empire?

AARRGGHH!! I didn't improve ANY cities on either continent, and I left some key areas poorly defended :(
I think that at the stage of the game where we are, the only improvement in landscape that matters is making sure the "fat crosses" are roaded so we get the extra commerce and maybe targeting a specific city to increase its production enough to build Infantry a turn quicker or move from building infantry to Harley Scouts.

Something kills our Early Armored Car at the ruins of Sulcis
Something kills our Infantry in the same place, too. Some sort of heavy tank looking unit?
Another unit kills our Tank. Maybe a BA10?

Then at Iol:
BA10 retreats
2 BA10s die
Tank dies (Sherman V?)
BA10 kills our Infantry
BA10 kills our Tank and retakes the city. We lose 123 gold.

Canada REALLY wants Smolensk. They attack with a BUNCH of Chariots. 3 retreats and 4 losses later, they give up.

Australia attacks at Aberdeen: 1 Early Armored Car retreats, one dies.

Whew! I feared that it was going to be far worse.

Poland is caught sabotaging Pergamon and stealing plans.

1912 AD:

Based on the domination tile count between last turn and this one, we have maybe half a dozen turns left in the game.

Maghreb have Mobile Infantry now.

Bombing runs are disappointing; out of 28 Vickers Wellingtons in New Kaf, it takes around 20 of them to redline the top defender in Iol. The last few bombers have better luck against random Italian infantry units in the open.

Second Battle of Iol:
Early Armored Car kills the redlined Mobile Infantry
Harley Scout kills BA10. 4206 gold.

Clearing Krasnoyarsk:
Early HeavyTank narrowly kills Russian Line Infantry
Tank kills Russian Line Infantry then dies
Tank kills Russian Rifleman
Tank kills Russian Rifleman
Tank kills Russian Rifleman and Russian Musket Infantry
Tank kills Russian Musket Infantry and Russian Line Infantry
Tank kills Russian Grenadier
Tank kills Russian Musketeer
Early HeavyTank kills Russian Musketeer
Tank kills redlined Russian Rifleman
Early HeavyTank kills Trebuchet

Clearing the vicinity of Lutetia...
3 Tanks die
Tank kills BA10
OK, this sucks. New plan, put a pile of Infantry here.

I also pillage the road these guys were using to cross the mountains.

Defending Quebec:
Harley kills Adventurer
Harley kills Early Armored Car
Harley kills Early Armored Car
Harley kills Heavy Artillery WW1

Clearing the outskirts of New Bryansk:
Harley Scout kills Roman Spearman
Harley Scout kills Roman Spearman and nets a Leader! Odysseus rushes a Uni in Malinalco
Harley Scout kills Roman Spearman
Harley Scout kills Italian Musket Infantry
Harley Scout kills Italian Infantry WW1
Harley Scout kills Italian Infantry WW1
Harley Scout retreats
Harley Scout kills Italian Musket Infantry

Near the ruins of Sulcis and Carthago Novo, Harley Scout kills Maghreb Heavy Tank
Harley Scout kills Italian Cannon

Battle of Hadrumetum:
Tank dies
Tank kills Eastern Infantry, destroying a radar tower
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank dies
Tank kills 2 BA10s
Tank dies
Tank kills 2 BA10s
Tank dies
Tank kills Eastern Infantry and - maybe lawyer? Invisible unit. 6386 gold and 18 Workers

Battle of Theveste:
Tank kills Eastern Infantry - now the way is clear
Tank dies
Tank narrowly kills Eastern Infantry
Tank retreats
Tank dies
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank kills Eastern Infantry, 6426 gold and 15 Workers

Battle of Rusaddir:
Tank kills Arabian Rifleman and destroys a radar tower
Tank kills 2 Eastern Infantry. 4311 gold and 4 Workers

Battle of Nora:
Tank runs over Eastern Infantry to destroy the radar tower.
Tank narrowly kills regular Eastern Infantry :salute:
Tank retreats
Tank kills Eastern Infantry. 4368 gold. 4 Workers.

Battle of Cadiz:
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank retreats
Tank kills Eastern Infantry. 4427 gold. No Workers.

Harley Scout kills Early Armored Car

Cleaning up the area near York of Australian troops:
Harley Scouts kill 8 Early Armored Cars and a Camel Corps

Other scattered units:
Missionary converts wounded Chariot near Smolensk. Nestor appears and rushes a Uni in Fredericton
Laywer kills Chariot
Lawyer contracts with the last Chariot in the stack.

Lawyer kills Crossbowman

Partisans come out to play, killing 8 Canadian Warriors, gaining 2 but then losing 2 Partisans in the process :(
The final Partisan kills a Native Spearman
Lawyer converts Native Spearman
Infantry kills Crossbowman, promotes

Tank kills Russian Musket Infantry and Russian Musketeer
AT gun kills Camel Corps. No promotion :(
AT gun kills last Camel Corps

Tank kills 2 BA10s
Tank kills BA10
Tank kills BA10
Tank dies
Tank dies

Ugh, the vet tanks did great, the elite tanks die in droves! WTH?

Tank kills Native Spearman and American Longbowman
Tank kills Pikeman
Tank kills Pikeman
Tank kills Chariot
Tank kills Native Spearman
Tank kills BA10

Throwing Vickers at the problem...
4 Vickers kill 5 BA10s
Vickers Mark E kills a stray BA10 and a stray Knight

Artillery kills Italian Grenadier
AT gun kills Italian Line Infantry
Artillery kills Italian Rifleman
AT gun kills Pikeman
AT gun kills Pikeman
AT guns kill 2 Praetorians
AT guns kill 3 Roman Spearmen
Artillery kill 3 Roman Spearman
Artillery kills Musketman

Vickers Mark E dies, no damage :wallbash:
Vickers Mark E narrowly kills BA10
Vickers Mark E kills BA10
Vickers Mark E kills BA10
Vickers Mark E dies
Vickers Mark E kills BA10
Vickers Mark E dies
Vickers Mark E narrowly kills BA10
Vickers Mark E dies
Vickers Mark E dies
Vickers Mark E dies
Vickers Mark E kills BA10 and gets a Leader! Menelaus rushes a Factory in Kagoshima
Vickers Mark E kills BA10

Vickers Mark E kills Canadian Pikeman
Vickers Mark E kills Native Spearman
Vickers Mark E kills 2 Native Spearmen
Vickers Mark E kills Native Spearman and generates Patroclus, who rushes a Factory in Shimonoseki
Vickers Mark E kills 2 Native Spearmen
Vickers Mark E kills Native Spearman and generates a Leader! Agamemnon rushes Academy in Montreal
Vickers Mark E kills Native Spearman
Vickers Mark E kills Native Spearmen and generates ANOTHER Leader!!! Thersites flies back to the home continent.
Vickers Mark E kills Native Spearman
Vickers Mark E kills Native Spearman
Vickers Mark E kills Native Spearman
Vickers Mark E kills Pikeman


Korea and Arabia sign peace.
Egypt and Arabia also sign peace.

Arabia loses a Harley Scout against a sneaky Italian infantry I missed in our territory
Egypt pings Lisht with a boat
Italy bombs a bunch of our units near Lugdunum and Malaca
Maghreb raze New Delft with a single BA10 attack. I didn't fortify the border well enough...this is going to hurt. We lose 120 gold.

... and then they don't do much: They move a ton of units in the south, killing 1 Partisan and 1 Adventurer
And at New Bryansk, their Superheavy Tank retreats

Canada has a big stack of attackers near Regina...they lose 7 units, but their Longbows and Crossbows finally chip away. They recapture Regina and steal 120 gold.

Maghreb and Russia sign peace.
Arabia and Lowlands sign peace.

Our spy in Thebes is captured.
Production in Fort Internet is sabotaged.

1913 AD:

The Leader rushes a Uni in Oil By The Lake.

Dive Bomber attacks Russian ship...


Tank kills 3 Roman Archers
Early Armored Car kills Italian Rifleman
Partisan kills American Longbowman

Battle of Malaca:
Harley Scout dies to Eastern Infantry
Harley Scout kills Eastern Infantry
Harley Scout retreats
Tank retreats
Tank kills 2 Eastern Infantry. 4544 gold. 3 Workers from a size 2 city -- I did see a Steamroller when the tank entered the city

Harley rides down Roman Archer

Vickers kills Italian Adventurer, Italian Crossbowman, and Roman Spearman
Lawyer converts Roman Archer
Lawyer converts Roman Archer
Vickers Mark E runs over 3 Roman Spearmen and generates a Leader! Myrmidon rushes a Uni in Aztec A
Vickers kills a stray BA10 and the Superheavy Tank by New Bryansk
Vickers kills Australian Early Armored Car
Vickers dies
Vickers kills 2 Early Armored Cars and a Roman Spearman
Lawyer kills Roman Archer
Lawyer kills Roman Archer
Partisan captures Roman Archer
New Partisan kills Roman Archer
Partisan kills Roman Archer
Partisan kills Roman Archer
Partisan captures Roman Archer
Lawyer finishes off the stack (no Artist)

Battle of Sippar:
Bombing runs, we kill 1 pop and destroy the Harbor before redlining the top defender.
Vickers Mark E kills Roman Spearman and Italian Rifleman
We keep the now size 1 city

Battle of Tver':
Bombing runs redline two defenders
Vickers Mark E kills an Eastern Infantry to destroy a radar tower
Vickers Mark E kills Eastern Infantry
Vickers Mark E kills Eastern Infantry. 4609 gold.

Vickers Mark E kills Crossbowman and American Longbowman
Vickers Mark E kills 2 Native Braves
Vickers Mark E kills Native Brave and American Longbowman
Partisan kills American Longbowman

Retaking Regina:
Tank runs over Native Spearman and American Longbowman
Harley Scout shoots Crossbowman and retakes the city.

Battle of Pisae:
Harley Scout kills Italian Infantry
Tank dies
Tank kills 2 Italian Infantry
Tank kills redlined Italian Infantry and razes the city. 7 workers.

Tank kills stray BA10

Battle of Neapolis:
Tank kills Italian Infantry
Tank kills Italian Infantry
Tank kills Italian Infantry. 11 Workers?

Battle of Ravenna:
Tank dies
Tank kills 2 Italian Riflemen. 4 Workers.

Battle of Cumae:
Tank retreats
Tank retreats
Tank dies
Tank dies
Tank kills Italian Infantry
Tank dies
Tank kills 2 Italian Infantry
Tank kills Italian Infantry. 13 Workers.

Battle of Toronto:
Tank kills 2 Native Spearmen
Tank kills Native Spearman. 5 Workers.

Battle of Edmonton:
Tank kills 2 Italian Infantry
Tank kills Italian Infantry. 5 Workers.

Battle of Antium:
Tank attacks Italian Infantry, but to my surprise a Gatling Gun defends! Tank dies.
Tank retreats
Tank dies
Tank kills Italian Infantry
Tank kills Italian Infantry
Tank kills Italian Infantry
Tank attacks with Regina Margherita class showing and dies to Italian Infantry
Tank retreats
Tank retreats
Tank dies
Tank dies
Tank kills Italian Infantry
Tank runs over Adventurer and kills Italian Infantry
Tank kills Gatling Gun and an Italian Musketman or Line Infantry -- I couldn't quite tell
Tank kills 2 Knights
Tank kills Knight and razes the city. No Workers?

Battle of Veii:
Tank dies
Tank kills Italian Infantry
Tank retreats
Tank kills Italian Infantry
Tank kills Italian Infantry and razes the city. 10 Workers.

Battle of Rome:
Tank kills Italian Infantry
Tank retreats
Tank kills Italian Infantry
Tank retreats
Tank kills Italian Infantry
Tank kills Italian Infantry. Now the top defender is a Clan?
CLANS HAVE HP! Tank kills Clan and razes Rome. Historians are appalled as the Limes and Temple of Artemis (both obsolete) are lost. 13 Workers gained.

Battle of Pompeii:
Tank retreats
Tank dies
Tank kills 2 Italian Infantry
Tank kills Italian Infantry
Tank kills Musket -- not sure if it was a Musketman or Musketeer, then it kills a Pike
Tank dies
Tank kills Adventurer. Coastal Battery showing.
Tank kills Roman Spearman and Pike
Tank kills 2 Roman Archers
Tank kills 2 Roman Archers. We get 0 Workers from a size 25 city :cry:

Tank kills Native Spearman

Battle of Thaenae:
Our bombers do a better job at killing population than damaging the defenders, but we do eventually redline the defenders.
Tank kills Eastern Infantry and Algerian Infantry, and that's that. 4677 gold.

Battle of Saldae:
Bombers shoot down two interceptors! After that, they don't do much.
Harley Scout dies to radar tower Algerian Infantry WWI
Tank kills the Algerian unit and razes the radar tower
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank kills 2 Eastern Infantry
Tank retreats
Tank dies
Tank retreats
Tank retreats
Tank kills Eastern HMG. 7122 gold and 14 Workers

Battle of Calaris:
Tank retreats
Tank kills Eastern Infantry, razing the radar tower
Tank dies to elite Eastern Infantry
Tank dies
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank kills wounded BA10. 7177 gold. 10 Workers.

Battle of Oran:
We can't reach the radar tower :(
Tank retreats
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank dies
Tank dies
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank dies
Tank kills Eastern Infantry. 4823 gold. 2 Workers.

Battle of Utica:
Tank dies to Flamethrower
Tank kills Flamethrower, opening the way
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank narrowly dies
Tank dies
Tank dies
Tank kills Early SuperTank
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank kills Eastern Infantry. 4904 gold and Neuschwanstein.
Siege of Carthage:
Tank retreats
Tank kills Algerian Infantry to clear the way, then retreats
Tank dies
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank dies
Tank retreats
Tank dies
Vickers Mark E retreats
Vickers dies
Vickers kills Eastern Infantry
Vickers dies
Vickers dies
Vickers dies
Vickers redlines the defender but still dies
Vickers retreats
Vickers retreats
Tank retreats
elite Tank dies, no damage :wallsbash:
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank retreats
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank kills Eastern Infantry
Tank retreats
Tank dies to Early HeavyTank
Tank kills 2/3 Eastern Infantry
Tank kills 2/3 Eastern Infantry
Tank kills 2/4 Eastern Infantry
Tank dies
Tank kills 2/4 Eastern Infantry
Early HeavyTank dies to 1/5 Eastern Infantry :mad:
Early HeavyTank kills Harley Scout?
Early HeavyTank kills redlined Eastern Infantry
Harley Scout kills Eastern Infantry
Harley Scout dies
Harley Scout dies
Harley Scout finally kills the hero 1/5 Eastern Infantry :salute:
Harley Scout dies
Tank dies to wounded Early HeavyTank :wallbash:

Desperation time, I tap healing units from Have A drink
4/5 Tank kills Early HeavyTank and a Clan. Still there...
4/5 Tank dies to machine gun of some sort
4/5 Tank kills the machine gun
4/5 Tank narrowly dies to machine gun
4/5 Vickers Mark E* dies to a heavy artillery unit -- long barrel that elevates quite high during the animation
4/5 Vickers Mark E* dies to a heavy artillery unit
4/5 Vickers Mark E* dies to a heavy artillery unit
4/5 Vickers Mark E dies
4/5 Vickers Mark E dies
4/5 Vickers Mark E dies, no damage :wallbash:
4/5 Tank kills mega-artillery
4/6 Early HeavyTank kills mega-artillery
4/5 Vickers Mark E* kills machine gun unit...


Artillery kills Native Spearman
Artillery kills Crossbowman
Artillery kills Crossbowman
Artillery kills Crossbowman
Artillery kills American Longbowman

Ooh, I have 1 Partisan and 2 Flamethrowers left...
Partisan kills Native Brave
Both Flamethrowers force a Trebuchet to retreat

I culture-bomb Carthage to help cut down on counterattacks.
I also fortified all of our units who had attacked this turn without taking damage in Carthage to help cut down on resistance.
That got us to 15 units, so I dug up another Infantry and brought him in along with all of our Great Artists. Now we have 29 units in Carthage.

While reviewing the save before handoff, I found a few unmoved units in Rostov, including a Tank who kills an Italian Adventurer nearby
capturing the 2 Korean Cities

No, I didn't bother with them. Maybe I should have; the Koreans have a couple of units trespassing in Old Japan. NBD though.

only improvement in landscape that matters is making sure the "fat crosses" are roaded

I get caught up in "Hey, can I optimize cities to hit production breakpoints", but roads and population growth are what matter at this stage of the game. We're about 5% closer to domination in land area than we are for population, so irrigating cities -- particularly when we're building a lot of combat settlers -- makes a big difference.

Handoff notes:

I rushed and short-rushed a bunch of stuff, and we still have over 100k gold. You can easily rush 30 Tanks each turn on the second continent.

I wasn't very aggressive about weeding out our tactical cities.
We're low on combat settlers; what we have is stacked next to Settler Storage Zone (aptly named!)

Have a Drink is full of healing units -- they should be ready next turn.
Cambridge is where I put units that fought this turn.
New Kaf has basically our entire air force. I've been using them to redline defenders in 1-3 towns, taking them, then focusing on areas that are way outside bomber range. I've gotten some good use out of them this way -- usually our blitz attack style leaves me repositioning the air force more than bombing with them :\

Our frontiers look very patchy. I've been razing cities, then planting replacements, then rushing a Flag, switching to Academy, and rushing that to jump culture to 5 per turn -- because of this, you should see a LOT of border pops on the first IBT.

F8 says we're at 52% land and 47% population. CivAssist tells me we have under 800 tiles to go for domination. With that in mind, I suggest using our Workers back home to irrigate+rail to keep cities growing as fast as possible.

Here are some screenshots of the fronts:

The area near Carthage needs some cleanup next turn. I ran out of units to take Algiers or Leptis Magna before the handoff.

The tundra south of Quebec holds a huge number of Italian and Maghreb attack units. I strongly recommend ignoring Lugdunum and Viroconium in favor of taking more land from the Maghreb up north; maybe we can win without fighting 200+ units currently bogged down in the tundra.

The third screenshot focuses on the remaining Canadian and Italian areas. Cities like Winnipeg, Calgary, and Syracuse will be easy to take by placing a tactical city; Brudisium and Hispalis will take an extra turn to line up the assault.



We are at 52.3% of 58% to win. Greebley should be able to end this.

LKendter (on deck ?)
Jersey Joe
Greebley (up)
Now the top defender is a Clan?...CLANS HAVE HP!
Yes, the Clan is an immobile offensive unit (no settler strategy) to avoid the AI not using the upgrade to the nice civspecific different settler units.
Spoiler :


I was debating another AWM for the next one.
:think: What about a "Nuclear Escalation Game" ? Until the tech to build the Manhattan Project (that produces nuclear bombers), no offensive wars for the human player are allowed. In defensive wars (when another civ declares war) when the AI civ demands peace, this request must be followed. No provocations of AI civs, especially by spying actions, are allowed up to that point. :nuke:
:goodjob: I liked your report.

Dive Bomber attacks Russian ship...
:w00t: Dive Bombers seemed to me to be the most effective bomber we have.
F8 says we're at 52% land and 47% population. CivAssist tells me we have under 800 tiles to go for domination. With that in mind, I suggest using our Workers back home to irrigate+rail to keep cities growing as fast as possible.
A quicker way to increase population is to merge workers/slaves back into cities. All the city needs for the merge to work is enough food to feed the new resident.
Also, the larger the city you merger the worker into the more population you get.
I strongly recommend ignoring Lugdunum and Viroconium in favor of taking more land from the Maghreb up north; maybe we can win without fighting 200+ units currently bogged down in the tundra.
What about signing a ROP with the Arabs and using their railroads to take out Korea, Persia and maybe China?
LKendter (on deck ?)
Jersey Joe
Greebley (up)
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